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    1. TheHunter 9 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current I hate that old proverb "Look before you leap" I understand that its a good saying and sound advice. But sometimes you just have to go with your gut feeling and most of the time you don't leap ever.
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The Hunter here!!
I'm pretty chill! I'm trying to improve my roleplaying game so if you're interest,let me know!
With highest regards
-The Hunter

Most Recent Posts

@booksmusicanime accepted!!

@4EverEntei Whatever you feel.
A young male wolf was curled up in a small den set apart from any other wolf. The redish blackish wolf was awaken by the stirring of the pack. He had come to this pack a couple of weeks ago and they had surprisingly accepted him. He uncurled himself from his tight ball and stretched out. He shook his mangy coat and exited out of the den. He shook out his coat and stretched again. It was strange and he wasn't sure if he like it. There were always wolves around even if he wished to be alone. He never realized how much he had been alone until he started spending time around other's company. He sat down in front of the den, and watched the pack awake with the new spring day. He let out a rather large yawn and his jaw snapped shut.

Ferryn stared around the camp. His stomach growled, and he acknowledged it. It had been a long winter and he lost a lot of weight, but since joining the pack he had started to gain it back.
2 1/2 years
Looks(Pictures are acceptable!):

Position in Pack:
Ferryn grew up without a family so he grew up quick and mean. He's considered an asshole and people tend to find him unlikable but he's okay with that. If people need someone to hate, then he is more than willing to be hated for it. But underneath that hard exterior Ferryn is loyal to a fault. He had a sweet side that sometimes is shown but not very often.

alright all fixed!
Okay. I'll change it. Sorry bout that.
2 1/2 years
Looks(Pictures are acceptable!):

Position in Pack:
Ferryn grew up without a family so he grew up quick and mean. He's considered an asshole and people tend to find him unlikable but he's okay with that. If people need someone to hate, then he is more than willing to be hated for it. But underneath that hard exterior Ferryn is loyal to a fault. He had a sweet side that sometimes is shown but not very often.
Is there still room?

So sorry! Can you Give me till tonight? Things have just been a little hectic.

Julia smiled as her punch landed solidly, and she hurriedly backed away from the other girl. She knew what rogues would do with an opponent that didn't get up fast enough, but apparently that was frowned upon at the academy. Julia watched the girl rise and started a whirlwind on her arm. That wasn't good. Julia took another step back and made her footing was good. She tried to quickly mold the fire around her to block the wind that slammed into her. The wind was forceful and slammed her back several feet. She rolled out of the spin off and landed back on her feet. The red headed girl needed to decide her next move. She was in pain, but letting her opponent see that would be unwise. She darted toward the girl and at the last second jumped. She sent a jet of fire out of her hands propelling her forward, over the girl. She landed just behind Lynx and swung her leg around hoping to trip the air affinity.
Ferryn Caselet
Ferryn was born to a con family; her mother was a cat burglar and her father was a drug dealer. She was consumed with anger and fierceness that her parents had instilled her from a young age. Her mother trained her in gymnastics and in strategy; her father taught her to be ruthless. Her family was willing to do anything it took for their daughter to survive and follow in their footsteps. So they consulted in the only person they knew she would be born into a murderer. So they called Deathstroke.

Ferryn trained under Deathstroke for years. She killed, robbed, and trained under his tutelage for five years. She became ruthless, but she knew she still wasn't good as Deathstroke. Finally Ferryn quit; she ran away and manage to buy a small apartment in jump. She knew Deathstroke wouldn't come after her; he was still to concentrated on Nightwing. She went to jump and was found by Black Canary. Canary told her of the new team.

Powers or Abilities:
Being trained underneath Deathstroke, Ferryn is skilled in hand to hand combat, throwing knives, the sword, and gymnastics from her mother. She is a skilled thinker and believer.She is superb with guns but hasn't used them in a while.
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