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Akilah Darwish

Minka had just returned to the bar from serving Akilah when a boisterous group of men erupted into the tavern. The mage and the innkeeper had a proper introduction this time around since the younger woman was unsure how long her stay would be at the tavern and figured she would enjoy being on friendlier terms with the keeper, especially if she found herself in and out of the port often. The men who came in were brawling types, ill-kept and inconsiderate of everyone around them… but easily offended. Taking a spoonful of soup, she gently blew on the hot liquid until it became a more tolerable temperature before placing the utensil in her mouth. The soup was really good.

The questionable men were all over the place. One barreled through a man getting ready to sit at the bar, another stole a mug out of another man’s hand as he went to take a drink, and a third slapped the rump of a poor waitress who had been cleaning a table nearby. The sound of the strike rang clear across the room and the poor girl practically ran to the kitchen behind the bar with tears glistening from her eyes. Akilah continued to eat but kept an eye on the men between mouthfuls. She was hoping that the men would seat themselves soon because the more they fooled around, the more likely they were to notice her and she was just too tired to want to deal with them.

As she started to take a bite of the meat pastie, the handsy hooligan took notice of her in the corner and backhanded the chests of some of his friends to bring their attention to her corner.

So much for that… she thought to herself as she picked up a napkin to clean grease from her lips. The liquified fat from beef had dripped onto the table as well and Akilah took the time to clean up her mess while the group stomped their way towards her. As they surrounded the table, the one who noticed her first took the seat to her left and the man who had shouldered his way past the bar rested his dirty brown boot on the booth seat to her right. That man leaned in close on his raised leg as he spoke, filling her nostrils with the smell of dirt, sweat, saltwater, and who knows what else.

“How’d you like some company, girl? A real man’d lighten your day up, I’m sure.”

Akilah sighed, she was exhausted from her long trip and unimpressed by the display. She really didn’t want to have to deal with these men. The one on her left patted his thigh, obviously inviting her to sit upon his trousers that were stained with gods knows what, and another of their troupe made a gesture towards her which told her exactly what was on his mind. They obviously misread her expression.

“Come on, darling. Don’t look so lon-“

“By Eruvar, I had no idea you had sat all the way over here.” A sixth body now joined her table. She recognized him as the man who had been shouldered at the bar. Now that he was closer, Akilah got a better look at his face as he taunted his way through the group of street thugs. He had a face of a heartbreaker and the charisma of a performer. It took little effort for him to spin a story to justify his intrusion.

“Thank you, gentlemen. All this ruckus helped me find her! You-“ Akilah actually smirked as the man wagged his finger at her and squeezed his way into the booth to sit to her right side. At the sound of his arrival, the original man that occupied the space had moved to face off the newcomer. “You scamper about taverns and expect me to look everywhere. Just because I arrived late, you’re already eating without me…” The gentleman’s face was a picture of perfect sorrow and she nearly laughed. With him this close she noticed the faint scar that started on the left side of his chin and followed a strong jawline.

“Ok, who the fuck are you, mate.” The elaborate gesturer spoke through gapped teeth, obviously unhappy with the turn of events, and reached towards an inner pocket of his leather vest for what was most likely a weapon.

“I’m her lover? Don’t tell me you are too?” Her savior laughed at his own joke and glanced her way as a gold coin materialized between his fingers. “Thanks so much for keeping her company, fellows. Here’s something for the trouble. She’s a handful, believe me.” Using his thumb, he flipped the coin into the group. Three of the men lost their focus on them as they scrambled after the coin and the remaining two proceeded to give the trickster a dirty look, debating whether or not she was worth the trouble. Eventually, they made their decision and turned away from her table, going with the rest of their friends towards a table on the opposite side of the room.

“I figured,” The gentleman next to her spoke softly, dropping the bravado now that the threat had moved on. “We could both benefit by having a non-violent meal together, rather than a violent one that would get everyone kicked out of the tavern. Do you agree?”

“I don’t think Minka would have kicked everyone out, but I would have definitely owed her more coin than what I’ll pay for in food and lodging to compensate for the damages.” As Akilah spoke she turned her body to face him, resting her elbow on the thick wooden table and using the palm of her hand to rest her left cheek on. “To whom am I indebted for this act of kindness?”
Akilah Darwish

It had been early morning when The Peregrine docked after five days at sea, its crew proudly exhausted after nearly a week of grueling work. The merchant ship was almost a full day ahead of schedule and the Captain was so ecstatic that he paid the sorceress double what was agreed upon. He had thought he hired some lower to mid-ranking mage when she offered to take the job back in Taranis Port off the coastline of the Seven Cities, not a master worth the highest ranking the College had to offer. Akilah had actually just turned down the proposal to appoint her as a black robe after several years of travel and learning before she boarded his vessel.

