Avatar of Xanadu
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 103 ( / day)
  • VMs: 0


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Xanadu | Xan | That asshole | etc
21 12/13/1997
University Student: History & Philosophy
Forum Based RPing for 8+ Years
Who Art Tho?

The man known as Xan
Hello there! You can call me Xanadu through originally on Old Guild I was known as Fa11ing Phoenix. I'm a University student that lives on the East Coast of North America studying History and Philosophy with aspirations of either becoming a History Professor or working in the Digital Humanities. I used to be really into forum based roleplaying when I was younger starting out on Neopets before moving to Max-Dan-Wiz and finally ending up on the Old Guild.

As I entered college though, I found it hard to find time to allocate time to writing posts when I have to write essays for grades and the like. Recently though, I've decided that for the sake of my own mental health that I have hobbies beyond work in an attempt to help keep myself sane. And thus I have returned with the expressed intent of continuing to do this weird collaborative writing experience that I love so much!

Current Projects
RPs That I GM:

RPs That I Participate In:
  • N/A

Genres that peak my fancy
  • Fantasy: [High | Low | Urban]
  • Sci-Fi: [Mechs | Science-Fantasy | Space Operas]
  • Historical [Westerns | Wuxai | Chanbara]
  • Punk [Steam punk | Diesel Punk | Post-Cyberpunk]
  • Fandom [DC & Marvel | Dragon Age | Mass Effect]

Fun Facts
▶ I play the Kantele, Tenor Sax, and Clarinet
▶ My favorite color is Orange
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