Avatar of The 4 Winds
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    1. The 4 Winds 9 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
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Heck the fight was worth the fight. It was fun to be a part of it.

@Jangel13@El Noche

Lomen knew this would be bad going in and was ready to face the consequences. It seemed to happen in slow motion as he left the ground, smiling back at Zectoll's grin. The motion as Zectoll threw the jab, using a slight swinging motion in order to place more weight behind the blow and to strike true in Lomen's exposed midsection. Lomen could do nothing but feel the impact crash into his body, shocking him to the core, causing some of his breath to escape him as the shock ravaged through him. Even so Zectoll had shown bravery in fighting him head on so Lomen did not regret his hasty decision.

Although he still had to follow through to the end, even with no breath left in him, his body reeling in shock from the impact, Lomen still had something left to give. With his last strength, he let out a rallying roar, using the last of his breath to revitalize himself enough to turn his body and attempt a last left hook at Zectoll's midsection. Afterwards Lomen knew he would likely crash to the ground, with little strength left, but was happy that he could give it his all. This would be his last strike and he knew that after this he would not be able to get up for some time. It would be a bit painful to not be able to stand without help, but the bout was worth that consequence and he would accept his defeat.

@Jangel13@El Noche

Lomen felt the impact and snapped his eyes on Zectol as he felt nothing but the air greet his attempt at a leg sweep. With the lack of impact Lomen was cautious as Zectoll rolled and was rewarded with seeing a kick incoming with momentum. Lomen was able to use his hands and left leg to jump back but his left forearm was hit by the blow. It was a strong blow and threw off Lomen's balance, causing him to skid and tumble on the ground. The rocks were not kind to the other cuts, increasing their number, along with tearing open the cuts on Lomen's back, now gently bleeding. Again Lomen touched his back and felt a slight increase in pain than last time, licking the blood off of his fingers as he stood up.

This was a good bout but Lomen felt that he couldn't say it was in his favor. He seemed to be outclassed in speed and that last hit made his left arm feel a bit numb, so it would need a few moments to recover. Moments he wouldn't have. He also had a nagging feeling that he was on the edge of learning something and must push on. Keeping Zectoll in sight was paramount as Lomen focused, taking a few deep breaths to clear his head and he slightly crouched a bit. He lifted his hands in front him to be able to judge how far his fists could truly reach and bounced on the balls of his feet. A few bounces made him feel as if he was a heart pulsing blood through his body, although it made him feel the small tinge of pain on his back from the open scratches.

Cautiously he made his way forward, keeping Zectoll in vision as to not lose him. A few feet of slowly approaching, Lomen would try to quickly approach with a zig-zag pattern, much like he did with against the Alpha Horned Rabbit on his first hunt. As he got close, he would dash to the left and try a quick right knee at Zectoll's midsection using Heavy Strike. It would be using Lomen's full body weight behind it. In order to pull the knee back, Lomen would then twist his body to throw a left hook aiming at Zectoll's right shoulder. It was a risky move, but Lomen was more interested in how Zectoll would react that what would happen to himself.

@Jangel13@El Noche

With the hit Lomen had anticipated the attacks but still got hit squarely in the chest with the first jab, barely able to step back and dodge the right jab. It appeared that even with his ability to dodge it only went so far against speed. This was an invaluable lesson for Lomen in that he couldn't only rely on his skills to pull him through a fight unscathed. With that in mind Lomen backed up so that he was a bit further than before, attempting to stay just outside Zectoll's reach and inside his own. Since he was already moving the punch didn't damage him too much but it was a hit that could add up faster than Lomen wanted to take.

Lomen stepped forwards with his left leg and drew his right hand back, seeming to go for another big swing. What he would actually aim for would be a jab with his left using Heavy strike. Lomen was attempting a feint.

After he would crouch down and use the momentum from the punch to try a leg sweeping move with his right leg, using the left leg as a pivot and his hands as stabilizers to help him dash back a bit if the attack was successful. Either way this was an interesting bout as blood pulsed through his body, making a small growl escape as he was crouched down. Lomen was still vigilant and kept his eyes on Zectoll's movements, trying to find attacks that he could replicate later on and how to best avoid them.

@Jangel13@El Noche

Immediately after roaring, all the goblins within earshot seemed to at least jerk to alarm and Lomen now knew for a fact that the ability was for all beings in the area. Back to the main point for Lomen was Zectoll who had gotten into a battle stance and moved without sound. It was a bit strange but when Zectoll threw a punch and was able to block in time, Lomen figured that he had been read. With a grin and grit of his teeth he felt an impact into his chest that would have almost shocked him if he hadn't expected to take a hit going in for the strike. What was unexpected was Zectoll grabbing his now open arm and turning around. Arm in unkown position, arm extended, and opponent has arm.

Lomen's initial thought was to try and pull, but knew that he was still recovering from the impact and would not be able to react powerfully enough to regain his arm. With that in mind the best course of action was to go with the flow and crouched down as Zectoll crouched down. When Lomen felt himself get lifted, he did not resist and instead went with the motion, flipping over Zectoll. For a brief moment Lomen and Zectoll could make eye contact and where Lomen wouldn't notice, but Lomen was grinning widely as this was an enjoyable experience.

