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I can make Ryan Matthews 17 or 18 if that would add diversity. He doesn't need to be a kid if we have other kids

Name: Ryan Matthews

Age: 17

Height: 5' 10’’

Weight: 167 lbs.

2 tomahawks (w/ sheaths)
7.5 in tactical knife (w/ sheath)

Previous “Occupation”: high school sophomore, Boy Scout, ultimate frisbee team member


His Boy Scout uniform is pretty small for him, but he keeps it because the uniform and the frisbee are the only things he has that give him a connection to home. He has three plain V-neck T-shirts (one charcoal, one black, one dark) that he switches off between. He wears hiking boots that are a little small on him and long black socks. He has a single pair of cargo shorts and a pair of jeans. Ryan is mostly lean muscle and is very athletic from all of his time running in ultimate frisbee.

Ryan Matthews was born in Dallas, Texas, on May 23, 1997 to Bill and Theresa Matthews. He had two siblings, Jillian, 2 years elder, and David, 4 years elder.

Ryan joined Cub Scouts in Kindergarten and met his best friend Dylan Thomas. The two grew up together in school and moved up from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts and both earned the rank of Eagle Scout. They even held their Court of Honor together. In addition to the many other merit badges that they had to complete to earn Eagle, they both did the Wilderness Survival badge and the Emergency Preparedness badge.

Ryan was a class clown in school and didn’t care much for grades, but made a plethora of friends and was well liked by almost everyone, for being a funny and kind-hearted person. Ryan played on the varsity ultimate frisbee team his freshman year of high school, while Dylan joined the marching band, but the two still managed to remain best friends. Ryan had a huge passion for the outdoors and spent almost all of his free-time with Dylan and other friends, camping, exploring, hunting, or playing ultimate frisbee.

The apocalypse started when Ryan and Dylan were on a BSA high-adventure backpacking trip in New Mexico the summer before he started junior high. Because no one was allowed to use their electronic devices while at camp, no one knew about the evacuations until it was too late. When they made it back to base camp, they found a horde of Boy Scout zombies. Only Ryan, Dylan, and another scout managed to escape.

The three scouts survived on their own for a while until they found a Jeep and ventured back home to Dallas. When they arrived on the outskirts of the city, they realized that everyone was either turned or gone. They then decided to hike north in search of other survivors.

They survived on their own for a while until they ran into a scavenging group that brought them to a yacht out on Lake Texoma in Oklahoma via kayak. The group lived on the yacht for a few months, periodically going ashore on kayak to look for fuel, food, and other supplies until their scavenging party was ambushed by a group of survivors. Ryan panicked and hid and was the only one to survive the attack and watched in horror as the not-so-friendly group of survivors killed Dylan and his other friends from the yacht, took the kayaks and hijacked the yacht. Ryan fled in search of a new home.

Ryan traveled north because something inside him felt like it was the direction to go. He traveled through the forest. Every night he would climb up in a tree and sleep in his eno high enough so that the walkers couldn’t reach him. He hunted game with snares and tomahawk and just continued to travel north, thanks to his compass until he got to the edge of the forest and the plains found a small town. He scavenged the town for supplies and found some food, water, an emergency hammer, a pair of jeans, a roll of duct tape, and a bicycle. He continued to travel north on bike until he found a farmhouse. He was running low on food and water, so he decided to raid the farmhouse, but only to find that there was a band of survivors living there. He quickly made friends with the band of survivors and was absorbed into their band of misfits.

It was Ryan who had first heard the message from Canada. He had been fiddling around with his hand-crank radio, when the voice came on and talked about the place in Canada. He excitedly told the rest of the group, anxious for a chance at a regular life and the possibility that his family may still be alive out there.

