Avatar of Xavier Bloodbayne
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Old Guild Username: Bloodbayne
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 346 (0.09 / day)
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    1. Xavier Bloodbayne 10 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current Watch this if you want a laugh 😂 ifunny.co/fun/rcw4H4gH4
8 yrs ago
Well where was the humor then??
8 yrs ago
That's probably your giant asshole talking.
8 yrs ago
I would expect dark and DIRTY from giant assholes actually.
8 yrs ago
Nobody gives a hoot!! Lol


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(Base roll bonus = 15 | All rolls account this already)
(Initial Awareness Roll 59/100) - Shit lol

As the screams filled the air Xavier couldn't fight the chuckle that rumbled from within his chest. As panic began to spread amongst the crowd it would serve to trickle charge Xaviers power. Xaviers righ foot moved to take a step towards the crowd for instigation, when he suddenly heard abnormal metallic scuffs behind him.

(Defensive Maneuver Roll = 54)
For a brief moment the cocky smirk on Xaviers lips began to falter to a grimace. The woman responsible for the noise was already upon him and beginning to lash out. It was all Xavier could do to shuffle a step forward before the all too familiar bitter sting of a razors edge tore through his hip. In reaction to this Xavier spun to his right, allowing a clean slice an inch deep and around 3 inches long at his right hip. What came out of the wound was not like any natural blood, but much thicker and a color as black as onyx. The pain of this wound barely registered to Xavier as he spun upon his right foot. Focusing more on what he would do instead of what had been done.

On the ground to his right was the twitching body of the man he had just wounded. The spark of an idea lit within Xaviers mind and caused his legs to buckle, putting the mans body within reaching distance. With quick grasps Xaviers left hand grabbed the waistline of the mans pants while his right grabbed the hem of his shirt. With a heave Xavier extended his legs to raise his body, pulling the mans body along at the last possible moment. With graceful footing Xavier both spun on his ankles and moved away from the woman's current attack zone. All with the mans body in his powerful grip.
(Execution Success Rate Roll = 70)

A thick rivulet of black blood oozed from his wound as his body torqued, allowing him to heave the mans body with great force at the woman. While it was headed directly for the woman's abdomen, there was a fair chance she could still avoid it. The outcome made no difference to Xavier.

After the throw there was only a small amount of force left within his body and it allowed Xavier to continue his spin to point away from the woman. As Xavier moved away from the scene he moved faster than one would expect for a man of his size, already upon the crowd before they had the chance to react.

With folded arms Xavier braced himself for the impact he had chosen; a man of averge build watching from the sidelines. The mans face twisted into a horrific scream for a moment before Xaviers arms met his and forced the air from his lungs. Xavier extended his arms and stopped for only a moment, knocking all sense from the man and throwing him limp as a ragdoll into the crowd.

As the man went flying and caused more of the crowd to fall to the ground Xavier moved once again. With what seemed to be delicate but quick steps Xavier leapt through the crowd, various wet crunches sounding off with each step. It was the heads of the 6 different people that he was leaping upon; Shattering their skulls like clay pots under the immense force of his body.

The crowd had barely begun their horrified screams at what transpired as Xavier attempted to disappear once again. Crossing the street and entering the alleyway on the other side. Before he entered he cast a look to the street, not stopping to gaze but taking a snipet of the moment to rationalize as he moved. This look would allow any gazing his way to see that his eyes were now aglow with a strange dark red energy.

Once in the alleyway Xavier began to hoof it down the cobblestone, no longer utilizing the same speed as before. To do so at this moment for an extended amount of time would be draining. This would need to be drug out just a little more to put things on an even playing field...


It was as Xavier dove into the alleyway that the first of the hounds descended on the village. From the northern and western parts of town came the first screams as townsfolk were gouged and gored. They attacked in two groups of 10 to allow them to properly overpower the already thin guard at the gates. From there they moved into the village, slaughtering the stragglers of those who currently fled inward.
Yes I did, but there are just a couple things to take into consideration.

This is a high casual to advance RP. So several paragraphs of good detail and grammar. I'm not saying you can't do this, Im just saying it's expected.

Next; You'll notice that the post and fight is already under way so it isn't just me involved in this anymore. So for you to join would require their approval as well. Take a moment to go to the OOC section of Chaos Is Born and ask there so they can think it over as well. Having a character sheet on the ready wouldn't hurt either.

