Avatar of The Grey Dust


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2 hrs ago
Current You can have 7 day weekends if you want. That's called being unemployed.
2 days ago
I place my bets on Mr. Rogers. He won the ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny.
3 days ago
Oh he's lying alright... Lying in bed with your now-no-longer future wife. You should have just paid the man off and now he's going to seduce every woman you were meant to be with...
3 days ago
I'm warning you, I have a Black Belt in the ancient art of... Fashion... Haiyah! You cannot pull off that Shirt with those Pants! Your Shoes were so last Season! That colour does not suit your skin!
4 days ago
A dumb idea: A furniture store which sells only couches, loves eats, and sectionals... Sofa Kingdom.


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Pretty Picture.

Also uh, your turn!

Your turn :)
Thomas Richard Harrison

Location: On the set of Ghostbusters.
Interacting with: The Mist?

Once again Thomas was rather unable to do much. Seeing that Ntaj, Keystone, Calanon, Kyra and practically most of their competent fighters were all planning to engage the Crimson Mist at melee. Thus in lieu of attempting to fry half-a-dozen of his own party alongside one beastie like ants beneath a focused lens, maybe it was best to just observe the beast from afar, looking for signs of weakness, or better still hidden dangers it had swirling in its phantasmic body. His skill sets after all were extremely limited in close-range combat, sure he could attempt to strike something with his makeshift staff but he wasn't really trained in the use of weapons. Nor was the piece of wood enchanted enough to probably harm the creature.

And that's when the idea occurred to Thomas. It was possible given the physical state of the creature to trap it wasn't it? An air-tight container would seal the mist. Unfortunately as Thomas rummaged about in his satchel, there was hardly a vial large enough to contain a gaseous prisoner of that volume, however the other might have had something. Keystone in particular being a chef might have some sort of storage vessel to prevent spoilage. Or even better, Master Wolfgang would have summoned a dessicator jar and starved the ravenous bloody beast until it knew better.

"Keystone! Do you have some sort of air-tight vessel? Your techniques seem to be effective!" shouting at the gastronomist, "Maybe we should capture it and find out more about who's behind the undead?"

It was just a thought, but Thomas had no Void spells due to the light. As such he was pretty much spent and unless the Mist came within proximity, he could only clutch his wound for now and hoped his body would stop the magic in his blood from leaking out.

Uh, Keystone's uh... Up? Yea. I think the Mist is too close for anyone to do a retrieval. Plus it seems to have just sucked him dry and left him there to deal with everyone else so... I toyed with the idea of having Thomas rush in there to grab Keystone but I considered that would probably be a poor choice despite Thomas' inclination to do something more rashly in his current phase. His logic probably wins over and says make sure the healer (and the person he seems to have a potential love interest in?) isn't unconscious.
Thomas Richard Harrison

Location: I don't really know anymore, but there's a cave, orcs, ice, oranges and a friendly red ghost who just wants to give you a hug...
Interacting with: The Party, Orcs, The Ball of Women.

Have you heard the story of Mogul Khan?
A man who sought to rise above his rank,
So far that he took his axe to the field of war?
With an axe to grind upon his enemy's head,
and a battle hunger which culled his superior's,
friend or foe he swung his axe around and around,
Into the call of the berserker whirling a cry of death.
And when the bloody mist cleared only Mogul Khan remained.
His skin stained crimson in the baptism of a thousand men,
and still his challenge called out for the dead to rise.
And from time to time... They do.

Memories of a hundreds of magical beasts studied under his apprenticeship. Long hours poured over learning of ancient dungeons and their dragons, races from elves to demons, and all sorts of magical creatures found in monstrous compendiums. There were over Fifteen volumes of such publication, circulated with the seekers of adventurous knowledge. Consultant scholars more than willing to give a few pointers out to would-be knight on how to best prepare to slay a dragon dwelling in ancient dungeon, or what to do to get rid of pesky cubes of jelly from sliming up the dungeons. The reverse was true as well, for should an adventurer have any particular tips on dealing with any monster, they could submit their fieldwork to the publishers. After all it is rather difficult to experiment on a willing test subject.

