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Nuna Mori

The beginning of a conversation came to an end when suddenly food was knocked over onto her clothing. The demon from the table nearby had exclaimed in a demeaning tone, “That succu-bitch!” This is what Mori presumed to be her statement, but it wasn't clearly audible at the moment; she would retain this premise for now. Nuna was engaged in kissing the Nocturne, but later to be realized kissing was not the only event taking a course. Desdemona's earlier comment was not to be thought of until she came rushing over after the incident that occurred, ruining her attire. Nuna was not an idiot and could sum up the happenings of the events with her high perspicacity.

She was very observant to watch people's characteristics and hold on even to the minute details. She immediately deducted that Desdemona was the culprit. Other than Nodah tending to the Nocturne who collapsed, the demon approached her. "Could it have been Nodah? Doesn't seem like him." All she needed now was her own evidence. By this time, she had returned to her dorm, recollecting as she entered the shower to restart her day. "In the span of time from when I kissing the Nocturne to sitting down, there was no one near me..." she stated as her body once again reacted with pacifying effects of the shower. "Could she have been a gravitin. Maybe she used such a sly method to attack me. A gravitin..." Nuna crouched, hugged her knees, pressing her breasts upon thighs trying to find the information. How could she be a gravitin though, as to the fact she would have felt more power surrounding the area. What else happened?

She had to think of any events that happened towards her departure; "Desdemona's statement...food...the Nocturne?" She then in the same position, slid her hands down to her ankle. She felt slight pain, but no marks were left behind due to the boots that extended to her knees. She then realized that Desdemona may not have been a gravitin, but a necromancer! "Ah. It's starting to add up now." She could only assume that she was a necromancer until she remembered that event that raided her mind when touching the burned tree. Going by this data, Desdemona was a necromancer, who had the ability to resurrect carcasses. "When did she find time to revive the dead? She must have a lot of spare time on her hands." The incantation she drew on the floor on the first day, simmered in her head. "She couldn't possibly have time to draw something like that. Unless they also have the ability to chant rituals." She hit the nail on the head.

The secret to deducing was placing herself in the shoes of the criminal. Her current position with her knees to her chest and the biting of her thumb increasing her deducting skills by twenty percent. She also derived that Desdemona was not very social, based on the lack of conversation she had with the group at the table and the way she acted on the first day, basically imitating Leval's first statement. Desdemona was a character that seemed like a leader, but in reality was biting off of people. "Literally, she is biting people. How pathetic." Nuna rethought the whole scenario incorporating her understanding. "Desdemona was a necromancer, who must have gotten jealous after I kissed the boy. So with that she called me a "succu-bitch" and planned her retaliation. She summoned a creature to come knock over my food and bite my ankles forcing me away. She suddenly assumed a nurturing role of a roommate to numb me, but all I needed to thwart you was proof to back up your words. Even if I were to be incorrect, for what reason would she have for calling me such a derogatory name? Maybe the Nocturne was her boyfriend? If so, she would have been more direct with her approach, instead of being a coward."

The shower had turned off by now, but she had lost consciousness on the present, thinking of the situation. She stood up, her knees cracking as she rose and exited the shower again. Mori had exited the shower once happy, but now with a serious demeanor; a glare devoid of any elation. "That demon better learn quickly that I'm not messing around. She has a death sentence and I will be ever so closer to getting revenge on her ass," she vehemently said in front of the mirror. She watched the process of drying and clothing take place. Again. Viewing her new attire, she was impressed as it correlated with her mood: a grey sleeveless high-low dress that flared out behind her, suited with a pair of matching grey platform ankle boots. She finished her thought process and exited the bathroom once more. "I swear to the corroded earth, that if I have to repeat my day again, I will personally see that the demon will rot in hell." She went to her bed and sat down to think of one last thing; the Nocturne.

The cat had passed out after their smooch. "I had not intended to take that much energy, but I couldn't help myself." Before Nuna went to the room, she responded to Nodah. "Perhaps he'd like to awake in a less...congested environment. The medical wing, for example. I imagine Yayo Fiji would be overjoyed to be of assistance." "I agree with your logic, but as for me I have to go clean up and will be there as soon as possible. And Desdemona as for you, don't worry your little heart about me, there are more imperative issues. After all, I did cause this." This was expressed before Nuna Mori had departed from the dining hall to the dorm. "The kiss drew energy out of people, but its not as if I intended it. As for the Nocturne, I shall not think of him too much. If my attributes really did affect him, he should really reconsider how close he gets to a succubus."