To each their own. I'm sure I could stand to proof read more often but most of the time I type at work so I just have to be quick. I feel like it does effect my post quality because I feel pressured to wrap it up quick and get back to work.
Ooohhhh, two different writing styles ontop of a good fight. This should be very interesting! I won't rush you, I know you'll get to posting when it's ready! I just don't proofread or second guess what I'm writing.

It's one and done for me lol
The magic arms would more than likely be fine, Xavier is capable of defending himself in even ridiculous circumstances. The halberd confuses me as I don't understand if it sears your wounds shut with magic or the enemies with magic. But at any rate you would still find Xavier a challenge with that character. In my opinion.

Just let me know what you come up with.
Yeah well I also wanted to do something a little flashy, so 60 good enough for me! Lower than 50 would have snapped his neck with the hilt so it still would have worked out lol I will get better at using it as time goes on and I can add the outcomes of each roll somewhere in the post.

Like I said I don't expect you to use it at all, but you can at the same time if you want too. Similar to what you said, I'm only doing it because Xavier is so weak right now. It will be less and less necessary as the posts gon byou.
So no tournament then? Well this is crap!
On some things, like Xavier throwing the sword and his shoulder getting dislocated, I do a die roll out of 100 to decided what will happed. Above 50 is a good thing and below is baddies lol I got a 64 on the blade throw so the tip hit instead of the hilt. I got a 43 on the charge so it didn't go down on the 1st hit.

You don't have to do this at all, it's just kind of a handicap system I'll be trying to use for right now until he has more power! And it's kind of interesting to have to write a fail lol

With heavy feet Xavier crossed the threshold of the man whose body he now possessed, his gaze shifting side to side as he entered the street. In that moment he could feel the weight of a thousand gazes falling upon and the terror that echoed behind them all. Not even the guards charged with protecting the town could hide their fear. For Xavier could hear a symphony of quaking metal plates from the front lines as they literally shook in their boots. A shaking that only began to soften as a woman spoke, claiming the right to battle Xavier on her own. How interesting… Xaviers gaze lingered upon blonde haired woman for only a moment, revealing a constitution superior to even the Captain standing beside her.

As she finished speaking and the wave of relief began to cascade over the defensive line there was one man who allowed his emotions to show far too much. This was the only man to breathe a very audible sigh of relief at not having to go into battle; deciding to also bend over with his hands upon his knees and pant as though he had just run a mile.

Xavier could feel his anger level skyrocketing as he saw this, a man with a weapon happily hiding behind a woman with a weapon. The sword which Xavier held by the blade in his right hand began to tremble, the metal quaking in unison with Xaviers muscle as he clenched tight to the blade. Causing a stream of his blood to cascade towards the tip. The blade and arm had been resting limply at his side, but now they moved backwards as Xavier coiled his arm.

“Cowards…!” Xaviers voiced boomed as he released the bulk up tension, firing the blade through the air like a spear. “…and cock fondlers!” the move had been so simple that Xaviers upper body didn’t flex in the least as the blade was thrown, allowing for a successful surprise attack.

In an ordinary situation such a move would have been able to create sufficient speed that it would be impossible for a mortal to track. Now though, every guard who was not bent over their knees could see it coming and managed to get moving before the impact.

The blade had been given a light spin as Xavier threw it to allow the tip to reorient itself to pierce the guard in the neck just below his helmet. The soft target allowed the blades tip to slice in along side the spinal cord for a perfect slice, allowing the tip to travel through the mans entire body cavity and protrude from his anus. It was all the man could do to fall to his side, choking first on the pained gasps that were trying to come out only to have them turn to bright crimson streams as his lungs filled with blood. The man attempted to grip and remove the blade until his muscles went limp and a loud gurgling signaled the mans last breath.

Surely the men of the defensive line would be at the very least slightly distracted by what just happened. But would she?

For the moment after Xaviers thrown blade found its mark he had retreated back into Benudans home with a quick back pedal. With two heavy and long strides away from the interior doorway Xavier heaved his left shoulder against the stone wall. This sent a crack along the stone from floor to ceiling as well as sending a small crack into Xaviers shoulder; he had dislocated the shoulder of this still feeble body.

