Avatar of Tim


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2 yrs ago
"Are you serious, Snake? Cryptocurrency, or 'Crypto' for short, is a digital currency that is not tied to any one nation. There's not just one type, either! Have you really never heard of them?"
1 like
2 yrs ago
@AlternateMan mf I have never interacted with you ONCE but I know you are consistently the funniest guy here. Take the W, my N-word.
2 yrs ago
Yoooooo who here is GAY
2 yrs ago
Heh heh heh heh heh... Hi, Tired. I'm Tim.
1 like
3 yrs ago
Charlie Sheen? More like Charles Luster
1 like


Hi! I am Tim.

... That is all.



Most Recent Posts

Ah yes and who could forget the arrow boi himself

Haha yes I as well
I'm gonna pass on this turn. The risk to check out the body isn't worth the relatively small chance of the investigation providing anything more useful.
Douglas had already taken a few pictures before he began piecing them together. Something about this scene had seemed so familiar. That's when it hit him: he'd already seen it before. He's looked over countless occult texts, and he remembered this cast of characters in particular. It was from an old tome OIA had found in Syria and stored away.

"Hold on a second, I recognize this..."

He approached and gestured to the bodies, quoting from the Tome:

"His Holy Knight, to enforce his divine rule... His Royal Spymaster, to seek and destroy those who would oppose him... His High Priest, to spread his good word... and his Royal Mage, to seek out the lost knowledge and enlighten him on the ways to spread his influence..."

Douglas stops just in front of the main figure.

"... And King Kaiwan himself, divine ruler of the city-state of Carcosa."

He turns to his coworkers to elaborate.

"Well, his version of 'divine' and 'holy' is more akin to 'indulgence', allowing rape, murder, destruction... and unnatural creation."
Oh, cool, happy birthday.
Time to take the lead.

Chad rose from his seat. The party had been resting there for a while, considering their next move in this dangerous land. They've lost a lot of people, and hope was in short supply. Now was as good a time as any to make a bold move into the unknown.

"Well, friends, I believe we should head back through Brighthaven. Good as a place as any to make some quick loot."

Chad moved towards the door and took a quick look outside to emphasize his point. The town was close, and what this group needed was some easy loot to raise the mood. Then, once morale improved, they could explore more of the island.
Okay bois and female

I say we go to the town that is right next to us first

Then decide where to go after we loot the place
Those drawings are really nice.

Just sorta wanted to mention that.
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