Now prepared, she headed back out, but for the medical facility this time.
@NyxNyghtmare -__________________________________________________________________________- BRUH
Nuna Mori

Seeing that her plans had come to fruition, she heard the distant shout of the Nocturne. "My hat!" She sensed the boy approaching her and prepared herself mentally. "Hey there... Nuna, was it?" he leaned forward to complete his sentence. "Yes, that's me." "If you wanted my attention, taking my hat was a pretty good method. So, what can I do for you?" Nuna stared into his eyes for a moment, before she brushed her lips against his. The heat from the Nocturne filled her soul to the brim and the little resistance met from the surprise died out. She released him from her seducing grasp and noticed the audience seemed to take interest as the two kissed. She sat down as the Nocturne appeared to be frozen in mid-air. She then adjusted the hat onto his head caressing his face. "Hmm... Let me think. Nothing much now." she said trying to act as if nothing had occurred. "What's your name?"
Nuna Mori

Nuna was awakened by the warmth emitted from the sun, which replaced what she last remembered to be the moon. "It's morning already...MMM..." she muttered with her face in a pillow. Her legs and arms extended, popping her joints and returned to cuddling the pillow. The feel of the bedding had quickly become comforting to her and the urge to get up was difficult. She finally developed the incentive to prepare herself when she heard Yayo Fiji's message from the alarm clock. “Good morning students of Rosewood, this is Yayo Fiji. I hope you had a great first day and will continue to enjoy your time here. After you have prepared for the day, please make your way to the dining hall located on the first floor. This will be a chance to become acquainted with your classmates, so remember be polite!” "Sure will do..." she expressed wearily as she rose from the bed. When the search for the bathroom begun, she noticed that her roommates had already departed, except for the last arrival close to midnight. The Nocturne was still sprawled in bed, asleep. Inspecting him along with the headboard that was ingrained Leval Lamrue, Mori remembered the weird noise he made, "mreeeeeeeeeeeeeehh" Shivers ran down her spine as the remembrance of the sound left her in consternation. She eventually found the bathroom and entered.

Upon entrance of the bathroom, the elegance took her by surprise. The glass sink, the tiles, and lighting created a scenery unforgettable in the bathroom. Taking a few steps forward, a toothbrush materialized into her hands, startling her. Now that she knew of the technology she would no long be frightened, but engrossed to find out the next experience. After finishing brushing her teeth and fondling with the mirror's intricacy, she began removing her clothes. She stepped into the shower and was surprised once again. The mist and water that began to encase and caress her body rejuvenated her back to a state of normalcy. She looked down at the form of her body making poses in the shower as it may have casted a silhouette for an onlooker. Moments had passed, when she finally withdrew herself from the shower. As the drying and clothing process occurred, she viewed her outfit. It composed of: a white form-fitting crop top, dark suspenders holding up the sleek black mini skirt that hugged her hips tightly, and a pair of shiny black thigh-high boots with golden laces weaved to the top to match the gold bands clasped around her biceps. She had spent enough time preparing and hurriedly left for the first floor.

The elevator trip was the same as before and she tried to resist the effects it had on her, almost tolerating its torrent. On the first floor, she entered the hall, with other students, to attain breakfast. The lines were slowly growing, but she found a relatively short line and swiped her identification necklace to get her food. She quickly took her food as it did not matter what was on her plate, but who she would sit next to. Nuna caught sight of Desdemona and Leval, but her interest both piqued and depressed; as the Nocturne from the teleportal was at the table, along with the green pixie fruit. "How would I engage the situation?" She wanted to be away from the crowd, but not alone. The thought hit her like a tree being cut to the ground. She approached the table standing behind the Nocturne. She greeted everyone first stating her name and then talking to everyone else she knew directly. "Hello, my name is Nuna Mori for those of you who don't know." She noticed the boy named, Nodah and acknowledged his company with great honor. "Good to see you again, my dear sire." She waved at Leval and Desdemona. She took notice of a human with rollerskates. "Rollerskates..." The other demon was at the table and she examined his elegant attire. But last person she even wanted to see was the green light. Looking at him, Mori was almost attempted to jump over the table and smash him like a fly. Yayo's words rang through her head as her face clearly displayed her anger. She noticed the Nocturne's beanie and decided to take it off. She let her fingers slip under the hat, dwindle in his hair, and remove the beanie. Under his hat were his piquant hair and fuzzy cat ears. She reached for one ear massaging it, as it twitched and relaxed at the presence of her hand. This was no ordinary touch, but one that allowed the Nocturne to remanin calm; Succubus touch. It was only common for people within her race. With the beanie, she began walking away to a new table, bumping into the male demon with her hip on purpose. All of this was done nonchalantly, as her food maintained on her tray.

