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Obligatory "I have arrived" message :'3


Location: Morpheus Cabin - Camp Half-Blood; New York.
Interacting With: Pierre Vos (@MarshiestMallow).



Head resting against the cool pane of the window; it was hard not to enjoy the refreshing breeze that lightly flowed past her. Bringing with it the rather enticing aroma that came from the wild rosemary growing freely outside of their cabin. It was intoxicating. Relaxing. The exotic scent of florals, pine, wood, eucalyptus, and clove all mashed together in perfect harmony. It was no wonder their ancestors in Ancient Greece used it heavily in their every day lives.


Her brother's familiar voice floating towards her through the cabin; Adeline turned her head towards the sound. Her bright blues searching the general area in an attempt to locate him, though they both knew that it was never going to happen. She was never going to be able to look him in the eyes... or anyone else for that matter, "..I'm here..."

A gentle weight pressing suddenly over her lap, catching her off guard, Addie's head drew back around with a light snap. Relief washing through her as she felt the familiar warmth seeping into her being from silky fur coat made of the most romantic of browns, and kissed so strawberry-cream that it almost matched the orangey red tones of her own hair. Ce-Jay. Where the rascley little fox had gotten to that morning, she couldn't tell, but... he always seemed to be around at just the right times. Always there when she needed him; even if she wasn't exactly aware of it herself.

The smallest of smiles tugging at the corners of her lips; she ran her fingers through his fur. The corners of her eyes crinkling and her smile brightening ever slightly as she felt the rough dampness of his tongue brushing against her arm, Adeline reached forward, pulling him just that little bit closer. Her hand sliding up the length of his back, all the way to the top of his head where she lightly scratched. Illiciting a few soft yips from the animal, "..Greyson and Michael are both going away for a while... Mr. D called them to the Big House..."


Location: Edge of the Forest - Camp Half-Blood; New York.
Interacting With: Cyrus Ray Starr (@King Kindred).



Hand rising up from where it had been resting in her lap; Octavia held it idle just slightly above her line of vision. Her bright greens lingering on the light from the sun as it danced back and forth over across her olive colored skin. It was just so peaceful here... sitting on the edge of the forest, and if she was being completely honest with herself, it was one of the few places she could go where she could actually take a moment to just... think. Lowering her arm back down, her hand once more returning to its place over her lap, she instead let her gaze draw up to the canopy. The tree was old, one of the biggest in camp aside from the great Thalia's tree itself, and it's branches seemed to extend out, reaching towards the sky. It was no wonder that it was where she went when she felt as though she needed to recharge... when everything around her just started to feel far too overwhelming...

Movement catching in the corner of her eye; it was only a few moments later that she was turning her head towards the source. The sight of probably her best friend in the camp causing her to raise a brow, though she'd long gotten used to the deshevelled looks. Cyrus was always rushing off to play the hero... and she was sure that a day was going to come when it would be his undoing. Even she knew that there was a distinct difference between a hero, and a fictional superhero. But then, there wasn't exactly a point to revisiting that conversation. She'd voiced her concerns so often enough that it would just make her sound like a broken record; playing on repeat. The grey and black tones of the ash and soot covering his familiar figure, however, now that was a new look for him.

"Well, if it isn't my favourite Greek boy, doing his best impersonation of the Aphrodite girl's cooking."

Dropping her head back, Octavia let it rest against the trunk of the tree. Watching him draw closer, and waiting until he had before she gave a light shrug of her shoulders and a look that clearly said that she wasn't about to even so much as ask. His business was his business, and besides, she was pretty damn sure that he'd tell her the story by the time the day was done, "You're late. And you missed a lot..."

Her hand lifting; she took a moment to run her fingers back through her long dark locks. Pushing them back and off her face, though there really wasn't exactly a point to the action. The moment she returned her hand to her lap, her waves fell back into place. Once again framing her features, "Cyrus, I need... advice... I don't know how to talk to my brother..."


Location: The Big House.
Interacting With: Dorian Underwood (@King Kindred), Michael Stevenson (@MarshiestMallow),
Vivian Lucasta (@metanoia), Greyson Davies & Sawyer Lockwood (@Moro), Anzu Ito (@Pyxis),
and Kyrin Nahng (@Rodiak).



