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    1. Shikaru 10 yrs ago


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Current Been a while....Hi. lol.
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@thewizardguy[@Reimpa Awesome]@The Grey Dust I was made aware that you guys aren't inactive like the site said. And so, I invite you to the wild ride once more~
@ayzrules@Wraithblade6@Kazemitsu@BlackPanther@ViolentViolet@Wick Character skeleton tomorrow, am tired, OOC is up tho
Centuries ago long before man discovered electricity, cars, or any form of modern convenience humans were plagued by darkness mitigated by simple torch light. They feared the darkness, loathed it, surrounded themselves in cities with fortified walls and guards posted on every entrance and street. Was it the darkness they feared? No. They feared what was within, a deadly beast capable of ripping entire armies to shreds in mere minutes without a single scratch on their person. Their defenses were entirely useless against these creatures, creatures formally dubbed as Nosferatu; the unliving. These beasts took the forms of humans, blending into society should they so choose to pick their next meals stealthily, or forming mighty clans to tear asunder entire settlements overnight, leaving naught but scattered debris to show that it was ever there.

The Nosferatu outnumbered the humans greatly, a near 10:1 average, and that was simply growing day by day. It wasn't until humans began realizing certain things that they were weak against that they had any hope of survival, chances of fighting back. Silver, holy water, crosses bared by those with unwavering faith in the Lord, fire, blessed objects and iron, and other such items harmed or even killed them. Finally they had a fighting chance, and thus the initial order of vampire slayers known as The Covenant was formed. At first it was a small order of priests and able bodied men dedicated to the sole task of eradicating the Nosferatu, or at the very least hold their ground.

They did indeed manage to keep them at bay, if only slightly. Though there were far to few for them to hold out forever. The Nosferatu however weren't entirely stupid, no. They had intelligence, some sought peace, some didn't pursue the life their kin followed. Others, the Elders, foresaw that if they continued as they were that they would draw the humans to extinction relatively quickly. Thus a plan was formed, more sided with them than anything, to bring peace between the two races An agreement both dubbed The Blood Compact as well as signed with it between the two, dictating that so long as either side kept mass slaughter to a minimum that the attacks would cease. Nosferatu that broke the bylaws and attacked humans unprovoked or killed them would be subject to retribution by either the Elders, or humans themselves.

Of course the humans weren't so foolish that they turned down the proposal, instantly agreeing and thus setting in a new era of peace for them all. The Covenant didn't sit idly by however, training and gathering men to bolster their ranks all across the globe. After all, they would serve as the primary fighting force against the creatures, the primary defense against the human race.

Peace would, more or less, be held over the coming years. The Covenant would prevail as a task force even into the modern era, though getting much better kit than before. The Nosferatu would soon be commonly dubbed by them as well as common folk as Vampires. Recently things have been shaky between the two dominant races, killings in several major cities en masse that showed signs of it being Vampiric in origin cropping up all around the US. Why it was localized just there was a mystery, though no other countries have yet to report any major outbreaks.

The final straw was soon broken, a city destroyed over night by a clan. The Compact all but broken as Vampires were essentially put on a very thin leash. Orders from the Covenant being sent out to execute any vampire for even the slightest offense, others that had a track record of being hostile were to be detained and executed should they resist. Tensions at all time high it's only a matter of time until all out war breaks out, vampire clans in the shadows ready to retake the world that was rightfully theirs to begin with.

Hello fellas. Been a while since I've really RP'd on this site. Already intending to rejoin an RP and join another, but I was also really looking forward to starting my first rolepay I made on this site. This roleplay is intended to have more dark themes, of course romance and such IS allowed but it's not going to be a focal point of the plot or the roleplay. Though by all means, romance adds nice drama to roleplays like this if done correctly so go for it.

Gist of the matter is standard RP rules apply. Godmoding, PP, etc. Keep it moderately lit with at-least a paragraph to a post. The only thing I'll ask for as well is a decent sheet, sheets that would fit into casual RP's instead of simple/free/one liner RP's.