All that being said, Thomas' memory of all the monsters was faint a best, but just as a physician ought to remember some vital clues, or a monk some sacred scripture, under observation the boy had formulated as decent guess as to what they were dealing with. It was a misty entity, which reduced the range of monsters quite a bit. It could be some sort of air-elemental, yet necromancers preferred to dabble in undead minions, rather than elementals. Another guess would have been a mist-formed vampire, or at least something similar. However it was when Keystone decided to take one for their popsicle bard, did Thomas have his hypothesis down to about a 70% probability. Assuming Lerraina's arrow was a mundane variety, and Keystone's fists were more than jus barehanded strikes.

"It's a Crimson Mist!" If anyone knew what those were, hopefully it was enough for the party to understand what Thomas thought it was. Then again the uninspired scholars who named these things were not very keen on calling it something less confusing when trying to identify it. Yes, the creature was a crimson mist now, and they were referred to as a Crimson Mist. Although for those who did not quite understand and thought Thomas was just pointing out the obvious, the sorcerer followed up his comments with some limited information since this is hardly time for a lecture, although his other phases may disagree.

"We need enchanted weapons!" Thomas shouted frantically watching the scene unfold with both horror and bemusement. One side was Keystone locked in combat with the suspected creature, and losing quite a bit of blood, to those tendrils and mist. The other was a MΓ©nage Γ  trois of women bouncing off the ice wall like some sort of billiard ball. Well, given That Keystone is out for the count, and Ntaj was charging off into combat, and there was at least one other person drawing a bow or something at the thing. And since Ntaj was charging and Keystone was for the best part out of it but seemed to be ignored by the creature, maybe it was up to Thomas to help the ladies out? After all Keystone insofar seemed to be the one to do any actual hurt on the misty entity, and Thomas was no healer. A potion might not get the fighting chef out of this one alive.

"It's fed a bit now, so it should work, but if anyone's got any sort of magical weapons... And don't walk into it! Watch out for the tentacles!" Ah yes, beware of tentacles. Especially Evan's Spiked Tentacles of Forced Intrusion. Not a very pleasant or friendly spell sometimes employed by Master Wolfgang.

So how does one stop a mass of girls from rolling away? By dashing out there trying to intercept their trajectory, careful to watch out for any orange peels or anything of that nature which would cause Thomas to join in on the penguin fun. Although perhaps having picked up his satchel and the makeshift staff Ntaj had carved him earlier to use it as a brace against the frozen floor would help the young sorcerer from slippage, while he clutch his bleeding cut. Hopefully Satilla had more healing spells for Keystone after Sana.

"Everyone alright? I have health potions. Does uh, the Orc tribe have any magical weapons? Relics maybe? Something to help us help them help us?" Attempting to access the situation while keeping a wary eye on the mist. If Thomas was the mist, he'd probably go for the Sorcerer next given that there was already a source of blood slowly dripping from his arm. The half-orc would be too much of a hassle. "Can the uh wolf pull Keystone safely away?"

Also an acceptable answer for the Capital of Assyria is Nineveh.
Which was technically the penultimate capital of the Assyrian Empire.
So in case anyone ever asks you "what is the Capital of Assyria?"
You can proudly proclaim "Nineveh!" (and not get swallowed up by a sea creature)

Else you could technically argue that there were at least 5 other capitals of Assyria other than Nineveh, therefore which period of the Assyrian empire were you looking for?

I'm bored at work okay? X3

A Merry Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa/Yuletide/Dongzhi/Festivus To All! I hope I covered all the major celebrations this week...

Also uh I believe the migratory Swallows probably carried the oranges to these parts.


Probably Knowledge Arcana.
An attempt to see if Thomas recalls reading about anything similar to this thing.
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