Avatar of Sodie Pop
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 124 (0.05 / day)
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    1. Sodie Pop 7 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Love with your heart. Use your head for everything else.
7 yrs ago
...fizzles and pops as sodie pops are wont to do!
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The Sodie Pop
  • likes high fantasy.
  • likes D&D and Pathfinder.
  • totally rolls some dice.
  • plays MTG.
  • is older than some yet younger than others.

Most Recent Posts

@Deathsong12 :( Not giving us magic peeps details.
Got delayed with doing chores. Still working on a reply offsite and it's a lengthy one since it's setting up exposition and motives.
I should get my post up after work. I have another reply off site that I need to do first though.
@Shmektheshmuck my bro has been on my ps4 every day. PC superior race.
@Shmektheshmuckperhaps. I haven't played in a hot minute. Generally play Neverwinter or ffxiv, but mmos have been on the back burner recently.
Great. She didn't completely think that far, being a spur of the moment sort of thing. She could improvise, however!

"Yes, I was told that a human with a sapphire ring would be so inclined..." Frau S trailed. She lowered her head, looking solemn. "As I warned, the task is nothing pleasant. Revenge, cold and cruel, I seek, and I have not the authority to perform it myself. My brother was a fool and allowed himself to be murdered. Though I cared little for Fray, it is a matter of pride nonetheless!"

She needed to get them moving!

Frau S walked at a slow pace, back towards the town. "Come, we shall convene at the inn!"

It would give her time to formulate further. She wasn't sure how fooled she had everyone, but at the very least, they were buying it to an extent or just goofing with her. Maybe she could get more people—

The dark elf bursted out laughing, stuttering out between breaths, "P-porca vacca!" She couldn't help it—for she saw a pale human girl dancing like a total lunatic, not awfully far from them. She wasn't good, per se, but that did not stop Vulenn in the least.

Well, that ended her "quest" for sure.

Assuming that everyone will follow. ._.;;
I think I fixed all my typos.

I'm almost done my response.
I also like to rp in Neverwinter Online. I play as a blind drow. Hurrrr.
@Shmektheshmuck Of 'course you'd say all that with a happy face. Ya durned fool. D:
@medalliahNighty night, girl. -salutes-
"You mean that quest Icon?"

When Snow White also said the word "quest", she said began pacing again. "I have a task needing tact and," she paused as before, "moral flexibility. What say you, human?"

She was so happy that Lily picked up on her goal so quickly. Likely because she's done this before in other games.

Jon cleared his throat, "thou art indeed wrong, m'lady, for I am of strong and dexteritous birth, thou should have thinkt oppositely for our trio of power ist the greatest among the warriors of this world!" a blatant Shakespearean lie, he was one of many swashbucklers in this town alone, "gave us thy quest and we will complete it in the quickest way." he continued, Jon nearly tripped over his feet but his words stayed fluent.

When he said the word "quest" she repeated what she first said to him, stating that he was not properly geared. But added, "The sapphire marks the worthy."

Edit for ret-con with @Shmektheshmuck post below.

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