Avatar of SomethingClever
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 31 (0.01 / day)
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    1. SomethingClever 9 yrs ago


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I'm really just no good at these, so I'm going to do this the only way I know how.
Name: You may call me something...or clever (puns completely intended) or just thing I guess.
Gender:female, though I probably don't act it most of the time.

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RPer Name: SomethingClever
Female HUMAN name: Wendi Thorne
Demon Name: Dalor
Age: 21
Apartment Number:6
Family Position: Oldest of 4 in an adopted well-off home.
This sounds pretty interesting
Todd had thought of jumping in, but it wasn't quite his style. Plus it looked like his help wasn't needed. He took note of the harasser's faces and to get them back later. Getting back at people is easy. Dealing with the principal however is tedious."Well i'm out." Before he left he caught a glimpse of a fox girl biting one of the guys. Todd laughed and thought Gotta look out for that one. He wore a big smirk as he started to walk.
@Slypheed@Otome Otaku@AcetheKidd@caliban22@NekoJordan@Lady Athena

Ever still showed no emotion on his face. However his tail swished back and forth when she smiled. "Mornin'." He got up off the floor and turned towards her. He took a moment to find the right words. "Fascinating, exquisite and despairing." Everett tilted his head as he looked at her. She was even more attractive up close. "I'm Everett."
Everett found what he was looking for alone on stage. He stood there for a moment from stage left not wanting to interrupt her. The song almost physically hurt, but he didn't want it to stop. He watched as the mysterious snake girl seemed to be trying to reach out to a crowd who wasn't there. The thought to Ever seemed very lonely. He wanted so much to try and comfort her, but he thought it would be rude to intrude on her performance. So Everett very quietly walked across the stage just out of eyesight and sat down next to her. Not quite touching her, he kept silent until the end of her song.

'Of course.' Todd was slightly irritated at the interruption. He had never dealt with competition very well. He quickly recovered and held out his hand to Cosette."Nice to meet you. My name would be Todd." The bear girl seemed to be incredibly shy. He noted to find her later when there wasn't many people around. She might not appreciate being called out in front of a group. He wasn't sure what to think about the twins yet. However until he figured it out he was determined to try and ignore them.
@Slypheed @Otome Otaku@AcetheKidd
^^ Welcome aboard!
Both boys perked their ears up as a song reached them. Everett letting his curiosity get the better of him decided to find where it came from. "Later." was all he said before he took off in the same general direction. Ever had fixated his senses to finding whatever it was making the song. He was sure he would find it eventually.

Todd being left behind shrugged. He made note to ask Ever about his adventure later. He continued to meander down the halls. Todd was starting to become agitated at just how dull everything was and wished he had followed Ever to wherever. Then he saw something that made his day. Two cute girls in the same place! A shy bear girl trying to...hide? And a cute cat girl looking like she was thinking about something good. "Hello ladies, how are you this fine morning?" He put on his most charming smile and hoped for the best.
@AcetheKidd Is there a posting order?
@Hawlin I don't mind editing if that would help.
Spending the majority of the evening in the forest, Otelia was having a wonderful time. At this time she was storing away what she had into her pouches and enjoying the weather. Many wanderers had passed by and people watching was one of her favorite past times. Not everyone who wanders into this place leaves though. Most of the time it wasn't even her fault, the forest is just a dangerous place in general. She wasn't the only person to hide, and then there's the wildlife. Most of the animals don't like humans. She completely understood where they were coming from, but there was the occasional intruder who caught her attention.

On one particular instance, a dark elf had actually trekked through the forest. She watched him as he moved on towards the village, though he didn't seem to be bothered by anything. Otelia thought as he went out of sight "Oh, the villagers are going to love him!" Thinking of the village she realized it was getting late and she should head back. In the mornings villagers tell her stories while she prepares their medication. Most are stories of valiant efforts whilst in a drunken stupor. Looking for her next source of entertainment Otelia waved to random locals as she entered the village.
I'm really excited for this to take off!
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