The headache was becomming more prominant... Where the fuck was Chiron with the asprin when he needed it..? Seriously.

His hand lifting up, Dionysus pinched at the bridge of his nose. His brows furrowing as the dull, pain he felt pulsed against his forehead. Now was one of those distinct times he felt true contempt towards his father and the punishment that had been handed down to him. In times past, he wouldn't have to worry about these types of things, but now..? How cruel could a father be by taking away his childs tried and true coping mechanisms..? He just had to keep reminding himself that by the time his infernal damnation in the mortal realm was over, the sweet nector that were the alcohols he'd collected would have aged beautifully.

But until then...

"Sir, I couldn't help but notice you only suggested one replacement, though the group going with me needs two. I'd personally like to make a suggestion. Ky'vie Morgan."

Ky' vie Morgan..?

Lowering his hand back down, he let his dark gaze turn on the one who was speaking. His half-mortal cousin, for lack of better descriptions. The fact that he was surrounded by a handful of them-... He shoved the thought from his mind. Instead motioning for the child to continue talking- letting him know that, despite how he was currently coming across, he was, in fact, listening to what was being said.

"She and her brother are from Australia. I've been through on tours a few times, but I wouldn't know my way around as much as she would. I think it would be very beneficial for her to tag along with us. With your approval, of course, sir."

"..yes, yes. That's fine. Take her." He had to admit, the kid did at least have a point to what he was saying. Dionysus let a heavy sigh fall from his lips. The fact that he was actively beginning to care enough to involve himself even slightly in the affairs of his campers-... He really needed a vacation. Thank fuck he was an immortal, because he was pretty damn sure that these kids were going to be the death of him otherwise.

β€œW-what a f-fucked up d-day.”

"..I'm inclined to agree with you, Mr. Stevenson..."

"Atlanta. I doubt it would be hard to track down that girl."

That one... he had no answer for. He couldn't say. Had he even been to Atlanta..? He couldn't remember, but he was pretty sure that at least one of these brats had to have gone there at some point in their lives. Eh, who cared anyway. They'd figure it out, and if not, what was a rescue party for the rescue party..? It's not like that hadn't happened before.

"So is that everything, Mr. D? No more surprise claimings or things we should know?"

"Hm..?" Pulled from his thoughts, Dionysus let his attention be drawn to the child who was now addressing him. Simply staring at the kid for a moment or two before understanding seemed to dawn and he gave a nod. His hand lifting to wave the group off dissmissively, "Yes, yes. Go. Get out of here already before I turn you all into minnows. You've wasted enough of my time, you brats."

Location: Hades Cabin - Camp Half-Blood; New York.
Interacting With: Zeru Williams (@King Kindred), Brandon Murphy, Ezra Griesheim &
Tyler Rumancek (@Moro), Carlos de la Cruz (@Rodiak).

Awaiting: Spencer McNight (@Zenritch).




It was either, neither of the boys agreed with her little ultimatum, or they both knew she was right and just didn’t want to admit it out loud, especially in one another's company. She was leaning more towards the latter being the answer. And really, it wasn’t the first time. Four years of being in each others lives, they’d been in this position a handful of times. And each time, for some Gods forsaken reason, she’d been the voice to keep the peace. Her. Daughter of the devil.

It was rather laughable concept.

Holding herself back from lifting his hands to her lips once she was finished; Erin instead gave Tyler the smallest of smiles. Her hands gently squeezing his for reassurance before she was letting them go. Her heeled boots making soft thuds over the polished wood as she made her way into the kitchen so that she could throw the wrapper and used wipe away; though the sound of her cabin door opening not once, but twice caught her attention. Causing her to turn her head towards the familiar figures that were coming in to join the small group that was already gathered in the lounge room.

"I am here. Now, who's ready to go bird watching?"

She wasn’t even going to dignify that with an answer; instead, she merely rolled her eyes and once more turned her back to the group. Taking a look around the kitchen. Why, she wasn’t quite sure, but her eyes darted to the clock on the barely used microwave. Checking the time before moving to the fridge and removing five bottles of water. Five. Because that was all that was there. All that had bothered to show up- not including Ezra, of course.

"So, I assume we'll be leaving as soon as everyone gets here? Now, now, no fighting. Save it for the scary monsters out there."

