Avatar of Salrynn
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1025 (0.31 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Salrynn 9 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current I want pizza, Hawaiian specifically.
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5 yrs ago
Again, i have been gone forever lol
7 yrs ago
I honor people who can keep the same profile picture forever... xD
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7 yrs ago
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8 yrs ago
These Korean's spamming us with their Singapore and baccarat stuff. Korea has just got a whole lot weirder. xD


Hey all! My name is Salrynn, and I love to write and be part of a creative experience with others. I would like everyone to take some time to get to know me quickly (since I haven't been on here for quite some time), so let's get down to business!


28th November 1995
That makes me 23 years old! (But I don't act like it, just a warning.)

Where I Live:

England, United Kingdom
Just thought I would add this here for the sake of time-zones and whatnot. Right now, my timezone is either GMT or BST and sometimes that may conflict with posts. Not to worry, I do try to post whenever I can. This will probably also explain why I may spell stuff differently. Please don't comment on it unless it turns into a general (and funny) conversation.
Relationship Status:

Happily Taken
He is amazing, and I could legit talk about him all day if I really wanted to.


I enjoy videogames a lot. I have been in a very dark place and they have primarily helped me get through when I felt nothing else really could.
I am all over animals in general, which is why I can never be in a conversation about cats or dogs being better. I just like them both xD.
80s, 90s, future funk, gaming music. You name it the genre, I will enjoy it with ease.
There is just something about steampunk that gets at me, I enjoy the prospect of another world using cantrips, weird but wonderful inventions, and the power of steam to just get through the day.
Probably an obvious one of mine, I enjoy anime a lot. I also love talking about it unless someone tries to force their dislike of it on me. I understand that not everyone will enjoy every anime I like, but even I am not gonna continuously mention that I dislike something unless it turns into a friendly conversation.
I love a good joke! I will literally try to turn anything that's sensible into something funny. So I apologise in advance if I hurt anyone by it X'D
Other People's Drama

Crime Documentaries
Awh man, I love a bit of true crime. The whole process behind it is really interesting.


Probably an obvious one, but yeah.
Jump Scares
I still can't handle them at all, it sucks, but hey, that's fine by me.
Blegh... I swear if I have to eat seafood (apart from fish from the chippy) then I will probably cry.


Writing Itself
I love to write, I in fact, want to be an author someday.
I love making avatars, signatures and whatnot with Photoshop. This is known as GFX, and I swear, if I can GFX my life away, I would.
Researching Trivia and Other Things
I love to research and find out about a lot of things

A Few Extras:

My Ability To Explain
Sometimes when I try to explain things, it goes all iffy and sometimes it's explained wrong altogether, please take the time to be patient with me if this happens. It may seem infuriating, but I promise that I do try my best.
My Ability To Understand
Same with explaining, I sometimes struggle to understand even the most basic of things. If you find it's easier to talk to me as if i'm a 5 year old if I don't understand anything the first time: do it. Trust me, it'll be simpler than watching me getting frustrated over such trivial matters.
I can get easily frustrated at times. If this happens, please give me time to try and grasp things. I would be thankful.
I'm passive
I'm a passive person mostly, I try not to get involved with too much and I would rather it be kept this way. I have been involved with too much corruption and i'd rather not go down that path again.

Heroes Of Azure City

Most Recent Posts

Leona Song and Maurice Jones

Leona looked to Maurice, she knows she did say hello first. But maybe he didn’t hear her?? Should she speak up if she was too quiet?? Unless the male was spacing out then she knows she would have to speak up. Coughing lightly she shown off a small smile towards him and grabbed his attention (or at least, she did as much as she could.)

“Yo!” she greeted him once more. “What’s up??” She tried to go for small talk first, but she doesn’t know how far it’ll go. Nor how awkward it’ll be. But still, she will try her hardest, just like she will with all of her activities with her club and crew.

Waiting for an answer, she started to worry about her hair. And the other aspects of her that could very much mistaken her for a boy. But she doesn’t seem to think that he will bother that much from what he heard from his introduction.

Maurice blinked a couple times and realized his eyes had unfocused from not really paying much attention to anything for the past couple minutes. From the looks of things, like everyone else being in the hall talking to one another, the dating had already started. He looked at his first partner, Leona if he remembered the name correctly. He considered her briefly, sitting there looking more than a bit nervous. Dyed hair wasn’t normally something he was into, but he could work with it.