The robe system in the college was used to categorize mages based on their power and knowledge. White robes are novices, yellow is for adepts who are then free to travel from the college walls with the master’s permission, red-robed mages were masters of their craft, and black was reserved for those who stood above all else. While many were surprised that she turned down the offer, those who knew her best among the masters had known her answer and simply felt compelled to try. They knew that she was a traveler to her core, going where ever the winds decided to take her and learning all that she could of the world. Accepting the black robe would have changed her current lifestyle and she simply wasn’t ready for that yet.

The vessel itself was pretty impressive for something outside of royal navies or larger more well-known merchant companies with its three masts and sturdy framing. The Peregrine and her crew had stood strong against the limits Akilah had pushed them to. They deserved the pride she saw in their faces as she departed. Captain Salamin had tried his best to keep her on his roster and when she refused he helped to carry her trunk to the nearest reputable lodging called the Tacklerock Tavern.

“It’s not a high society dining house but the food is good, the ale is strong, and the lodging is reasonably priced. If you pay extra, they’ll guarantee you some privacy” he told her as they had walked the short trip to the building. They were just opening up shop for breakfast when they arrived and the Captain put in a good word for her.

“Keep your wits about you here mistress mage. This port allows all walks of life to conduct their business here, some of which is business you are better off not knowing.” He warned her, genuinely concerned for her well-being. Akilah had thanked him for his concern for her and sent him along his way.

It was now nearly noon according to the periodic pops from time candles and she was finishing rearranging herself after a much-needed bath. Akilah had used the hours since early morning to bathe her salty sweaty body and recharge herself. Five days of nearly nonstop channeling a wind spell was a taxing job, even for her. Her stomach rumbled loudly as she detangled and manipulated her hair into a smooth braid once more while she sat on a stool in front of the mirror. It was time to eat.

The small room she occupied was plain but nicely done with dark wooden floors, matching colored wood trimming, and white plastered walls. It matched the rest of the tavern where they spent more of their coin on ornate decorations than parts of the building that required regular maintenance. It was practical and she liked it. The space itself only contained a single body bed, a small desk with a matching chair, a body-length mirror, and the stool she currently sat on outside of the adjoining washroom. Underneath her bare feet was an Izryian rug with an ornate pattern depicting a golden sun sitting within a royal blue sky, a touch of home which was probably why she was given the room to begin with.

Akilah stood, having finished her hair, to inspect herself in the mirror before crossing the rest of the room to slip into her shoes, arrange her cape across her bare shoulders, and collect her staff. Her stomach spoke again as she stepped out the door, but she couldn’t make a run for the stairs just yet. Bending towards the lock she whispered a spell into the mechanism as she turned the key, placing a ward on the device to help protect it from those who would try to pick the lock. She didn’t expect anyone who would be trying to steal from the rooms to be motivated enough to break down the heavy door if they failed to open it. Once satisfied, Akilah made her way down the hallway to the stairs, her staff filling the air with soft chimes as she walked.

The chimes caught the attention of the bartender, a plump older woman who looked like she handled her fair share of tavern brawls.

“I was wondering when you’d emerge again to put some food in that tiny frame of yours! How was the bathwater I sent up? Hot enough?” She asked, unapologetic of her questioning.

Akilah couldn’t help but smile as she took a seat at the currently empty bar and rested her staff against her chest. The woman spoke like her mother. “It was perfect, thank you. Just what I needed after the sail over. Is lunch being served yet?”

“Aye. Most of it is ready. We have a fish stew made from the first catch of the morning, freshly baked bread, meat pasties, and a mix of roasted vegetables. The cook is still working on desserts and will soon get started on the dinner roasts. If you want porridge, it may take them a bit to whip that up for you.”

“I’ll take a bit of everything you have ready now and the lightest mead you have available? No need to trouble your cooks with extra work.”

“Would you have it here at the bar or do you want a table?” The barkeep asked as she reached underneath the thick wooden counter to grab a metallic cup.

“I’ll seat myself at the booth in the corner?” Akilah motioned towards a table that she noticed earlier that sat facing both the door and the stairs to the second floor. It allowed her to eat in peace without being taken by surprise even though the tavern currently didn’t have many occupants. That was subject to change at any time.