She hoped that the two would react in some fashion to her actions. She settled at the table, knowing at least the Nocturne would come, waiting.
Nuna Mori

"Really, when are you guys going to sleep?" she inquired, agitated slightly by the sudden outburst by the two entrances. Nuna traipsed over the idea of why two males were in the same dorm. She shrugged it off, so she could resume rest. Nope, this too was disturbed for some reasoning. Leval approached the Succubus and stopped before speaking. "Um hi there, listen I'm sorry if I offended you. That whole 'not like being touched thing' wasn't aimed at you. It's just a personal issue that I wanted to let everyone know right at the start to avoid any issue. But I can see how you could take that personally so I just wanted to apologize. I would've responded earlier, but sometimes I get lost in my head and forget to pay attention to my surroundings. "Not worry my friend, it may have been my attitude getting in the way of understanding personal space. I've been taking a lot of things to heart lately. After all, we don't really know each other." "So yeah just wanted to say I'm sorry. I meant you no harm and insult, but I should've chosen my words better. I'm Leval by the way." "Oh really, I'm Nuna. I didn't meet you at the door." she sarcastically stated. "You should get to bed though. All has been removed from thought. G'night." She watched the human walk over to his bed attain rest. She glanced over to Desdemona, who still did not assume any interest in these minor events. "Where was she raised, sleeping through all this racket; Hell?" Mori wondered if she was awake or not, but yawned once more signifying the need for rest. Nuna closed her eyes and fell asleep.
Nuna Mori

Attempting to lighten her mood with some laughter and jovial actions; this farce was terminated immediately. Nuna's alleviation was interrupted by extreme assumptions. Her face displayed her almost in mid-shock. “I’m Leval, we seem to be roommates. I do not like to be touched, if you respect that we will get along fine.” Followed by, “Touch me and you die.” Thinking to herself, "Why would I want to touch any of your dirty, impure, tainted, impaled, wretched, and unprepossessing bodies. Nice way to set your first impression people. I could find others better than you." Restraining herself from commencing any havoc, she began inhaling deeply through her mouth, air inflating her stomach, exhaling slowly expelling her breath and stresses. Mori expressed her emotions easily, as well as it was ardent, so these actions were necessary before entering the dorm.

The dorm's interior bedazzled her starting from the lighting to the speck of dust on the ground. She immediately surveyed the room and saw her two 'colleagues' had claimed their bed. Walking slowly into the room, with all the elegance and poise she could muster, she stated, "Sorry if I portrayed the vibe of a molester. Please don't think of such." No one responded or even gave a glance at her. Keeping herself in check, she processed across the room to an unoccupied bedding. Plopping down upon the bed, she instantly felt comforted with the sense that she was laying on a cloud. Noting that her name was being etched onto the headboard, she almost felt closer to home, excluding the two extraneous creatures. "There isn't any being here that has respect, except for Nodah Listig. The way he treated me like royalty even after my vulgarity is spectacular. The warmth of his skin was quite enjoyable too..." Mori rolled onto her back ventilating calmly and placed her hand upon her chest. She grasped the necklace in her hand examining the extravagant shaped ghost orchid pendant with its yellow flower. Yellow... It brought the thought of the Nocturne. The moonlight from above slipped into her sight and she was reminded of the demon male. The pale, white color of the moon set the vision of the demon into her mind. "When am I going to be able to meet these individuals." Stating this in an optimistic state, she was thrown back into reality when she thought something was moving in the corner of her eye. Nuna turned her head in the direction of the human. She was confused as she noticed and sensed more prominence coming from Leval. She took into account that the human had spikes protruding from his body and assumed he was an illusionist. "No mere human would be able to sustain such injuries..." Her focus taken off his aesthetics, noticed the use of a device barely visible to her from this angle.

