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    1. Simplicity 10 yrs ago


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“My shift ended at 16:00, sir. I’m working on an extra assignment given to me by Alpha Linville. There was a printing error in the New Information Department, and he gave me the job of collecting the misprinted copies. I’m to be back at the train station by 19:00, so if you’ll kindly excuse me,” explained the Beta.

Jacob was unsure if the man was telling the truth, but if he was, he figured it would be best to let him fix the issue. He didn’t need an Alpha on his case while he was training to be a Reaper.

“You are dismissed,” Jacob responded.

The man nodded respectfully and went his own way. Jacob watched him disappear into a bar, and he began to wonder what prints went to a bar. Omegas were busy distracting themselves with alcohol from the problems their lives posed, not reading at a bar. Then again, the pages the man spoke of could have been propaganda, but the State wasn’t worried about the Omegas. Propaganda or not, intensive security or not, the Omegas were the Omegas—a lame bunch of people who could barely keep their lives together. They posed no threat to the State, and therefore propaganda wasn’t as common in the Omega districts as it was in the Beta districts. Maybe the man was lying. But the databases would give Jacob his answer.

Rule 34, Section IV: The database is a tool given to all ranks of Reapers. In the case of your rank, Epsilon, you will have access to basic information about citizens, work shifts and hours, and a list of recent permissions. Use of this information for personal gain is strictly prohibited. The databases will be used to help protect the State from traitors and traitors solely.

"And a list of recent permissions."

If the man was telling the truth, Jacob would be able to verify his claims on the database. Jacob had a newfound sense of urgency in his weakened body.
Ana posted. I'm waiting for Owen to post.
Wolf said
Oh lol makes sense. Sarcasm doesn't translate well through text XD Sorry, I missed that

I am aware XD
I can never get sarcasm through online.
Wolf said Matthew was taken aback at the politeness of the Reaper’s tone.

It was actually a sarcastic comment (not polite!) XD
New post up :)

And the Beta man I stopped in Omega Quarters is you, Wolf. *Evil grin*
Jacob woke up to the sound of his alarm. Last night, he had set it to go off at the ungodly hour of 4:00 so that he could read his handbook before he went to basic training. Jacob crawled out of his bed and stayed in his sleep garments as he had four hours of sleep and wasn’t quite ready to do anything worthwhile. He made his way over to his desk where the cheaply made paper handbook was resting. Jacob opened up the book to page one and began reading.

Basic Training for Recruits:

The day after you receive this handbook is considered your first day of hell—basic training. You will make your way to the following address each morning for the next month and be there promptly at 8:00.

Omega Quarters
5572 Bronze CT 72063
Warehouse 237

Here you will practice how to collect information from others and use it to bring them down. You will learn how to observe a large crowd and identify people that may be involved in something. You will practice confronting individuals, and most importantly, you will learn how to serve the Golden State.

Flip to the next page to start the next section, an extended list of rules.

Jacob flipped the page to see that it started off with the Essential Four.

1. You have no rights. The Golden State has complete control over Reapers. By signing this paper you waive……

He continued to read the rest of the handbook.

When he finished, his clock read 7:00, leaving him plenty of time to get ready and walk to his training facility. Jacob put on a Reaper uniform (already in his closet), brushed his teeth, fixed his hair, popped in some contacts, and headed out the door for day one of hell.

When he arrived at the building, his watch read 7:48. He had arrived 12 minutes early. This’ll leave a good first impression, Jacob thought to himself. He entered through the back door of the warehouse, as per the instructions in the rulebook, and saw who he assumed to be Chief.

“Attending for basic training, Sir!” Jacob stated.

“You’re early. When you are early we have reason to suspect that you are not spending your time effectively. Rule 38. When a Reaper is not busy, he will spend his time either practicing his skills or analyzing data in the State’s database. You are early, implying that you were not using your time effectively. The 12 minutes that you arrived early are 12 minutes wasted. Your booklet read 8:00. That means exactly. Not a minute early, not a minute later. Do you understand?”

“Yes sir,” Jacob replied.

“Well with that we will begin basic training. Today you will go to hell and back, forcing your body to go to extremes for my own personal satisfaction. Today is the first step in proving that you are worthy for this position. Do you understand?” shouted Chief.

“Yes sir,” Jacob shouted just as loud.

