Avatar of RedDusk
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    1. RedDusk 10 yrs ago
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9 yrs ago
Current Dreams are just a reality away from memories.


I see you like stalking too eh? Just know that while you're reading this, I'm reading all your posts from 5 months ago and silently judging your taste. Ha Ha. Or not.

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@Gisk I would love that! I haven't really decided on the city yet though, but likely a busy West coast city. Most species of supernaturals will have their own way of blending into human society, or just hiding. That's all I really have in stone right now. If you have any idea you can just pitch it at me and I'll have a look.

@RabidChoco Well, to be hopeless, first you gotta get your hopes up, eh? :)

It will be pleasurable, indeed. I still need to gauge how many I can get and the details for the plots though. And make the OOC pretty. Otherwise, yeah, hope we do get more interest.
I’m thinking about a RP centers around the existence of a supernatural/mythical creatures community hidden in plain sight in a modern day metropolitan city. Our characters would probably all be involved with the Bazaar, the seedy underground black market catering to the supernaturals, as well as all their needs and cravings. Eventually, our characters can get together to complete jobs posted by the Bazaar for cash money or whatever other reasons.

In terms of jobs, I’m thinking about all kinds. Heists, expeditions into forbidden places, heck even assassinations or something of the sorts.

Yeah, it’s pretty rough right now, but I still have ideas coming as I work on this. Just figure if there’s any taker first. I’m looking for a small-ish group and mostly characters with skills that compliment each other. Maybe I’ll thinking about roles at some point for people to fill. This will mostly be character-driven too: characters decide on how or if they want to complete a job and they can bring in their all baggage too.

Inspired a little by Cultist Simulator and Sunless Skies, tbh. I’m addicted to that brand of hopelessness.
Needless to say I'm here.
Heya, first post is up. We suggest that you use your first post to just set your character up or interact with anyone you might know. If you want to be already fighting the evil big bad elegies, @ us here or on discord so we can collab that out.
Ah, in that case, as you were.
@RuinerJust a note, we are iffy on non-human characters. It might be possible to play one with certain crowns, but we will have to see which backstory you have up there first to decide, so don't get too invested in this route.

Also, here's something we'd like you to adjust about the abilities. Phantom limb is not a perfect defense and will take several hits to completely 'sap the opponent of their vigor'. Memento mori is fine, but disclaimer, not all enemies can be one-shot. On certain enemies, it will just do big damage. Banshee scream will also not be a perfect stun. There will be duration on its effects.

@SimpleWriter Crowns are chosen by the Whisper, which crops up whenever it feels like so no passing them down. Those 8 are Ethereal ones, which are limited, yeah. Prismatic ones are not and can be anything you have a word for. These are all covered in the magic and combat section, but I'm around if you have further questions.
Also no issue with the appearance from me haha. We can be black trench coat squad. It's cool now.
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