Avatar of ShatteredZeroxk
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 73 (0.03 / day)
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    1. ShatteredZeroxk 7 yrs ago
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7 yrs ago
Current Might have to ghost for a while. Not sure when I'll be back.
7 yrs ago
Kinda bleh...... Want something new to happen to me.
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7 yrs ago
Growing more and more pissed off with people IRL who rather have people do things for them instead of doing it themselves. Might go away for a long time if I don't get away from them soon.
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7 yrs ago
Sorry to anyone in an rp with me. I need to take a day or two to get my head on straight. That means my replies will be delayed even more. Sorry guys.
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7 yrs ago
Just sitting around wondering what the hell I'm doing with my life.


I'm open to any kind of roleplay so message me if you want to. I tend to stay away from medieval rps but any other rp I'm fine with.

"Will you enter the howling alongside me? Or be thrown into it by me."

Most Recent Posts

@Otaku95 I'd be willing to lend a hand. Pm me with details.

Adjusting the red scarf around his neck, he busied himself by practicing with his two swords. He'd been told to act as he saw fit by Sun jian, which suited him fine. He didn't want to be a servant for anyone, but he knew that he had to settle somewhere soon. He couldn't run around forever if he wanted to find his memories again. That was his main ambition at the moment.

"You, commoner!" A general called to him as he and his bodyguards rode by on a group of horses, "Show some respect when your superiors are among you!"

He ignored the general, launching into a complex series of cuts and slashes that was quite impressive to witness. Unfortunately, said general decided to be stupid and try to assert his dominance over him by intimidation. Suffice to say said general was stopped by Sun Ce. Waving goodbye to the livid general, part of him wished that the general would die. He didn't voice that as he sheathed his swords and followed Sun Jian's eldest son.

"Sorry about that one, he's a glory-hungry old grump." Sun Ce said, catching in a headlock as he led him to his father's tent.

"No worry, Lord Sun Ce, I'm just relieved I didn't have to turn one of my weapons on him." He replied, internally frustrated about being so uncharacteristically caught off guard."
@Grec sounds good to me.
@Grec My character would have friends in Shu also, namely Xing Cai and Zhao Yun. Maybe we could have Xing Cai join my character at some point.
I would like Lu Bu to be a rival/obstacle for my character to overcome as the final barrier for my character to recover his memories if that is okay.
@Grec Cool, My character's concept always has him with a tight connection with Wu's Zhou Yu while being paired with Sun Shang Xiang.

Alias (real name forgotten): Fang Lao Rai
COMMANDING OFFICER/KINGDOM/UNAFFILIATED: Unaffiliated but will most likely join Wu later on.
WEAPON/MAGIC OF PREFERENCE: Dual swords -> http://www.geishasblade.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Kiritos-Dark-Repuler-Black-02.jpg

HISTORY OF CHARACTER: Due to suffering from severe amnesia, Fang Lao Rai does not remember anything of his past. All he remembers is witnessing a large battle with armies of multiple colors (The yellow Turban Rebellion) fighting. He was found by an officer of the Red army (Sun Jian's Son, Sun Ce), and taken back to their main camp. When he recovered, he stated he wished to remain neutral in his allegiance but said he would like to remain as he had no memories of his past. He eventually found himself in the care of the Sun family.

PERSONALITY: Reserved and quiet, but his old self of being fierce, loyal, and very reckless can come through when his emotions slip out of his control.

HAIR: Long, straight black hair that reaches his shoulders
EYES: Glacial blue that seem to turn an Amethyst color when seen by fire light
FACE AND FACIAL HAIR: Fair with no facial hair
SKIN: Tanned but slightly pale due to natural skin pigment
BODY: slightly Effeminate, but decently muscular and defined
CLOTHING/ARMOUR: Wears a lightweight chest platemail a leather tunic while wearing leathers leggings and well wore boots.

LIKES: unknown
DISLIKES: Power-hungry people, fighting, and Meaningly politics

AMBITIONS: Regaining his lost memories
REASONS FOR AMBITIONS: He wants to know who he is and why he can't remember. That said, he'd willing to doing anything to find what it was he forgot. Even if he has to burn all of the land to ash to do it.
Question, can a character be unaffiliated but be drawn into conflicts on the side of a kingdom?
Hide the weed, teacher's going to start searching for it soon.

(@JaceBeleren meant as a joke regarding your avatar. Reminds me of a friday movie.)
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