“Oh hey,” he said in response. ”Sorry for spacing out there, it’s kind of a bad habit of mine. You already know, but I’m Maurice. Nice to meetcha.” With a big grin and wave, he outstretched his arm, offering a handshake for Leona.

The man spoke, and he apologised too! That was certainly a start: a good one at that. “It is lovely to meet you too.” She grinned right back at him since grinning seemed to be the right thing to do at that point. “And it’s cool. I am sure everyone spaces out now and then.” Leona was speaking literally, she spaces out quite a lot herself, especially when something was boring her. She hoped that she wasn’t boring him.

“So, let’s get started, yeah?? What do you do??” She queried as she gave the man some eye contact, hinting that he had her full attention “I am an amateur breakdancer of sorts. I come from England. And my purpose for coming here… well. My purpose is obvious, I never really had a lover so I decided to come here to find love. And you??”

Maurice retracted his hand. It seems she didn’t want to shake hands. No big deal. She might be one of those people who are really concerned with personal cleanliness or something. He also couldn’t help but notice Leona put a lot of emphasis on vocal inflections in her questions. Maybe it was a dialect thing.

”I’m a pro wrestler for the World of Wrestling network. I’ve only had a few matches so far, but people seem to like the job I’ve been doing so far though. I don’t know if you watch it, I know lots of people don’t care for it, but my Wrestling name is Marcus Dumas, The Wall. Back in college I played F- American football for the Texas Longhorns. And honestly, I think it would be a bit weird for someone to come to a Singles’ Vacation if they weren’t looking for someone. So how do you make a living breakdancing? Is it like working as a back-up dancer?”

Leona saw the male pull his hand back, oh no?? She forgot to shake his hand?? That was not good at all! She quickly decided to try forget what happened there and listen to what Maurice had to say. “Ohh… I think I actually seen my father watch that.” Leona answered, “I watched him while he cheered and boo’d sometimes, which could be pretty funny depending on how frustrated he was” She giggled as she remembered her father ranting on and on about how some of the wrestlers were great and how some where just: in his words ‘plain shitty’

“Yeah, it is like working as a backup dancer. Except we don’t get a choreographer and we do all the decisions ourselves” She answered softly and then nodded once to herself “So yeah, tell me more about your ‘wrestling’... What’s the most exciting moment you had during wrestling?? I am sure you have quite a few!” She exclaimed before itching her porcelain-skinned cheek, nervous about what his best moment was while wrestling.

”Wrestling isn’t nearly as exciting as you would think when you’re actually part of it. Most of the job is done well before the show.” Maurice began to answer, overall pleased with how well the date seemed to be going so far. It was mostly talking about job stuff, but that was a big part of what people did, so that’s kind of to be expected when you’re trying to get to know someone else in a speed dating setting like this.

”First you need to see who you’re booked with and what kind of angle they give you, then you need to work with everyone else to properly choreograph the whole scene, what moves are done and practicing them until you can do them as safely as possible. That’s not counting memorizing the lines or just the amount of work you need to put into physical training.” Speaking of which, Maurice wondered when they would get to eat in the back of his head. He wanted to have a big dinner during this blissful week of diet cheating. ” It is a lot of fun, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t really have many stories I’d want to tell right now. I’m not really the gossipy type.What do you do outside of dancing?”

Leona listened to Maurice and was rather interested, so wrestling really wasn’t as it all really seemed to be. “I see… But at least you have placed a lot of work into it, right??” She asked casually and in a relaxed tone of voice, she could probably get sucked into hours speaking to this guy. Everything he seemed to say was very interesting. But she didn’t know if what she was saying was just as interesting. “But you had fun, that’s all that literally matters. I am not really the gossipy type either to be honest. And outside of dancing?? I do many many things, I recently applied for a volunteering job at a charity store just to keep myself even more busy. Cause I want to get up and do stuff. I don’t like not doing stuff, you know what I mean??” She questioned. He probably does but she had to end her part of the conversation until he continued it at least.

“Apart from that, I just hang out with friends and try to help them as much as possible. That is probably why I have a strong bond with my friends in the first place. I would bend over backwards and leap over fences for them.” At least she was dedicated to her friends at least.

