Avatar of Riaxh
  • Last Seen: 24 days ago
  • Old Guild Username: Riaxh
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
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Raugar was surprised by Angus's decision, but he was the one risking his life, so it was his choice. Lilt spoke up against his provocation. Perhaps there was some fire in the kobold after all. The discussion ended. Raugar's heart began to thump in his chest as Angus took up his position, and cast fourth both his javelin and his challenge.

No plan survives contact with the enemy. Back at the Order, this was a lesson Raugar's instructors had impressed in him many times, and something he had found largely to be true during his military career. No matter how rigorously trained or disciplined the soldiers or how solid the plan, battle was a place of chaos not order, which would sweep up even the most cohesive unit, let alone a loosely collected group of adventurers.

So when an unknown element stepped out of the lair, an electric orb flew past his shoulder and the plan flew out the window, He surged into action, adrenaline pumping as he joined the battle. Looks like we get to take this thing on after all. he thought, channelling his power, as he unleashed a roar. A pale echo that recalled the might of the great ancestors of his race and the promise of his oaths to conquer even the strongest who stood before him.

17 from Raugar
the cyclops definitely didn't spot you guys.

let's get this show on the road!

Raugar was breathing heavily when the orc drew to a halt. He had spied no fiends watching them as they dashed across the rooftops, but caught a glimpse of the faint aura surrounding the corpse the orc identified as her victim. Undead. Such unholy creatures reside here as well. Were they just a side effect of this rotten place, or was there a source that needed to be destroyed? he would have to ask the orc.

Later. For something else now dominated his attention. A giant. It could be nothing else, he gazed in awe at the magnificent tower of lumbering muscle, capped by it's single eye. He had never seen anything like it. Such a thing could obliterate swathes of men. In his mind's eye, he allowed himself to fantasize about bringing down such a creature. Fear and excitement mixed in equal parts within him. Could they possibly do it?

He joined the others, who were deep in discussion, and listened intently to Angus's plan to lead it away. It was certainly a more sensible plan. Their weapons would likely barely go much further than it's hide... Even suggesting they try to bring it down was madness... folly...

But what if they didn't need their weapons?

"The plan is good, and you are brave for suggesting it." he said with a respectful nod in Angus's direction. "But your escape will be difficult. What of rope?" He crouched down and removed a coil of hempen rope from his pack. "We could trip it. Myself and another lie in wait further down. When it charges after you, we pull it taut across the road, using the ruins as anchors and try to bring it down, or at least make it stumble." He examined the beast again, taking note of it's size. "It's vision will be poor with that single eye, and a creature of that size should have a hard time getting back on its feet, especially if it collapses on some buildings, and we can all slip into the den whilst it gets its bearings." He stood up again. "You would need to avoid being crushed." he said matter-of-factly, "But if we use enough lengths of rope, it could work." he said, more to convince himself than the others. He turned to face Lilt. "If you lack the courage to cast your magic on the beast itself, is there something you might do to camouflage or conceal our trap?"
maybe we could distract it with tasty illusions and sneak past? idk.
huzza, a new player.

too bad divine sense can't detect Aasimar T.T

Or you can just go gallivanting off on your own and have us scramble after you Raugar thought in frustration as his plans for an ordered movement went up in smoke. They were under no compulsion to follow her, but then they would learn nothing. Gritting his teeth, he hauled himself up after her, which took some effort with his equipment, though he did his best to use the same handholds and supports that she used. He then tried to catch up as she jogged, doing his best to mimic her path and movements in order to avoid unstable areas.

He had a good vantage point from up here on the rooftops, with the husk of the city spread out bellow him. Thinking it prudent, he used his divine sense to scour the area as he ran, hoping to detect the presence of any unusual evil in the area.


It was the beginning of the day, and Raugar's patience was already beginning to wear thin. He flexed his wrist in irritation as he withdrew his hand from the struggling orc, annoyed at their attitude, when he felt a little tug on his arm and looked down. He had taken note of the way Lilt was sticking to him. He did not mind this. He had taken responsibility for the kobold and it would make her easier to keep an eye on. But her motions suggested she wanted to scale him. He replied with a withering look. He was not her personal climbing frame. He grimaced further as she proceeded to heal the orc again. She better earn all this healing he thought.

"We should go with her." he said finally with a shrug. whether they received help or an ambush. At least something would happen, and maybe they would get some answers, which is probably more than what they would get wandering around by themselves for hours. "Though I'd appreciate some more detail about what this 'help' you mentioned entails. His eyes continued to flick around the area as he talked. He was getting nervous out in the open. "In any case, if we're going to be moving out, we should decide on a marching order" he said crisply. "Based on what I've seen I'd put Angus and myself up front, Roy and Thokk behind with the bard in the middle. We can move in an X formation." He turned back to the orc. "I'd put you in the middle too, but I doubt you'll agree to that. Just stay close, don't wander ahead and we'll get you to your shelter."
lol I healed for 7. I figured the orc might be a bit miffed if it was just 1.
<Snipped quote by Riaxh>

What is the prognosis doctor?!

pff who needs one. Slapping a few HPs on solves everything.
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