Great… she didn’t particularly even want to think about what they’d be facing outside the camp's barrier. Forcibly shoving those particular thoughts from her mind as she turned back to the group, Erin shook her head. Her hips swinging in time with each step that she took as she returned to the group, and not a moment later, she was passing a fresh, cold bottle of water to each of them - Brandon, Carlos, Zeru, and Tyler.

β€œNo. We’re leaving now.” She knew how that sounded. It was going to come across as cold… cruel even; but the truth was, she didn’t exactly have time to waste sitting around waiting for people to show. Even with her fear being kept in check - Ezra was a Godsend… literally - there was still that ball of anxiousness rolling about in the very pit of her stomach, though it had nothing to do with leaving the camp anymore. Just everything to do with returning to it. Getting the damn quest over and done with as quickly as possible.

Right now, that was all she cared about.

β€œLook, Spencer said it himself- the sooner we leave, the better. And ironically, he’s the one person who isn’t here.” They’d had a plan- a semi plan. Spence had a place outside of Italy that they could travel to and start out from once they were ready to do so. Well, that plan was now out the window. Well and truly. She had to think on the fly instead, β€œI can’t wait for him to show up; not when it’s my life on the line. If he wants to play catch up, then he can. I don’t care. And yeah, I know the… creepy bitch in the attic said six; but we’re just going to have to deal with five. So… brace yourselves. Whatever the fuck you have to do, but… we’re heading through the shadows. Now.”

Pursing her lips slightly; Erin’s dark gaze moved from one figure to the next. Trying for a moment to gage what each of the boys were thinking before she allowed her gaze to fall instead to her things. Her body stooping down, she slipped her bottle into one of the side pockets of her bag before hoisting it up and over her shoulder. Securing it and her staff in place over her back before she made her way over to the corner of the room where the shadows seemed their darkest.

If she was being honest, she loved shadow travel- it was just part of who she was. It came naturally; like breathing. But it was also a double edged sword. It could harm her as much as it could help her- not… that she ever let on to others about that particular little downfall. It just wasn’t a topic she discussed much.

Staring into the darkness for a few moments; she pondered. There were a few places she knew in Italy- hell, it was where her and Dany’s family were. It was their homeland. She knew it as well as she knew Los Angeles; not that she ever wanted to go back there anytime soon despite the fact that that was where her mother and majority of her friends were. Argh, what was she doing..? Shoving the thoughts out of her head; Erin took a moment to reconcentrate, and as her eyes blackened in color, the shadows in front of her seemed to rip open. Growing bigger, twisting; and soon enough, before them stood an open door into complete darkness.

Lips parting slightly as she stared up at it, she turned just enough to give the group her profile. Her head turning further, and her black eyes staring over at the group of people she trusted.

β€œ..which one of you is first..? I can’t hold it open forever…”

Location: The Big House.
Interacting With: Dorian Underwood (@King Kindred), Michael Stevenson (@MarshiestMallow),
Vivian Lucasta (@metanoia), Greyson Davies & Sawyer Lockwood (@Moro), Anzu Ito (@Pyxis),
and Kyrin Nahng (@Rodiak).

Mentioning: Pierre Vos (@MarshiestMallow), and Tatiana Hernandez (@Pyxis).



β€œYay! So when do we leave?”

This child...

It was like having to put up with a mini Apollo. And having dealt with his brother long enough, he knew for a fact that there were two types of cheerful. There was the quiet kind- the soft type that came quietly like the trickling of a river on a sunny day. That one he could deal with. But this girl... she was the second kind of cheerful. The loud and in your face kind of cheerful. The kind that, in certain situations, could have the effect of closing others down, even if not meaning to do so. It was exhausting.

"While you're enthusiasm is admirable, Miss Lucasta- curb it. Now..." Opening his mouth to continue speaking; Dionysus closed it almost at once as a firm weight fell upon his shoulder, catching his attention and drawing it away from the group of kids in currently stood in front of him. Great. Another interuption. The dull pulse signalling the makings of a headache had already begun to stir to life thanks to everything that had gone on that morning. What more were his family about to dump on him and the little shits he supervised..?