”I know people like that, where they always have to be doing something. I’m not really like that. If I have the chance to waste time by not doing anything, I’ll usually do it. Like you know how we had those two hours alone before coming over here?” Maurice pointed behind his back with his thumb, even though the rooms weren’t located in that direction. It was more referencing back in time than pointing out the direction of the hotel rooms, really. ”I think I spent like half that time just lying out on my bed. Speaking of the rooms, what was yours like? Mine was really yellow looking. Like a cakey, pastel yellow. I’m wondering if all the rooms are like that here.”

”Oh yeah, other than wrestling, I watch a lot of anime. In fact, other than wrestling that’s probably what I’m best known for, being a massive weeaboo. My time would probably be better spent doing something virtuous like your charity work, though.”

Maurice was right, they did have time to chill during them two hours but Leona couldn’t even sit still during them hours. She always had to do something, others were just lucky she guesses. “My room was… interesting, it wasn’t really yellow to be honest, I would say creamy colour. But that was my room, no telling about everybody’s rooms.”

Oh god.

A weeaboo.

That was something Leona had to deal with, but she hid it and smiled sweetly; nodding her head she understood though, he had his likes and she had hers. “What’s the best anime you’ve watched then??”

Suddenly, the bell rang and the 15 minutes was up. It was a very interesting speed date indeed.

The moment Alexis asked that, she seemed rather confused. As if toilets didn't even exist, of course they existed! where else would you pee?? on the floor?? Alexis couldn't think of that without feeling just a tad disgusted, of course you wouldn't pee on the floor, there must be a toilet somewhere...

"Yes, a toilet" She sighed softly, she asked politely and now there was some sort of awkward silence, this will not do "I mean, every place has one, right??" Alexis felt a little weirded out before speaking out with her logic "Because you know, everyone totally-" She had to stop herself, she didn't want to get so sarcastic to the point that it would make them wait here even longer to the point that she actually would pee on the floor "scrap that last sentence, do you know where it is??"

Alexis was getting desperate now, she should have asked someone else, but she tried her best to not show it at all.

Location:main room
Interactions:His date


Kosuke listened to what Wadsworth said and it made the pit of his stomach get all sickly, he really didn’t want to do this whole date thing, but he was here now. Might aswell do it and take it all in his stride. Of course he didn’t know what to expect but then again, this isn’t Sonic the Hedgehog, or Super Mario, it’s not even League of Legends. This is real life, where the feelings of love can truly affect a human. Why does love even exist?! It only hurts others from the observations that he made in games, take Resident Evil: Code Veronica for example. Claire Redfield got hurt with love because the dude that fancied her died. Oh well, he had a really annoying voice anyway. He guesses it didn’t matter.

He stood up and tried to move to where his date was but then his trainers made him trip over. Gah! This was not how to start a date, curse his friends for bringing him here! Slowly getting up and coughing lightly, he sat down and listened to her upbeat voice explain everything that would bring a guy away. He actually didn’t mind everything she mentioned, but would she be turned off by the fact that he was a gamer?? Some gamers like him are also cosplayers, people who loved to dress up and go around the world. He wouldn’t like to cosplay and go around the world. But he would definitely visit these conventions to see the latest previews of games. Mainly E3.

“Oh, that’s interesting” He nodded “As long as you have had fun and enjoyed them. I would very much love to hear about these stories.” Kosuke mentioned with a soft smile emerging on his face, he loved stories. Storylines do make a game, a game after all. But as he kept telling himself, this was no game.

“Well, my name is Kosuke Akiyama… and urm, I am 25. I work at Gamestop and I love to play games” That was all he could literally say as he was a very boring individual and he had nothing else to say that was interesting “I haven’t done as many exciting things as you have, because I am a very boring person.” Well, he saw himself as boring anyway, all he does is game on and he hasn’t done anything like travelling or got married or anything of the sort. “Oh, and I am sorry for tripping, I am a walking accident” He hated that. He hated the fact that he was very clumsy. But hopefully she didn’t mind. Wait, why was he hoping she didn’t mind?? Hopefully she didn't mind the fact that he seemed to be very relaxed. Probably why he was so clumsy in the first place.

Location: Best exotic hotel:Hotel room
Interactions: Murphy, her clothing.

