Avatar of Stein


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4 yrs ago
I heard Lord Wraith does off-brand car commercials in Japan.
6 yrs ago
Vanjie......Vaaaanjie. VAAAAANNNJIE!
8 yrs ago
Silly me silly me, for tuttling like we could make something beautifully. And the hands of my man, dusted in bedlam and false promises --while I delved in with love abundances
8 yrs ago
Ooops....where did the time go and it's the Holidays?
9 yrs ago
Surprise bitches, betcha thought you'd seen the last of me


I think I'll come back to this relatively soon...but then again, knowing me, I probably won't.

I guess the main point of this is to say: damn, I was gone for over a year from this place. I spent a good bit of inconsistent time on Iwaku, but I kinda missed my roots and the place I originally called home.

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Simone Lucille Melancon

April 15th, 1968 | 17 | African-American
Single | Female | Asexual


R E L A T I O N S H I P T O V A N E S S A / C H A R A C T E R S Y N O P S I S

When Simone transferred to Mathers Memorial High, Vanessa was assigned to be her school buddy. Effectively, Vanessa was supposed to be a walking resource guide for Simone to help her transition into a new school. A new school where she was one of a handful of other minorities. About a dozen of them black. Simone had no expectations when she first met Vanessa. From the tail end of her time in Louisiana, she was wary of one-on-one time with white people. Her aunt that she was staying with told her the North was different from the South in some ways, and these were one of them.

Where Vanessa was friendly, Simone was glacial at first. But there’s something about how the “othered” in society seem to congregate. It’s auspicious and fortuitous, yet only noticeable in hindsight. Though Simone didn’t explicitly know about Vanessa’s “condition,” she was able to feel the solidarity from someone who’s also felt their body on display—their personhood and humanity reduced to fears, misinformation and prejudice. Simone just assumed she was queer and accepted the burgeoning honesty before her, as they began interacting more.
It was in that act of acceptance that Simone began to find a great friend and confidant. She and Vanessa began spending more time together outside of school, but always in the construction district or somewhere equally abandoned where Simone could do her runs.

A B I L I T I E S, L I M I T A T I O N S & W E A K N E S S E S
A B I L I T I E S, L I M I T A T I O N S & W E A K N E S S E S
H Y P E R H U M A N A B I L I T Y || P S I O N I C P R O J E C T I O N

Simone’s hype-gene allows her to manipulate and condense her psychic energy to manifest physical entities on this plane. When manifested fully, they are materialized beings that can interact with (carry, push, throw, break, etc.) objects and people, as well as relay sensory/mental information back to Simone. The manifestations can move based on mental commands given to them by Simone.

Along with being tangible to the physical world, her projections are also visible to the naked eye. The projections and formations most often look like hard light with a purple aura about them.

Simone’s most notable (and so far, only) projection is a 7-foot, humanoid projection. Or, more aptly, a manifestation of a shared childhood imaginary friend between her and Miles—Fitz.

L I M I T A T I O N S || M A N I F E S T A T I O N, C O M M A N D, T I M E

Manifestation: Simone is limited in only generating Fitz. And even then, fully generating Fitz would take an enormous mental toll on Simone. The required psychic energy and manipulation to maintain such a form requires strength and finesse from Simone’ brain that would leave her brain dead at this point.
Simone will also be unable to generate full-Fitz at a smaller size. This stems from the wealth of emotion tied to Fitz and Miles over the course of her life. Simone’s emotions act as a catalyst/bonding agent to his psionic abilities. And currently, Simone is not skilled enough to filter or limit how much of that is sunk into his manifestation, preventing the construct from being condensed physically. It’s like an all-or-nothing principle in terms of his size.

Simone’s limitation in generating only Fitz right now is due to the fact that she’s familiar with Fitz. Simone shares a strong mental connection and impression with the imaginary friend, resulting in “psychic mapping” of Fitz on a subconscious level. The more familiar Simone is—not just factually but emotionally— with what she’s projecting, the stronger it manifests.

In the early phases of her ability development, in lieu of bringing forth a fully formed Fitz each time, Simone is projecting pieces of Fitz. Put simply, Simone uses her psionic abilities to manifest portions of Fitz’s body for different uses. (I.E. Fitz’s fist to throw a punch or bring an object out of reach; Fitz’s arm to block an incoming attack; Fitz’s ear to hear a conversation farther away.)

Command: Simone will only be able to control Fitz within a 30-foot radius. A fully formed Fitz doesn’t have to be in her line of sight to continue existing. However, in these early stages, if Simone wants to know what Fitz is up against and wants to obtain sensory information, it requires Simone closing her eyes and concentrating, leaving her vulnerable.

