Avatar of StoneWolf
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    1. StoneWolf 9 yrs ago
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8 yrs ago
Current "Follow me and I promise you glory and adventure! Follow me and I promise that, if you fall, your name will be sung for as long as the Sons of Russ walk the stars!" — Logan Grimnar
8 yrs ago
Having a day off work. Been out running in the -15 C so nice now to take a rest with a cup of tea and a blanket.
8 yrs ago
Resting after a hard days work. Gonna stay here for now and see what happens.
8 yrs ago
So food then get my butt into gear and answer all rp's.
8 yrs ago
Time for a nap then wake up in a few hours to watch Critrole.


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Name: Hagni Bloodmoon

Chapter: Space Wolves

Chapter Demeanour: Space wolves are ferocious and aggressive warriors, though far from mindless berserkers, they are certainly possesed of a feral exuberance for battle. While other chapters may spend the night before battle in prayer and meditation, the Space Wolves are more likely to mark the eve of battle in bawdy celebration, raising owerflowing jacks of Fenrisian ale to brothers they may be mourning once battle is done. A Wolf will drink and make merry, for tomorrow, he may die. Space wolves exhibit a fierce sense of loyalty to their comrades in arms and this is on occasion extended to their compatriots in other branches of the Imperium's military.

Personal Demeanour: Proud: Dignity and Honour are very important to Hagni. With in him burns a deep hatred for the Thousand Sons legion.

Type of Marine: Long Fang

Power Armour and History: This suit is stained forever on its inside surfaces by the blood of its previous
occupants. For some reason a tradition has developed that the life-fluids spilt when the wearer of this suit is killed should not be cleaned away. Rather they are left as a harsh and visceral reminder of a Space Marine’s ultimate duty, one that steels his mind against the threat of death. The wearers of this suit have time and again shone out as magnificent examples of the Adeptus Astartes—holding breaches, saving commanding officers from certain doom and eliminating enemy leaders to singlehandedly win glorious victories. The current occupant has a lot to live up to! An ancient pair of particularly heavy, Mk3 greaves has been worked into the leg armour of this suit. They are surely witness to some of the hardest fi ghting of the Great Crusade, for the evidence of blast impacts is still visible on the ancient metal. The feeling for the occupant of the power armour is that of being an immoveable bulwark, solid and unshakeable as a stone statue.

Description: Hagni is close to 8' in his power armour as many other space marines. His greying hair is kept quite short while he lets his beard grow long and thick. Now it is halfway down to his chest kept in one thick braid with one wide ring at the end keeping it all together. His face is that of a seasoned warrior, very angular and with prominent cheekbones. His canines have grown long and sharp and are visible every time he smiles or even speaks. Hagnis eyes have with time gained the yellow color of a wolves and they are as sharp as ever, a piercing stare from those is mostly enough to get and normal man to back down and move out off his way. Even though his armor is now painted black, Hagni still adorns it with wolf pelts on this left shoulders, a large drinking horn strapped to his waist and other trinkets and charms from the Fenrisian wolves. He is a stern but not unfriendly soul, quick to invite you to a drink and boast about deeds that have been done or speaking of deeds to come.

History: Hagni died and was reborn the night his tribe was killed by the Snakeheads. That is the way of life on Fenris, kill or be killed and this night the Bloodmoon tribe had been careless. Being chosen by the rune priest at the moment of death Hagni was taken to the Fang where the Wolf priests remade him. When he awoke again he was ready to undergo the training and trials of a Space Wolf Bloodclaw. It quickly became clear that Hagni favored the heavier weapons of the Wolves arsenal and through the years he rose through the packs finding his ways into the Long Fangs. His rage now under control, his fangs longer and sharper as his wits. His hair and beard now turning grey. Following his Lord into the Jericho Reach he made his first contact with the hated Thousand Sons. The Wolves had come in search of their lost Brothers but found a army of Thousand Sons breaking through the void. The fierce battle claimed many good wolf but they took more lives than they lost finally driving the traitors back into the void. Hagni being one of the few survivors of his pack chose to stay behind when the Company left. Seeking out the Deathwatch offering his services as a Long Fang and wielding his heavy bolter.

Weapons and Equipment: Heavy Bolter, Bolt pistol, Combat knife, 3 Frag and Krak Grenades.
I am working on my CS and will be sending it to you @Jbcool when it is done.
@StoneWolf Ah, Mr Wolf, welcommen to my RP; for this particular RP I would prefer a Marine from the Blood Angels or one of their Successor Chapters however, seeing your experience, I'd appreciate it if you'd check this thread here and possibly find it more to your liking.