“Help yourself. I’ll bring you food and drink in a few minutes.”

“Thank you” Akilah spoke to the woman’s back as she already turned to collect what the Izryian had asked for and probably take additional orders from people who started to walk through the door, starving after a hard morning’s work. Not wanting to lose the booth, Akilah rose from her perch on the stool to go make herself comfortable in the corner booth.
@ClocktowerEchosAye Aye Captain
@ClocktowerEchos Would this be sometime after the funeral or are we looking at next day(s) festivities?
Hirani Blen

“I want to say they can’t be serious but after what just happened down here…”

Hirani shared his sentiment, but something was just horribly wrong. A power play had been made from pieces they didn't even know were on the board. Through their bond, she felt the trickles of the pain he was feeling but she was confident it wasn’t something that he couldn’t handle on his own until she could see to him. As a healer, she couldn’t help feeling compelled to see to his injuries at that moment. At this feeling, she finished packing her bag quickly, clasped it securely and flung it over her shoulder. They had to get to safety first.

The familiar call of Bocri reached out to her again. "The rest of the clones will be looking for us. We won't be able to get off this ship as long as they control the bridge. They'll blow us out of space."

Hirani sent her consciousness towards the bridge. It was only two floors above her with limited personnel inside but heavily protected by blast doors that would magnetically seal if engaged. She was no splicer, so hacking her way in wasn't an option if they were locked. She could melt the door slowly with her saber, but that would leave her vulnerable. Her last option would be to infiltrate the minds of one of the clones inside to make him open the doors for her, it was the fastest outcome for her.

"Can you make it to the bridge? I am going into the ducts and will make my way there. Will you be able to meet me?

"Yes, let's hope the doors aren't locked when we get there. Otherwise, it's not heavily manned if you have to take it by yourself. Just enough clones needed to monitor the ship and maintain our position in orbit." she replied.

Hirani tightened the strap of her bag so that it wouldn't swing wildly across her body as she moved and called to her right hand her saber that she had placed on the bed when she first re-entered the room. She stepped out into the hallway once more and borrowed the keycard from CC-9547's unconscious body so that she could hopefully access the bridge without alerting the pilots inside. As she took her first step away from the sleeping clones, she willed her body to move faster and force sprinted the rest of the way to the elevator. At its doors, she swiped the borrowed key card against the reader to instruct the machine to open. The clones must've taken it to her floor.


The doors slowly opened to reveal the empty booth and Hirani extended a purple hand to the panel to direct the elevator to the top floor that housed the bridge.
Hirani Blen

The twi’lek knew she was heard but the lack of response from Bocri left her concerned. It wasn’t a new thing for him to not answer her calls while engaged in battle, but this wasn’t a typical scenario. They were being hunted by their own and she needed to tell him about this Order 66 and the clones sudden change in mindset. She could only hope that he was in a good position despite the chorus of explosions she was hearing.

The troopers were momentarily stunned from having been flung down the hallway and she took this moment to completely immobilize them. She kept her saber in her right hand, but did not ignite it while she walked briskly towards the fallen clones. Even though they meant to shoot her down, Hirani couldn’t bring herself to use her deadly weapon against them. Raising her left arm, she reached out a with a slender purple hand towards the troops and pushed their bodies down into the floor, keeping them from reaching anything that would otherwise spell bad news for her. They struggled against her, she could feel it, but it wasn’t particularly difficult for her to keep the five cloned men from rising.

She thought about removing their helmets and hitting their temples squarely with the hilt of her saber to knock them out but she ultimately decided she wanted to be more gentle than that. She was going to put them to sleep. Through the force she threw a blanket of calm over the men, willing their bodies to relax and tricking their brain into thinking it was time to sleep. One by one she waved her hand over their covered faces and felt their consciousness slip away into deep sleep. They would be like this long enough for her to return to her rooms, quickly retrieve some extremely important belongings, and make a swift getaway.

Once in her rooms, she grabbed her brown leather bag that she used to carry all of her medical supplies. In additional to various tools, bandages, medicines, and ointments, this also included numerous crystals and talismans that would amplify her healing abilities through the force. They were not as potent as the ones she used back in the Halls of Healing at the Jedi Temple, but they were potent enough for her to feel compelled to run back for and if they were going to be on the run, they would be invaluable.

In the midst of Hirani’s packing, her hands slowed at the sudden rush of fear and panic from hundreds of clones. She called out again.


