Avatar of TJByrum
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@Espatier Battlefield will be similar to Waterloo, with one minor difference. In other words, expect high ridges on either side, with a valley in the center.
The role play takes place in a setting modeled after 19th century Europe. Armies are primarily composed of musketeers and cavalry with artillery support, although each may be further divided into subcategories. I will try to detail some roles below but troop composition, equipment, and their purposes may be chosen at your discretion. You will command up to four regiments. Infantry regiments contain 3000 men, cavalry regiments contain 1500 men and horses, and artillery regiments contain 50 men with 5 cannons.

Line Infantry: Line infantry are the bread and butter of any nation's army. Typically armed with a musket and bayonet, these men fire in unison directly at a target. They are vulnerable to cavalry charges, especially when flanked. Although they can assume square formation to fend off cavalry it makes them vulnerable to artillery fire.
Skirmishers: Skirmishers are equipped with rifles that have superior range. Unfortunately they take longer to reload and as such they are not ideal for sustained combat. Skirmishers are used to harass the enemy, pick off important personnel, and screen the main force.
Cuirassiers: These heavy cavalry get their name from the cuirasses they wear. They are armed with swords which give them sustainability in a fight.
Lancers: Lancers wield polearms and are ideal for breaking enemy formations. Their weapons are unwieldy in close combat, however, and they are suitable in sustained combat.
Dragoons: Dragoons are mounted infantry. They generally ride into battle on horseback, then dismount to fight as line infantry, making them effective at reinforcing critical locations. Some are equipped with carbines and so can fire and reload from horseback.
Hussars: Hussars are light cavalrymen armed with sabers. They are very quick and ideal for chasing down routed enemies or overrunning artillery positions.
Artillery: Artillery is classified by the weight of the projectile they fire. Many fire 6lber, 12lber, or even 32 lber payloads. Any cannon which fires 12lber or below may be drawn by cavalry to quickly move around the field. Anything over 12lbers may not be moved once the battle has begun.

[u][b]Name[/b][/u]: Any names and titles the character may go by.
[u][b]Physical[/b][/u]: A physical description of the character, including gender, height, weight, eye color, hair color, skin color, etc.
[u][b]Description[/b][/u]: A brief history or description of the character.
[u][b]Nation[/b][/u]: The name of your nation or faction and a brief history or description.
[u][b]Regiments[/b][/u]: Please list your regiments below. I have provided an example below.

18th Valland Dragoons: When the Coalition Wars began the King of Valland handpicked some of the frontier's rowdiest hunters. These men were drawn together and currently make up the 18th Valland Dragoons. Equipped with muskets, these men ride into battle on horseback and dismount where the fighting is heaviest, reinforcing their allies and hitting the enemy with deadly accuracy. When Valland's army capitulated to the Emperor the 18th went to serve the Gauldic Empire, but their loyalties may yet lie with the Allies...
Battle of the Nations

Welcome to Battle of the Nations. This role play was inspired by the historical Battles of Leipzig and Waterloo. Although there are no fantastical elements the setting is in a fictional world. The antagonist, Francisco Marion, rose to prominence during the Gauldic Revolution, which ended when he proclaimed himself Emperor. The ambitious conqueror then launched preemptive invasions on his neighbors, who had defied his rebellion previously. Despite subduing his enemies and routing their armies in a series of several wars Francisco's own forces grow weary and he has temporarily retreated so his armies can recuperate. Blocking his path is a combined Allied army that seeks to finally break his victorious streak and bring his rule to an end. This will be the Battle of the Nations.

Each player will assume the role of a commander during the battle, and may bring up to four regiments from their respective nation. The role play will take place in two phases. You will be given information during the strategy phase and will use this to determine the layout of your forces. During the battle phase you will try to defeat Francisco Marion and the Imperial Army. The role play will end when the Emperor has been defeated.

Current Players and Regiments

Total Allied Army Manpower:

@TJByrum - Torr Valgard
  • 18th Valland Dragoons - 1500

@Landain - Friedrich, Duke von Nordmann
  • Line Regiment von Kerpin, Nr. 1 - 2960
  • Line Regiment von Schmidt, Nr. 2 - 2960
  • Line Regiment Göttisheim, Nr. 3 - 2960
  • Royal Grenadier Guards Regiment Schneider Nr. 16 - 2960

@Andreyich - Iouldouz Edicoglu Khan
  • Dusmane Auxiliaries - ~6000

@Jamesyco - Julian Mackeralini
  • 1st Republican Artillery - 32
  • 1st Republican Guard - 748
Good idea, Dusty. Three volunteer is good enough, I will get to work on this today! You may go ahead and fill out your character sheets in preparation and tweak them as needed. I will update the troop numbers as best I can.


