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    1. stickman 10 yrs ago


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After Javier had posed his question a few seconds passed. When he started to check out the room the reply came.

When he asked who she was and what she did however, she only had one answer for him, "Who I am and what I do...is none of your fucking business..." All the while she paid him no further mind, fiddling about with her iPhone yet pausing when she heard the man's phone sound in his pocket. "You got a message by the way.... Might wanna check it...Senor Morales...or should I say...Corporal?"

The twig-like girl didn't even look up from her phone or his way when talking to him. Apparently she was a bit antisocial. And suddenly his phone went off. Well, this is weird... How does that little thing know my name. Javier got the HTC smartphone out of his inside suit pocket. He unlocked the phone and at that moment a moving picture of a mantis flew on the screen. Always hungers, never starves? So this was her, the bug, the phone, the cybercriminal. Then his phone probably was useless now. As soon as the screen turned blue Javier knew enough. He took the phone in his right hand and threw it against a wall as hard as he could. Upon hitting the wall, the phone shattered. Getting rid of the bug and potential other bugs twiggy had likely installed. What was this girl trying to do? Was this her form of introduction?

"So it is you!" Javier started trying to make eye contact with the woman, "Congratulations on your promotion, number 26 already. I always had great admiration for your type of people. I couldn't stare at a screen all day if it had tits." He then paused a second, "Also, if you want to scare someone, don't sent them a picture of a bug. Bugs are small and easy to step on. Most, if not all, bugs can be crushed quite easily, gas-mask or not. And I have to ask, was that you? The attack on the embassy in Kopenhagen?" Javier wasn't even expecting a reply. She might be able to do tech, he was able to do information.

Before any reply could be made a hulking mass of a man walked into the room. It seemed that the man wasn't entirely in his element. The choice of suit seemed to better suit a kid that just finished college. Although, the college kid would need that suit a couple of sizes smaller. Dios mio, what was that man large. As he stomped his way to his seat and took it and looked up. He tried making eyecontact with the hacker to Javier's right at first. She's not even going to notice him with the noise coming from her headphones. After that his gaze shifted from twiggy to Javier. Javier wasn't sure, was this man trying to intimidate him or didn't he know what to do? Morales went on the friendly tour and lifted his hand from the armrest, "Afternoon." After the new face with the re-set nose another new face came in, this one way better looking.

"Tony Montana, Casey Ryback, and Acid Burn walk into a bar..." Ryan muses, just loud enough so the others could hear before stepping towards the furthest wall to lean against, hat still pulled low.

"Would you at least give me Michael Corleone? I don't do cocaine." Javier replied, waving his hand in the aire more slightly annoyed than anything else. This girl with the hat, the pretty face and the light tan looked almost pure. Comparing her with Cheap Suit was like comparing a classic Rolls Royce with a semi-trailer truck. The first one had curves, the second one was a square. Javier didn't think he ever met the two new faces. Then a familiar face walked in.

"Hello! I am Kusanagi Kei. Pleased to meet you."

"Kei-Chan," the Mexican spoke friendly and with a smile, "It's been a while, how have you been? Still taking those pictures? I unfortunately lost all my pictures earlier today." pointing a the small pile of broken phone near the wall. He and the burglar had worked together previously and were still on somewhat friendly terms.
By the way, everyone's posts are really well-written and are setting a really good standard for the RP! LetsLet's keep it up! :D

Amen, good job everyone! :D

@Rusalka, that's no problem. You weren't god modding too much ;) Only problem is I wasn't planning on Javier being tech-savy. So there probably isn't that much on the phone except for a couple of phone numbers. You probably want his black book or his business ledger. BTW, right back atcha! :P
I'm going to pass this question to @InfernoBlaze

EDIT: I just noticed I put a gun on Javier. I suppose I need to remove that before entering the building.

@polyphemus, I like the way you write McThing. He really seems like the giant you made him :D
I posted as well! :D

@Rusalka, I exactly know how to start talking to Nora. Thought this suited my char the best.

"Good morning, mister Morales."
"Mornin'" The Mexican replied. He had picked up the phone more out of reflex than of something else. He remembered calling the wake-up service, but he didn't know they would call this soon. The receptionist, Nadine, a clever brunette in her late twenties, started talking about the time and the weather. After that she started about the headlines in the newspapers and asked me if I wanted to see one or more papers for stock market indexes and what not. "No, Nadine, just something to eat." Morales said just before ordering breakfast.