Eyes narrowing slightly as the familiar figure of his brother, Hermes, leant down towards his ear; Dionysus remained quiet. Listening, and taking a few moments to process what he was being told before his dark gaze was drawing up. Meeting with Hermes' gaze, "..and you're sure..?"

"Oh, I'm sure." Squeezing his brother's shoulder, Hermes gave a single nod of his head before standing himself back to his full height. Hand slipping from Dionysus before he slid both of them into the pockets of his suit jacket, "I'm more than aware of my daughters current situation, and I'm dealing with it. Least as best as I can given her mother's stubborn nature. This one, however..."

Pausing a moment, Hermes shifted, and reaching into his inside pocket, he eventually held a folded piece of paper out towards his brother, "..this one needs help."

A frown etched on his worn features, Dionysus took the paper as it was offered. His gaze lingering on his brother's for a moment longer before his attention fell to the words written in front of him, "..very well." This whole day was just one mess after another. The end couldn't come soon enough. A heavy sigh falling out through his lips, Dionysus nodded. His brother taking a step back as he got to his feet; his hands resting on the polished surface of his desk, "..and yet again, there has been a change of plans. Mr Blacklight; please escort my brother to the infirmary and help him in anyway he needs, I believe he has a rather large delivery to make. And should you see Mr Schneider or Miss Engracia, tell them they are no longer needed."

Motioning for his brother to go ahead; Dionysus was patient. Waiting until Hermes and the demigod he'd assigned to escort him had left the office, and the door had shut behind them before he moved out from behind his desk. Crossing back over to his cabinet so that he could pull out names to replace the demigods that were no longer needed, "..there are no changes to the first assignment. Lockwood, Nahng, Ito, and Underwood will still be heading to Georgia. Miss Ito is in charge; and in place of of Mr Schneider, you will instead be taking... Pierre Vos with you."

Pausing a moment, holding up the file for the group to see; Dionysus' torso twisted, though only long enough that he was able to give a light toss, adding the file he was holding to the pile already on his desk before turning back to the cabinet, "..the rest of you- the assignment has changed. The situation in India is being handled... apparently. How my daft brother plans on doing so is beyond me, but I digress. Mr Davies, you are still in charge. There is a daughter of Athena that needs to be collected and escorted to camp; goes by the name Malia Brae. According to the information handed to me by my idiot brother, you'll be able to find her at a place called Braeside Ranch. But while you will no longer be going to India- you will, however, be taking a nice, long trip to Australia instead."

Pulling a couple more files out of the cabinet, making sure that it was closed first, Dionysus made his way back to his desk, "You will be taking Miss Tatiana Hernandez with you in place of Mr Blacklight."

Location: Training Grounds β†  The Cabins.
Interacting With: Imogen Parsons (@MarshiestMallow), Tatiana Hernandez (@Pyxis), Beauregard Garcia (@Rodiak).



She was so... expressive.

A slight quirk of his brow, matching the rather amused smirk that danced over his lips; Kepano's gaze remained trained upon the young women in front of him. Imogen was an interesting one, that was for sure. And if he was being completely honest with himself, sometimes watching her attempts to work through something was better than watching a movie. Especially so when she was trying her best to censer herself, despite the fact that almost no one else in the camp ever bothered to. She was so worried about getting in trouble with the Gods... Truth was, the Gods needed them. And they needed them so badly that even though they might disrespect most of them with their words and general attitude; the responses they garnered were usually nothing more than empty threats. He wasn't exactly a genious when it came to math or anything like that, but about eighty-seven percent of the time the Gods were all bark and no bite.

Besides... the only one they really had to worry about in the camp was Dionysus. And even then, he was a total teddy with as bad an attitude as them.

Give him depression and a fuzzy exterior, and it was that one Supernatural episode brought to life.

"..it's definitely something alright." Attention finally drifting away from Imogen; he nodded his head lightly in agreement. He didn't know everything, and even she had admitted that she didn't know all the details; but she was right on the money when she said it was fucking stupid. Actually, more than that, it was downright impossible. But he had to save all other judgements until he was completely caught up by someone who had been there at the meeting from the very beginning of it. Maybe he shouldn't have taken the longer, scenic route back home...

