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    1. Snake Face 8 yrs ago


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5 yrs ago
Current @AmpharosBoy Elmer glue and gorilla jizz mixed together
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5 yrs ago
“A woman shouldn’t be reading (and writing). They start to think and get ideas and form opinions... It’s heresy.” (Puts on kevlar suit and hides in bunker, peeking through door slot.*
5 yrs ago
Some scientist from the overrated university of Harvard recently published a paper on men’s atypical love of large breasts on women. Yeah, flawed already. That’s not atypical. Just look at 3movs.
5 yrs ago
Ooh hustler! Now I can finally see what a vagina looks li-AH! OH MY GOD! AH-AH-AH! *Shoots up magazine then burns down the whole building*
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6 yrs ago
When you join an Anime chat group online and all it is is teenage girls with no life and thirsty dudes in their late twenties and no one actually wants to talk about Anime.


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January 11th, 2017, no one could have ever predicted the terrible disaster that would strike the great New York City at exactly seven P.M just ten days after the beginning of the new year.

In the late evening hours of January 11th, the millions of citizens in New York City were all blindsided when a chorus of explosions could be heard erupting throughout the city followed seconds later by a city wide blackout.
The entire city, metaphorically, froze on the spot.
The towering skyscrapers, the brightly lit streets, the luminous bill boards and big screens, all went black in an instant, that plus so much more.
However, though most of the city was blackened with darkness, several larger and more critical buildings such as city hall, the Empire State Building, the World Trade Center, and the many police stations, fire stations, and hospitals, as well as other more prominent buildings remained online due to temporary back up generators and emergency power supplies.

Despite this however, the carnage of power loss and miscommunication and misdirection began to billow up across New York City.
Within just an hour after the blackout the hospitals were already crowding out with patients, an equal balance of mild injuries and severe cases, and along with that, a death toll that already stretched well over two thousand.
This was all before chaos itself was unleashed.

At eight P.M, the few locations that still maintained power found their television screens and their radios broadcasting a message to them.
One that left their blood chilled and their hearts quivering.

Greetings New York...

The voice from the broadcast itself was distorted and scrambled into an echoey low pitch, due to the use of a modulator.
So no one new who it was that delivered the message.

Allow us to introduce ourselves, we are the Night Skulls, and this is our city now.
We are the very ones whom society chooses to distance itself from.
But now, we shall be society itself, as stated, this is our city now.
Dark City, where a new frontier and a new generation will be born and cultivated.
The United States Government and their military puppets have no place or right here anymore, this is our land now, and those who stand against us will be slaughtered without mercy.
This goes for citizens and dwellers of this city as well.
Everything here is ours and ours alone, we own everything now, even your lives, and we shall use it all and take it and grant it as we see fit.
We will not be stopped.
Join us, submit to us, or die.

That broadcast alone left the city speechless and terrified.
While many speculated it to be an empty terroristic threat, that was proven to be false when, on queue to the end of the broadcast, firefights, explosions, and mobs began lighting up across the city.
Angry mobs and bands of looters began raging throughout the dark streets of the now offline city of New York, initiating brawls, mass destruction, and looting and plundering now darkened homes and businesses and setting the streets ablaze with the fires of violence.

Thousands of police and SWAT units were dispatched in masse across the Big Apple, but it was too late to contain the chaos.
All they could do now was fight it and hope to quell it.
The paramedics, doctors, and other medical personnel were swamped with rescues and saving lives by the thousands while the fire brigades battle the raging infernos set ablaze by the mobs and looters.

All the while, swarms of dissidents in dark clothing adorned with black masks and bandanas are overrunning the streets, exchanging fire with the police and SWAT units.
While their weapons are mostly of civil design and model, they are still inflicting the law enforcement with heavy injuries and casualties, keeping them at bay, protecting their newly gained territory.
Others are raiding homes, businesses, and civic buildings, looting and stripping them of all value before torching them.
All through the streets and alleys there are black flags being raised and insignias and emblems are being painted across the buildings and walls, with the same designs on these terrorists masks and bandanas.
Those designs being grinning skulls of all variations.
For these terrorists who are seizing the city by force are the Night Skulls.

In Washington D.C., Congress and the President declare a state of emergency and dispatch the National Guard and the Coast Guard to set up a perimeter around New York City and carry forth efforts at evacuating innocents, securing the city, and putting down the Night Skulls and liberating the city.

The military are estimated to be in full position in the early morning hours and will begin operations on their official arrival.

With the city in chaos, the nation in a state of panic, and the international community gazing on in wonder, you must survive this hellish nightmare until order is restored.
This is a war zone, a chaos core, only the fit and the smart will survive.
No policies nor laws nor activism will protect you, only your strength and your wits will grant you your life.

Survival of the fittest.


