Avatar of Rhythmloid


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current I have too many ideas for rp and I’m afraid I won’t be able to like, act on them all... I just need like... more hours in the day...
5 yrs ago
It feels so good to start back up again. I miss roleplaying.
1 like
5 yrs ago
Oh, it’s my 3 year anniversary. I didn’t even know
5 yrs ago
I think I might take you up on that. Could I
5 yrs ago
I think I might take you up on that. Could I


Let’s keep it brief

Name: Rhythmloid, Rhythm, Mäuschen, Famine
Gender: Female
Hobbies: Drawing, playing and listening to music, video games, writing, roleplaying, talking on discord
Residence: California, USA

Music/Arists I listen to: Ghost, Jack Stauber, Aurelio Voltaire, Billie Eilish
Video games I play: Overwatch, NieR: Automata,Bloodborne, Animal Crossing, Stardew Valley, Smash Bros.
Instruments I play: Flute, Piano, (soon) bass guitar

Discord servers I run:
Overwatch (specifically Crusaders): discord.gg/RqQrs23
Bloodborne: discord.gg/KBbDJSv
Ghost (the band): discord.gg/5wQqX78

Most Recent Posts

The country of Stornway is normally peaceful and happy. But the land is slowly rotting away, killing the people and animals with it. Not only that, but some people are turning into deformed creatures while others are being turned to stone! Young people are turned into old, children are turned into slime, and shadows are coming to life to feast upon the living! The curse is slowly turning the land into a living nightmare.

A long time ago, a witch created a curse to suck the life out of Stornway, making her stronger and stronger. Before all was lost, a hero appeared and sealed the witch away, along with the curse. But it seems that the curse and the witch have come back stronger. Now small band of adventurers must travel to where the witch lives and kill her, sealing the curse away once and for all.

This roleplay will be for 2-4 people. I’m looking for some one who can write a moderate amount (1-2 paragraphs or more) and someone who is good at world building (or map building).

Now about your character... I’m looking for characters of literally any race, species, or object. As long as they have sentience and can weild a weapon (or whatever)

Please and Thank your for reading.
Corrine snickered to herself while Ralphie and Spoon stared at eachother wven more confused than before.

”H-hey.. um... Rolo... are these your friends? They uh... they seem very nice... um...” Ralphie stuttered. Spoon nodded in agreement. And they thought they were weirdos. Guess they weren’t weird enough to be popular.

”Aw, come on guys, you can stop now!” Corrine whined.
Corrine took a bite of her dinner left overs and smiled. Leftovers always tasted better the day after they were made! As the two couples greeted eachother, Corrine felt a presence behind her. She turned around to see a rather dynamic duo looking questionably at Corrine and Rolo. She brushed it off and smiled wide.

”Hewwo!” She said with a mouth full of German food. She swallowed and continued. ”Have you come here to sit with us!?” She asked, her eyes beaming with excitement. Which quickly turned to anger.

”Switch you left me waiting! Don’t you know its rude to keep a lady waiting?! Anyway, you were going to say something to me?”

Ralphie and Spoon looked at eachother. The two stared in awe at Corrine’s mood swings. But she was still rather adorable, and not very threatening.
Corrine tapped her foot, impatiently waiting. She was already waiting for quite awhile, and she had two minutes to go to band class.

”I dont have time for this! I’m sorry Switch, but I’m going to be late to class!” She sped-walked throughout the hallway and into the band room. She set up her bells set and begnan to play, thinking about what Switch wanted. Maybe during break they could discuss what he wanted.
”O-ok, Switch...” Corrine placed her books in her backpack and waited for him to return. She thought about what he said. A plan… what kind of plan? Was she finally going to be able to be the knight in shining armor and save her Rolo and his friends!? Was she going to be able to use her new detective skills to save the day? Corrine blushed and giggled to herself.
Charlie thought for a bit. He was right. Nothing was making sense. “I… I have no idea. But why keep the bathroom clean and the rest of the house a mess. Did the murder take place here? I dont understand...”

Charlie closed the door and walked into the room next to it. Well, she couldnt walk into it, it was full of boxes and boxes of who knows what. They were stacked right against the door, ready to fall. They seemed extremely heavy and full. Charlie slammed the door closed and sighed.

Charlie walked up to the final door, scared for what was to come. Her hand was shaky. She could barely bring herself to hold the handle.
The hall way leading to the rooms was covered in trash. Bags full of papers and noodle cups stacked in mountains littered the halls. Charlie gulped as an awful smell wafted out of one of the rooms. Charlie plugged her nose and entered in the first room.