Momentarily after the long inspection and deduction assessed by Nuna, Leval erupted in a frenzy for the door. "What the hell are you doing?! Don't you know what will happen to you if you get caught by the carpet?" Leval ignored any warnings Nuna gave him and she glanced over to Desdemona, who seemingly had no concern. She left the thought of Leval to be, after all he was accepted into the school for some reason. To assume the same composure as Desdemona, she rested back upon the bed and noticed how tired she was. Stretching and yawning, simultaneously, she began reminiscing on the events of the day. "Whoa, it's been a long day. I barely recognized the fatigue."
Nuna Mori

Before having a chance to lose her temper or take a breather, she was surrounded by other students. Scanning their faces, Nuna paused her browse to be engaged in the looks of the tall human boy she groped. "I'm afraid I haven't had the honour of introducing myself to a fair lady. My haste to reach Rosewood overcame my better judgement prior. I hope you will forgive me for abandoning you in the woods. I am Nodah Listig. Always a pleasure. May I know your name?" Nuna instantaneously responded, "No, I am of apology my sincere mister. I wouldn't hesitate to abandon a person who performed such vulgar actions. Excuse me for such a scenario, being it was induced by special circumstances. I am Nuna Mori and do hope will get to know each other better."

Her conversation ended with a warm smile towards Nodah as her eyes traversed the area. The multiple races that were encased in the teleportal amazed Mori. She noticed the same demon with scales in the portal but caught the glimpse of a glowing green light. At that same moment, the teleportal had activated, muddling herself and the pupils. The intensity of turmoil the teleportal procured was unforgettable; the fog that impaired sight, the shrill of a scream that hindered hearing, and the ataxia caused by the sudden movement of the transporter. Though losing her composure, Nuna was able to distinguish the green fly from before clinging to the handsome Nocturne.

Offset by the tremor, she staggered onto the majestic carpet before her. "Things keep getting better, don't they?" Seeking the dorm hastily, what appeared was a door plated 4-C. "Whew... Finally." Mori stopped at the entrance about to enter but heard footsteps behind her. She thought of the worse but was eased at mind when she came to the conclusion that it may be a roommate. Turning around to face the creature, she couldn't resist the urge to begin giggling. She placed one hand over her mouth to prevent any outbursts. One thought ran through her head and it was the reaction of the demon to the activation of the transporter. You should have seen her. She was trying to act all stoic and then she almost went headfirst to the ground with all the commotion. She instantly stopped this behavior as the fellow student came closer. "Hello, I'm Nuna Mori. Nice to meet you! I am assuming that we will be living together in 4-C, right?" All of this was stated as she tried to keep her poise from the humor.
Nuna Mori

Nuna was astounded with this occurrence; a green fruit had bitten her breast and she was rejected by the boy. "The both of them don't know what they're missing out on. As for the green apple, his penance better be ready." She was angered by these events and almost forgot to inspect whether if that pixie left an imprint. Nuna looked down at her skin, paused, and raised her head once again. The rage that flowed out of her could not be expressed in words. "MY LUXURIOUS SKIN. I'm going to have to take a bite out of that fruit." She grumbled under her breath as she hurriedly entered the college building.

Entering the structure, she noticed the elegance of its interior, but she was too angry to dwell on that fact. She was ready to go to her room and relax. The identification line was relatively short compared to what she imagined.

She approached the desk, looking at the elf who waved his dexterous and stated, "Welcome to Rosewood! Your attempt to keep the exterior perimeter intact was greatly appreciated. If I may inquire, what is your name, race, class, and electives?" Nuna gave a cold stare at the elf, whose name tag read, Yayo Fiji. She was in no mood for games and continued glaring at the ecstatic elf. "If I may inquire- why do you need such information considering the fact that you already know of my doings and assigned my rank." The elf gave a smirk and stated, "You're perceptive aren't you. I see you are not in the best of moods, so let me not bother you."

Although this was true, Nuna reluctantly stated her information. "Nuna Mori. Succubus. Druid. Magical History and Art. Even though I should have done better: Rank B- seriously." As the elf's fingers moved instantaneously to the provided information, a necklace with a pendant attached materialized. Nuna inspected the intricate pendant. It was decorated with what appeared to be a ghost orchid; the spider web like plant had specs of blue that closely resembled the hue adorned on her head. The center was vivid with a yellow fluorescent flower. At this point, the elf had finished entering Nuna's demographics. "You must keep this on your person at all times." Dismissed from the table, she stared enduringly at the necklace and noticed it had scripture on the back. 4C. As she progressed to the portal, lost in the workmanship of the necklace, she caught a glimpse of a demon entering the building. What caught her gaze was the masculinity and scales covering one arm. "Intriguing", she stated as she continued through the portal.
@avawhat231 Sorry I took so long
Nuna Mori

Strolling casually through the dense fog, Nuna observes the vegetation surrounding her intently. The significance of the forest expounds further than just a body of greenery; it is home to various creatures and herself. Inspecting the path, she noticed the detrimental state it was in. "Some idiot was skating through these grounds with no respect for you. Bastard." The tracks led a long path and she figured it may direct her towards the school. Stepping forward, she began singing an incantation.