"..guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens." Hand lifting; Kep ran his fingers back through his green locks. Pushing them off his face, though as soon as he returned his hand to his pocket, his hair fell back down over his forehead. This was going to be one hell of a summer. Gaze returning to he; there was a soft smile on his features, "Right well, I'll let you get back to what you were doing. Grey's name was called... maybe you should go see what's going on. I gotta take my stuff back to my cabin anyway. Start on some orders that came through while I was gone."

His shoulder rising and falling, the action causing his bag to do the same as he brought attention to it; Kep gave her another nod of his head. Though this time, it was more like see ya rather than anything else.

"A hui hou, Gen." Taking a couple of steps back first, his hand lifting to give a quick wave towards her; he turned his back and began to head away towards the cabins. His fingers curling around his phone in his pocket. He should message Brandon- he wasn't stupid. If there was anything going on with Erin; Bran was more than likely to somehow get involved one way or another. But then he also didn't want to bother him, especially if they were getting ready to leave on this quest. A heavy sigh falling out through his lips, he shook his head and shoved the thought to the side. He'd just message him later; maybe call him via Iris message. It was the simplest option. At least then he knew for a fact he wouldn't be getting in the way.

Hand leaving his pocket, he reached for the strap of his bag. Adjusting it slightly as his gaze roamed the area- the people. Family. His smile grew some. Despite everything going on, it was good to be home. Really it was. Each step closer to his cabin causing him to further relax; the grass and wildflowers around his feet grew a little taller- their color becoming more vibrant. It was an involuntary thing. Something he was hardly aware of, and even more so now as his attention was drawn across to a certain familiar figure entering the same area, though from across the grassy knoll. A figure he'd recognise anywhere.

That chiseled jawline... olive-colored skin... that mess of dark hair... and those eyes.

Yeah... green was definitely his favourite color.

⦓ ⦔


Location: Training Grounds - Camp Half-Blood; New York.
Interacting With: Imogen Parsons (@MarshiestMallow).



Just-... what..?

Blinking once... twice; honestly, it didn't seem as though the information that he'd been given was able to process in his mind. And why..? Because anyone with so much as half a brain knew that it simply was not possible. Erin was a bitch. Sure. She could be cold towards people; keep to herself and glare at anyone who got within range, or who thought themselves capable of 'cheering her up' - famous last words if he'd ever heard them - but a hardened criminal she was not. Not the most polite person he'd ever met, but even when she needed something from the kitchens or garden, she at least stared at him until he said go for it.

"Erin..? Our Erin..? A thief..?” Pausing another moment; another attempt at processing that thought, Kep stared at Imogen. This was a joke, right..? Like, it had to be. No one in their right mind would believe this kind of bullshit. But then again, when had any of the Gods ever been in their right mind..?

"..did Aphrodite hit her head on something..?”


Location: Hades Cabin - Camp Half-Blood; New York.
Interacting With: Brandon Murphy, Ezra Griesheim & Tyler Rumancek (@Moro).
Awaiting: Zeru Williams (@King Kindred), Carlos de la Cruz (@Rodiak),
Spencer McNight (@Zenritch).



”It's either Brandon...” Words trailing off slightly as she motioned towards the guy she'd mentioned by name; Erin shifted in her seat. Her soft chuckle filling the air as she sat herself forward. Motioning then towards the guy sitting beside her, "..or Ezra. One of them is coming, and Bee has already packed; so take your pick, Ty.”

These guys... they were going to be the death of her. But, she couldn't deny she loved each one of them.

Not that she'd admit that out loud.

Taking another swig of her beer, she held it out for Brandon to take. Her dark gaze lingering on Tyler a spell longer before it was drawn instead towards her bag; and reaching in, it was a few moments later that she found what she was searching for in one of the side pockets. Scooting forward a bit until she was perched on the edge of the couch cushion; Erin's touch was soft- gentle as she took hold of Tyler's free hand. Giving it a light squeeze before then giving it a tug. Urging him to move closer and to sit himself down on the coffee table as she gripped the antiseptic wipe between her teeth and used them to open the packet. Knowing full well that anything happening was a complete longshot, and that she was well overreacting as she began to run the wipe over the various scratches that Heim had left behind during his great attempt at proving his name should have been Houdini.

