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@Vee: Er... I don't think the character quite fits the scene. Insanity isn't exactly... Amusing. I'd go so far as to say it detracts from the amusement on occasion, mainly because everyone now has to be wary of friendly fire at all times.

Okay, maybe "insane" was a bad term to describe him... Think of him more like deadpool, personality wise. Except less of a desire for money and chimichangas. He's just a fast witty person that's easily distracted and does weird things that sometimes don't make sense. And he would never actually attack his own team. He might mess with his team, but never actually put them in any danger.

Edit: Think insane more like deadpool and less American Psycho. lol He's the fun insane.

Edit 2: Re-reading his personality... I can definitely see how you thought he was the bad kind of insane xD
- Taliir Vaeliir -

Taliir Vaeliir.



Tainted Elf.

Taliir is, for lack of a better word, insane. Though at quick glance he could potentially seem rather normal. Though given his tendency of mood swings that's about fifty-fifty chance to find him acting normal. And normal being used quite loosely. The likelihood of guessing a coin flip is much more likely then figuring out what Taliir will do next in any given situation. People just meeting Taliir would have a hard time figuring out what side he is actually on. The more one gets to know the man it's quite clear he is a good person. Deep down, deep deep down. He just has a twisted way of showing it.

  • Searing Wounds ~ Given the large of magical power scorching through his veins they lend a sort of healing factor. Whenever he is cut or wounded the magical properties hidden beneath his ashen skin seem to sear the wound shut. Like a hot iron rod to a wound would sear it closed. This actually causes additional pain to Taliir then just the pain from the injury. With focus Taliir can stop this process from acting instinctively.
  • Hell Claws ~ Taliir being a maniac brawler type his magical energy seeps out of his skin as a smoke and solidifies into a cast over his hands and a bit up his forearms. This resembles that of demonic claws, able to fluidly move with his musculature as if they were simply an extension of himself. Which they technically are.
  • Guardian Shell ~ Without even a thought Taliir constantly has an invisible barrier an inch off of his skin. The tainted magic coursing through him grants him a slight defense against attacks. Whenever a strike would land against Taliir it would simply stop or be deflected off this barrier that turns blue upon contact. This barrier only becomes solid when Taliir is threatened. Otherwise it is ethereal and goes unnoticed until needed. Though this can be over powered and broken through given the right amount of power or weakening his magic reserves.
  • Thrusters ~ They are exactly as named. Taliir is able to use his magical power to release small burst that thrust him how he sees fit. He can use this to rapidly change directions, boost him forward, slow his falling before hitting the ground to dampen the crash, increase the strength of his attacks, etc. Despite its appearance this is quite taxing. Needing to condense magical energy in a small area and shoot it out takes a toll on his magical reserves.
  • Hellion Blast ~ This is sort of like Taliir's last resort move. Summoning all of his magical reserves (or whatever is left) he pools the energy into an open space between his hands. The energy pools and condenses into a small sphere that sparks with power, no longer blue but pitch black. Once all or as much Taliir sees fit of his energy has condensed into this sphere he shoots it forward. The blast wave is near eight feet in radius at its base and only grows wider as it travels outwardly. The blast can be strong enough to evaporate any life form in its path.
    Draw Backs: The strain this technique has on Taliir is unimaginable. After using it he becomes completely powerless. The muscles in his forearm and biceps are torn apart under the skin, sometimes actually rupturing the skin. Because it uses all of his magical power his Searing Wounds doesn't work. This leaving Taliir's arms in tatters for several hours until he regains enough magical power to sear the wounds and heal. Taliir only ever used this ability once and it nearly killed him.

Notable Equipment:
A white ribbon spotted in black stains that he wraps around his hand before getting into a fight.