Simone can command manifested body parts within a 45-foot radius and they can leave her line of sight. However, once they leave her line of sight, even if she concentrates—unless the body part manifested is a sensory object (eyes or ears for now), she won’t get more than general information about its surroundings. So, say she sends a projected hand around the corner, she won’t be able to see through it because she perceives the hand only as a hand. She’s not familiar with the hand in terms of gaining information outside of tactile signals.

Time: Simone cannot manifest any psionic energies indefinitely. In fight-or-flight, survival mode, she can keep a full Fitz active for 12 minutes fully idle, 9 minutes simply walking around/doing menial tasks, and 4 minutes doing vigorous activity.

With normal concentration at her early stages, Simone can keep body parts active for about 5-10 minutes, depending on the complexity of their actions, total. If she goes past that time limit, she’ll find himself suffering migraines and nausea.

W E A K N E S S E S || C O N C E N T R A T I O N

Concentration: It probably goes without saying that Simone needs to concentrate a bit to bring her manifestations forth. Though they don’t take all of her concentration after being formed, any significant break in her concentration will cause them to dissipate. So while she could probably take holding a conversation or even being hit by a punch head-on, sucker punches/strikes and surprise attacks or sharp pains easily break her concentration.
By extension, abrupt or sharp loud sounds not only cause her to let go of her projections, but they can also render her incapable of forming projections for a little while after. Alarms, unsuspecting train horns and the like can even put her out of commission for a short while.

So uhhh, this would be a bad time to ask to flip my characters gender, huh?
Just when I was about to say #CrestwoodTooWhite.

Y'know, if you left, that would help tone down the whiteness.

But that's just me spitballing ideas off the dome.
<Snipped quote by King Kindred>

I really think we can make it to regionals this year

As long as we keep your ass out of Alto section
Lemme slide on up in dis bih

I'll have a faceclaim, misc details and stuff soon.


Okay fine, I'm in.
And let's kick this Saturday off with the first Baal post of the second season!! Hot of the press and giving you an inside look to your favorite god-musician in the Absolute-verse.

XoXo, Stein

Issue 2.01 – The Book of Baal LP - All Falls Down

The Thunder’s Call: Break the Mold

By Arturo Rodriguez

The last time we ran a “Break the Mold” segment, our readers got an exclusive look into JAY-Z’s 8th rap album “The Black Album.” The multi-millionaire rap artist-turned business mogul, turned political activist, turned arts patron was more than happy to let us into his home. In the process, we got an intimate view on foundation that built rap’s HOVA.

This time, I get to take a seat with Baal, the artist who’s on track to save the world. His meteoric rise as an activist and hero is second only to his meteoric impact in the music industry, and in his own words, his “throbbing, fucking ego.”

It’s an ego which can be felt as soon as I walk into the waiting area of his studio. 4 portraits of him adorn the walls. The lavish explosion of color, richness of texture, dramaticism of his poses are all further accentuated by the wall housing them, marble of an ivory white. Readers, if you find this impressive, I won’t even get started on the mural in his main hall.

More on that, later.

Because Baal himself is an inviting host. He’s surprisingly candid from the intense demeanor his outside appearance gives. No formal wear, just a black shirt and white pants. His signature lightning bolt chain--of course--accompanied by splayed arms and a smile. In the interview coordination phase, it “slipped” how much I’d followed the new musicians rise. I was already a dire fan. I asked about what he was working on and in response my audio recorder short-circuited. Baal apologized for his excitement, ushering me into his studio and promised me a brand new one. After one glorious hour, listening and experiencing the next wave Baal has up his sleeve (I’m under oath to say mum about it), I was taken to his sky deck.

En route, we passed an art studio, study room and a few rooms, but the Man of the Hour wasn’t interested in showing off the grandeur of his home. He was more interested in telling the stories that birthed the art pieces in his home.

I’ve been thinking and, I promise this will be all I say on anything outside the music, but if you think about it--your message is essentially to save the world through Art, Unity and Action.

“Yeah. I guess you’re right. Holy Trinity, if you will.”

You don’t mince words or shadow your ego in a veneer.

“Why should I? If you don’t know your worth, if you haven’t proved it to yourself, how will you to anyone else? If I can’t live up to the hype, the world will know soon enough.”

On the topic of hype, Baal’s first album, “By Divine Rite” scored a 99 on Metacritic. It’s a feat almost unheard of by rap-focused albums. It’s garnered him rightful critical and popular appeal.

After hearing your samples from “The Book of Baal,” I have to say it’s a vastly different sound, sprinkled with deliberate nuances. But I might be even more excited for this album than BDR.