Edit: I have it at 3000 men infantry regiments, 1500 cavalry, and artillery at 50 men and 5 cannons. If anyone has better suggestions, let me know.

Espatier, you guys can designate some of your regiments as reserve in the strategy phase. Also, I had a hard time coming up with a name, but I chose Francisco because of France, and I like the name. And I chose Marion because it did make me think of the Swamp Fox!
@Dusty I would like at least four.

@gorgenmast@Espatier Since the banana republic role play didn't get enough interest, this is my second idea.
Unfortunately, this has not garnered enough interest @gorgenmast and @espatier . I will try again in the future :/
Battle of the Nations

Welcome to Battle of the Nations. This role play was inspired by the historical Battles of Leipzig and Waterloo. Although there are no fantastical elements the setting is in a fictional world. The antagonist, Francisco Marion, rose to prominence during the Gauldic Revolution, which ended when he proclaimed himself Emperor. The ambitious conqueror then launched preemptive invasions on his neighbors, who had defied his rebellion previously. Despite subduing his enemies and routing their armies in a series of several wars Francisco's own forces grow weary and he has temporarily retreated so his armies can recuperate. Blocking his path is a combined Allied army that seeks to finally break his victorious streak and bring his rule to an end. This will be the Battle of the Nations.

Each player will assume the role of a commander during the battle, and may bring up to four regiments from their respective nation. The role play will take place in two phases. You will be given information during the strategy phase and will use this to determine the layout of your forces. During the battle phase you will try to defeat Francisco Marion and the Imperial Army. The role play will end when the Emperor has been defeated.

The role play takes place in a setting modeled after 19th century Europe. Armies are primarily composed of musketeers and cavalry with artillery support, although each may be further divided into subcategories. I will try to detail some roles below but troop composition, equipment, and their purposes may be chosen at your discretion. You will command up to four regiments. Infantry regiments contain 3000 men, cavalry regiments contain 1500 men and horses, and artillery regiments contain 50 men with 5 cannons.

Line Infantry: Line infantry are the bread and butter of any nation's army. Typically armed with a musket and bayonet, these men fire in unison directly at a target. They are vulnerable to cavalry charges, especially when flanked. Although they can assume square formation to fend off cavalry it makes them vulnerable to artillery fire.
Skirmishers: Skirmishers are equipped with rifles that have superior range. Unfortunately they take longer to reload and as such they are not ideal for sustained combat. Skirmishers are used to harass the enemy, pick off important personnel, and screen the main force.
Cuirassiers: These heavy cavalry get their name from the cuirasses they wear. They are armed with swords which give them sustainability in a fight.
Lancers: Lancers wield polearms and are ideal for breaking enemy formations. Their weapons are unwieldy in close combat, however, and they are suitable in sustained combat.
Dragoons: Dragoons are mounted infantry. They generally ride into battle on horseback, then dismount to fight as line infantry, making them effective at reinforcing critical locations. Some are equipped with carbines and so can fire and reload from horseback.
Hussars: Hussars are light cavalrymen armed with sabers. They are very quick and ideal for chasing down routed enemies or overrunning artillery positions.
Artillery: Artillery is classified by the weight of the projectile they fire. Many fire 6lber, 12lber, or even 32 lber payloads. Any cannon which fires 12lber or below may be drawn by cavalry to quickly move around the field. Anything over 12lbers may not be moved once the battle has begun.

[u][b]Name[/b][/u]: Any names and titles the character may go by.
[u][b]Physical[/b][/u]: A physical description of the character, including gender, height, weight, eye color, hair color, skin color, etc.
[u][b]Description[/b][/u]: A brief history or description of the character.
[u][b]Nation[/b][/u]: The name of your nation or faction and a brief history or description.
[u][b]Regiments[/b][/u]: Please list your regiments below. I have provided an example below.

18th Valland Dragoons: When the Coalition Wars began the King of Valland handpicked some of the frontier's rowdiest hunters. These men were drawn together and currently make up the 18th Valland Dragoons. Equipped with muskets, these men ride into battle on horseback and dismount where the fighting is heaviest, reinforcing their allies and hitting the enemy with deadly accuracy. When Valland's army capitulated to the Emperor the 18th went to serve the Gauldic Empire, but their loyalties may yet lie with the Allies...
I have an idea that I wanted to do on a Discord server but no one seemed interested. I'll throw it here to see if anyone bites and I could do it on a forum, but a Discord would still be preferable.

