Avatar of VitoftheVoid
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  • Posts: 316 (0.12 / day)
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    1. VitoftheVoid 7 yrs ago


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@Irisity I dig it. That's a yes for Clara!

@Rhabdophobia I look forward to it!

Welcome to both of you.
Thanks for the interest folks!

I kind of got really psyched about it and wrote up the thing in entirety before work this morning, so, here ya go:


The Supernatural Concealment and Investigation Operations Network.

Better known as S.C.I.O.N.

Once, in times gone by, known as The Order of the Scion of the Azure Moon.

But that's a bit of a mouthful and hard to shout when some lycan is trying to crush your trachea in a big meaty fist.

So, SCION it is.

Assuming you're a human, you will probably never have heard of it. You will most likely live out your entire life never openly encountering any trace of SCION, or its staff. And if you don't, you can probably consider yourself lucky; because if you have, you're either a very exceptional individual... or something statistically far more powerful is trying to murder you.

Possibly both.

SCION is a collaborative effort between a small section of humanity, and some of the major families of the sapient cryptid species, to both research supernatural species, and the enforce a...healthy distance between humanity, and the monsters out there in the world. It exists to keep things secret, and to keep both sides of the coin safe from destroying each other. (Previous instances where humans and cryptids have mixed in recent times has made things...tense at best. Think Witch Trials. Think, vampires buried alive with rocks stuffed into their mouths, think whole camps of human soldiers found mysteriously torn apart out in remote nordic woodland...that kind of stuff. )

It's the only place you're likely to find humans working alongside werewolves, vampires, the spirits of the dead. Brings a whole new meaning to the idea of workplace diversity, right?

Once upon a time, SCION worked for world governments, under their funding and protection. Branches all over the place. Then, came a sudden declaration to cut the funding, burn the records, and shut everything down. No more SCION anywhere. Gone. Finished. Obviously someone, someone very powerful wanted there to be no-one checking up on supernatural activity.

So, for 50 years, no SCION. Not a peep. Well, not that most people were aware of. Other things rush in to fill the power vacuum. Vampire clans. Wolf packs. And far darker things. Stories of a major demon on US soil filter through the rumour mill, though nothing is confirmed. Order remains... but that order is maintained through a large number of humans who see things they should not going 'missing' forever.

SCION became nearly a myth. The odd shadow in the night. Rumours that they still operated somewhere, on a low level.

Then, about 10 years back, operatives began to appear, to contact the old families and clans. SCION would live again. A benefactor had left them enough funding to begin again from the ground up, this time as an independent entity, outside of government control. They could work once more...but this time they were in a far more precarious position. Relying on the whimsical and tumultuous nature of the powers in the supernatural work for support.

Cut to the present, and SCION has climbed its way back into prominence in the supernatural community. They investigate, they research, they spy...and they bust heads..if need be. They carefully select members from all walks of life and (nearly) all species. Some are important for their skills and aptitude, some for their political position in the supernatural world...and some are simply people who can disappear and not be missed at all. All kinda have been given a new life within the SCION base.

So, the question is, are you ready to sign up?


There are plenty of types within SCION, all play a big role, and not all get along too well.

The main operatives within the central wings are divided into teams. Each team has trained together for some time and the members know each other well. A Team Leader is assigned to keep everyone in line and to report back to the Officers, the three senior SCION staff who then report back to The Head, SCION's oft-heard, but never seen benefactor.

The Teams often have a degree of rivalry, some playful...sometimes a little less playful, but they are often required to work together cohesively. Any drama (and there's often plenty of drama) must be put aside when out in the field, because if you can't trust someone to watch your back in that dog eat dog world, you're as good as dead.

Species of the Supernatural World

There are many creatures that inhabit the world, without their presence being realised by humanity. Within SCION, this subset of species are collectively referred to as 'cryptids' in order to save time.

Other cryptids do, almost certainly, exist out there in the world (ie if you've got some other ideas, feel free to let your friendly GM know) but some of the most prominent are detailed as follows:

Character Sheet

Hi folks! I'm Vit, your GM for the evening (and hopefully longer?).

Welcome to SCION OOC, make yourself at home, have fun, and respect the house rules.

  • Please submit characters on the OOC thread for review before putting them on up in the characters tab. Place aren't really limited or anything but I like to check everything makes sense first.
  • Be polite in the OOC thread. Leave the bickering to the characters, lord knows they need the space.
  • Take as many characters as you can handle, but only if you're comfortable with juggling them.
  • You're welcome to put your character up for one of the team leader roles, but do be aware that they'll be reviewed for realism in the sense that they're supposedly an individual who has proven themselves an able leader. ie, a team member character could realistically get away with being a it of a slacker, a team member character, much less so.
  • If you have any other species ideas, you're welcome to suggest, though it does depend to some degree on the species' capacity to blend in in the 'normal' world. Dragons might exist out there somewhere, but you're not likely to see one strolling down a street waving to onlookers.
  • I'm relatively new to this site specifically, so, I'm not really hip with the fancy coding, so, if you want to pretty-up your sheet more than my mediocre attempt, add more pictures, do something fancy, then be my guest, so long as it retains the categories listed.

