Avatar of Tony Pajamas
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    1. Tony Pajamas 4 yrs ago


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It's actually mentioned in the character sheet example when we were rolling for starting currency. To Quote it

For simplicity's sake, we're doing 3 types of coinage. Royals (Gold), Lordlings (Silver), and Commons (Copper). They each measure 20 of the previous coinage. 20 Lordlings makes a Royal and 20 Commons makes a Lordling.

Unless you're more so asking for the relative cost of goods like a meal or hireling, then I leave that to Poohead to give us a better idea.
It was strange in a way to Hikari that Airi kept answering his questions. Then again he wasn't one to understand a demon's intentions. The same was true for her advice. Surely he did mean to make the demons happy, and following her advice sounds like it would insure that. It could as well kill him, but he didn't have much knowledge or power in this place either way. Her last 'offer' especially put him on an edge of sorts.

Any other thoughts were quickly dispersed at the abrupt entrance and voice of the other person. Him knowingly being outnumbered, even as he knew he was out powered in this realm, sent another chill down his spine forcing him to sit up straighter. Facing the table within his cell allowed him to steal a sideways glance towards the new demon. Quite momentary, as their manner of dress quickly was revealed to the man as he had been scanning from their face down to the markings below her collarbone. Suddenly the few idle distractions he could manage seemed all the more important than giving any immediate attention, though the site of a more otherworldly demon unsettled him as well.

Mental contemplation was evident on his face as he restrained himself from any immediate reply, again thankful to the poorly lit room to hide his expression. His hands would run as they had before across the lengthy red ribbon to seek some sort of answer from it. After some moments, a word would finally find itself escaping his lips. A frustration and concern hidden within.

Today was a reminder of why Emilio did not have a particular love of hilly countries. Truly it was an omen of bad business if the man had to get out of his cart and push it himself. Though perhaps it also spoke of necessity for other goods, as the stubborn would persist or unprepared fools would be in need of wares or in want of luxury. Those thoughts kept running through his mind repetition as he assessed the land idly for its goods and what needs he could meet. That was at least until they would finally be able to peer above the 'final' hill and see human form again after their hours of journey.

The Dre Costan would work quickly to dust himself off. There was no time to change into more formal wear but he would be presentable for sure. Fixing his hair back and putting on a confident smile. By their way of dress it would have to be impossible to mistake them as anything other than the Knights of the Skull. A hand would pat his ass's head as he'd stride ahead. Cutting the sizable distance slowly as he spoke with a voice that would certainly reach the men.

"Gentlemen, what a sight for our weary eyes! Straight from Varian's Crossing we've come here searching for Olderin's Refuge. I believe none could mistake you as anything other than its protectors." There was a certainty to his words. Strange one might think for being new travelers of Blackwood.

"Any warnings, expectations, news you would wish to impart?" He'd ask as he kept his approach slow and closing the gap, cart behind.

The merchant listened with intent to the Dwarf's words. It didn't feel often he spoke in comparison and certainly he spoke as if he had a thousand years of knowledge swirling around his mind. Any remarks were certainly worthwhile and they caught Emilio's ears as he seemed to consider them as well as his response.

"Well there is much to start off from his words no? We know where we are headed and the protectors of the local area. Some dangers and warnings of where to not pass." He'd chime as he reclined back against the wood of the cart. "Olderin's Refuge, with the Knights of the Skull being some local mercenaries or glory hounds by the sounds of it. Else it sounds like we might find some luck should your 'clan' still hold land in this place. Certainly the way you speak it your talents would be of great use to them." A hand would stroke his chin in thought at that. Numbers and schemes already running about in his mind.

"That or maybe these Knight folks could use some new blades. Either way, we should be able to catch some more of whats going on once we are in town. Much to your disdain of our endless ramblings it is the self same thing that shall find us riches and perhaps your people. There is much townsfolk love to gossip of, especially over a mug of fine drink. Something I feel you at least could partially agree with eh Wēlanandaz?" A smile would cross his face as he'd tilt his head to look over with his final words. Cocky and confident, as the man nearly always seemed to be.
He'd keep his ears sharp as she spoke, trying to calm himself with his breaths. How was he taken into their realm? Isn't that exactly what the barrier was suppose to prevent? His hands would squeeze together as some odd form of comfort and as a reminder this was really happening. Demons were vain and selfish right? All the sins of the world. With her comment of the hairpin and her own appearance, this one must be no different. Provoking her could get a reaction. It would at least tell him how true her comment of being unable to touch him would be.

"I will keep my gaze over here else my eyes are tainted by the sight of you." He'd speak out, some resolve forming as he continued. Was that a momentary blush at such an invitation? "Seventh means there are others. Stronger or weaker. Who is this Ajisai and what mockery do they intend by trying to take a Lunari Priest as a pet?"

His attention then turned to his things, seeming to expect the women to continue answering his questions anwyays. He would look over to see if anything else was taken. Slips that had been given by the residents of Shiroiwa laid sprawled out. Checking several, he'd note gifts of coins. What use they'd be to him now. Still, it was some form of attachment of the human realm and remnant of what was 'normal'. Hikari would start softly chanting the names of each face he had remembered from after the ritual, trying to commit it to memory in a pattern as he filled one slip with those.

A thought came to mind of if Airi would feel slighted by this display, but such a thing didn't seem to overly concern him as he continued. There wasn't much else left at the table, aside from small token implements of his as well as the red ribbon sash of before. He'd run it through his hands and fingers, ear turned to the demon. "Only the hairpin, huh..." the last comment came as idle musing.

