Avatar of The Kraken
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: MissKatieKillU
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 441 (0.12 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. The Kraken 10 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Might be a few days before I can reply to everyone, I apologize. Moving 250 miles for an internship this weekend and I start tomorrow, but I'll get to everyone ASAP!
8 yrs ago
Stay trippy, little hippie.
8 yrs ago
Why must autocorrect ruin things in a way that is not even correct?
8 yrs ago
Let's show them our hearts, and then show them theirs. - DAO
8 yrs ago
Back from Christmas and New Year festivities, finally getting back to responding to all roleplays. Bear with me.


The Kraken has been unleashed.

Most Recent Posts

Viola! There it is! I left it where it is at the end for you to decide where to go next, as I figure everything will be moved inside again due to the utter chaos that just happened in the yard and the warden wanting to get the prisoners under control but I already had a really long post and I assumed that to perhaps be obvious. Let me know any positives/negatives or questions/comments/concerns! I hope you enjoy!
The events of the world outside of Le Stinche did not fall upon the ears of those trapped inside it's walls, certainly not those in its depths. Elena was oblivious to the grand chess match going on between the Assassins and the Templars in the Italian streets, or at least, to the severity of its nature. Whispers could be heard between the guards outside her door as they switched their posts, but even these morsels of information were not enough to even intrigue her on finding out more. The dark cell was the only thing she knew for days, no company to break the deafening silence except for when her rations were delivered to her through the metal slot of her prison cell or she was questioned by a Templar guard. But even the Knight Templar who sought to break her allegiance did not visit her, which left her wondering what grand plan he was plotting next for her.

Alessandro's experience had been slightly better, but only in the way that his amenities were made fit for recovery of his injuries. At least he had regular company, so far the doctor came to check on him three separate times that he could consciously remember. Apart from that, nurses had been sent in to change the dressing on his wounds as well. This was as good as it got, for the rest of his time was spent locked up alone or ignoring the interrogation of the ignobile Templars with a silent brooding stare.

All of their isolation came to an end when the cells were cracked open and each was told they were to be escorted to the yard for recreational time. Elena was shocked to find she was being allowed out of her confinement... weren't the Templars worried that she would make a mad dash at the first opportunity? Nevertheless, she was not about to pass up the opportunity to trade the smell of bile and filth for fresh air and sunlight.

The chains were of course kept on her feet and hands as she was roughly removed from her cell. Her muscles ached from days of little movement, finally getting to stretch them as she filed into the line with the other prisoners brought her some relief. Looking around to get her bearings (as for when she was brought down here, she had been knocked unconscious) she noticed the high ranking Templar standing with a man who seemed to not be taking orders from him, but instead giving them. So, the Templars couldn't pull all of the strings in Le Stinche... maybe there was hope for rescue after all.

Elena's eyes caught the Templar's as she shuffled her shackled feet in unison with the other prisoners. Her face showed some exhaustion, bags beneath her eyes and a pale tone on her once olive skin. Eyes, however, still lit with passion and fire, which she locked in a deadly stare at the Templar as she was pushed forward.

Once out at the prison yard, Elena had to squint as her eyes adjusted to the brightness of the daylight. She heard a quick, sharp whistle and immediately knew its origin. Eyes scanning rapidly until she found his face, a large smile grew upon her own when Elena saw Alessandro standing about the yard with some of the other prisoners. Alessandro returned the smile with a large toothy grin of his own. Elena had thought him to be as good as dead, not trusting the word of the Templar that they had saved him and provided the medical care he surely had needed. It seemed she was now proven wrong.

What she wanted most was to run up to Alessandro and greet him with an embrace, however she was still being filed out by the prison guards with the other criminals and being lined up so that they could get one last check on them she supposed to make sure nobody was going to kill each other out here. Just as she was about to be given the okay to roam about, a familiar moniker echoed throughout the yard, and what quickly followed could only be described as caos.

Elena's first thought was that she and Alessandro were finally saved. The Assassin's had finally found an opportunity to come and free them from their captivity. Eagerly, she looked over towards Alessandro, only to realize in horror that the Assassin who had already found his was to her companion was about to plunge his blade into Alessandro's chest. She let out a scream, watching Alessandro counter the Assassin the best he could as the prison guards closed in on him. Turning, Elena came face to face with another familiar blade as it made it's way towards her.