And with that message of conformation, Jacob went to hell. For 7 hours he did nothing but exercise. No, not exercise. Training. He did hundreds of pushups, ran ten miles, performed hundreds of sit ups, ran another five miles, did basic hand to hand combat (losing each time), and vomited multiple times throughout the day. His arms and legs would’ve felt better if they were chopped off and his body was on the verge of lethal dehydration. His body had gone to hell and back but his brain was no more adapt in the skill of identifying suspicious individuals.

The remaining hour of the day consisted of building the body back up and preparing it for the next day; Jacob got to rest, eat, and drink while learning about the physical limits of the body.

“Today was not a day of learning. Today was not meant to benefit you. Reapers do more patrolling than physical work 99% of the times. Today was a day to prove to me that you are capable of becoming a Reaper. The next 6 days of basic training will be a repeat of today. If you can get through hell you will start mental training and awareness. You will learn how to handle situations and bring down those you don’t deserve a life in the State. You have done well today. You are dismissed.”

Jacob didn’t know if he was relieved or mortified. The day was over, but he still had to walk home carrying a body that could barely support itself. But Jacob had to get his shit together. This was all part of hell and he had to get through it. He lifted himself up and half walked, half crawled his way out the door. He managed to see a grin on Chief’s face on the way out.

The second he got out the door he collapsed. The time on his watch now read 16:30, and he had to get home fast if he wanted any sensible amount of sleep tonight. He once again pried himself off the dirt road, vomited once more, stood up, and fell right back into his vomit. There was no way he was going to get home. There was no way at all. His body was in hell and for all he knew he was already dead.

Chief walked out of the warehouse.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

“Sir my body is too weak. I can’t do this.” Jacob said weakly.

“Are you admitting defeat recruit?!”

“No sir.”

“Then get your ass off of this ground before I drop you from the ranks!” yelled Chief.

“Sir yes sir!”

The walk home was painful. The walk home was cruel. The walk home was hell. But this is what it took to become a Reaper. And Jacob needed to prove himself if he ever wanted to find out what happened to his parents. He needed to prove himself fast, and he needed to prove himself now after the pitiful demonstration outside the warehouse. But Jacob was considerably lucky. And this might be his chance.

Jacob saw a man, obviously not of Omega caste, wandering through the streets. It was 16:45 now, the man wasn’t from this caste, and he shouldn’t have been here. Jacob made his way over to the man.

“Excuse me sir. Would you be ever so kind as to tell me why a Beta is strolling through Omega streets during working hours?”
This role play is coming together nicely :)
”Lighten up James, it’s just a cave. Of course I’ll go with you to the cave. But shouldn’t we wait for Owen first? He said he wanted to hang out with us today,” Ana said.

“Ya, I guess we should wait for Owen. And it’s not just a cave Ana; it’s my cave. It’s the cave that I found.

With that final comment, Ana motioned for James to follow her. Together they walked back to her house. As James proceeded through Ana’s kitchen, Ana told James to stay put for a second as she went to change. In a minute, Ana was back out the door with a baby blue tank top and a pair of shorts (which were really short; perhaps they were too short for a 13-year-old.).

“We have to wait for Owen, so do you want to ride the horses? We finished training them last week. They’ll be ready for shows soon,” said Ana as James followed her towards the stables.

James walked into the stables and was taken aback by the sheer number of horses. They were at least 10 different horses, all different colors and shapes and sizes. They were majestic beasts, but terrifying to say the least. He knew Ana had trained them (and he didn’t doubt her), but James didn’t like any animal but a dog. Dogs, after all, were domesticated and small; horses were not. His fear was not going to stop him from getting on the horse, however. He couldn’t look wimpy in front of Ana.

“So which one am I going to ride?” asked James.

Ana pointed to a large, brown horse that was named Kyle and brought it out of the stables and into the pasture. James was just about to mount the horse, but Owen thankfully arrived and saved James from riding one of these things for another day.

“Hey guys! I’m not ruining anything am I?” yelled Owen. Owen knew James liked Ana but always had to put little hints in to try and get Ana to figure out. “What are you doing anyways?”

“I was about to ride one of Ana’s horses,—this one is Kyle by the way—but since you’re here, we can start our adventure. Instead of digging today I thought that we could take a break and explore a cave that I found in the forest. I know you think my nature path is silly and all, but Ana is up for it, so what do you say?”
I will post again tomorrow :)
Will post tomorrow :)
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