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    1. Su 3 yrs ago


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Just a big ol' nerd with a distinct lack of hair.

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I see. It was definitely just to fix grammatical errors as I type a million miles a minute and often skip entire words. Usually if I do any edits it will be immediately after because I read my posts for that exact reason. I'll try to remember to put it in the OOC when I do so.


I didn't edit any other post? I'm unsure what you're referring to.
Alastor Shore
Tiefling, Fighter (Champion), Level 03
HP: 31 / 31 Armor Class: 16 Conditions: N/A
Location: Darenby
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A

Avonshire was about the farthest one could get from the coast, Alastor imagined. He hiked his pack up on his back a little further. He had been walking all day to get this...Fort Darenby or whatever the hell it was called. The quaint charm of the countryside had been lost on him some hours ago, when he lost his way down one of many identical country paths. Now it seemed he was finally on the right road and as a gust of cool autumn wind buffeted his cloak, Alastor's mind wandered back to the coast. The tiefling had many mixed feelings about his home but the sea, the sand, and that endless blue sky was always a place of comfort and peace to him. And maybe a scantily clad belly dancer enjoying a drink on the beach with him as well. Alastor smirked at the image. It brought him a little warmth.

'Still, I suppose this place isn't so bad.' he thought to himself as a halfling fishing on the river waved to him with a grin. Alastor gave a good natured wave back. He was surprised at the friendly reception thus far to his kind. There are those in big cities who would quickly ostracize him for being a tiefling yet these simple country folk seemed to hold him no malice. Yet another lie nobles tell themselves about those "less educated". Alastor pushed aside his disdain and pulled out the note Zern had passed him. Zern was his contact for work in a bustling city about a week's walk away from Avonshire. Alastor almost laughed when the gnome told him to look for coin out here. But it wasn't like he had many options and he figured it'd be good to get out of the city. Now he wasn't so sure it was worth the trip.

It was all very mysterious. A sheriff of a tiny fort town asking for hired swords? Alastor hoped, if nothing else, the meeting would be amusing. As he got closer to Darenby, the packed dirt turned to cobblestone and his surroundings began to resemble something of a modern town. Now all that was left to do was find the Infamous Pear.

"Dreadful name." he said aloud to no one in particular. He referenced the letter again and noticed it had no specific instructions save for 'outside of town'. As he walked, he glanced up and caught the eye of a handsome half-elf who was leaning against one of the storefronts. He had long strawberry blonde hair and emerald green eyes with a shock of freckles across the bridge of his nose. His simple clothing suggested farmer, maybe he was in Darenby just for business? Alastor couldn't help but notice that the hem of his shirt was a bit high, exposing a portion of his midriff. When elf saw Alastor had noticed him, he gave him a shy smile. But he didn't look away. Alastor couldn't help but grin in response and approached him.

"Hi, maybe you could already tell but I'm a bit lost." Alastor said, pretending not to feel the ache in his lower back. "Well it seems you've found me. How can I help?" replied the elf. His voice was calming and pleasant, like a spring rain.

"I'm looking for a place called the Infamous Pear. Do you know it?" he asked. The half-elf nodded and bounced up from his spot against the store. He pressed against Alastor's side as he pointed north. "You'll just take the main road to the other side of town, ya can't miss it. But the pear is kinda...well, sleepy. Only the merchants and cagey guards drink there." he commented. It almost sounded like there was disappointment in his voice. "I've no doubt but I'm afraid I have some business there... I didn't catch your name." Alastor responded. The half elf smiled again. "Veneth."

"Alastor, pleased to meet you."

"The pleasure is all mine. Well...Alastor, if you have time after your important business, my friends and I are gonna be over at the Dancing Mare. It's a lot more fun than the sleepy ol' pear." Veneth stepped away as he said this and Alastor felt their hands brush for the briefest moment. "Cool...maybe I'll see you there." Alastor replied.

"Maybe you will." Veneth said with a flirtatious wink as he walked off. Alastor watched him walk down street for a few moments before continuing on. Maybe Darenby wouldn't be that bad after all. He followed the road through town until he saw a swinging sign that featured a pear with a mask. Stifling a chuckle, he opened the door and found it was just as sleepy as Veneth said it would be. He navigated his way through the tables to the bar and asked about the Arbalest party, just as the letter instructed. The cartoonish conspiratorial barkeep pointed him to a reserved table. It seemed he was the first one here. Well, at least he would get to sit down. Alastor ordered a drink and walked over to the table, dropping his pack and sword and plopping down in one of the chairs. He sipped on his Avonshire mead as he waited for the others to arrive, a certain flirty half-elf farm boy still in his thoughts.


@Sigil Awesome! Thanks a bunch, super stoked to play.
@Sigil Okay, I dropped wisdom down to 8.
@Sigil Okay, I made the fixes. Apologies about the ability scores, I was a little confused about the point buy system. Lemme know if I need to reroll again in case I screwed it up.
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