Ryan carries the weight of having no idea of the whereabouts of his family. He has no idea if any of them are still alive. He knows that he will probably never see any of his family ever again, but he refuses to truly believe it. He still yearns to find them. Ryan also carries around the guilt of the death of his best friend and the death of his other friends on the yacht. He knows that he couldn’t have done anything, but the fact that he panicked, hid, and fled instead of fighting and trying haunts him.
That sounds so awesome! I'm interested, if you have room for a sixth
Oops, sorry for double posting
Hey, I've got a character for this in mind and I've already started creating him if you're still taking in more people.
Oops! I didn't read all of the characters thuroughly enough. Sorry, Stephanie96, I totally came up with the same idea completely independent of your character, but I'll rewrite mine if you want
Ryan Alexander Matthews



Height: 4’ 7’’
Weight: 79 lbs.
Body Type: small, short, skinny

illegal second child

He was an unplanned surprise to his parents. This wouldn’t normally be that much of a problem as they were already married, however, they had already had one child, Zachary Ellis Matthews. His parents firmly believed that abortion was wrong and they had always wanted a second child despite the rules against it, so they decided to keep the child and hide it as a secret. Ryan’s mother decided to quit her job and stay at home to “take care of Zach.” She stopped leaving the house, but no one really found it suspicious since they were such a quiet couple that no one missed them or even batted an eye. Ryan was born in the apartment and never set foot outside.

As the illegal second child, Ryan spent his entire life hidden inside the apartment. His family built him a small secret room to hide him in with a piece of furniture set in front to hide the secret room. Ryan never received a formal education, however he gained a lot of knowledge from the time that he spent immersed in the electronic books that his parents purchased. He read books of all genres from fiction classics like Les Miserables and the Harry Potter Series to nonfiction books explaining the universe. Since both of his parents worked and his brother spent most of his day at school, Ryan spent a majority of each day reading books by himself. He grew up malnourished since he received only portions of the rations his other family members would give to him.

During Ryan’s eleventh miserable year of life, one of the police officers going through records to look for rule breakers, noticed that both Mr. and Mrs. Matthews were reading quite a lot of electronic books during the time that they were supposed to be at work. During the investigation, the officer found out that the family had an illegal second child. Mr. and Mrs. Matthews were immediately Floated as they were both over twenty-one and the obvious offenders. However, the fate of the two children was much more tricky. Zach had known about his brothers existence and hadn’t reported it to the authorities, however it wasn’t his crime to begin with. After much debate, Zach was allowed to continue life on the Continent. Ryan did not get the same mercy. As a child that was not supposed to exist, the officials didn’t want to let him live, however they didn’t want to Float him since he wasn’t 21. After several weeks of debate (all of which Ryan spent in a cell) the officials decided to send him to Earth to let him die there instead of dealing with the public unrest from Floating an 11 year old.

Timid, super shy, socially awkward, completely insecure, very intelligent (especially for his age), childish, easily startled (but doesn’t make noise), scared of a lot, very quiet, yearning for someone to fill the big brother/sister role, envies his older brother, knows a lot of “fun facts”, constantly thinks about book heroes and wants to be one

Hiding- excellent at hiding. literally did it for 11 years, can sit still and quiet for long periods of time, also an expert with small spaces
Hearing- developed a keen sense of hearing since he always had to be ready to hide for his life and knowing when “the coast is clear”
Creativity- still a child, no formal education to get in the way, inspired by the thousand or so books he’s read
Knowledge- read a lot of books that talk about Earth and its geography and wildlife before the nuclear blast and some books on the planet and history afterward
Also, what other technological advances have been made in the past 186 years? Do we have things like flying cars, teleporters, jet packs, hover boards, 3-D food printers, and digital contacts? What do computers and smartphones look like now? Is there something that makes them obsolete?
I have a few questions on how the zombies work:

If part of a zombie is severed off, does it regrow that segment? Like if one loses a limb, will it grow a new one? If its head is cut off will it grow a new head or a new body or does the head just reanimate?

I know in a lot of zombie lore, zombies are attracted to sounds and lights. Is that true for this RP?

If, hypothetically, a character gets scratched by a zombie, are they infected? If they get an open wound do they get infected from the air or touching stuff that zombies have touched or just zombies themselves?

Where is Icarus geographically? Before the apocalypse were the countries essentially the same as they are today?
I'm new to RP, but I would be up for this if y'all would let me join.
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