After about twenty minutes Javier had showered and breakfast had been rolled in. A little after 9 Javier Morales walked out of his room, all dressed and groomed. The expensive navy blue suit hiding a holster and a 9 mm and the pretty face hiding malicious intent. Javier was in New York city already, he had been there for some days. The tickets would've only brought him to the big apple yesterday late in the afternoon. Morales needed to take care of some business first and came early. It had been pure business and not a profitable one. Helping friends from times long past was annoying. Most of the people in the military had spit him out of the discharge, but this one had proven a valuable contact. That was finished now. The next thing to do was follow the instruction on the letter Morales had received. A black towncar was waiting for him when he exited the hotel.

Morales had tried to get some more information about the location, the organization and the valuation of this offer. Most of his sources had however been quiet. One had told him that it was run by an old lady form Canada, the rest of the contacts had been silent as the grave. The way things had been set up gave Javier enough reason to go along with the letter. Everything seemed legit and things were planned.

After a short ride Javier's car pulled up to an abandoned building. A man was waiting a the building entrance. The man excused himself for the inconvenience his organization had caused. "No worries," Javier replied, "I'm here now, shall we?" And they entered the building. After, dios mio, a lot of scans, and more scans, Javier was allowed to enter what seemed to be the main room. He was the second person in the room. He and some Goth kid... "Afternoon." Javier said as he nodded to the girl, "So, how do you do and what do you do?". After that he looked around the room a bit and sat down within earshot of the black swan. Morales's was expecting more people.
@Midori, sounds great. Morales could've helped broker a deal for something Kei stole or gave her intel. What do you like better?
I think I'm gonna bow out, if it's all the same.
Im gonna drop this, I don't have the time I thought I did. Sorry
Thanks for the head's up! Good luck RP'ing in the future. @Rusalka, do you think that Morales and Cypher could have had contact at some point and worked together? I have the feeling the information world and hacking goes kinda hand in hand.
Not to rain on anyone's parade or insult anyone, but we have three mid twenty women. That is no problem, I like (most) women in their mid twenties, especially ones looking like the characters described in the CS page. So good job, nice characters :) However, I don't know how realistic this is going to be. But I'm starting to get the feeling that this isn't exactly what I'm looking for. Could you clarify what you would expect that the direction of this RP is going to be, Inferno?
<Snipped quote by stickman> Someone who is good at blending in with a crowd and good at casing a place. Like they can go in and mingle. Say they are after a bank, a chameleon can go in and interact with the tellers while also taking note of things like camera placement and such.
Sweet, looking forward to it.
You know that does sound interesting. I never would have thought of that O.o Yeah, still working on my CS too, or rather tracking down an old hacker one I had a while back and sprucing it up new paint and new shrubs.
Shrubs... Made me think about Monty Phyton and the holy grail. "I demand a shrubbery" - The knight who say NI! Also, posted a CS.

Name: Javier Morales
Nickname/Alias/Etc: Corporal
Gender: Male
Age: 37
Height: 1.76 meters
Weight: 77 kg
Status: Solo Criminal
- General court marshal in 2003. Sentenced a dishonorable discharge and 2 years suspended sentence for voluntary manslaughter.
- Allegedly imported narcotics by ship in 2007. Witnesses connecting Javier to the ship disappeared before trial.

Hair Color: Dark brown
Eye Color: Dark brown
Ethnicity & skin color: Hispanic, American of Mexican descent. Brown
Physical Appearance: Javier has a athletic appearance after the military he has kept himself in good shape. During his tour in Afghanistan Corporal Morales was shot two times, once in the left abdomen and once in the left shoulder. The scars are still visible. Marine corps corporal insignia tattoo on right shoulder with the letter U.S.M.C. underneath it.
Attire: Javier is a bit of a peacock. He likes to dress to impress, having an range of suits and ties to match. In Javier’s mindset you dress like you feel and you feel like you dress. Faking a smile is much easier in an expensive suit. He can either be found in any dark colored suit with matching shoes and a tie or, when Javier is feeling casual, in kaki’s with brown leather loafers and a polo shirt

Outward & Innate Personality: Javier is a proud man. He knows that he is good at what he does and that shows through his calm demeanor. Javier is the type of man that stays at ease in high pressure situations trying to diffuse situations with intimidation and words. The marine corps made him somewhat of a perfectionist and he thus likes it if things go his way. If things don’t go his way, meaning he can’t talk his way out of a situation, he could rapidly turn violent. Exerting force and ‘solving’ the problem that way. Javier will try to keep the peace, but isn’t afraid to break something into more than one piece.
Hobbies/Interests: Sporting, mainly running and bodyweight training, ’80 and ’90 rock music and authentic Mexican food.
Skills/Talents: Being smart without being an academic, Javier can think on his feet. This comes in handy in both persuasion and gunplay. His childhood background makes him have somewhat of a renegade approach to situations, relying mainly on intimidation and deception. While his military background makes him experienced with guns. He is not a tactical genius, although he can hold his own, and Javier is by no means a sniper, preferring weapons he can conceal easily
Prized Possession: Miguel’s silver crucifix necklace
Quote(s): ”I have struggled, but I’ve found my way.” – Javier Morales
“Mister Morales, why don’t you tell us more about yourself.”
“How can I be of service?” the Mexican replied.
“Quit the bullshit! You’ve been here for four days now. And I assure you it is going to get any more pleasant than this. Do you understand, ‘mister Morales’?” One of the guards blurted out.
“Morales, come on. Tell us about your past. We need to verify some things – really important.”