“Come now, love. It’s almost like you’re trying to make me blush. Takes more than that, but I appreciate it.”

How do you think the rest of the world will feel? Will they respond well to the new direction?

“‘Course they will. Have you heard the sound, the bravado of the album? Did you listen to the soundscapes? It’s likely to become the album of the summer, one of the albums of the year.”

There’s...not an ounce of doubt in your voice. You won’t even feign humility or some shadow of doubt, will you?

“Please, SparkArt. When you’re as good as I am--”

Baal paused as this point. It was the first I’d experience of the man looking surprised. I inquired, and he shook his head. There was a wistful tilt to his head as he said “Just a...just a wave of deja vu.”

You were saying...

“Right. When you’re as good as I am, this is humble. I see no point, pretending to be smaller than I am because some pruned feathers might be ruffled. Mortals have such a short life, why spend it pretending? Pretending to be lesser than you are, greater than you are. Be who you are, find your truth.”

Mortals? You say it as if you aren’t one.

[Continued on next page.]
Excerpt from IMPACT’s Fall Volume, Special Edition

“Mortals?” Baal read, “You say it as if you aren’t one.” The sky god chuckled, dropping the magazine onto his armchair.
Raindrops ran down the wall of window he looked out of, blurring the flecks of light that dotted the Seattle cityscape. It was no London, but it was a good substitute on nights such as these. “Well,” Baal asked, “what’s your verdict now, SparkArt?”

The figure in his bed slid from the silk pool of sheets that stained beige by the city lights. “Hmm, I’m not sure. You’re definitely something, alright.” Jimmy wound his hand around Baal’s arm, shivering next to him. “All I can say for sure is you’re a shockingly good space heater.” Arturo smirked at the sky god. The patter of raindrops turned his gaze toward the cityscape. “Do you ever think about it? That day in New York?”

Baal resisted the urge to tense up. ’Don’t be like the rest of them, James. Don’t be daft.’ Baal thought to himself. But he answered. “Not really, no.”

Art motioned him back to the bed. “Really? The entire world was holding it’s breath. Waiting to see how New York would come out of this. If the rest of us were next. How does that not sit with you?”

Baal felt the chill from before. Before this realm. The way The Great Darkness billowed like a forming maw, tendrils snapping to attach to his limbs. The way it dragged him back. That damn cold. The only time he’d ever felt cold. “Because I’ve sat with worse.”

“Why?” Arturo pressed. “Why don’t you like mentioning your work as a hero? It’s a good thing, you know.”

“Because, Spark-Art. I’m not a good person. And that’s not why I’m here—”

“By that logic, why are any of us here?” Arturo threw his hands in the air, falling back into the plush of white pillows on the bed.

“Look, Spark-Art. I don’t know why you all are here. But, I’m not here for that: to be a good person and the heroics. It’s because your lot is shite at it. That Wonder Woman? If she’s your world’s posterchild for heroes, you all need to go blind then.” Baal turned to Arturo finally, slid into bed and pressed the journalist down. “But if that’s the case, I’m thinking I can leave you with some sights and sensations you won’t forget.”

Art flipped himself so he straddled the sky god. The sky god gave the mortal a taste of what he’d been too afraid to admit he’d been waiting for: Baal let sparks dance across his skin, run up Arturo’s arm. Arturo’s tan skin shivered and Baal lifted himself, carrying Arturo to the window and pressing the reporter’s head against the glass.

“Oh? How’d you know I was ready for round 2?”

Baal kissed down Arturo’s neck, glancing toward the skyline once more, noting a growing glint in the night. “Let’s just say there was a spark in your eye.” They both chuckled before Arturo let slip a moan and Baal ran his hand down the mortal’s torso.

“Well Mr. Baal, can you do that thing with your tongue again—”

Baal tensed, his grip tight on Art’s neck.

“Baal? You’re hurting m—”

The sky god’s grip became steel around Arturo one instant. The next, Art’s body was flung across the room, toward the door. He hit the marble floor, his skin tugging against the cold surface. The mortal looked up just in time to see a portion of the glass wall shatter, flames lick the panes and radiate outward, an explosion! With Baal’s silhouette right in the epicenter.
Sample post pending, here's my app. The storm's about to get wild in here.


Accepted. Granted I'm not a GM. But I've accepted it and that's all that matters.

XoXo Gossip Girl
I do not understand.

We can reimagine canons as it were them, and then we plot out our own stories which is like writing issues numbered one through three like distribution of comic books, and in deep enough we participate in crossover and world-affecting crisis. I mean shoot man, what exactly do I not understand?

Hey hun, I think this might have been a message for just Wraith? So just shoot him a PM.
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