Avatar of TheIratePirate
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    1. TheIratePirate 7 yrs ago


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Based on the legend of Libertalia, the general storyline would involve piracy (duh!) and the establishment of a colony of free men and women who would seek refuge from the tyranny of the old monarchies. There would be an accent put on shipboard life, at least initially, survival, as the resources would initially be meager and the island essentially deserted so everything would have to be built from scratch.

Here are a few possible roles I have thought of.

Crew roles:
  • Captain: That's me. You're out of luck, you mutinous swine!
  • Quartermaster: The quartermaster is next in line after the captain in exercising authority over the pirate crew. His authority on the ship takes up where the captain’s leaves off. Whenever the ship is not in chase or battle, the quartermaster makes most of the decisions regarding the day-to-day ship activities. The quartermaster is elected by the crew, and is expected to represent their interests, for which he receives an extra share of the treasure. His main function is to protect the crew against each other by maintaining order, settling squabbles, and distributing food. The quartermaster usually also keeps the account books for the ship. He can punish the crew for disobedience and frequently mediates minor disputes among the crew. The quartermaster also quite often leads any boarding action, being the first to board the Prize ship.
  • Sailing Master: This is the officer in charge of piloting, navigation, and the actual sailing of the ship. He determines the course and looks after any and all instruments needed to navigate the ship.
  • Boatswain (said Bos’n): A boatswain’s duty is to supervise the maintenance of the ship and its naval provisions, such as tar, pitch and tallow, spare sails, etc. He must inspect the ship, sails and rigging each day, and report their condition to the quartermaster or captain, as appropriate. The boatswain is also in charge of all deck activities, such as weighing or dropping anchor, and handling of the sails.
  • Master Gunner: The master gunner is accountable for the ship's guns and ammunition. This includes sifting the gunpowder, to keep it dry and prevent it from separating; making certain that the cannon balls are free of rust, and that all weapons are in good repair. A knowledgeable gunner is essential to the crew's safety and effective use of the ship’s cannons.
  • Surgeon: The surgeon is responsible for the fitness of the crew, and the treatment of the sick and wounded. As a person with critical skills that are sought after in many places, the surgeon is also often an unwilling recruit on a pirate vessel...
  • Sailor: The common sailor, who is the foundation of the ship’s operation, needs to know the rigging and the sails. He needs to understand how to maneuver the ship and how to sail under different wind conditions. A good sailor can discern weather patterns, read the stars, and, most importantly, can anticipate the wishes of his commanders. A ship’s crew must work together in careful synchronization to maneuver a large sailing vessel while tacking or wearing the vessel, or while docking or weighing anchor. A capable crew is critical during battle maneuvers, when the exact position of a ship makes all the difference.

Eventually on land:

  • Tavernkeeper
  • Governor (yes, the colony's governor would be an elected position)
  • Perhaps a council of captains, should things go large enough to have more than one crew
  • Trader / Fence to trade with other colonies and acquire that which cannot be produced on the island
  • Whatever else: These are critical positions, but I'm sure people can think of interesting people to be part of a pirate crew.

I don't want to write too much in one sitting because I'd like this to be as much of a collaborative creation as possible. If you have ideas to propose, please, please do. I have not, for example, determined the type of setting. I'm open to gritty realism (actual nations and maps), high fantasy (bring on the knife-ears), Pirates of the Caribbean style... (If you propose to be Jack Sparrow or Mickey Mouse I guarantee you a quick drop and a sudden stop. *points to the noose dangling from the yardarm*)

Welp? What'll it be? Shall this one sail, or be marooned?
You enter the captain's quarters. The place is surprisingly roomy, considering the limited space and privacy available on board sailing vessels. The bunk is draped in crimson finery, likely stolen from wealthy travelers, as with pretty much everything else that fills the quarters. At the foot of the bed is a large, sturdy chest. There is a bookcase in one corner. Most of the works lining it are in French for some reason, but there are a few volumes in English and Spanish here and there. Featured prominently in the middle of the room is the captain's desk. Strewn across it are easily identifiable items like treasure maps, a few coins, a sextant and compass... but also a number of incongruous items including star charts, an omni-tool, a Lee-Enfield MkIII rifle, a stahlhelm, a Blade Runner's license, an Elder Scroll... and from the desk, at which he had been dilligently working, the Irate Pirate looks up to you.

"What in blazes are you doing in here? Don't you see I'm working?"

Well... whatever you're come here for, this is my office. If you want to talk about my projects, make suggestions or whatever... go right ahead! I might actually respond, too!
Please tell me you have a Mass Effect: Andromeda-themed RP in the planning stages. Please?
Arrrright! I suppose I should do things prop'ly.

  • Roleplaying career: I have been a role players for years. How many years? Let's say I know what THAC0 stands for. Over time I have been a DM for D&D and Pathfinder and have run several Sci-fi 'sims'. As of now, I am looking for new challenges, and to find a good home for a pirate themed RP!
  • Roleplaying preferences: I love Sci-Fi a great deal. If you want to do hard and gritty sci-fi, I'm your guy. As stated above, I am very familiar with D&D and Pathfinder for the Fantasy genre. I also LOVE historical storytelling. The persona associated with this account is a pirate so there's another thing. I do not have a preference when it comes to group size, but I would prefer a smaller bunch of regulars to a whole cast of people fading in and out. I also do like the one on one thing. Allows for a lot of character development, and that's one of the best things there is.
  • Hobbies and interests: I am an avid reader, a philosophreak, a gamer and a secular humanist!
  • I am interested in joining generally grittier roleplays, but will consider all invites seriously. Unless you have furries that is. They're the reason keelhaulin' was invented.

I think you'll quite enjoy your stay here

I'm quite sure I will, @POOHEAD189

...but count me in on your adventures, Cap'n @TheIratePirate.

But it would be far worse not to have ye, @Lady of Lore!
I don't have a ship quite yet, but I'll send a parrot and we can set up parlay!
I's been thinkin' o' plyin' the trade again in these here waters. I'm an old salt of sorts, been rollin' an' playin' fer years. A literate gentleman o' fortune I am, and wantin' to find shipmates. Here's to all the likely sorts, lasses and louts alike! Cheers!
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