"Fratello! Stop!"

But he did not stop. Instead, he continued forward towards her with his blade aimed at her heart. She drew her chained hands up in defense, but before the Assassin could make it two more steps in her direction, the Templars blasted him from the side and saved her from a deadly strike. With her own life out of immediate danger, she looked over towards where she last saw Alessandro seconds before. The prison guards were doing their best, but the trained Assassin was making quick work of them. Alessandro was fighting hand-to-hand with the Assassin and pleading with him to drop his weapon as Elena began to run towards the fighting pair.

"Drop your weapon Brother!"

Again, the Assassin did not stop. Moving as fast as her shackled feet could carry her, Elena ran and jumped on the Assassin from behind. Using the chains from her handcuffs, she pulled around his jugular to subdue him as Alessandro held down his hands. After a few brief moments, he fell to the ground, unconscious.

Elena held back the tears that threatened to break through after killing one of her own. She could not cry. Not now. Her attention turned back to the Templars who were handling the other attacker, and saw that they had managed to handle themselves. Elena looked to Alessandro before leaning onto him.

"Are you alright?"
"Si. And you?"

Elena shook her head. The Brotherhood had turned against them. For what reason? She did not know. What she did know was that she and Alessandro were not considered Assassins anymore. They were considered traitors to the Creed. That meant there was a bounty on their heads for all Assassins. Elena straightened up and looked at the high ranking Templar, the one who got her and Alessandro into this mess.

"Because of you! You bastardo! Our family turns its back on us!" She shouts. Alessandro puts a hand on her shoulder and holds her back.

"Elena. They, too, fought to save us. They could have let the Assassins kill us." Alessandro says quietly to her.

Elena huffs and blinks several times, remembering the split second the Templar charged in to save her from being taken by her own. Her gaze falls to the ground, and she swallows down a hard lump that has formed in her throat. Never in her life has she been caught in a position such as this. Now, she must do what she can to ensure survival, for the Assassins will surely strike again.

Her head comes back up and she meets the stare of the Templar again.

"Perhaps I was wrong about you."
I very much enjoyed the post, especially the intertwining of the original game events with our story's own events. The details and everything were spot on, very good writing my friend. I think the way you brought about the opportunity to have to rely on one side from the other is perfect, as being ambushed by your own people would definitely make one question their alliances. All in all, I think it was an excellent post and I only hope mine can follow up half as well!

A note- it is a holiday weekend here in the States to celebrate our Independence and whatnot. I still plan on getting a post up, but this is a rare weekend that I am home from my internship to see my family and celebrate. I will try to get most of it written tonight but it will likely be posted tomorrow during the day. I apologize about that, but there's a bit much going on for me to sit down and get it done all in one go with all of my family around. It will be up though!


It's BEAUTIFUL! Thank you so much!
I'm all for it. I do agree about the stalemate. Each character is so concrete in their ways that neither will be willing to budge so soon, so in order to get things moving along then perhaps a significant event would be the best option.
Sorry that took so long to get up... had some other stuff today that I didn't anticipate so I didn't get to the post until now!

Hope the post is okay and taking that little bit of control over Emerico at the end is all right. If not, I'll edit. I hope you enjoy! This should continue to get interesting!
A mumbling heard outside the thick door of her prison cell stirred Elena from a restless sleep she had managed to find herself in, slumped up rather uncomfortably amongst the chains and cold stone wall of her cell. The words were unclear, blocked by the iron and rock that surrounded her. She wondered if it was the guard who had been keeping an eye on her, the one from the street who she would find regularly opening the door of the small barred window to check on her. As if she had found some way to escape her shackles and burrow out of the fortified room. Idiota.

Much to her disappointment, the door opened and whom should be revealed to her is none other than the Templar Knight who got her here in the first place. Elena holds back the urge to spit at his feet on better judgement to avoid further punishment than she's already experienced. Even in these conditions, she must keep her wits and composure about her. Yet, she could not help but worry about what the Templars have already done to Alessandro.

And somehow, the man knows this is exactly what Elena is worried about. Even claims he has saved him. Her lip twitches with slight agitation. She cannot help but let out a laugh.

"Best quarters? He will succumb to the infection soon enough." She scoffed. Alessandro was probably already dead. This Templar was just using the promise of his safety to mess with her head.