Areum had to take a few minutes for a breather, she hated cockroaches. She really did. It was the last thing she wanted around her little figure and it was also the last thing she wanted to touch her porcelain skin. It sucked and such. But she didn’t let that phase her when she heard a knock on the door. Pretending nothing happened, she coughed lightly and nodded to nobody “Urm, yes! Be there in a minute!”

There didn’t seem to be any other cockroaches around, so at least there was that to look forward to. Finally getting on her little black dress, she looked at the behind of her dress for any more creepy invaders. But gladly there was none. “Okay…” she braced herself and opened the door to see her language partner “Hello!!” She grinned “Or more like, annyeonghaseo, Murphy-sunbae” she called murphy sunbae because he had much more experience in her with languages, so it felt right. So much better than calling someone oppa, because he was definitely NOT her oppa.

“Urm, yeah… i’m ok!” She answered grinning “I am all fine and dandy! Now, I am ready to head down. Are you?? By the way… did anyone hear… urm, some kind of strange noise, because that definitely wasn’t me” she lied badly in an attempt to cover up the fact that it was her that screamed.

@Charnobylisk @Salrynn Want to collab our Rounds?

I'm up for collabing this round ^^

Hye-eun Song and Jae-kwoon Park

Location: Grimm High School
Interactions: Themselves, Sanako, Ju, Cynthia, Riley and a phone

Of course, while Ju and Sanako were discussing what to do with the sleepover plans. Cynthia burst out into her manical monologue. This disturbed them slightly but they payed more attention to everything else as that was deemed more important to the two. Meanwhile, Jae completely shut up upon hearing what Cynthia had to say, he found it completely worrying. And Hye was allowing her to stay with them?! Something really wasn’t right at all.

“Riley, I think it would be best if we go together” She smiled softly “That way, you guys won’t get lost if I lead you all to my house. Besides, my car is a 6-seater so I can fit you all in anyway” She explained this with a grin to her face and she bit her lower lip. Same could say for Jae, Jae seemed to consider this idea.

“Yeah, that’s a decent idea.” He told the groupie “The more the merrier, right??”

“Indeed” Hye agreed “When everyone is ready, we can head off to the parking bay and we can then go and get on some epic tunes and just have a good time like a real good reunion should be! So, when everyone is ready, just tell me” She told the groupie.

“Well, I am ready for this” Sanako nodded.

“I don’t mind when I am going” Ju added.

“Cynthia, Riley??” She turned to them and bared her white-pearly teeth “Will you be ready soon??”

Suddenly, Jae’s phone gave out a notification and she read it while shaking his head. “Ugh. I hate my friends sometimes.” By friends, he meant the gang. But he didn’t want to give that away.

Yippi ^^ I am honored to make the cut, I hope I don't disappoint :)

WELCOME TO THE PARTYYY~~~~ *hugs* you will love it here!! :D

Location: the outside world
Interacting with:Satilla, Ash, Calanon

Sona looked around and just let her thoughts drift away as Satilla decided to have her little nap. She looked to the white witch and smiled softly as she thought of something in her head. Even though she may not be from the west. It just felt right just mumbling it silently as the rain crashed upon them.

Oh, come crashing rain. Pour down on this beautiful but good witch of the west. Let the rain drop on her soft, supple skin. And let her beauty be shown during the peaceful times…

She decided to let things be for now and she looked to Ash before snuggling into him again. She couldn’t stop talking about how much of a fluffball he truly was. But suddenly he growled. And Sona couldn’t help but look to the directed male with her curious, blue eyes. Her blonde hair only getting wetter and wetter from the dancing water subtly smacking her skin ever so lightly. Who was this male, why did he appear so suddenly. Did he decide to tag along while she was fainted?? Whatever, he apologised and that’s all that matters.

“No, it’s ok. Apology is accepted.” She smiled softly to him.

She spoke no more as she merely smiled softly at Satilla once more as Ash protected the two of them in all his might. Maybe her and Satilla can become the best of friends? She hope she can be best friends with Satilla regardless.

@Thundercrash :D hehehe
<Snipped quote by Salrynn>

That... isn't even a sentence.

At any rate, let me put it this way: there's going to be TWO things today that Mihkail is never going to let Rebeca live down.

I was meant to put 'nothing will stop rebecca' xD
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