"..look, we all know I'm not good at saying it... or good at asking for help, but... I need you, Ty. And I need Brandon too. Just remember...” The corner of her lips turning up in a small smile, Erin lifted her gaze to meet with his, "..despite butting heads; even Obi Wan and Anakin had to work together.”


Location: The Big House - Camp Half-Blood; New York.
Interacting With: Dorian Underwood (@King Kindred), Michael Stevenson, Remus Hackwell & Riley
Caras (@MarshiestMallow), Vivian Lucasta (@metanoia), Greyson Davies & Sawyer Lockwood
(@Moro), Anzu Ito (@Pyxis), Kyrin Nahng (@Rodiak), Zane Blacklight (@Theyra),
and Arthur Keller (@Zenritch).

Awaiting: Elias Schneider (@Metztli), Levina Engracia (@Zenritch).



"H-have y-you p-puh-put us in t-teams, and w-who are the l-leaders?"

Had he-..? He was speaking English, right..? Or were these blighters just too dense to actually listen to the words that were coming out of his mouth; because he was more than sure that he'd just explained to then that they would be split into groups, and that each had been assigned a leader. Seriously... mortal these days just simply had no attention span or respect. It was a wonder really that they'd lasted this long as it was.

Arms slipping from the surface of the desk as he fell back into the seat of his chair, Dionysus turned his head away from the group in front of him. His dark eyes closing as he pinched the bridge of his nose. Honestly. The end of his punishment couldn't come soon enough; he wasn't sure how much longer he could put up with this lot without doing something he was sure was just going to extend his sentence, "I had believed myself to be speaking English; but if that's too hard for your puny minds to comprehend, would you rather I use Greek instead..? No. Then I would advise you to listen closely and not ask questions to which the answers have already been given. A headache is the last thing I have the patience for today.”

Lowering his arm, laying both over the arms of his desk chair; Dionysus turned his attention back to the children. Watching them for a moment before making a move and sitting himself forward once more. His hands reaching for the various files he had lain in two separate piles on the surface of his desk. Whether or not this was a good idea to send so many of them out, he wasn't sure. But whether he was willing to admit it or not, he did care to some extent. He wasn't about to go risking their lives by sending only one or two.

Geez... despite how his siblings acted; he wasn't a monster.

"Alright. First group is as follows: Sawyer Lockwood, Kyrin Nahng, Elias Schneider, Anzu Ito, and Dorian Underwood. Though he couldn't be bothered to show up for this meeting, Elias is lead for this retrieval. You will be heading to Atlanta, Georgia in search of a girl by the name of Anastasia Rasvundin. Now I don't give two shits about what you currently think about my sister at this moment; but the one you're looking for is a daughter of Aphrodite.” Looking over towards the individuals he was speaking to, Dionysus waited a few moments in order to make sure that they understood their job before he began to speak once more. His gaze drawing across to the others, "The rest of you will make up the second group. Greyson Davies; you're in charge. This retrieval will be a little different, so listen closely.”

Shifting slightly in his seat, elbows resting on the table; Dionysus weaved his fingers together. Resting them just infront, though against his chin as he took a moment to think on how to proceed, "We have very little information about the demigod you're being sent out to find. In fact, until about half an hour ago, I wasn't even aware of them at all. What we know is that you're looking for a girl- a daughter of one of the Gods, though which one it is, we don't know. Just keep in mind that she has some connection to Selene. I haven't been given a request from a concerned parent, lets just say that. We don't know the girls name. We don't know exactly where she is. So you're going to have to rely on your eyes, ears and skills for this one. Use your brain. From what the two of us...”

Pausing, Dionysus turned his gaze to Arthur a moment before looking back over to the group, "..have been able to deduce is that she is somewhere in India. And that she... sings. Your friend here has heard her voice, so use that to your advantage."

Nevermind - I just looked at the characters, and it seems that it's full and just not updated in the information of the first page.

Location: Training Grounds - Camp Half-Blood; New York.
Interacting With: Imogen Parsons (@MarshiestMallow).



Thinking about what happened..?

The confusion towards her words more than clear over his features, Kepano opened his mouth to respond. Though before he had so much as a chance to question her on just what the hell she was even talking about; the attention of the both of them was drawn towards one of the speakers hung on a pole not too far from where they were currently standing. Dionysus’ voice coming out of it. Loud and clear, and more than that, there seemed to be just a tad more veiled annoyance behind it than there normally was. Something was going on. That much was obvious.

