Avatar of The One
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 4499 (1.19 / day)
  • VMs: 3
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    1. The One 10 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current Do people ever read these things?
7 yrs ago
I'm addicted to 'The Doctor Said' by Nightcore. I can't stop listening to it.
9 yrs ago
Take a look at my new SAO type Rp: Trapped! The Nightmare Begins!
9 yrs ago
God, I wish I knew somebody who'd be willing to draw character reference sheets for me.


[center]Hello, I am looking for a fantasy Rp setting. I am on every day and can post quite often but like most, I do have a few rules so me and my partner can get along.

1) I want somebody who will contribute to the Rp as much as I do. Give your own ideas, plot twists and help me advance the plot.
2) I normally do Casual, I don't like free, as I always get people who write one line, and nowhere near enough for me to 'react' to. I need a good enough post to work with.
3) I have other roleplays and other things to do so, please be patient, although, if it takes me more than two days to reply, knock me a Pm, or post in OOC to ask me politely what's going on, and, I will do the same to you.
4) Be kind. You can be a total bitch in IC, slap, cut, attack, swear and damn right offend me, but OOC, is different. If I get anything like that in OOC, I will never talk to you again.
5) Talk to me, not just in IC, but in OOC. I want a friend, not just a partner.
6) I like multiple characters, and will Never settle for just one character. I normally go for at least four to five. You don't have to but, it would be nice if you too had more than one character.

So, with the rules out the way, here's my interests. * means I want to do it more, + Means that is the role I want. ~~ means I have an idea for.

Neko Princess/Neko***~~
Pokemon Trainer/Pokemon Trainer*~~
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon***~~
Mythical creature/Mythical creature***~~
+Mythical Creature/Human***~~

Even if I've chosen a specific role, it doesn't mean I have to be that role. I don't mind being the other, I just prefer the one I chose. That's it for now, if I think of more, I'll edit.

Most Recent Posts

Sent you a Pm. Still looking.
@Serious Face Ok then. No problem.

My idea would be that the Seraphim is much stronger than both put together, as they usually are. Even a child would be very strong. I was thinking the seraphim ran away, on the run from both Angel and Demon. Although his demon side being stronger.

Another question is, do demons and angels transform into their true demon form or angel form?
@ManoftheNorthHmmmm. I think Kasumi would work well with getting the Tablets, because you know it won't be all too easy, but at the time time she'd work well with stopping anyone from following with her mind tricks and distractions.

Same goes for Master Grey, with his knowledge he could be useful but he has power, and that could help out with fighting off whoever follows them.

If I had to choose I'd put Master Grey in Group one, stopping anyone following considering he's more of a fighter than Kasumi. Then Kasumi to follow on to get the tablets as I've got a feeling her skills might be useful there.
@fer1323Only some, but I still need to work that out. We'll be starting soon.
@ManoftheNorthSo what group do you think Kasumi and Master Grey will be best in?
@ManoftheNorthHaha. Although, Kasumi will most likely will use everyone's voices for distraction eventually. I can't imagine a situation where distractions won't come in handy.
@ManoftheNorthHaha, but what she says is also very true. It will be impossible to form groups without knowing what everyone can do.
@fer1323Double post?

You would evolve when you've gained enough experience. I'll message you when you're able to evolve or lv up.
@ManoftheNorthI meant the introductions. Getting everyone to talk about what they can do. So she can steal their voice and make them look like an idiot.
Here is the OOC for us.




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