Since he was able to go with the flow, the landing was more of a rough roll that allowed a lesser impact. Although it came at the cost of a good amount of scratches and cuts, his spine getting a significant scrape along the upper protrusions which bled a bit. Lomen rubbed it a bit, feeling a small twitch of pain and looked at his own blood, licking it and finding that it had a unique taste. After licking it off, he refocused on Zectoll, moving in and this time tried to replicate a short jab at Zectoll's midsecton, not putting too much power into it so that he could retract his arm and possibly dodge any incoming attacks. He was still feeling the earlier hit and the rough landing so Lomen concentrated mostly on observing and attempting to replicate Zectoll's moves.

@Aqua Fire

Always good to check first. Some people forget to change to full.
Is this RP still open to join? Is so, I am interested.
- UNF Outpost

Kevin had enjoyed the car ride but at the same time was anxious. It was his first mission and felt that if anything, he was the least prepared. He had checked over his machine plenty of times, memorized the report thanks to its brevity, but felt unprepared. A few moments of agonizing over nothing passed and Kevin accepted the cause of his nervousness.


With that in mind Kevin felt much better and got out when the cars stopped, noticing immediately Roland and was interested in who this man was. Upon approaching and hearing the statement that Roland was an intern, Kevin smiled. Another mind that could help him with the schematics and inventions for TT and possibly other mechs. After Gregory spoke, Kevin took a breath in to calm himself so he could ask his question properly.

"Hello, I am Kevin. I was wondering if after the mission, you, and possibly your professor, would be open to discussion and brainstorming on the topic of new means of energy storage and distribution for Valkanai and sub types of energy systems for similar high functioning machines?"

Kevin asked the question earnestly and without really thinking had a small notebook already in his hands to write down the response. Upon noticing it he turned a bit red from embarrassment, placing the notebook in his pocket.

"Oh, um. I-I guess it would be best to just get to the mission a-as soon as possible and deal with p-personal wants later. . ."

@Jangel13@El Noche@December@December@Duthguy

Lomen smiled at the small goblin and was glad that he had survived the night outside. How wasn't so important at the moment and Lomen mearly chuckled a little bit.

"You most definitely can handle danger then if you can survive the night. And I will not intrude into your space. I just want to know how to make my own small space."

As he spoke, Lomen noticed Kishi rushing around the cave, seeming to collect items before sitting down and putting all the items on a pelt. Lomen watched closely and was surprised as he watched Kishi create fire through tremendous effort and lots of small sticks, part of a pelt, and a large sick that fit into a groove of a larger stick to create a fire. It was remarkable and would be something to try for himself since Lomen could sense heat from the light.

"You need to eat more meat. You will surely perish if you stay as you are."

Lomen chuckled a bit at that remark and then noticed how Zectoll looked over Lomen and couldn't help but smile with a full grin.

"Don't worry, each of us seem to have a different body. I just happen to look a bit like a skeleton even though I eat a lot. Also, if it is ok, I would be willing to help with the project."

Lomen had motioned towards Stegs and Skubli until noticing how restless Zectoll was looking and before he could ask why, it seemed an answer was given.

"Before the day is through we should have a mock hunt"

Lomen's grin went away and instead was replaced with a thoughtful line as he considered it. If anything it would be an opportunity to pass on a few skills to Zectoll. Lomen put down all of his gear near where he slept as to have no advantages. Lomen then started to walk towards a more open area of the cave so they could have ample room to move around before turning to face Zectoll.

"I agree and will try to pass on what I can to you. I hope to learn as well, but I will not go easy on you brother. Please do the same. Granfather! Me and brother Zectoll will be having a mock hunt."

With that statement fulfilled, Lomen waited a moment for Zectoll to acknowledge his response before crouching down a bit. His temperament changed to a more focused and calm demeanor. It was different from hunting in that he was more focused and intent on passing on knowledge. In his mind the purpose was to use everything and pass it on, being sure to lock eyes with Zectoll. Mentally Lomen wanted to make sure that Zectoll felt, even if only for a moment, that the moment he took his eyes off Lomen, Lomen would end him.

"Remember, watch, listen, learn. Breath in, focus, and then

Lomen would end his statement with a low roar, activating the ability challenge. Lomen also did this to see if it would effect more than one individual at a time. It would be dangerous to not know in dangerous situations. With that done, Lomen prepared himself for Zectoll to come at him, aiming to dodge the first strike with evasion. Afterwards Lomen would activate Heavy Strike, aiming to use his arm to close-line Zectoll in the body as to make Zectoll's body remember the blow, but not sustain too much damage. Lomen would grit his teeth while doing so since he believed that Zectoll was not the type to throw only a single punch and accepted a few hits would make contact.

Of course Lomen would not take his eyes off of Zectoll. From hunting with him, Lomen knew he was strong and hoped to learn what he could from Zectoll. Although the ultimate goal for Lomen was to pass on his skills and as such would fight with everything he had.
Currently attending college classes so will have to wait till tomorrow to make a coherent post. I apologize for the inconvenience I may have caused with my inactivity.
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