This time, he answered.

”Hirani. The clones turned on me. I have vented the hangar bay, the landing party is all gone. Are you ok?”

The relief she felt over his response was mixed with sorrow. Being thrust into the vacuum of space would be a painful death as their bodies fought to breathe while the cold emptiness of space sucked away their warmth.

”I am fine. I was forced to put some troopers to sleep as they tried to gun me down and I am in my room collecting some things should we need to break away from the ship. CC-9547 said ‘Order 66 has been initiated’ and we are to be executed for treason against the Republic?”
Hirani Blen


The twi’lek’s brown leather boots had only carried her steps from the room doors before waves of pain collided into her chest, forcing her to her knees. Tears involuntarily streamed down her face as the echos of so many flames snuffed out traveled through the force. Some were familiar to her, masters and friends now lost to the universe. She fought to breathe, fought to pull herself out of the void that has been punched through her very being.

“Is everything alright Commander Blen?” A familiar voice from behind her asked, helping her to come back. In her distraction, five troopers suddenly occupied the hall with her and she felt more coming. The words were filled with false concern and underneath them she could trace fear, anxiety, and finally… malice. Why…?

She spoke with a shaky voice, “What are you afraid of CC-9547?”

Before the trooper could answer she felt Bocri reach out to her, “Hirani?”. His call was soon followed by a large explosion that she knew came from the Hangar. The blast forced the ship to sway from it’s position in space, causing her trooper companions to nearly loose their footing. Hirani turned to find they had their blaster rifles in hand with the safety off and set in the position for the use of lethal force. The truth was before her, but her pretty blue eyes didn’t want to believe what they saw.

“Why?” She asked simply, preparing herself, but not drawing her lightsaber which was still clipped to her belt.

“Order 66 has been initiated. You will be executed for treason against the Repbulic.” CC-9547 replied, raising his blaster. In that moment she remembered how she helped him walk again after recovering from a broken femur. That same man who had clung to her for strength and used her words of encouragement to help him walk again was staring her down through the sights of his gun. The man she once knew… was gone.

The trooper did not wait for her to reply and Hirani saw them all squeeze their fingers around the triggers of their blasters. It was in that moment she acted. Do… or die. The twi’lek pushed forward through the force with enough strength to fling the troopers about 15 meters down the hallway. It was here that she slowly pulled out her lightsaber and reached out towards the familiar sun that was her bonded partner.

Hirani Blen

Hirani sat in her rooms meditating, centering herself before the imminent battle to come. She felt the fear from far below and worked to peel it off of herself. When so many are afraid, afraid of what was, what is, and what is yet to come, it can be stifling for those who are so in tune with the force. She had always been sensitive and it was why the Jedi came for her once she was old enough to be taken from her parents and brought to the enclave on Coruscant. She was paired with those who would mold her carefully and aware of what she needed in guidance. In turn, she flourished to be the Consular she is today.

At the start of the war, Hirani was paired with Bocri a skillful Jedi with an allergy to bacta, which made caring for him a challenge. She was the most skilled healer that could be sent as his partner short of a Jedi Master and even that couldn’t save him fully from new cybernetic enhancements. At least then she was able to oversee their successful implantation. She helped to speed up the body’s acceptance to the foreign metals and made sure the wires fully melded with his neurological system. It was tricky and sensitive work to make sure everything worked in balance.

The twi’lek felt him while she sat quietly in meditation, like a bright sun amongst the stars that were the clone men that filled the ship. She knew them all, some on more personal levels than others. She was their healer. She spent enough time with them to learn their individual personalities despite their identical genetic codes. Nature vs nurture. They grew to trust her as she spent years healing their wounds, telling her stories of their training as she shared hers with them. They all had their own trials to overcome and the consequences should they fail.

A voice rang through the air as she sat in her peaceful meditation, crisp though the speakers that composed of her comms disc.

“Commander Blen, We are almost ready to head off to the surface. Commander Sauburc is already in the hangar.”

“Thank you, Captain.” She spoke softly, drawing her consciousness back into herself. “I’ll meet you both there.”

“Understood ma’am.”

With the conversation at a close, Hirani collected herself. The soft robes showing her as a member of the Jedi Order whispering softly as she rose from her cushioned seat on the metal floor of their ship. It was time to get to work.

Name: Hirani Blen
Age: 32
Home Planet: Corellia
Details: Hirani is currently a Jedi Consular, gifted in the healing arts and a strong force combatant.
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