Avatar of VanityMage Levi
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 47 (0.02 / day)
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    1. VanityMage Levi 8 yrs ago


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Hello all you onlookers, Levi's my name and roleplaying is my game. Fandom's and Fantasies are my forte but I'm completely comfortable with trying new things... I do want to let you know ahead of time that at the moment, I have a night job so I'd probably wont be able juggle multiple roleplays at the same time but I do encourage offers.

Now for some insight on my backstory... I haven't roleplayed for years now and I only got back into it recently when playing some rpg's. Positive feedback from close friends also encouraged me so I thought to myself Why not give it another go?

I've always been known to be shy and it often get's in my way when posting, but I try not to let it completely stop me from putting in effort. This bio may be subjected to some changes but I'll work on that when I come up with more things to put. =)

Most Recent Posts

-wakes up still feeling tired- Good afternoon everyone. Looks like the library gotten lively. I'll try to get a post up before I head off to work tonight.
@VanityMage Levi

Pretyy much yes xD

xcept more like this xD

I couldn't have said it better myself. xD
the whole pony running by people thing
@Iatos This is what crossed my mind while reading your post https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ov9bmnmPkh0

Conner woke up slightly to the sound of paffendorf playing on the alarm app on his phone. He remembered reading somewhere online that having alarms you would like listening too helps with getting up in the morning. Not that he needed an alarm though, he has a pretty good sense of when to wake up at the right moment. The reason why he has one is so that he can restrain himself from getting out of bed too early. He waited for the meme to replay itself before hitting the off button and getting out of bed. First thing Conner did was stretch his arms above his head until hearing the satisfying Pop sound, he then gathered his toothbrush, and towel before headeding to the bathroom. After a good shower, the doors opened, letting out steam as Conner walked out with a towel wrapped around his waist and a toothbrush in his mouth. He wanted to make sure he got his clothes out on the bed before going back to spit out the contents of toothpaste and saliva into the sink. Feeling all dried up and fresh, he put on his common attire of an undershirt, sweater, and long cargo pants.

He passed by the other rooms silently to make sure he didn't wake up his other roommates although he could have sworn he had heard one of them leaving earlier in a rush. For breakfast he had eaten two smore flavored pop tarts straight out of the wrapper and some orange juice which was too light of a meal but was enough for the boy. Before leaving, he made sure he had his wallet, phone, and a small bubble blower bottle able to fit in his secondary side pocket. He noticed on his way out of the library that some of the books were misplaced, likely cause of yesterday. It took awhile for him to properly shelf some of them and there was still more to go but Conner knew that Gall wouldn't want him missing classes and he was going to be helping the reaper out later today anyway so he left the rest of the fixing too the librarian.

It was only as he was walking through the dorms hallway that Conner realized that he didn't have any supplies for classes today and contemplated on either going to town to buy some of the common things needed or go on with his day and get a syllabus so he can go shopping later on. This was where his bubble blower comes into good use. He walked over to the gardens just outside the dorms, where he thought it was the perfect spot to blow bubbles. Much like a smoker would light a cigarette to relieve stress, Conner blows bubbles whenever he feels the need to think deeply. He took out the container and stirred the plastic wand a bit before bringing it to his lips and blowing out a smooth stream of air that caused a lot of bubble to float out into the sky. He would continue to repeat this process over and over, constantly thinking about what action he should take.
@sakurasan heh, who needs views when you have limitless amounts of books at your disposal. Each containing a new chapter of adventures just waiting to be explored! So I say, let them keep their tower!

He let out a big sigh when he heard that she was okay, Though the situation wasn't any better now once he noticed the boy from earlier was taking his leave. Why wasn't that a good thing, well he was first planning on finding a way to get the two of them to distract each other with talking so he could make his get away but that opportunity was now thrown out the window. He blushed when she said her name to him and also talked about her being an artist like him.

Oh I'm perfectly f-fine! ....My n-names Conner and uhhhh and I-I'm into drawing scenery and stuff...

He replied. Only giving forward answers as to keep the conversation short. He then realized that some of the students were now heading out and now was his chance to go find the librarian. He quickly put his sketch pad away in his duffle bag and looked back at Alicia.

S-sorry to cut things short but I forgot I w-was looking for someone.

With that said, he quickly ran past her with his face still looking flustered from their random encounter.

<Snipped quote by VanityMage Levi>

Haha :D

Well. Currently he's tied up at the moment, in a collab with a few others in the Library? want to join?

Sure and thanks!
I am going to be gone until the 20th in an area with minimal internet:

1. Runey is in charge until I get back,
2. God Help you,
3. Rune has position to move my charries as needed,
4. Have fun,
5. I expect this to be going strong when I get back, and I expect to have a lot of catching up to do.

Have a good time where'ever your going.

@Rune_Alchemist I wanted to let you know that Conner is semi ready to confront the reaper about finding his room in the library. =)

@sakurasan Morning to you as well though i could have been good if it wasn't for the lack of sleep I had.
@shagranoz No your right, he's still holding on to his sketchbook so if you'd like, Alicia can point it out and talk to him about it.

-Read post and realized what you meant-
I'M AN IDIOT! You were still right so don't sweat it.
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