His gaze drawing back down, brows furrowing together slightly; Kep stared at Imogen. Another quest..? That meant that there was, at the very least, a first one.

Just what the hell had he missed while he was gone..?

”There was an announcement at the tower..?” Head drawing to a light tilt, he shifted. His fingers curling into his palms in the inside of his jacket pockets. An announcement at the obstacle tower… now an announcement over the loudspeaker- calling one... four... eight... ten. Ten demigods- well, technically nine demigods and one satyr. One pretty damn amazing satyr at that.

”Just… what’s going on..?”


Location: The Lake - Camp Half-Blood; New York.
Interacting With: No one.



That announcement…

Narrowing his eyes, Samuel practically glared up at the loudspeaker that was bolted into the large wooden post not a few feet from where he was sitting.Ten names. Ten. His friends- people he lived with and saw every day, and here they were being called in to deal with whatever other bullshit was going on now on top of the crap Ariana’s mother was already putting them through.

Pulled out of his thoughts at the feeling of something wet brushing against the side of his hand; Sammy’s bright gaze was drawn to the canine that stood beside him. It’s nose nudging- an attempt to garner attention from his owner, and really, it worked. Hand lifting; he ran his fingers back through the orange fur. Fingers curling, scratching gently behind the dingo’s ear; it was a few moments pure content of simply petting the dog before he finally motioned for him to lay down. The canine dropping first back onto his haunches, and then second onto his stomach. His muzzle resting over his paws, ”..good boy, Riley…”

Lowering his arm, letting it rest over the dingo; Samuel let his head drop back against the trunk of the tree. A heavy sigh passing out through his lips as he stared out over the water. He wasn’t sure what else to do. His woman was back in camp, sure. Bonus much. But in their first hour back in each others arms, they’d fought. Bad enough that he’d had to both raise his voice and put his foot down; and now here he was. Sitting down on the edge of the lake. As far away from the cabin as he’d managed to place himself, at least, as far as he’d managed to place himself for now.

Either way, it sucked.

That was not how he’d wanted his reunion with her to go.

”..the fuck am I gunna do, boy..?” Shaking his head lightly, not bothering to lift it away from the tree behind him, Sam instead closed his eyes. Another sigh falling into the air as he tried to relax. Screw this day… as it was at the moment, he just wanted to go back to bed and start over again.


Location: Hades Cabin - Camp Half-Blood; New York.
Interacting With: Ezra Griesheim (@Moro).
Awaiting: Zeru Williams (@King Kindred), Brandon Murphy & Tyler Rumancek (@Moro),
Carlos de la Cruz (@Rodiak), Spencer McNight (@Zenritch).



..third times the charm, right..?

Lips parting slightly at the seam, Erin stared at the empty mug that sat in front of her on the kitchen bench. The gentle bubbling of the kettle as it boiled away was completely lost on her however- nothing more than background noise that she didn’t particularly care for, or even notice for that matter. Even when it had been her that flicked the switch on it in the first place. Honestly, she wasn’t even sure she wanted tea anymore- she loved it, sure, she always would. But at this current moment..? Leaving the kettle bubbling away; the mug on the bench like it was, she turned away from the bench altogether. Moving through the kitchen to instead open the fridge. Her dark eyes roaming over the contents of it, though with little more success than she’d been having with her tea dilemma.

Kinnie… San Pellegrino… Primitivo… literal Coke. Rolling her eyes at the bottles her brother had stashed away in the bottom draw of the fridge, ignoring them completely, Erin instead chose to go for something far simpler. Reaching her hand in, sliding her fingers around the necks of two separate bottles of beer, she pulled them out. Being sure to close the door of the fridge behind her before making her way over to where Ezra was standing. A small smile playing over her dark lips as she held one of the bottles out for him to take.

”..I don’t know about you, but I know I could use one…”

The kettle reaching its boiling point from somewhere behind her; Erin waited until he’d taken the beer before twisting the lid off her own. Raising the lip to her own before taking a sizable swig of its contents.

Oh, yeah… definitely better than tea. At least at the moment, anyway.