The interviewer tried to play nice. Javier could see that it took some restraint on the man’s part.
“Fine,” the Mexican started, “I’ll tell you about myself. My parents were immigrants. They went to the United States of America, such a fine country, but they came from Mexico.” The sentences rolled out without the slightest hint of accent, except for Mexico, which Javier pronounced as Mexico and not as Meksiko. “They settled in California and both found a job. Mi madre had a miscarriage, then my brother, then me. We grew up in the rough part of town. Mi Madre wanted us to finish high school, so we did. Then what? Miguel had joined the Army. I decided to join the Marines one year later. So how’s it going?”

The interviewer looked up from his notes, “How's what going?”. Javier smiled, “Senor Interviewer, don’t tell me you lover the story so much that you forgot to verify ‘some things’. You called it really important.” The interviewer looked a bit baffled after this.
“Don’t tell me you’ve been lying to me, senor interviewer.” Morales looked annoyed right now, “You haven’t been lying to me have you?” Now the interviewer started to get nervous.
“Docter Grunberg will ask the questions!” The blurting guard again.

“Would you stop?” Javier was talking directly to the guard now in a snide voice, “I was talking to Docter Grunberg!" Shifting his gaze, "So like I was saying; Finished high school, joined the marines. Went on my first tour, Afghanistan. Some friends died. My brother went on his third tour and was shot and killed, Afghanistan. Went on my second, to Afghanistan, and somewhere along the line I found out who had shot and killed my brother. Sometime later we had to raid an insurgent camp. Funny story, I killed the man, Abdul Al-something, that killed my brother. Apparently Abdul Al-something was Iranian intelligence, which was a problem for me. Somehow I managed to get off scot free, but they called it a dishonorable discharge.”

Morales paused. The interviewer looked up from his paper and anxiously watched the Mexican who started to get a beard after these couple of days.
“What happened after that?” The interviewer asked.
“How can I say this without bursting out in laughter…” Morales paused again and docter Grunberg didn’t know where to look at this point. “Well,” Morales started, “You could say I started an import-export business with some of my contacts in LA and in Afghanistan. Say you wanted to buy some fireworks, for example, but you want high grade fireworks and in a large batch. I can find said large batch of high grade fireworks for you and set you up with the firework's dealer. Of course I take a small commission fee after transaction.”
“So you imported bombs? What else drugs, guns, people?”
Morales let a small smile slip on his face, “No, docter Grunberg, I only import fireworks, flowers, hardware. I do not import cattle.”

Ricardo Morales – Father, unknown. Left his family when Javier was 13.
Maria Morales – Mother, alive. Living in a retirement home in California. Diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease in 2011.
Miguel Morales – Brother, deceased. Miguel enlisted one year before Javier. Miguel was shot and killed by insurgents on his second tour in Afghanistan, he was an Army Corporal.
Roxanna Morales – Sister in law, alive. Roxanna was born Roxanna Jones, owns a convenience store in downtown LA.

Kei Kusanagi - Neutral. Contact - "Has had good intel and results in the past, knows her job."
Mantis - Neutral. Unknown - "Heard of Mantis before, never seen him"

Expertise: Information gathering by a network of criminal contacts and other information sources. Javier pays for information, then either uses or sells it.
Physical condition: Javier is more fast than strong. He has an athletic build and can overpower people a bit larger than him in a fair 1 v 1, as long as they haven’t had professional training. However, the not-so-fair 1 v 1 is better suited for Javier, using hit-and-run-like tactics. Using his military training and speed he is quite hard to pursue on foot.
Mental condition: Finished high school and enrolled in the officer program shortly before being discharged. Javier has a pretty good memory.
Limitations: Doesn’t like heavy weapons and machinery. Doesn’t like to be challenged by his peers. Doesn’t like being lied to. In general, Javier thinks he is a tad above the rest of the people around him. He will not show this easily, but he’ll remember it. Javier is not that strong, heavy weapons and fighting huge guys is a no go for him.
Other: (NOTE: Derp... Will figure something out for this section)
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