The magical energy inside Taliir's body has given him heightened physical abilities; to a minor degree. He is faster and stronger then your average person, by a small degree. A trained soldier could keep up with him though.
The magic that has tainted Taliir has also warped his mind, making his mind constantly and rapidly running. His reflexes are probably his finest asset. In a fight he is able to adapt and change tactics on the drop of a hat. But because his mind is so active he can, sometimes, get distracted and lose focus right in the middle of a fight. So a double edged sword.

Taliir was born as a normal elf, simply in turbulent times in his tribe. They were at war with another clan that was much bigger and with much better resources. But one thing his tribe had that the other didn't was a lack of ethics. In an attempt to get the upper hand on our opponents the elders thought of a plan. To infuse young children into a Well of Power. They knew that adults who entered the Well of Power couldn't with stand the change. See, they were already fully developed. Now children were still growing and changing, physically. So why not try them? So that is what they did.

Now, most of the children they put inside this Well of Power didn't survive. But they did not combust like the adults, and actually lasted much longer. Some even a couple of days. They simply screamed in agony the entire time before the magic overwhelmed them and silenced their cries permanently. But they were desperate, the other tribe was had nearly wiped out Taliir's. So they kept trying. Taliir was the last of the experiments at the age of four. Like the most he came out of the well alive and screaming. Though before they could determine if it was successful, the rest of the tribe was wiped out. Leaving the wailing Taliir alone in his crib. Streaks of blue shining under his skin and eyes. The opposing tribe tried to pierce the child though a barrier inches off his skin protected him from the blade. This peaking the tribe leader they decided to instead take the boy with them.




Now we have the present day. A grown Taliir, alive and well. His skin ashen white with glowing blue eyes. A wanderer. A Mercenary. A collector of tea cups.

He collects tea cups.

Theme Song


Go with the first one. We need meatshields.

I maybe might possibly make a second character. Any of the other two you think would be good?

And also, the first one isn't gonna be a sword and board type. More like an agile duelist type. :3
Viva El Bumpico~!
Blegh!! I am stuck between like three different characters! >.<

Currently developing a character :)
Gonna try for a couple more and I will get to work on the OOC. :)
Interested! I have a couple questions: Do people without powers still exist, or have they gone extinct? And, if I'm understanding it correctly, powers are hereditary and grow stronger as they are passed along, is that correct? Also, because I'm a huge monster/mythology nerd, what are the monsters of this world like? Do they vary widely or do they have uniform characteristics? Hopefully my questions make sense hhhh

I like this idea, I think it can lend itself to some fun characters and stories :V

People without powers do exist. Though they live their lives primarily inside of Safe Zones without ever stepping foot outside. Those not in a clan tend to have jobs pertaining to the growth and prosperity of the safe zone.

Primarily, powers are hereditary but that is not the only way to attain them. Through a Blood Tie Ritual you are able to access these Bloodline powers. But the ritual is very painful and it has a chance of killing the person, if they can't handle the strain it has on their body. Though you can only get this Blood Tie Ritual from a "True blood" (someone born into the bloodline).

Uhmm.. Bloodline powers aren't exactly grown stronger by lineage. More so the number of people within the bloodline (Whether naturally or artificially). As it seems that the more members added into a clean their finite accessible power is fractionally increased. BUT, sheer clan numbers does not dictate the strength of a Clan Ability. It can simply be increased by adding more members. A lot of clans with inherently strong abilities will keep their numbers short. A way of keeping the bloodline pure and giving little chances of their lower members unbeknowningly sapping some of the finite power and leaving less for themselves while hunting. (I can go into much further detail on how powers work and how clans work if you'd like. Let me know if you have any specific questions :D )

Monsters at this point are very widely spread in appearance. I leave this entirely to your imagination. They can be as big or small, disgusting or sleek, etc as you'd like to create. Though the FIRST creatures to have attacked the earth were dark and grotesquely disfigured. Now they have infested wild life and altered their forms and attributes. Creatures could still retain more of their inherent physicality or be something entirely different. Let your imagination run wild. :)
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