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  • Posts: 17 (0.00 / day)
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    1. Tumblepop 10 yrs ago


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Name: Kettlebrick Chilhdarmer
Age: 38
Demon: Misery
Bio: Kettlebrick is a sad man living sadly alone in his sad little apartment. His AIM friendslist has dried up and all he knows to do now is stare blankly at the walls and think about bad arcade to NES ports. He has sustained himself on the bulk ramen and vienna sausages that he stockpiled in his early twenties, but now that, like his AIM friendslist, is running dangerously low. One day, his deep inner monologue of explaining the superiority of Super Mario Bros 2 to Super Mario Bros. USA to the imaginary girlfriends he would never have was interrupted by a rude whispering. His life would never be the same.
In Godmode 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Ludendorff suddenly felt himself being overtaken by the call of the wild. He was more acutely aware of the grass beneath his feet, the air around his body, the fleas burrowing into his skin. He thrust back his head and let forth a mighty howl. A voice spoke to him, and he felt compelled to obey. Ludendorff bit through the girl's bindings, freeing her. She leaped from the alter, fleeing into the crowd as fast has her prostitute legs could carry her. Ludendorff bounded after her on all fours, feeling the thrill of the chase much the same as a stoat chases a rabbit. He hoped the festival goers did not mind his sudden behavioral shift too much.
In Godmode 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
The festivities were nice, but Ludendorff was sure he could enjoy them after he managed to ditch the screaming prostitute. He dragged the wench up the steps of the temple and lobbed her unceremoniously onto the alter. He then realized that he wasn't entirely sure how to proceed. Should he smother her? Beat her to death with a rock? Ludendorff ignored the hysterical girl and looked around for assistance from the other gatherers.
In Godmode 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Ludendorff did his best to reassure the screaming prostitute as he continued to drag her down the old road. "Hush, it'll be alright," he told her. She continued to scream and cry in response. Ludendorff let out a sigh. It was true that she was going to soon be sacrificed to the gods, but he failed to see how panicking was doing her any good. He had debts to settle, and a nice human sacrifice might just put some gods in his favor for once. If anything, she was being rather selfish.

The odd couple continued down the road, and soon the temple loomed before them. "We're almost there. You might just want to enjoy yourself for a bit."

The girl continued to scream to no one in particular.

Ludendorff sighed. He hoped for better luck with the gods than he had with the tavern girl.
In Godmode 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Name: Incommodus
Titles: God of Inconvenience, Face of a Thousand Frustrations
True name: Dinkles
Inspiration: Untangling immeasurably long strands of Christmas lights, being harassed by a swarm of angry mosquitos

Symbols: A piece of toast falling buttered side down
Portfolio: Whimsy sub-Domain
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Servitars: Flocks of endlessly honking geese
Weapon: A lasso that inevitably ties itself into knots
Animal: Stoats
Followers: Angsty teens, passive-aggressive people
Donkey Kong smirked at Lex and smirked at Shizuru. All the smirking caused him to smirk some more. The Doctor's departure would be the perfect opportunity to pull some Bananagans Shenanigans. Donkey Kong hooted loudly for the appointing of Shizuru.
"Donkey Kong!" exclaimed Donkey Kong as he pounded his desk with mock anger over the mention of the Shadows of the Universe. He composed himself and began to rapidly straighten and organize his notes he had compiled as adviser to the council. He knew he would need to put on a convincing performance if his secret was to go unnoticed.
It's a crazy world we live in.
Name: Donkey Kong
Age: 28

Species: Kong
From: Donkey Kong Island
Position in city: Council Advisor
Weapons/Tools: Coconut gun (it can fire in spurts)
Skills: Rolling, jumping, throwing barrels
Sbilities: Supergorilla strength
Member of Shaow of the Universe?: Yes
Other: He's the leader of the bunch, do you know him well?

(Pretend the eyes are blue, kay?) ;)

Full Name: Flora Marcus Nightingclub
Nickname: Flora Mark
Age: 15
Gender: Trigender (prefers the usage of the pronouns "ze" and "zer")
Land or Sea: Sea
Personality: Flora Mark is very outgoing and sociable despite zer unique circumstances. The trails of zer life have done little do dampen zer personality and enthusiasm.
Biography: Born trigender, Flora Mark has led a very difficult life full of cissexism. Things only got tougher with having to now attend the surface school. Against all odds, ze has managed to maintain an upbeat persona. Ze has sworn to stand up for zerself, protect the weak, and fight transmisogyny wherever it may lurk, be it land or sea.
Crush: tbd
Just keep swimming ;)
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