Avatar of Vahir
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    1. Vahir 10 yrs ago
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Okay, you know what I think you kids need? A timeskip. I can skip us a bit ahead so that we get the akward moment to moment stuff done.

Who with me on that? Incidentally your opinions will serve as a roll call.
Two gods are gone, darn

With so many people involved it's a wonder more haven't left already. We should be fine as long as everyone stays active.
Apologies for double posting, but I haz Question: I'm assuming it's night time?

I haven't really put that down, since it doesn't really matter, but sure, why not.

no posts today?

Well, things are moving so slowly (chronologically) I can't really RP other characters in the world reacting to the break out, and since I presume nobody's escaping the massacre the only people I can RP as are dying. Kind of waiting for you guys to get out of the lower levels.
@Space Communist

Ah, sorry, I didn't see your applications. I would rather future applications be sent in private messages, instead of getting lost in this thread.

Characters #1 and #2 are fine (the time travel thing's a bit weird but the character's interesting so I can roll with it). #3 is a bit similar to Nerine, but if Alchemist doesn't object than neither will I.


Given what a goddamn mess everything is right now, I'm going to institute a limit of 2 characters per person. Much as I hate to say it, you're going to have to chose one of those characters to discard.

Nerine's fine with me. Getting locked away in a cave must have been a special kind of torture for a nature-themed Child though.

Any further questions?
How big is this prison exactly? Big enough to allow a four story tall, spindly eldritch abomination with six arms to move about in with some difficulty or no? I'm gonna say no, but I'm just gonna get clarification. (Note, she's also rather limber and can probably contort her body to fit in some surprisingly small spaces for her size if she has too)

I'm not sure Nefas would care much for knocking out a wall or ceiling or two at the moment, so she'd probably do something anyways.

I'll put it this way: there was enough room for the Children to get in comfortably in the first place.

I'm currently thinking of creating a character for this, but I just want to make sure that it isnt a bad time for a new character to come into the mix, would that be ok?

Go nuts. It can't possibly get more confusing than it already is.
To be honest, my one issue with this RP is that we're playing the role of immortals, how is that going to be reconciled? Will there be significant time skips? People can't reincarnate very quickly, so are they effectively out if they die, despite the ability to resurrect as it were? I suppose that adds some gravitas to death where it would otherwise be inconsequential. Dying puts you out of this 'period' and all the interesting possibilities it offers.

I'd answer this, but you've sort of summed up my train of thought on the matter already. The way I see it, if you die you can RP a mortal follower, or roll another Child. And if this turns into a blood bath where a ton of Children die, then we can just do a timeskip so that they come back to life.

The better question is, how many children are going to go straight for Eyra? It seems like someone has already tried to garner support to go murder her, will they get an angry mob of sorts to go straight to the capitol?


kilgarrah might pay her a visit but more to insult her rather then kill her. Not like killing her matters anyway.

Perhaps kill is the wrong word, rather confront her immediately. Though I suspect some Children may wish to kill her, out of revenge, or for more insidious purposes. Especially when they realise what role she has made for herself in the new Empire. Killing a religious people's god can offer some interesting benefits, depending on one's outlook.

keep what you kill

Kozz, for his part, will probably wander the world for a bit and look at how technology has changed. To be honest, my one issue with this RP is that we're playing the role of immortals, how is that going to be reconciled? Will there be significant time skips? People can't reincarnate very quickly, so are they effectively out if they die, despite the ability to resurrect as it were? I suppose that adds some gravitas to death where it would otherwise be inconsequential. Dying puts you out of this 'period' and all the interesting possibilities it offers.


You people need to get in line. The scene's going to go something like "Oh, you want to tell me to go fuck myself too. That's nice. Can I finish my Captain Crunch now?"

or maybe "Get out of my house already, all of you"

@Zendrelax The npc's reffered to him as that title, so I wasn't sure exactly how they would respond. With that name or his official name.

If they're using it as a nickname "The Koyati" would make more sense. You wouldn't say someone's name is "American", you'd say it's "The American", or else "Joe Bob".
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