No time. Xavier thought to himself and turned to ready another charge at the wall when he noticed the door just behind him. Using his left arm Xavier braced the door against his entire left side body and ran as fast he could at the crack in the wall. At the last moment Xavier threw his body at the wall again and it practically exploded outwards with the force to open a new exit. Behind the houses was a small alleyway for the disposing of trash or hanging of linens and as Xavier burst through it through the alley was filled screams and gasps.

There was a group of women who had been hanging their laundry when the commotion had begun and now had stopped to watch and listen in the alley. They could have never expected in a hundred years that a man would come tearing through walls behind their homes. All they could do was watch and stare open mouthed and the bulky man shaking dust from his shoulders with a door in his hand before he turned to look at them.

Their trembles grew in strength now as they met his pitch black, unwavering gaze that seemed to stare down to their soul. Though it was only seconds it felt like a lifetime before Xavier turned on his heels and started down the alleyway. The women all shared an unsure sideways glance as he walked away, they were almost positive that something would go wrong. Xavier was 2 houses down the alleyway when he heard the women sigh in unison, that was when the smirk crept upon his cheeks.

Xavier didn’t even look back, he simply brought the door he was holding to his chest before flinging his arm backwards over his head along with the door. In one quick motion the door was flung with a massive spine down the alleyway, kicking it towards the women like a speeding tire. A quick bounce off a wall sent the tire into the air horizontally, clipping the women in the neck and snapping the bones like twigs before they could scream too much.

Within his shoulder a sickening crunch and snap could be heard as his body corrected itself as it found new power. In comparison to his true level it was but a drop of water in a lake; but it would have to do for now. The more people he was able to kill or destruction he was able to wreak the faster he would see his powers come back to him. However there was a good chance he would be pushed to the limit were he forced to do it alone.

Between each house was a small 1 foot gap to allow access to and from the back alleyway. When he was only 3 houses down from Benudans he slipped into an opening on the side of the alley opposite Benudans house. Hiding momentarily here Xavier took in a long deep breath before closing his eyes and rising his head towards the sky.

From deep within his chest an ear piercing howl began to fill the airwaves, similar to that of a wolf but this was much deeper. As he howled a plume of dark red energy could be seen slithering across his lips, part of the reason why this howl was so different than a wolfs.

Xaviers howl died away and a few seconds of silence would pass by before Xaviers howl was answered by another…and another.. and another until an orchestra of deep howls filled the air around the town. When it was answered Xavier slicked towards the main street outside the alleyway, where there were no guards as of yet. That would undoubtedly change when he stepped out of the alleyway and civilians began pointing at him talking about seeing him howling. This alone wouldn’t gather the attention of the guards but there was a man approaching Xavier with haste and anger in his step.

“Benudan!” the voice hollered at him, sending a brief look of confusion on Xaviers face. “What are you doing howling behind my hou—“ the mans eyes suddenly went wide as he was cut short. Mouth and lips floundering for words that wouldn’t come. Xavier had shoved his right fist through the mans throat and was now wiggling his fingers one after the other to wave at the shocked crowd behind the man. Before too long, screams once again filled the air as Xavier removed his hand, allowing the man the slink to the floor.

Outside of Town

In that stretch of time that Benudan had lost, he had been guided back to town by the dark forces which now control him. Xavier knew that he would need death and despair to regain his former power and stationed 20 Hounds around the town in secluded caves.

A hound is a large, canine like creature that has undergone a similar transformation as Xavier; however their bodies did not take to it as well as his did. They grew in strength and size like one wouldn’t believe, just barely shadowing over a Siberian tiger and carrying almost twice their speed and striking capacity. Their skin was practically torn away in the change, leaving each of the creatures with disgusting exposed muscle that would leak a thick black substance with every move they made. The change also took away their eye sight and replaced with advanced heat vision mixed with sonar. They were one of Xaviers favorite pets.

As his howl tore through the air each hounds head perked up within its cave and answered the call, tearing through the forest towards the town. It wouldn’t be long now until they reached it.
I don't mind at all! I wouldn't expect there to be only 3 guards in town lol. Besides I plan to throw alot of things into the mix while Xavier powers up. Just to keep it interesting!
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