Head turning; her eyes drifted over the lounge. Settling for a few moments on her things, she did a silent check that she had everything she was going to need before moving on. Stepping around the arm of the couch until she was able to sit herself down on it instead. Her back curling over as she fell against the cushions, ”..I’m really not looking forward to this… even with the fear you’ve already taken from me, I just-... am I seriously that much of a weakling that the Gods think they can use me as a scapegoat..? I mean, I know I’ve never really seen myself as one who walks on the lightside; but I didn’t think I’d passed that far into the darkside…”


Location: The Big House - Camp Half-Blood; New York.
Interacting With: Dorian Underwood (@King Kindred), Michael Stevenson, Remus Hackwell & Riley
Caras (@MarshiestMallow), Vivian Lucasta (@metanoia), Greyson Davies & Sawyer Lockwood
(@Moro), Anzu Ito (@Pyxis), Kyrin Nahng (@Rodiak), Zane Blacklight (@Theyra),
and Arthur Keller (@Zenritch).

Awaiting: Elias Schneider (@Metztli), Levina Engracia (@Zenritch).



Don’t worry, they said… it’ll be easy, they said… how much trouble could a few demigods really be, they said…

He was going to kill Hermes and Apollo when he was finally allowed back to Olympus.

Attention drawn towards his office door as the noise outside it began to grow louder and more rowdy with each and every moment that passed, Dionysus heaved a heavy sigh. His hand lifting, removing his glasses first before rubbing at his face wearily. Today was not a fun day. And it didn’t seem like it was going to get any better either.

Slipping his glasses back on, giving a light nudge to the bridge despite the fact that he didn’t actually need to wear them at all; he eventually stood up. Shooting a quick glance towards the young demigod already milling about in his office; Dionysus slipped out and around his desk. His long strides making quick work of the gap between him and the door, he reached out and pulled it open. Taken for a moment by the sheer number of teenagers clogging up the entry of the house before finally, he came to his senses. Stepping aside to open a path to his office as he spoke up.

”Alright you lot… I call your name, you get your lazy asses into the room.” Crossing his arms over the front of his chest, he motioned into the room with a quick tilt of his head in that particular direction. His dark gaze, however, remaining with the figures in front of him, ”Sawyer Lockwood. Zane Blacklight. Anzu Ito. Dorian Underwood. Vivian Lucasta. Michael Stevenson. Kyrin Nahng. Greyson Davies.”

A frown crossing over his features as both the number of demigods in his entryway, and the names he had remaining dwindled down to two; Dionysus turned to face the pair that was left, ”..and neither of you happen to be Elias Schneider, or Levina Engracia. Therefore, you are not needed here.”

Arms falling from their crossed position, he instead slipped his hands down into the pockets of his jeans. Eyeing the two of them for a few moments before speaking once more, ”I see that you were successful in your retrieval...” Turning his attention completely over to the young woman, Dionysus glanced her over before his dark gaze returned to the young man he was currently addressing, ”..as you might have guessed, both Chiron and I are slightly preoccupied right now. Take miss Ridley to one of her siblings, and have them show her around. They can also see her settled into their cabin.”

Staring at Remus another moment longer to be sure that he understood the message given, Dionysus turned away from the duo and made his way back into his office. Closing the door behind him first before wandering back over to his desk. His dark eyes flicking from face to face in front of him as he sat himself down. Settling first, elbows resting on the polished surface of the wood before he began to speak, ”Despite the absence of both mr. Elias and miss Levina, we will begin. When they show up, they can join. Until then; bad luck. Now… I understand that we all might have much on our minds at this point- relations between you lot, and all that other crap… However, life in this camp goes on, and I have assignments. Two.”

Sitting back, Dionysus held up one of his hands, wiggling two fingers in the air so that the group of demigods could see what he was doing, ”And that means the ten of you, if you haven’t worked the math out in those small mortal minds of yours, will be split into two groups of five. Each group has been assigned a leader, and it will be your task to go out and retrieve a demigod each. From what I understand, one has been claimed… the other, until brought to my attention by mr. Alder here...” Pausing, he motioned towards Arthur, ”..I had no prior knowledge of. So when you’re ready, not that you have much of a choice, we’ll get into the details of your groups and your assignments.”
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