Any questions, please feel free to ask me or @Wraithblade6, thank you!
@BlackPantherOfc mah dude
@KazemitsuWould depend on what kind of shifter you're going for here, personally.

Also going to get the main thread posted up later today so people can start working on characters~
Those feels when you forget to subscribe to your own thread..
I'll get to work on a character shortly, as the ones I intended to use/edit to use were denied.
Centuries ago long before man discovered electricity, cars, or any form of modern convenience humans were plagued by darkness mitigated by simple torch light. They feared the darkness, loathed it, surrounded themselves in cities with fortified walls and guards posted on every entrance and street. Was it the darkness they feared? No. They feared what was within, a deadly beast capable of ripping entire armies to shreds in mere minutes without a single scratch on their person. Their defenses were entirely useless against these creatures, creatures formally dubbed as Nosferatu; the unliving. These beasts took the forms of humans, blending into society should they so choose to pick their next meals stealthily, or forming mighty clans to tear asunder entire settlements overnight, leaving naught but scattered debris to show that it was ever there.

The Nosferatu outnumbered the humans greatly, a near 10:1 average, and that was simply growing day by day. It wasn't until humans began realizing certain things that they were weak against that they had any hope of survival, chances of fighting back. Silver, holy water, crosses bared by those with unwavering faith in the Lord, fire, blessed objects and iron, and other such items harmed or even killed them. Finally they had a fighting chance, and thus the initial order of vampire slayers known as The Covenant was formed. At first it was a small order of priests and able bodied men dedicated to the sole task of eradicating the Nosferatu, or at the very least hold their ground.

They did indeed manage to keep them at bay, if only slightly. Though there were far to few for them to hold out forever. The Nosferatu however weren't entirely stupid, no. They had intelligence, some sought peace, some didn't pursue the life their kin followed. Others, the Elders, foresaw that if they continued as they were that they would draw the humans to extinction relatively quickly. Thus a plan was formed, more sided with them than anything, to bring peace between the two races An agreement both dubbed The Blood Compact as well as signed with it between the two, dictating that so long as either side kept mass slaughter to a minimum that the attacks would cease. Nosferatu that broke the bylaws and attacked humans unprovoked or killed them would be subject to retribution by either the Elders, or humans themselves.

Of course the humans weren't so foolish that they turned down the proposal, instantly agreeing and thus setting in a new era of peace for them all. The Covenant didn't sit idly by however, training and gathering men to bolster their ranks all across the globe. After all, they would serve as the primary fighting force against the creatures, the primary defense against the human race.

Peace would, more or less, be held over the coming years. The Covenant would prevail as a task force even into the modern era, though getting much better kit than before. The Nosferatu would soon be commonly dubbed by them as well as common folk as Vampires. Recently things have been shaky between the two dominant races, killings in several major cities en masse that showed signs of it being Vampiric in origin cropping up all around the US. Why it was localized just there was a mystery, though no other countries have yet to report any major outbreaks.

The final straw was soon broken, a city destroyed over night by a clan. The Compact all but broken as Vampires were essentially put on a very thin leash. Orders from the Covenant being sent out to execute any vampire for even the slightest offense, others that had a track record of being hostile were to be detained and executed should they resist. Tensions at all time high it's only a matter of time until all out war breaks out, vampire clans in the shadows ready to retake the world that was rightfully theirs to begin with.

Hello fellas. Been a while since I've really RP'd on this site. Already intending to rejoin an RP and join another, but I was also really looking forward to starting my first rolepay I made on this site. This roleplay is intended to have more dark themes, of course romance and such IS allowed but it's not going to be a focal point of the plot or the roleplay. Though by all means, romance adds nice drama to roleplays like this if done correctly so go for it.

Gist of the matter is standard RP rules apply. Godmoding, PP, etc. Keep it moderately lit with at-least a paragraph to a post. The only thing I'll ask for as well is a decent sheet, sheets that would fit into casual RP's instead of simple/free/one liner RP's.

Any questions, please feel free to ask me or @Wraithblade6, thank you!
Hmm. Not sure what kind of character I wanna do :v
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