Elena did her best to keep his gaze locked with her own while not saying much. When he mentioned the Assassin's neglect in attempting to rescue or even send a correspondent in to Le Stinche to save two of their own, she averted her gaze and glared hard at the corner of the cold floor.

"Choose the wrong side? In what way could I have possibly chosen the wrong side? Assassins fight for peace, freedom, equality. Templars only want to rule everyone and everything ruthlessly. Power is all you seek." The words were venomous. Questioning what she fought for, why she fought against everything the Templars did.

"Maybe you should evaluate your own Order's intentions. Though you seem the ruthless testa di cazzo anyway, eh? I surely hope Signore Borgia treats you well for being his little pet."

As he turned towards the door, she gave a small laugh again.

"I look forward to it."

The door shut and Elena was left to take in everything the Templar had said. One thing he said did raise concerns with her. Why hadn't the Assassins come to their aid here? Especially her brother? Surely he knew of her altercation and imprisonment in this place. It would be no great feat to stage a breakout, or at the very least place someone on the inside to work on an escape plan. Why hadn't this happened yet? How long had they been here already?

Nevertheless, the Templar was crazy if he thought Elena was going to become his ally just like that. Perhaps she could give him things to consider as well, though piping up too much may cost her a limb or her life.

Several floors up from the dark and cold prison Elena was held in, Alessandro woke to find himself lying on clean linen sheets in a room that looked more like a hostel than a room in Le Stinche. The only thing reminiscent of a prison cell was the window that was barred with iron and the door that had no handle from the inside. Other than that, it held minimal furniture. He looked down to find his wound was properly patched and stitched now. A clean change of clothes lie next to the bed on his left.

A knock at the door caught his attention as it opened and a familiar, yet not welcome face entered. The Templar apprentice, with food and a smug look upon his face. He was quick to explain that it was the Templar's doing that put him in these more than acceptable quarters and provided him with proper medical care, which would soon be arriving soon again to check on him. He then mentioned that Alessandro would be staying in these quarters to heal, and that there was much to discuss when he was ready to do so. As the Templar went to exit, he looked over his shoulder and let out the most important tidbit of information: they had also spared Elena.

The door closed and Alessandro sat on the bed, staring out the window as he pondered the circumstances and when he would be visited again.
Will be getting a reply up sometime today!
Natalie nodded, a little relieved to be traveling in a pair now instead of on her own. She had survived this long by her own devices, but two pairs of eyes and ears were always better than one.

Grabbing her pack from its place beside her, she stood from the dusty old chair and grabbed her gun. She put weight down on her leg, finding it didn't hurt too much to put pressure on it. However, she ventured to guess that that would change once the muscle started flexing as she walked. Nevertheless, the aspirin she took should kick in soon (if it did at all), and hopefully bring some relief.

"I'm ready. I suppose we should get moving then."

Natalie moved back towards the same window they had entered from, peering cautiously out at the street before deciding it was safe enough to leave. She carefully maneuvered her way out of the window and back onto the sidewalk outside. She waited for Maeve to join her before setting her gaze down the street, back in the direction the flare had come from.

It wouldn't be too far now, just a few more blocks. There was no telling what kind of activity the flare or the gunshots fired at the Runners not too long ago had stirred up though. The pistol in her hand was held firmly, fingers secure around the handle and ready to act on the trigger at any moment. In her other hand, she brought back the knife that had started this whole mess to her rest in her palm.

With all the commotion and pain from her leg, she hadn't noticed until now that she had a headache. The dull throbbing on the left side of her head accompanied with hearing that sounded like she was listening from underwater told her that the Screamer must've busted her ear drum with its death cry. Great, now she really was a cripple.

Luckily, she had an extra set of ears to look out for her. Natalie looked at Maeve and gave a half smile paired with a shrug before motioning forward and taking the first steps towards what she hoped would be something that could save them, or at the very least, make it worth the trip.
Graphic Type — Set
Stock ImageHere you are
Size — Default for both
Text — We will raise an empire from the bottom of the ocean.
Other — Looking for a dark spin on the art deco theme. The city in the photo is an underwater city, so having that feel to the piece would be cool, and not blurring out the buildings in the back too much is important. If the text font could be an art-deco "gatsby" type font that would be neat. As for the avatar, if you could just include the text "Kraken" somewhere on there that would be super duper. I appreciate it and look forward to it!

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