You are a citizen of New York City.
Maybe your a policeman, a fireman, or an accountant, or a school teacher, it's up to you.
You will immediately find yourself swirling through the whirlpool of chaos that has swallowed up the Big Apple.
Facing looters, fires, rioters, and sooner or later the dreaded Night Skulls.
The whole city is offline and totally dark, with a few exceptions as far as major civil buildings and businesses go.
The National Guard and the Coast Guard both are inbound but won't begin conducting operations within the city until sometime tomorrow, forcing you to brave the first night with only yourself and the shambling local law and rescue forces to rely on, if even that.
You will have to utilize all of your skills and instincts to have a prayer of survival.
No one knows how long this anarchic state in New York City will endure, so you must be prepared for the worst.

The Night Skulls, no one within the last two to three hours could tell you anything about them, who are they are, where they came from, or how numerous they are.
Or if they were the ones responsible for the blackout, though for obvious reason everyone believe that they are the culprits.
They are all adorned in common clothing that is dark colored, meaning black, gray, brown, and navy blue.
The only thing identifying them is the black masks and bandanas that they all are wearing that are imprinted with different skull face designs.
They are even now storming throughout Manhattan and the surrounding city districts and neighborhoods, gunning down and murdering civilians in masse, firing on and skirmishing with the police and SWAT units, and looting and pillaging homes, businesses, and civic buildings.
They are raising black flags emblemed with skulls like those on their masks and are painting the same designs on buildings and walls, indicating that this is their city now.
They are well equipped, coordinated and organized, brutal, and unpredictable.
The Night Skulls themselves are an NPC faction-group.
This is because, well, let's just say I have a deep sinister sidewinding plot wrote and planned out for them and don't need it being altered, compromised, or shared.
Sorry for the slight bummer, chums.


RULES1. No metagaming, godmodding, spamming, trolling, raging, flaming, or any kind of cheating or crude conduct whatsoever.

2.Each player may have a maximum of 2 primary characters active at once.If one or both of your characters dies then you can create a new one at any time.But you may have ONLY TWO ACTIVE AT ONCE.

3. No one liners whatsoever. At all.I'm not demanding every post to be an essay, no, but let's keep it at the very least casual.A minimum of one paragraph per post. So let's say 6-8 sentences.

4.After a week(7 days) of inactivity you will be removed from the roster, i.e. murdered by the Night Skulls.
However, I am a very understanding person.If something comes up let me know and we'll work something out so you can stay in the RP and partake.

5. No back-to-back posts, if you need to add something in just edit your first post then let everyone know here in the OOC.

6.Overall though you may only have 2 primary characters you can virtually have unlimited secondary characters.(Within reason please.Don't take this out of context.)

7. No killing each other's characters without granted permission please from your opponent.

Any other questions?Just ask! :D




Standard Character Sheet

(Attention!The following classes are not permitted, ergo you cannot apply as them; Current Active Military, however ex-military is fine,no kind of Politicians, not even a city council member, no Organized Criminal of any kind, no Mafia, Triads ect.)

Police Character Sheet

SWAT Unit Character Sheet

Fire Fighter Character Sheet

Mercenary Character Sheet
Coming Soon!

Contract Killer/Hitman Character Sheet
Coming Soon!
That works! And yes, that was my idea :) @Snake Face

Alright great, I'll get a custom CS to you tomorrow. ^.^
@Snake Face A knight works fine. I would still like him to be in charge of a company of mercenaries though -- 300-500 strong. Is that alright?

Ehhh let's say around 200, there weren't many large scale mercenary armies in England at this time I don't think, so yes 200-250.Is that okay?
Be mindful that any men you lose can be replenished by recruiting.
Say, I bet the Welsh, Irish, or the upcoming Baron's Alliance could use a small mercenary unit amongst their ranks.
Hello, would it be possible/acceptable to play as a German Mercenary Lord?

If your going to do a mercenary I would rather him not to have a title, preferably something like a knight or a landsknecht, a man of lower status who is not but a simple sell sword.
Other than the title thing yes I would accept that.

The sky was dark and grim, storm clouds that were so deeply gray they could pass for black were rolling across the heavens at a swift and menacing pace.
The low canter of thunder rumbled overhead and flashes of lighting could be seen streaking across the dark clouds above in the distance.
A light misty rain drizzled down below onto the massive marching column that was the first of many English armies that would be attacking the insurgent Welsh people who dared stand against the King of England.

This grand army was lead by none other than Sir Rodney Ambrose himself.As for their destination; it would be Montgomery, one of the wealthiest and largest cities in Wales.
In numbers the entire army itself added up to 2,500 men, a grand mixture of militia men levied from numerous towns and cities, seasoned soldiers and veterans, wealthy noble class knights and men-at-arms, and conscripted peasants.

As far as units and classes went, there was roughly an equal balance of calvary, archers, and infantry.
It was overall a well rounded and organized force led by one of England's more experienced and notorious commanders.
Along with his own leadership, Sir Rodney also had a number of his own hand picked lieutenants and captains to directly command the many units and divisions amongst the army, with he himself providing each commander with their own orders to follow and relay to their men.