"I think that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree.

A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the sweet earth's flowing breast."

The melodic tune that echoed from her mouth had a reaction with the earth. The tire strewn ground began eroding and reforming as Nuna enchanted it with her verses. As she proceeded farther ahead, the renewed earth was vibrant with its flora. Feeling exhilarated from the feat performed, she was ready to purge all impurities. As the breezes passed, rustling the foliage, blowing her hair, and hoisting fragrances, she was taken aback by a certain odor. "What is this... blood?!" Eagerly rushing forward to investigate, she was appalled by the horrific scene before her. Blood splattered amongst trees and the mass of an animal were stagnant before Nuna. She slowly approached the mutilated body of the half-dead beast.

Without hesitation, she conjured the power within her and began healing the beast. As she stretched her arms forth, the wind began swirling around collecting leaves. The leaves filed upon the mass, emitting a radiant light. "Rise." The beast roared back to vitality with the impression it was still engaged in battle. She felt herself losing grip of her consciousness but was prevented from hitting the ground by the monster. She thanked the creature and decided that she could ride the bear to speed up her journey. Mounting the animal, it was ordered to ride off into the direction specified. Mori had to make up for lost time through this mean.

The creature ran with haste and led her quickly out of the forest. On her way out, she spotted the mangled neck of a bird and looked away in disgust. She arrived at a clearing where the school was visible. Mori dismounting the creature was shown affection with nuzzling. After the intercession, the bear was told to depart and be well.

Nuna came across a peculiar inscription on the ground, giving off some sort of satanic ritualistic vibe. She spent a few more moments taking in the scenery around her. "Something feels off here..." The Druid paced around the vast field, examining the various remnants left behind from what appeared to be battles; the bark on some trees were charred, multiple puddles of water were scattered throughout the area, and... the smell of blood was getting stronger. Nuna made her way slowly over to one of the damaged trees, hesitating before she placed the tips of her fingers on the burn. "Speak. Tell me of----" In an instant, her eyes widened and flashed with a bright yellow. She threw her head back, gasping for air as images starting reeling in her mind. Quick glimpses of a previous battle appeared before her- a blurred recollection of a shadowy silhouette materialized and was launching fireballs at what appeared to be a demon, drawing the same incantation that Nuna had seen just seconds before. The Succubus slid down onto the damp grass, still grasping the tree before she was torn from her vision. She closed her eyes as she took deep breaths, gradually regaining her composure. So these... 'things' attacked other students...

The time she spent gathering her bearings on the ground left her defenseless, and she was suddenly struck from behind with a blunt force. The impact was so strong, Nuna was immediately sent flying, her body limp from the attack. She tumbled across the ground, picking up dirt as she skidded to a halt. She remained motionless, almost unconscious. However, as she heard the crunching of grass beneath someone's feet, her eyes opened slowly. Nuna's vision was blurry when she looked up at the violent creature, wielding the brass knuckles that assaulted her. Just before the figure prepared to launch its final blow, she managed to gather enough strength to avenge the foe.

Upon whispering this statement, a torrent of wind began to collect leaves. They swirled above their heads before suddenly lashing out at the enemy, lacerating the shadow relentlessly until there was no remainder of the dark energy.

She eventually stood up, grabbing her shoulder and cracking her neck. "Damn, the grass..." She brushed off her skirt and was stunned by a loud booming voice. "Congratulations, Nuna Mori. You have successfully completed the final step for your acceptance into Rosewood. Performance rank: B. (Seriously)" "Really. I cleaned up all the shit these bastards left behind for that?" Before proceeding to the gates she sings her verses and repairs the damage done to the environment.

In the vicinity of the entrance was a lanky, light hazel haired human. He appeared to be crouching over something, so Nuna approached with caution. Close enough to see, there laid a green colored fru--. Oh, it's a fair-- pixie. She was weakened by the huge consumption of energy and had to replenish it. She thrust herself upon the human, happily wrapping her arms around the boy's waist, slipping her hands beneath his shirt to get a feel. "Pardon the intrusion..." She licked her lips suggestively and grasped his elbow. The small gash was healed when she brushed her fingertips across. She gracefully moved towards the pixie, tending to his injuries. "This is more tragic than your wittle boo-boo, Mister." She picked up the little green fruit and cupped him in her palms. A radiant light shined through her fingers and she rejuvenated the damage done to the creature.
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