Avatar of VitoftheVoid
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    1. VitoftheVoid 7 yrs ago


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The Kingsley family were.... stoic. Constant. The standing stones on their crest did more than reflect the ancient alignments of their home at Avebury, it was a reflection of the desirable traits of a Kingsley. Unaffected by the chaos around them. Persisting through everything. A lone figure of calm neutrality when everyone else was losing their minds.

And, of course, just like the designs in the crest, marked with runes.

A child born of parents from two primaries stood about a half chance of being born with one or the other.
Had Aeryn Kingsley arrived back at Avebury manner sixteen years previous with a runecaster child, it would have been a little complicated, but not of much concern.

In the end, it had all come down to a matter of fate. A coin flip.

And if the result of that flip had shown anything, it was that Helena Kingsley was not a naturally lucky person.

Her life hadn't exactly been the most tragic. She'd never had to want for much materially.
And her childhood hadn't been marred by some major tragedy. Her home hadn't been burned to the ground, if she had a dead parent she had no way of knowing it, and she wasn't left with some thirst for revenge.

But matters of small chance never did seem to fall in her favour.

There probably would habe been a good chance that she'd wake up before the arrival of the other students in the common room for example. Or indeed, a good chance that she wouldn't fall asleep on the common room sofa in the first place. She'd missed both however, and blinking awake to find herself surrounded by students was a little embarrassing.

Helena had, up to that point, been lying on her front on an evidently pretty expensive sofa, ginger hair splayed out around her head like some kind of washed-up cephalopod, phone resting loosely in her hand. She was wearing brightly coloured knitted jumper, patterned with numerous hued cat faces, and the message 'Have A Mice Day' on the front.
If it had been her plan to look her best for the arrival of everyone else, then it had not gone terrible well.

Then again, it was entirely possible that Helena Kingsley would regard a rainbow cat sweater to be looking her best. She had never completely served as a paragon of style and minimalism.

As if her late and misplaced awakening was not a problem in itself, she was soon face with something else. For within a few moments of doing so, her view of the ceiling was obscured as the face of Professor Kovalenko, complete with look of avian disdain.

"What are you doing there, Kingsley?" the woman asked, clearly irritable.

It took a few moments for Helena to summon up some words.
"Sorry Professor. I...I must've fallen asleep."

"Evidently." the woman's expression did not falter in the slightest.
"Well pull yourself together or you're going to miss the briefing. And do try to stay awake for the entire duration if that at all possible."

With that she turned and walked away, leaving Helena struggling to right herself. This was not really how she'd planned to start the school year.

It'd always seemed like a bit of an odd concept to Dinah Fox.
You attached some kind of worth to a place. A spot of earth, for having occupied it long enough it'd gotten familiar to you.
Perhaps that was because she didn't tend to get acquainted with any path of earth for all that long, but she found it her to attach that kind of sentimentality to a place.

Cyrus still had memories of the house. The grounds. All of the buildings. The tree swing and the fish pond.
The only she could remember clearly herself was the dogs. Daisy, Arrow, Mountain. Missing the dogs. Telling them they needed to go back and get the dogs.

Of course they never did go back and get the dogs.

When you start early then letting material things go became pretty easy, though there were more things that didn't ever really leave your grasp. You travelled light because of the weight of your own grudges.

It'd been a long trip to Marchand. Getting to somewhere where the bus was going to pick up was about as difficult as just getting to the place itself, so it seemed smart to cut the middle man. It was not as if she was coming from overseas.
Though, she might as well have been for all the hassle involved.

Money ran out a little after she got out of the state, and it had been mostly hitchhiking from there. Begging, borrowing and stealing her progress toward the marker on her folded roadmap and trying not to get murdered along the way...though that was never totally guaranteed.
She'd spent most of the night trying to find someone going the rest of the way to some indistinct location, and eventually hit upon a delivery driver who was easily bribed enough to let her take a seat amid the boxes and packing bags for the next four hours, until it slowed to a crawl at the end of a forested path, and she was able to hop out.

The young man wound down the window as she hooked her backpack over one shoulder, giving a rather pointed cough.

"Oh. Yeah. Sorry. Thanks for the help."

With one deft movement, she extended a hand to shake his, which came away with a small plastic bag of ground-up leaves sat neatly in the palm. He nodded, and without a word, the van took off and rounded the corner.

The rest of it, Dinah made on foot. She wasn't unused to walking. But it had been a long few days. Enough that when she caught sight of the building she could almost put aside her considerable misgivings about the entire thing. Almost, but not quite. She could almost imagine word for word what her brother would be saying about it.

'That isn't a place for people like us. That is another Council vanity project. You'll hate it there. And they'll probably hate it that you showed up.'

Though the last one seemed more of a plus to her. Maybe that was the difference between her and her brother, and was why she was here and he was working as dish washer in 'Who The Hell Cares' West Virginia. If there was one thing in the world she was good at, it was digging her heels in.

