Avatar of Sprokkelhout


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7 mos ago
Current Well, it’s been five years it seems, but I’m ready to get back into the action!
5 yrs ago
What do you call a German online weapons store? Kriegslist
7 yrs ago
This world is blessed to have baby elephants in it.
7 yrs ago
TT night here in Assen was the tits omg. Burnt rubber and AC/DC; fuck yeah.
7 yrs ago
My second dnd character also made two orcs explode, after which she cooked part of one to near perfection. One party member refused to eat. 'That's fine. I'm not mad. Whatever. '



Gonna use this for a quick overview of my rp interests. People can pm me at any time, really.
- 1x1's only, unless it's a group rp with a really small amount of people and not too fast-paced.
- Fantasy, both modern and otherwise
- Action, love it
- Adventure, yaaaaas
- Horror, though not all kinds of it. I do love the supernatural stuff, though
- I'm not very good at sci-fi, but willing to try if you're okay with me not being great at it.

Most Recent Posts



Updated the OP. Added a few new plot ideas under 'Other things I find interesting'
Yeah, Neil is there already
@Piddle i meant to anyone else reading it. everyone is always looking for a reason to be offended nowadays.

Can't help but feel that depends a lot on what parts of the internet you frequent, if I'm honest; I hear many people say it, but so far I've yet to encounter many people that are that easily offended.
<Snipped quote by Piddle>

Neither D'ren nor the Tommy-rip-off answers to anyone so...good luck with that.

Yeah no, Tommy Shelby is the first canon character I've ever watched on screen that I can very much relate to, wish I was like in real life, but would NEVER touch his character, or any of the other most well-developed, multi-faceted characters in the history or television, certainly Netflix.

The RP would be like a small rival gang just outside of Birmingham that cannot quite compete with the Shelbys, Solomons, or wops (get offended, i dont care XD)

Good luck to you more like; wether they get along with the other leader-type drug-smugglers or not certainly ain't Neil's problem. The less everyone can get along and function as a team, the higher his chances of doing what he wants to.

Yeah, the characters simply are too well-written; I think I'd fuck up every single one of them :')

Ah that sounds cool.
(the fuck should I be offended about? sorry gonna have to dissapoint you there)
I'd say it's a good idea to discuss the hierarchy of the smugglers. It'd make more sense IC if everyone knows who they answer to, I think.
Neil can definitely not be trusted with any form of leadership; he'll just use it to further his own agenda.

@Infamous Empath
Ah that's a shame. I personally wouldn't join a Peaky Blinders RP that uses the canon characters, in all honesty, but I'd definitely be game for one that basically uses the 'universe' so to speak.
A remake of an old-fashioned tallship could also be cool; I know a few that offer 'internships' of sorts. Basically; as a tourist you pay to sail along, and you can also become part of the crew and learn how to sail a ship like that.
That would allow for a more traditional type of deckhand as well.
Though the downside of that would be that a 'cruise' of that kind doesn't fit everyone, so a regular cruiseship makes it easier for other people to join in, I think
Thomas Shelby <33
Fucking love that show

Name: Neil Vanderzee
Nickname: //
Age: 26
Personality: Pretty selfish and one hell of a survivor. Sometimes people do get under his skin, but you're actually far better off not being someone he cares about. Bad things tend to eventually happen to those.
He's got a sharp wit and enjoys a bit of sarcastic banter.
Backstory: Started out just running drugs as a way to make some quick and easy cash, but got caught in the net of one of the big dogs. Now that guy practically owns him and this is life now. Neil wants out, however, and is willing to do nearly anything for that to happen.
Additional Information: If you do want to read more about him instead of letting the rp reveal it, you can always check my character thread.
He's with the drug lads

Name: Johnny O'Marten
Nickname: Johnnyboy
Age: 22
Personality: Idealistic, upbeat, a tad rebellious, very social and with a positive mindset. Johnny tends to oversimplify things sometimes, resulting in him coming up with solutions that might lack complexity. The flipside of this is that he is good at making split-second decisions, where overthinking it isn't an option.
Backstory: A young and gifted tattoo artist from London, Johnny was simply on the ship to be on holiday for once and not take work everwhere he went. Which didn't work as planned, as he was still sketching daily on that boat, as to not get rusty.
Additional Information: Again; his sheet in my char thread can be read for those that wish to know more about him.
He's a passenger
Adrian Brunfaire, a gentle mage

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