His hand trembled as she was unphased by even the attempt. Others had all been here. They were more than just rumors now. This had been happening for a long time now and she just confirmed all of it to be true. He'd shift and push his way back toward the other end of the cell, back against the wood as he seemed to shiver at the contact. He'd seem to manage to only steal glances at the woman, still unsure of how to respond, and uncertain how to look at her form.

"How do you know that name? Why am I here? Why did you steal my things?" His questions would come as a flurry, his tone still slightly shaken. There'd be a far longer pause before he asked another question. "Who are you, and why am I still alive?" his voice would turn more serious and solemn at that. His gaze would still look away as he seemed to try to re-build some semblance of bravery and confidence.
Slowly rousing, Hikari would be confused how he had ended up on his back. Had the ritual take more out of him than he thought? Did Amari find him and get him carried to bed? He'd slowly push himself up as he tried to push sleep from his eyes. Looking about the room, he'd note this definitely was not what had happened. A hand would raise up to his eyes as he vigorously tried to make this dream disappear. Unfortunate for him it had no effect. Concern started to creep into him as he'd find the desk and his 'things' laid out. It was a small comfort but for a moment as he remembered this was built as a cage and the bag he had been given seemed opened and discarded.

It was then Hikari would finally tune in to the melody, thinking of it as more than just a backdrop of noise. Seeing someone else was a relief for but a moment as he'd realize the situation. Noting the kanzashi from before being placed in her hair. She was responsible, wasn't she? A slow sense of dread would start to fill his face, before his eyes fell onto the women's actual appearance and attire. The caliber and style of dress was startling, let alone the manner in which she wore it. Improper. Whether he averted his gaze in fear as her eyes turned to him or to look away from this obvious display of voyeurism would be hard to say, though to the man it was both. Surely this woman was a demon, even with her human appearance.

And then it spoke to him. A chill would pass through his spine. His brow would sweat as it had after the hours spent on the ritual. A voice would come out uncertain. "Demon! You're a demon!" He'd announce as his eyes kept away. "Wh-Which means the ritual failed..." would follow weakly. Such a reality seemed to set it on him with a crushing weight. His hands would raise to either side of his head, thinking of the fate of his people. Hikari shook, overwhelmed by the thought. Clenching his fist, he'd turn suddenly, shooting out an sprawled palm at the woman. With what energy he had within, he'd force out what magics he had. "Blast whoever both of those are!"

He had to escape and get back to Shiroiwa.

"I could ask nothing else of you fine duo, and I must give thanks to what words you have offered." Emilio would make for a bow as he stepped onto land. Checking on his donkey he'd make sure the cart was on firm ground before looking over it as well mindful of the rocking of the boat had knocked anything loose. An apple that had loosely rolled to the bottom of the cart and bruised itself was picked up and given as a treat to his animal. A hand would follow a growing smile as he stroked his companion's face.

Making sure everything was accounted for he'd gesture an offer for his dwarvern friend to board the cart. "Best for us to get moving and letting the fellows get on their own way then right Wēlanandaz?" Barely waiting for the dwarf's own answer he'd quickly move to set off down the path. There was common enough folk tale and legends of any random place being haunted and dangerous, but the merchant knew well enough that there was at least an inkling of truth to even the most baseless one. Better safe than sorry was a tried and true practice on the road and one he would not stray from now. If any oddity lay in the path ahead he'd trust his base gut feeling for the time at least. He had managed it this far after all.

Deep rooted and wooded forests were not the typical locales the Dre Costan had found himself traveling through before for the most part, especially in these rougher conditions. Obviously the path had been carved and managed to some extent though not enough for their sort to be the most common travelers. The man would keep his eyes sharp and looking about as the clatter of wooden wheels against the path matched the clops of the donkey's own hooves.

"Well, it'll be some hours at least until we see some sort of men again." He'd speak out, though not as verbose and energetic as on the shoreline. "I would wonder your thoughts at times like these, my otherwise stoic and stone-faced colleague." The hint of sarcasm in his voice would at least be obvious in the choice of adjectives used.


The Dre Costan showed no signs of tiring from the boy's repetitive questions. All the more he seemed just as excited and lively.

"Ah, but where there are towns there are people. Where there are people, my services shall always be required. Setting disputes, evaluating valuables, and moving about the general necessities of the world." Emilio spoke with elegance outwardly to the child, as if he had prepared this spiel his entire life. "Oh, and of course my friend here." He'd gesture with flair to Wēlanandaz. "Monsters mean armor and weapons are in great demand yes? Well what finer is there than expert Dwarvern make?" The question was exclaimed proudly and entirely rhetorical, though he'd move on before the child could comment on it.

"I am certain one way or another it shall be an exciting and prosperous venture. You yourself found this to be your own service after all. I am certain you have heard much and more of the Blackwood. It would make me most grateful if you could tell us some more of what to expect. Anything you've heard of the locals, the closest towns or villages. Any and all is appreciated." An eye would look from the man to the shore as they made a turn towards it. A seemingly entire lackluster and lone spot. "Ah, and directions. Truly you would wish for us to make it safely yes? After we have made our fortunes here we would remember those that labored along the way." Emilio would add on with a cheery smile and tone. All but antithetical to the rowing man's silence.

"Of course I'd hope the same to be true of myself. Should I find any weary souls who wish to turn their way back for an honest fee, I would all the more direct them to the one who had the same guided safely our own passage. I'd need a name of course for such a man and I would not ask without bestowing my own. Emilio Virtoli, merchant, as you already well know." A seated half bow was added on, not wishing to rock the boat overly much as they were soon to be pulling onto land.
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