I think that's about all I need to cover for now. If you're interested in hopping on this, do speak up!

The Supernatural Concealment and Investigation Operations Network.

Better known as S.C.I.O.N.

Once, in times gone by, known as The Order of the Scion of the Azure Moon.

But that's a bit of a mouthful and hard to shout when some lycan is trying to crush your trachea in a big meaty fist.

So, SCION it is.

Assuming you're a human, you will probably never have heard of it. You will most likely live out your entire life never openly encountering any trace of SCION, or its staff. And if you don't, you can probably consider yourself lucky; because if you have, you're either a very exceptional individual... or something statistically far more powerful is trying to murder you.

Possibly both.

SCION is a collaborative effort between a small section of humanity, and some of the major families of the sapient cryptid species, to both research supernatural species, and the enforce a...healthy distance between humanity, and the monsters out there in the world. It exists to keep things secret, and to keep both sides of the coin safe from destroying each other. (Previous instances where humans and cryptids have mixed in recent times has made things...tense at best. Think Witch Trials. Think, vampires buried alive with rocks stuffed into their mouths, think whole camps of human soldiers found mysteriously torn apart out in remote nordic woodland...that kind of stuff. )

It's the only place you're likely to find humans working alongside werewolves, vampires, the spirits of the dead. Brings a whole new meaning to the idea of workplace diversity, right?

Once upon a time, SCION worked for world governments, under their funding and protection. Branches all over the place. Then, came a sudden declaration to cut the funding, burn the records, and shut everything down. No more SCION anywhere. Gone. Finished. Obviously someone, someone very powerful wanted there to be no-one checking up on supernatural activity.

So, for 50 years, no SCION. Not a peep. Well, not that most people were aware of. Other things rush in to fill the power vacuum. Vampire clans. Wolf packs. And far darker things. Stories of a major demon on US soil filter through the rumour mill, though nothing is confirmed. Order remains... but that order is maintained through a large number of humans who see things they should not going 'missing' forever.

SCION became nearly a myth. The odd shadow in the night. Rumours that they still operated somewhere, on a low level.

Then, about 10 years back, operatives began to appear, to contact the old families and clans. SCION would live again. A benefactor had left them enough funding to begin again from the ground up, this time as an independent entity, outside of government control. They could work once more...but this time they were in a far more precarious position. Relying on the whimsical and tumultuous nature of the powers in the supernatural world for support.

Cut to the present, and SCION has climbed its way back into prominence in the supernatural community. They investigate, they research, they spy...and they bust heads..if need be. They carefully select members from all walks of life and (nearly) all species. Some are important for their skills and aptitude, some for their political position in the supernatural world...and some are simply people who can disappear and not be missed at all. All kinda have been given a new life within the SCION base.

So, the question is, are you ready to sign up?


SCION is a modern fantasy RP that is character driven and mission-based, alternating between the way a bunch of people and creatures of the night manage to live and work together in HQ, and how they handle life-threatening missions and deep mystery out in the outside world where monsters undoubtedly exist.

The universe in question already has a large amount of lore regarding the species that inhabit it, and the organisation of how SCION runs, but I didn't want to present a wall o' text for an interest check, it's primarily for the sake of testing the water.

What the RP involves:
- Heavy emphasis on character interaction. They're teamed up, they live in close quarters. They bicker and gossip and all sign birthday cards for each other. They might or might not have friends, but the RP is going to involve quite a bit of characters bouncing off one another. arcs, development, all kinds of fun possibilities.

-Missions. Storylets in various locations with various dangers and problems.

-Overarching plots and mysteries. There's often more going on that it seems on the surface.

- A giant scandinavian werewolf stealing hot pockets. It's inevitable really.
Hi folks, I'm Vit.

I've been RPing for...ages honestly. I'm mostly into fantasy and sci-fi but have ventured into all kinds of genres when the mood's taken me.

In my real life I'm a prop maker and FX artist, and love writing stuff in my spare time. Plot-making is one of my things. Just love trying to come up with interesting scenarios to work from.

Hopping on here to try and broaden my horizons and find some new place to roleplay. I'm not totally clued up on the site's etiquette just yet, but so far it looks great! A nice surprise to find somewhere active and busy in a wasteland of half-abandoned sites. Exciting!
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