Avatar of Revenant Writer
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 48 (0.02 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. Revenant Writer 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

8 yrs ago
Current Awesome... 5 likes on my last post are enough get me writing again! Thank you!
1 like
8 yrs ago
Debating whether or not I should get back into RPing after such a long absence... Like if you think I should! Pretty please? 😊
8 yrs ago
...Has it really been 6 months since I was last here? Geese. So sorry to those I left hanging without a response. :(
8 yrs ago
Sleepyhead by Passion Pit - can't get enough of that song right now!
8 yrs ago
You know, I should make more warm, crisp, New York style bagels with an soon and smear them in cream cheese, then top them with thin sliced onions, capers, and smoked salmon... Anyone want one? ;D


Greetings and salutations, my friends!

I am the Revenant Writer, but you may call me Reven, or really whatever you would like (within reason and good manners, thank you), and I am nineteen years of age.

I am very diverse in my interests, so I enjoy doing practically everything from hiking to horse riding, currently own a small farm, am an animal whisperer, an artist, a great cook, an entrepreneur, and am working steadily to bring to life my many stories in the form of books, graphic novels, and eventually video games, films and TV.

I am intrigued by most genres, including slice of life, action/adventure, sci-fi, fantasy, supernatural, gothic, steampunk, alternate universes, and on. Dark and gritty, more realistic themes are my preference, and I will practically curse many of my characters with misfortune when appropriate, but I am open to most all ideas.

Some romance is fine with me, and I will go fairly far with it, but I do draw the line at writing intimacy and am not interested in the lovingly nicknamed 'smut'. Just not my cup of tea. So, thank you for the interest... but, no, just no.

Mid-Casual and up is my preference, with world building, plot and character development being of utmost importance. I ONLY RP in third-person and find first-person not only confusing, but extremely awkward.

Currently, I am mainly interested in doing 1x1 and small group. PM me if you are interested in starting something.

Best regards,

Most Recent Posts

Just curious, can we submit multiple entries?
Ah, I like the theme... Hope no one minds a slightly morbid and depressing take on it, though.

Ah, thank you for clearing that up, and for the additional information. I will have to look at participating in the next RPGC.
<Snipped quote by Revenant Writer>

TTL and RPGC tag-team back and forth. We're..... almost ready to get our thread up, probably tomorrow early or today very late (my fault for lagging!). The next Labor will begin shortly after the close of the next RPGC.

Great to know, mdk, and thank you for the swift response.

One more question... What does RPGC stand for? I am guessing that it means 'Role Play Game Challenge', but as I am new to the site, I am not really sure.
Posted everything a bit early, since I have to run out soon.

Look forward to RPGC#9.

Next time, dress for the tropics. The Amazon beckons.

Hello Terminal,

When does the next labour start? I was going to participate in the last, but as I found out about it with less than a week remaining, I decided to wait for the next instead of rushing to pull something together. This time, though, I am hoping to get started as soon as the challenge requirements are posted.

Thank you for your time,
ARG! These bots are so excruciatingly annoying. If it helps, I'll do what you've suggested and start reporting the individual bots.

It is unfortunate that we can not just be appointed the right to close threads, that way we could at least begin the clear up of the ones that are already banned.
Fellow German! Though sadly, mine is lineage and nothing more.

Ha! Me too, though I'm kind of a mutt of everything.


Welcome! I'm sure you'll find plenty of RPs here in those genres. :)
Welcome to the forum, Masque!
Ha, another evil person. Greetings!

...I happen to enjoy playing 'bad guys', too, though maybe not as -dare I say- fanatically as you do, dear sir. I am far too easygoing for that sort of intense interest in all things evil. I only dip my toes.
Hi Mae,

Sounds like a really interesting and creative story. I'd be interested in joining you in playing it out, and if you'd like, I can send you a sample of my writing so you can feel out if I'm a good fit for your story (though, I already know I am, ;) ).

If interested, PM me.
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