They marched in a designed and well planned column formation.
The infantry, such as the spearmen, the dismounted knights, the peasants, the pikemen, the militia, and so forth all marched out in front.
The calvary all moved in tow behind them, with Sir Rodney and his officers to the front of the calvary formation.
The archers were the only foot soldiers to take up the rear, marching in their own designated formation.
The supply wagons all were all dead last, and were in a single file line, with several mounted knights riding alongside them as escorts.

The plan for attack was simple, they would march on Montgomery and lay seige to it tonight, cutting it off from the rest of Wales.Come morning they would sally forth and attack and seize the mighty city swiftly and mercilessly, catching Llewelyn off guard and setting back his intended offensive efforts, and forcing Wales onto the defensive side.
Nothing could go awry, their spies said that Montgomery was modestly defended, with less than a thousand Welsh soldiers guarding it.

Rodney was adorned in the finest armor his money could buy.
It was a full plate suit of armor that had a silvery tint to it and the crest of England on the breastplate.
It was sturdy enough to defend from a stout attack, but not too cumbersome that it would restrict movement.
His weapon was a masterly crafted short sword made by the finest smith in London.

His horse was a chestnut that he called Brunner, after his mentor who had died when Rodney was still but a young squire.
Brunner was fast, reliable, and disciplined, a horse of every knight's desire.

The two together made an inspiring image to bolster the spirits of the men around them as they marched on to war on this dark looking day no less.

The men's armor, wether it be pads, leather, or chain mail or plated armor, was moist and dropped water from the light drizzle that had accompanied them for almost an hour now.
The ground, though not muddy nor sludgy, was still slick and slightly slippery, forcing the men, horses, and wagons alike to move at a slow walking pace.

The air was filled with the sound of thunder, drizzling rain, the pinging of water on metal, and the slow rumbling of thousands of men and horses walking in pace together.

Sir Rodney had his helmets visor raised, revealing his face to be slick and his beard dribbled water from it.
He looked up at the ominous clouds above.

What troubles thee Father God, do you not wish that we reach Wales?Have you chosen to favor them?Do you seek to deter us or simply dishearten us?If so, then you shall do neither.
He thought spitefully to himself and himself only.
He dared not to speak such a phrase aloud though, for he would then be believed to be a heretic or server of Satan.
Despite what the clergy and the common man alike believed, Rodney believed that a man mastered his own fate, that no god nor phropechy determined his destiny.
There was no such thing as destiny even, only selective and influenceable progress into the future.
Gods were merely patrons watching from the seating.

Rodney returned his gazed forward as his army trudged onward toward their destination, Montgomery.
We shall write our own tales.He thought to himself.

It was a pleasant day in Wales, likewise to England.
The bright, glowing sun shined down upon the mighty castle that was the capital of the Welsh government known as Caernavon.
The surrounding village and farms were equally kissed by the sun's golden rays.To the far west the Irish Sea glimmered and sat in a calm and non-turbulent state, the waves gently lapping against the sands and rocks of the Welsh Coast.
The towering mountains to the east were equally touched by this beautiful day with the sun illuminating them and making them look almost enchanted.

Sir Faramir Godfreyy, trusted commander and brave knight of Wales, stood along the western wall of the castles' portcullis, his arms crossed and his deep gaze pivoting from the mountains to the village to the sea, and then back again.
He did not ware his armor nor his chain mail, but a moderate looking gray tunic and dark brown leather boots to match.
His long hair was loose hanging and free across his shoulders, and his beard was, though neatly cut, a bit unkempt looking.
As he had no intentions of going anywhere today, he saw no reason in preening himself just to stay at home with nought to do.

God certainly smiles on Wales today,He thought, as he straightened his posture,now may he only smile upon us in battle.

Faramir turned away from the wall only to see an approaching man servant, hurrying forward, as if fearing Sir Faramir would break and run.
As he closed in he board deeply, before raising up to address the knight.

"Lord Faramir,"He spoke,"His Majesty wishes for you to join him in the training grounds later this afternoon."

Faramir nodded slightly and firmly asked,"Why?Did he say?"
The servant nodded and replied,"He needs all of his generals and commanders present for a final evaluation of the troops as well as a meeting in the war room afterwards."

No doubt for planning our first move,Faramir thought.
"Very well,"He said,"tell His Majesty I will be there post haste this afternoon."

"There is one other thing, sir, Sir Alden Sariwyth requests your presence in the training area within the hour, something about a rematch he said."The servant stated.

Faramir groaned in his mind.
That devil just never is satisfied.Tis a wonder he's not the greatest knight in all of Britannia with as much time as he spends in that yard.
"Very well, tell him I'll be there directly."He said.

The servant nodded and briskly departed Faramir's presence.

Faramir cast one final gaze toward the sea before turning and halfheartedly walking to his chamber to prepare himself for the inevitable spar in the training yard with Alden.
Ok, I had an idea for a Scottish character, but I think i'll be swapping it out for an English Lord.

Understood, I'll get a CS to you shortly.
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