Avatar of Therealslayer
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 137 (0.05 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Therealslayer 8 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current Jeep Cherokee Sport or Jeep Compass Trailhawk? Cherokee has way more power, but also costs a lot more in gas.
6 yrs ago
Is 2 months enough to learn how to cross-country skate efficiently? I'm about to find out.
7 yrs ago
Is there any Zombie/survival themed RP accepting? I have a great need to be in one rn
7 yrs ago
Hello super street fighter IV :D


Hey guys! I'm a 26-year-old RPer formerly known as Vslayer on here. I roleplayed on the Guild for 2 years I think - back in the old Guild days.

I'm a PC gamer and I literally play anything, but my favorite genres are RPG's, fighting games and first-person shooters.

I worked in Nunavut as a Field Tech for 1 year and a half, now I'm back at the office doing good old 8 to 5. :(

I train in Crossfit, I fucking love chicken and broccoli and I haven't injured myself.Yet.

Most Recent Posts

@Lady Amalthea by tank type I meant strong and capable with melee type of weapons, not rush in and die like a dork :P. Can’t wait to get started on this.
@Lady Amalthea alright, I have an idea of what I want. I had a firefighter character for another zombie RP I really liked but I didn’t get the chance to play it that much everyone kind of simultaneously lost interest from what I remember. I don’t know if you have many melee/tank types, that’s what I would go for.
Alright sounds good, i’ll draw something up after work this evening.
I’m always up for a zombie RP. I know you said you’re female heavy, and I usually always play females, but if we can play more than one character right away I would be down to make siblings.
Since Game of Throne's last season isn't airing until 2019 and George R.R Martin's next ASOIAF hasn't been announced, I'm itching to create something epic in this universe to get us through that long night of wait. I was thinking it would be set years after season 8: All the great houses have fallen and the ones who were strong enough to survive don't nearly have the political impact they used to, but a new threat arises and Westeros is in dire need of heroes who would risk their lives just as their predecessors did during the last war for the dawn.

I'm also open to suggestions, let me know if this is something that would interest any of you.
So up for this, been wanting to replay the game again but I’d rather write about it. I’ll get a CS up after work :)
I'm going to start working on my post today, sorry for the delay. Anyone want Natalie to come across them?

If no one else's character is ready to meet anyone, you're free to make our duo a trio.

Sam was relieved the woman hadn't simply turned away and fully expected the wary look on her face. It was hard to judge someone's intentions by simply staring at them. Most people's body language was guarded and constantly on edge - the cost of six months of brutal survival in a world they can hardly recognize. It didn't mean they had to relinquish every ounce of their humanity, which was decidedly easier for some to do, Sam thought. That wasn't her, though, and she still believed human relations were important.

She rested her ax down on her shoulder as she approached the woman with a smile. Sam stopped just a few feet in front of the tall stranger and cocked her head sideways as she quickly examined her: no wounds - at least, no visible ones. Sam smirked when she spotted the long wooden handle and the sharp edge of the fire ax, Smart woman. She didn't seem worse for wear but certainly looked a tired from exertion. Though, who wasn't these days?

Sam took a confident step forward, "Come here often?" She chuckled and hoped it would dissolve some of the tension between the two strangers. She then offered the woman her hand. "I'm Sam. Ex-firefighter at your service," she informed with a wink

As cheesy introductions went this one was pretty high up there, but seriousness wasn't exactly Sam's strong suit.
Oh, I could go. Was just waiting for everyone to get a post in.
<Snipped quote by Therealslayer>

I definitely could. Haha I'm still debating on if it's worth it or not. It's got accident insurance too. I mean that laptop would be good for the next 4 or 5 years easily.

Yeah, it's definitely powerful. I'm just warry about overheating but you can always get a cooling pad.
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