Avatar of Tangletail
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    1. Tangletail 9 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Game halfway done: but on pause
8 yrs ago
Programming a Wasteland/Fallout 1&2 style game. Going so and so.


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A current work in progress.

Ooof... A 5 for Vaal
Monsters and the sort
Interested. What sort of beasts be in the world?
@Tangletail Don't worry, this is isn't first-come first-served. If you've got a solid character with something to add to the team, you've a great chance of being accepted into the game. We certainly could use a lancer. As far as the turrets go, I might guide you more toward an Eyebot re-purposed as a mobile turret. I wouldn't want to see any of those MKII turrets popping out of nowhere ;).

@Lauder A gunslinger seeking revenge against the Legion? That sounds like fertile ground for someone interesting. If you do start in the west, you can assume the Brotherhood around New Vegas reconnected with the eastern leadership. Several members were able to travel to the east, while others established a new base outside of New Vegas. The city itself went dark after the Second Battle of Hoover Dam. The NCR doesn't advertise the outcome and the Legion seem to have relocated the bulk of their forces, instead obtaining easier wins in the mid-west.

Oh it wouldn't go that far. It would be something hed have to carry around. So something small that can be carried about in a shoulder slung case. But an eyebot could work too.
Im interested if theres room.

Probably going to make a lancer. Hard time with a rifle. Efficient enough with a pistol to keep himself alive. But you don't have him for his ability to shoot. You have him along for his ability to jurry rig and McGaiver what ever you need out of a pizza box, busted electronics and scrap metal. Probably recruited from texas. With a Kit of transportable turrets that can be easily picked up and moved around.
@Tangletail @Vertigo @Eleven Any of you got a post planned, or should I move on?

I was the last one to post. I'm ready to move on.
Naturally, if that would be said, I shall make my point as bluntly and as powerful as a fifth level Crit Smite from a paladin’s vicious maul.

Not just any kobold. A fashionable and honor bound kobold.
Hmm hmm hmm, this gives me options. I know you’re looking for a tank and as much as I wanna roll another barbarian, I think I’ll try my hand at warlock. I’ll PM you the details so we can work out patrons and such.

Looks like I won't be the only monster here!
When the kobold entered the house, his gaze trailed along the room and observed the family they had just saved. They looked much better than he had initially expected. And he was also expecting the children to be crying. To his delight, they weren't. That would make the next few hours much easier. His eyes did not miss the woman's hand reaching for a weapon only to pause. The kobold smiled to that. And offered a small shrug.

"Vaal..." The kobold began with a rolling drawl. And like when the group first met... the name sounded like it was missing a significant part of it. His tone took up a glint of humor. "... will be fine. Just take care with the spear. I'd rather my allure not be damaged if I am to have an unexpected end."

His gaze then shifted over the family as introductions were made. He had expected the children to shy away from him. Kobolds aren't known for having a good reputation. And if he remembered correctly... human... kits(?)... were often told stories of various monsters and creatures. He was quite sure these kids would be told tales of kobolds to keep them from running out at night. Doubly so when the kids were attacked by kobolds... and nearly watched their father be murdered by his kin.

Yet... here he was. Taken aback when he saw the young boy give him a shy wave... and a smile. The kobold's expression went blank. Another crack in his facade had been made today. And he honestly did not know what to think of this child.

Vaal akwardly returned the wave. He turned about and said nothing as he approached Cassandra... who appeared to be staring out of the window. He glanced out himself, and looked up. His eyes met the dragon with understanding. And... a hint of envy for the flying beast.
"Ah... that. Put it out of your mind for now, darling. The most important step you can make right now... is simply the next step."
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