Dinah walked along the drive, approaching the gates, getting a little bit of scrutiny from the gate guard as she presented her letter. It might have been the name on the letter, though she guessed it was something else.
She didn't exactly...match well with the general ambience it was giving off.
The prestigious private school vibe didn't really gel with the unkempt hair, the faded T-shirt that had clearly belonged to a male who was several sizes bigger that she was, the denim jacket with skinned elbows, and the canvas hiking boots held together by two rings of silver duct tape around each.

Scruffy seemed an understatement. She looked like a homeless person.

But she was a homeless person with an invitation, and so she proceeded with some haste into the building.

The common room looked like about five different furniture stores with wildly different clients, and possibly one hapless passing natural history museum, had all violently collided.
Even with that in mind, it was still one of the nicest places she had seen in a while.

A few students has already arrived and were evidently making the most of the networking opportunity. The young Fox was entirely unconcerned about that though.
No travel budget meant no food budget either, and the last cereal bar was a long long time ago.
So she didn't waste much time, grabbing an entire box of cereal, sticking her hand in, and biting into the entire handful.

Feral was probably quite a good word.
Terramancy really was the only primary where you could turn that into an advantage.

Even by the standard of the students' travels, the trip over from the secluded isle of Vollr was one little short of heroic. They'd pulled away from the black volcanic sands of its coasts some three days previous. A small boat up to Svalbard, a bigger boat back down to Tromsø, a flight to London, and another to the US, chartered themselves of course, because it was hard to not attract attention, especially when your cargo included a sizeable greatsword and the skins of numerous animals.

Once they'd made it to the right country, it had still been several hours by road, and by the time the car pulled up outside Marchand Academy, Kora Mari Nørrevinter of Vollr was running on a few hours sleep, five cans of pepsi and pure adrenaline.

It was the first time in her life that the young heir had lived anywhere but the frigid island, and to say that she was excited was quite the understatement. The short trips to the mainland, and few days shadowing the Council meetings didn't really hold a candle to the prospect of living away on a permanent basis, and getting the chance to indulge in the sort of things that were in short supply at her home.

Everything the Nørrevinters acquired was brought in themselves, the result of a five-hundred year embargo from the Sterlings, the Councillors of Water and the chief traders in the mage world, a dispute stemming from either a few Sterling ships being raided and burned, or a young daughter of a Nørrevinter chieftain being seduced by Sterling son...depending on which family you asked.

Anything from the mainland was a luxury, but the gods had always provided for them. The fires of the earth had made their island bountiful, even in its place at the roof of the world, and they could cultivate and hunt what they needed. But it was hard won and nothing like what you could find elsewhere.

The grow up on Vollr was to grow up strong and hardy, but Aunt Hilda said that, like the trees on the hills, if all you do is weather storms, you end up gnarled and twisted.

Opening the door, Kora rose to her full height and took in her surroundings. An impressive height it was too. Six foot six, with a mop of red hair, and limbs that seemed a little too long for the rest of her...not to say that there was any air of fragility about Kora Nørrevinter. She definitely looked like she could punch a man's teeth out with a good swing of her fist...there was just something of an impression that her body hadn't quite accustomed itself to her height yet. She was wearing a black T-shirt that, whilst not in english, featured enough spiky script, dragons and skulls that one could only assume it was merchandise for one metal band or another. A pair of headphones that had clearly been well-used, or at least thrown against the wall a number of times, hung around her neck, alongside a pewter mjolnir on a leather thong.

Behind her rose the acting Councillor Hilda Nørrevinter, not quite as tall as her niece, though radiating enough calm authority to more than make up for it in terms of intimidation. She bore the same bright red hair as Kora did, though she wore hers long, part of it tied into plaits that curved round her head and down her back. She was wearing a coat with a collar of wolf fur.

The Nørrevinters were always great fans of furs, hides, skulls. Preferably of dangerous animals. Preferably hunted with as little equipment as possible. Everything was a chance to prove your own prowess, and everyone was a potential opponent. It ws only that much bloody-minded pride that could lend itself to fighting your own traders for centuries.

But it was also that pride that had led them to offer up their own heir to fight the cult.

One they'd paid the ultimate price for.

Hilda paused, leaning on the vehicle for a moment and watching Kora, who was bouncing eagerly on her heels, pulling several furs and what appeared to be a sizeable sword from the car.
She was so much like her father. It filled Hilda's heart with pride and tore it apart all at once.
The older woman's hand reached for the gungnir at her throat, speaking under her breath.
"Damn you Ren. You've never spoken since, but if you're out there you'd better look after her now that I can't."

Aaaand the Prof.

Aaand my little child of the Cult.

Oooaky, fire heir at your service.

Cheers! I'll get some apps up at some point soon.
(Heyy, I'd like to snag Professor of Aquamancy and Shadowstep, and also the heir to the pyromancy seat if possible.)
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