Avatar of Varicke
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 827 (0.27 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Varicke 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current In my absence I have developed close relations with aliens!
2 yrs ago
I update my status every time I decide to log back in here after several years and check out just what shiny things I have still layin' around!
5 yrs ago
Something drew me back here today. (Sept 28, 2019 )
1 like
6 yrs ago
7 yrs ago
Returning from a 7 month hiatus.


This user occasionally disappears and seems to return only after several months or years have passed... just to disappear again.

History of Characters

Please note that this is really for my own purpose of nostalgia, to see my progress in character development and to cringe at my own creations. Feel free to cringe with me if you like.

Sadly I've deleted some of my character profiles due to withdrawing from rps and forgetting to record them. So I had more characters than what's shown here. These characters are sorted by date.

If you've noticed how all my character's names start with a 'K', then you certainly are an observant one. This is because 'K' is my favourite letter and also corresponds with my favourite number.

Most Recent Posts


Kaeden stood idly outside as Max headed into the cabin. He played with his tail unsure of what to do since he didn't bring anything with him. The fresh summer breeze was gentle and soothing, it rustled the tree leaves of the forest surrounding the camp, it was almost drawing him in to explore. He very much preferred the outdoors, and though his plan to be invisible failed, he may still sleep outside.

Stepping around the small wooden cabin, he took a look around the back. There was an outhouse nestled in the trees, didn't look very used though. The beams holding up the cabin itself looked old and rotted.

'Isn't this camp supposed to be new? Maybe it originally belonged to some other owner...'

He looked at a spot of darkness deep within the woods. It kind of creeped him out and he figured there was no use delaying the inevitable interaction. He went around to the front and entered the cabin to find Max had placed his bags down, he wondered for a moment what was in them.

"So... um... am I the only one here with such obvious unnatural features or... um... w-well it just seems some of you can hide in plain sight. Uh... I guess what I'm saying is, um, whats so dif- er, unique about you?" Kaeden was so self-conscious of saying something rude he kept pausing to correct his words before they came out of his mouth.

Let's wait for the others to post stuff before we continue any further lol. Don't wanna leave them with too much to read.

Kaeden nervously chuckled. He flinched when a hand was held out to him. His gaze flicked between the hand and the boy a couple times before he awkwardly shook it. "I- My name is Kaeden. You don't seem all bad, haha."

"W-well I... kinda... got discouraged. I don't really like to talk about it, heh." it was so weird having a normal conversation with someone. He hasn't been able to do this in, well, two years?

"Yeah, I kinda just, dropped in. If I'm not mistaken, I'll be the one bunking with you in the Squirrel Cabin. Frankly I don't like squirrels very much, I think they're a little nuts." Kaeden immediately looked away in utter terror. 'OH MY GOD, REALLY!? THAT WAS THE CRINGIEST THING I'VE EVER SAID, NEVER SPEAK AGAIN KAEDEN!'

"U-um c-can I have t-that back please?"

Kaeden didn't catch what he said but looked up from the cardinal sketch to see he was looking at him. "Hm?" he looked back at the drawing. "...OH! O-h, I'm sorry, I- Uh, here." He frantically handed the paper back. "S-sorry, it w- Uh,- it's good. A... good drawing." he cleared his throat trying to make a proper sentence. "It's a good drawing." he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, tail idly curling around his waist nervously. He mumbled quietly to himself "I... use to draw too..."


Kaeden stiffened when the other boy stood up from the table. 'Say hi, say hello, SAY SOMETHING KAEDEN' he walked right by him. Kaeden had the most appalled look on him as he watched the guy just walk away towards the cabin without even looking at him '..... This son of a bit-' the boy suddenly lost his footing and fell forward landing flat on his face, several pieces of paper scattering on the dirt.

'...' That was unexpected. Kaeden awkwardly creeped next to him. "Uh... are... are you uh... okay?" he looked down at the kid, not really sure if he should lend a hand and just decided to pick up the pieces of paper. He took a close look at one of them. 'Drawings?'

The two camp counselors weren't very intimidating in appearance, they seemed nice enough so Kaeden had no idea what the boy meant when he called them 'a little strange'.... until they spoke.

"Welcome. Now that you are both here we will show you your cabin. You are both in squirrel cabin. It's not far from here." Kaeden got a chill up his spine when they both spoke in unison. Is it too late to back out of this?

'...Squirrel cabin? Other new arrival? I'm being paired with somebody?'

He lowered his hands to his sides, arms getting sore from the makeshift barrier he was making. No use trying to keep from knowing the others; he was planted firmly in this little program now. He glanced over to a table just behind the counselors to who he assumed to be the other new arrival they were talking about. He was noticeably wearing a lot of blue and dark colours.

His heart began racing. Should he say hello? Does this guy even wanna talk to him? What if he's an asshole? How long will they be stuck together? Kaeden's face deadpanned trying not to make any eye contact with the other boy. Maybe he could go about this whole thing without the guy knowing he even exists. He'll just sleep outside the cabin... yeah... 'That will totally work...' Kaeden mentally sobbed over his predicament, tail drooping behind him, knowing his all white attire and appearance makes him stand out like a sore thumb.

Ah, so he's her brother. 'Weird, considering how they're so opposite of each other... then again I've learned that sibling doesn't always necessarily mean related.' Kaeden held his hands close to his chest like a physical barrier. He wasn't entirely sure just how 'strange' the camp counselors would be.

"I just hope that... well... they're nice enough." he spoke in regards to the other kids around the camp.

It felt weird to think he'll have to consider himself one of them. Being on your own for so long, you develop a sense of maturity. It wasn't difficult for him to already feel so out of place with that thought.

Unfortunately I don't recognize the name. It is quite upsetting when role-plays end up dying. Nothing we can do about them though. I've made interesting characters I never got the chance to really play through with in the past. I only hope this role-play will last.

Yeah, apparently the winter blues just KILLED my motivation to role-play, hence the 7 month disappearance. And yes even when playing a seemingly super depressing character, I always add in a bit of humour. Rather save the 'cry me a river' bits for the right times haha.

My first role-play was her Mutant Facility one. I get nostalgia thinking about it, had so much fun. It died from inactivity.
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