Then I shall start my work on a CS for that thread as it seem to be just right for me. :)
I am interested as I am a DeathWatch pen and paper Rp:er and a tabletop 40k player. Would it be possible to choose a character from the Space Wolf chapter or do you feel most comfortable with everyone being from BA or their successor chapters? @Jbcool
In --- 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Everyone still alive here? :P
In --- 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@FateWeaver If no-one else does I will have Joar offer Morgan a drink in my next post :P
In --- 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I am here and have posted after Aspen had posted :P
Kilian listened closely to what Miles said and looked calmly at her then he promised himself to actually get more information about Borlix. When she said she had been a pilot for an hour he flinched and then laughed a small amused laugh. That he had not been expecting but hey it could be plausible. But she must have been pretty good during her training to be chosen for this assignment. Kilian did find Nyx quite amusing and he did look forward to working with her. He was a bit confused about her officially being a pilot for just an hour but not worried really, when Erien spoke up about the crews competence and skills he just nodded slightly. But he understood that pilots almost did not want anyone else to touch their crafts so nothing got changed in settings or balance of the craft, but at the same time you needed the crew to take care of your craft when you had to rest between missions. Then the rumbling started and the familiar feeling of movement he had been attuned to and they where off.

As the captain spoke his demeanor changed visibly and he listened very closely to what the captain had to say then as Erien called for the tour of the ship Kilian looked at her and winked again before taking the spot as the last member of the squad just feeling like walking behind and watching every member a bit more. It seemed quite easy to be able to find your way around the ship from what their colonel said and that felt good. Still he thought some rest would be a good thing for him soon. But as they went to the hangar to check on their fighters he gained a bit more energy and smiled.

As Erien presented the Cetanui Kilian looked at the man and nodded before his gaze strayed to the fighters again. He listened with half an ear until they came to the assignments of fighters. He made sure he knew which was his and when they all got permission to head to it he walked to it and climbed up into the cockpit before the crew working in it had time to talk to him. When a male Cetanui and a male terran climbed up to the cockpit he told them how he wanted the settings for his seat to be after introducing himself for them the two engineers. As they began working on setting up his fighter together he told them to arm it for long range fights. He wanted to be sure that he had only long range missiles aside from the railgun and particlecannons. But those he wanted tweaked and set for extreme range fights. Kilian then looked up and looked around towards the other pilots working with their crew and fighters. His eyes stopped on Erien and he kept looking at her for a while before the Cetanui came up and asked him to pull up the HUD for his fighter so they could calibrate his sight to match his movements and reactions. So he had no more time to look at the other pilots and where now fully engaged in making sure everything was set up almost as perfect as he wanted to without being able to test fly.
Kilian slowly pulled his hand back with a light smile and a nod, that was not a response he had expected. Still it was and interesting one and made him wonder what Miles had been through before coming here. He guessed that it would not have been anything like what he had been doing during his service or training. With out thinking his one hand went to his belt and he felt for a knife but he was sure he wouldn't have any there. No he was not carrying any weapon right now as he had not felt any need for it during transit or had not had time to change into uniform to which he might be carrying sidearm and knife.

"I don't mind at all Miles. I am looking forward to be working with you in this new squad. Well I did not think about bribing you to fix my fighter. Isn't that what this ship have it's engineers for? We should more or less just tell them what we want done and work with them right?" What had her last assignment been like if she had been fixing planes for bribes and now felt obligated to tell him about it? This would be a most interesting group to work with and to get to know them all. He leaned back a bit on the chair and took in the layout of their quarters.

It seemed to be like most standard quarters for a squad but still it was a step up from his last assignment and that felt good. Kilian hoped he could be friends with everyone in the squad and not step on anyones toes. What kind of missions would they be sent on and how soon would they been sent out? Thoughts where swirling in his head even though he felt a bit tired still. Then he smiled again as he looked at Nyx and tilted his head a bit.
"How long have you been a pilot?" He was just curious about how long she had been flying and meant nothing with the question more then wanting to know more about her and how her last assignment had been.

In --- 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
As the others came up the tunnel the wolverine looked them over and then turned to follow Niall to the elevator. When they get off and he is told where Niall's room is he nods his wolverine head and starts running to the right, as he is running he shifts back to his human form. What would the harm be in that. All anyone would see would be his backside as he quickly heads to his room. When he enters the room his thoughts are all over the place. What did happen in the ballroom now? What effects would this have for the rest of the students? All as he did pull out new clothes and putting on a pair of jeans and a dark-green t-shirt. After a quick look in the mirror he nodded and headed towards Nialls room.

Then Joar headed towards Niall's room feeling a lot more calmer now that now more sound had echoed from the ballroom. As he came upon the room he knocked hard once before entering. As he stepped in he took a look at everyone in the room before walking up to Niall and smiled "Mind if I have some of that?" He said pointing to what Niall was drinking before actually taking a glass and pouring himself something to drink. He then looked around the room to see who had followed them to Nialls room and what everyone was doing. Still it felt more at home here then in the ballroom and the suit.
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