The bathroom looked like it hadn’t been touched in days. But everything was spotless. It was a nuce bathroom with a beach theme. It was covered in sea shells and paintings of the beach. But there were no towels. All of towels and washcloths were no where to be seen. Charlie closed the bathroom and made her way to the second room.
Corrine looked up to hear a familiar voice. It was Switch!

”Switch! I havent seen you in forever! How have you been? You know, since after you know what...” Corrine sighed and began organizing her sheet music.

”Rolo told me everything about Charles. How have you been hanging? Actually, I havent really seen any of the Turbos lately...” It was true. The only person she had seen was Rolo and they would sit together during lunch. She was curious as to what happened to the rest of them.
Season 3

Corrine awoke to the sounds of rain pitter-pattering against her window. She yawned and slipped on her otter slippers, walking to her window and openning her curtains. Her face lit up as the window and ground below were soaked from the rain. Rainy days were Corrine’s favorite. She scrambled to get her uniform and rain coat on. She ran down the stairs and to the dinner table to be greeted with ‘good mornings’ from her brothers and oancakes on the table.

”Well, aren’t you happy today?” Charlie said. ”You must have looked out your window, didn’t you? Well, I’m sure you’ll have fun today. Rain is always good luck.”

”Luck, huh? Don’t you know that luck isn’t real? Its just hydrogen and oxygen mashed together and thrown to the ground.” Oliver commented.

”Oliver can we go one day without you giving anyone a snarky comment!? Its just a nice thing to say!” Charlie scolded Oliver.

”Then how about tell her to have a nice day? Corrine clearly doesn’t need luck anyway. She’s too cute to be unlucky.” Oliver rolled his eyes. Corrine giggled and finished her breakfast. She kissed Oliver, Charlie, and the rest of her brothers at the table, and left for school.

Umbrella in hand, rainboots on her feet, and raincoat around her, Corrine skipped happily to school. She jumped in puddles and picked up snails from their leafy, wet homes. Rainy days were always her favorite. It reminded her of Caramel Cove and how it would rain almost everyday after October. She loved getting wet and playing in the mud. Maybe she could convince Rolo and his friends to play with her after school!

As she finally reached campus, a few girls were giggling and gossiping near the girls bathroom. Corrine snuck over to the bathroom and by the water fountain to eavesdrop. She couldn’t help but drop in on any gossip, no matter how untrue or mean the story was. She took a drink and listened in.

“Did you hear? There’s a foreign exchange student here!” The blonde girl with the rack giggled.

“Really? Who is she?” The brunette asked.

“Apparently, she’s from somewhere in Asia. I don’t remember where, but apparently she’s super rich and super cute~! She may even surpass us in popularity!” A dark haired girl with a scarf said.

“She better not. I’ll make sure of it.” The blonde with the rack said.

Corrine stopped drinking and left to walk to her locker. She pondered the information she hsd heard. A new girl? Maybe she could make friends with her! Rich and cute and not from the area? Sounded like Corrine herself! But from Asia? Not her. She hoped she would have a few classes with her. As she gathered her band music and her books, she shut her locked and bumped into someone, dropping everything.

”Omigosh! I-I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to bump into you! Are you ok?” Corrine gathered her books and sheet music and looked up.
High above the lighthouse, where the big should have gone, Spoon and Ralphie were having a date. It was more so to calm their nerves after what happened at the mountain pass. They had never seen their leader so fired up. It was truly scary. Not only that but he was sobbing once they were done. He was speaking incoherently so no one understood what he was saying. Something about loosing something or someone.

”Hey spoon, what do you think is going to happen to the slicks? People are talking about leaving. What do you think?” Ralphie asked. Spoon thought for a moment and shrugged. Ralphie sighed.

”If it gets too dangerous, I think I wanna leave. Will you join me?” Ralphie asked. Spoon sighed. As much as she loved the danger and the rush of being in the slicks, she knew she couldn’t leave her Ralphie behind. She nodded and Ralphie kissed her on the cheek.

”Thank you. Now here’s a big question. Are we going to tell the boss what we saw and what we know about the Turbos?” Ralphie asked one more time. Spoon knew that they had to report the information, but she didn’t want to lose her new friends. Spoon remained silent.

”Spoon, please answer.” They begged. Spoon hugged her knees.

”Spoon, answer.” Ralphie’s voice became more stern, But shaky. Spoon still didn’t answer.

”Yukina, please! I can’t make this decision on my own! I dont want to lose Corrine or Rolo but we have a job to do! So do we do it at the cost of them, or not at the cost of our reputation? No, our lives!” Tears streamed down Raphie’s face. Spoon was shocked Ralphie used her real name. He never used her real name. No body did. Not even her parents or teachers. Ralphie must have been extremely torn. Spoon gave Ralphie a hug and made her decision.
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