The role play takes place in the 1980's, in a Central/South American country. It is/was a banana republic, but now has a drug trafficking component attached to it. The country is currently ruled by a corrupt and ironfisted dictator, who happens to be at odds with the United States and the Soviet Union. Rebellious spirits flock to the forests, biding their time to lash out and retake their livelihood.

You can play almost any character associated with the conflict. You can be a politician, a communist guerrilla leader, a capitalist paramilitary soldier, a policeman, a simple worker, etc. The role play will take place in locations which are controlled by a faction ("the capital", "rebel hideout", etc).

Player-vs-player combat should be resolved with logic and reason, and at the discretion of those involved, but I can step in if need be.

Faction-vs-faction combat should be resolved by supporting content (your group hunkered down beforehand), numbers, weapons (better weapons accessible from the Americans of Communists), and strategy/tactics (flanking maneuvers). I can always step in if necessary.

Factions can have 1000 men to start, but that number can increase as support is gained. Those numbers will fall in combat, but replenish over time.
This is an idea that I've had for a while, but never really put much thought into it until now. It's a roleplaying game about steam locomotives, railroad station towns, production chains, the tycoons behind it all, and more.

Summary: It takes place in a fictional location in the 19th Century American Midwest, where steamboats and locomotives have revolutionized the transport of people and goods. A burgeoning riverside City has been connected to a Town via railroad, and items are shipped back and forth. The players will own a business that produces a specific good to be sold abroad - whether to NPCs (me, playing the settlements) or to each other. These businesses can grow and evolve; production chains may form - and are encouraged. Additionally, new Towns may appear, while existing ones will become Cities and those may become Metropolises - all depending on how well the players manage the production and transport of their goods.

Turn-Based: Except on special occasions, my posts will count as a single turn. A turn is '1DT', which stands for 1 Days Travel. The City and Town are 1DT apart, so if the train is in the City then the next time I post it will arrive in the Town.

About Your Business: You will own some kind of business - whether it's a log-cutting business, mining industry, a farm, mail service, fishery, slaughterhouse, paper mill, plantation - honestly whatever you want. These businesses are based near or within the City or Town. Every turn you will produce 1 tonne of a resource. Maybe you produce 1 tonne of lumber, or 1 ton of cotton, or 1 tonne of corn - that's your discretion. I will update your 'inventories' whenever I advance a turn so you can keep track of what you have produced.

What do I do on my turn?: Let's pretend you own a cotton plantation. When I post you will see that you have produced 1 tonne of cotton. You may now post and decide you want to load this 1 tonne of cotton onto the train to sell in the City. The next time I post the train will have arrived in the City and your 1 tonne of cotton will have been sold, increasing your Cash. That's the basics.

Supply, Demand, and Upgrades: So your business produces 1 tonne of a good per turn. You can use Cash to upgrade your business and start producing 2 tonnes per turn, 3 tonnes per turn, etc. But each location only demands a specific amount of goods - representing demand. Metropolises will demand more than a City, and a City will demand more than a Town. Note that a location will never have a demand for a good that is being produced there. When enough businesses exist within a town it will become a city, and cities become metropolises in the the same fashion.

New Towns: The players may pool their money together to invest in the construction of a new railroad linking the existing Town or City to a new town. This town will now start accepting the goods you produce, and will also become a new location for you to found new businesses!

New Businesses: Aside from upgrading your business, or expanding your existing business to a new location, you can open up an entirely new one! So you might own a Cotton Plantation in the Town, and a Steel Furnace in the City! Ship cotton to the City, then ship steel to the Town!

Competition?: So a location will always buy your goods at a fixed rate. But what happens when two players produce the same good? That fixed rate ceases to exist and now the price is determined by the players. I don't know how I want to do this yet, however, and it's something I am still working on.

Another form of competition would be founding businesses in locations where that business doesn't exist yet. If Player One owns a steel furnace in the City and he is selling his goods in the Town, you can found a steel furnace in the Town which means they no longer demand Steel - you have stripped Player One of customers!

Production Chains: A production chain would be where one player produces a good, ships it to another player, who then turns that good into their own type. So an Iron Ore Mining Company in the Town might ship iron ore to a Steel Furnace in the City, which then produces steel to be sold in the Town. Production chains are up to the players' discretion and I want to encourage this somehow or another. They can be as complex as the players start to make them!

Conclusion: I work a full-time job and have morning classes - so I am quite busy! But I wanted to pass this idea on to see what people though about it, answer some questions, and hear some suggestions!
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