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    1. xodus 10 yrs ago
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Current Perhaps I should change my dp after 5 years.......nah too lazeh
5 yrs ago
Thunderbolt and lightning, very, very frightening
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6 yrs ago
Might as well put something up here huh?


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Geko observed with placid disconcern as the students mounted their well executed ambush. From a purely theoretic point, everything was planned superbly however there was one simply factor which the students did not account for and one which the Asylums were well aware off. Experience. On paper a plan can be brilliant but on the field that same plan can be moronic. To challenge a full fledged Asylum is in itself an act of folly very few would contemplate, yet every year you have a few....

With a sigh the Lost Number saw the Asylums retaliate and carnage ensued and then it was all over, quite quickly. His eyes darted across the students measuring the severity of injury, some lay sprawled on the ground, some were trying to tug their legs free from the block of ice while other retreated, limping pathetically.

"At least be men about it lads?" Geko growled as he watched this sad display of the younger generation trying to project their power. "Now I hope we can proceed without someone drop kicking me, oh and I will get back to you for that you little shits...."Geko glared at a specific limping individual while rubbing his chin melodramatically.

With that exercise out of the way, Geko approached the Asylums while stepping over the sprawled students. "I am sorry for that but you know....boys will be...oh...shit." Geko groaned as he turned mid sentence to face a Chinese girl who was walking towards them, leaving her dark corner and yet the darkness seemed to follow her.

"Listen to me Yin, don't cause any more trouble. You have already beaten an Asylum and your position in the final exam is guaranteed.....but that doesn't mean you become a pain in my ass..." He watched her while almost imperceptibly adjusting his stance, getting combat ready.

"I am bored, there is no challenge here!" Yin scoffed as she continued towards the Lost Number at her leisurely pace. "I am exhausted of these lessons and my peers are infuriatingly weak. You told me I would get advanced sparring....sir. Shall we begin?" The girl spoke with all the tone of a petulant child and yet there was something frightening about her aura, the way shadows enveloped her and swayed against her.

"I am getting too old for this..." Geko whined as his alchemic drive ignited only to be dwarfed by that of the student in front of him and just before the two could begin a sudden explosion tremble rocked the ground followed by a miniature explosion.

"Oh thank god..." Geko though out loud before assuming a stern role. "It seems something requires my attention Yin, now hurry back to class before I reconsider your examination!"

The threat seemed enough to diffuse the situation and Yin left with a disappointed huff of exasperation, leaving Geko alone with the Asylums.

"That student is a hands full, I am so glad she is your mess now!" Geko laughed as he clapped Samad on the back. "However I will ever be at service to you my dear," the Lost Number turned to Elsa and gave her his best smile followed by a rather inviting wink, he'd have taken things further but the smoke from the explosion was quite the distraction.

"Could any of you please check that ruckus? I believe it came from the holding cells where we throw students sometimes when they behave unruly. I have to report to my Chrono and as you know.....they don't like being kept waiting....especially mine." Without waiting for the Asylum's response Geko simply vanished.


"He attacked me!" One of the Asylums standing guard at the holding cell shrieked clutching a bleeding arm while staring at the remains of the wall, which was now just debris.

"Hardly...I mentioned filth like you should feel honored to fetch my food....you grew angry and proceeded to assault me with alchemy.....your alchemic drive failed and your alchemy back fired. Are all of you this sloppy?" The chained man within the cell spoke with casual indifference. His silver tinted spectacles shimmering and his smirk visible even within that dark cell.

"You need to learn your place you fucking rogue, I don't need alchemy for you ilk!" The guard roared as he proceeded to point a pulse rifle at the man lying on the bench behind bars. "You're dead!"

Still looking for one or two more!
Geko chuckled as he turned to face Zane, his sassy attitude reminding him of the countless fledgling Asylums he had met, most of them were now veterans while the rest never managed to get that far. Such was the life of an Alchemist under A.M.R.O, either you survived or were weeded out. The Lost Number hoped that these two fledglings would blossom. His trail of thought was broken as the Asylums partner Bella intervened and made peace.

"Its not an issue, we were all young once just not as beautiful as you my dear," Geko flirted casually before turning to Zane once more. "Don't worry lad, you won't catch me making long speeches, I wouldn't want you to doze off with your eyes open again." The Lost Number locked eyes with the Asylum, a smile on his face. His spare hand moving ever so deftly towards Bella's bottom, only to be distracted by another Asylum walking up to him, this one the Iranian Alchemist. This distraction was all that was needed for him to have his guard down and in turn be drop kicked in the face.

"You little shits!" Geko growled as he was hurled ten feet away from where he was standing, his body rolling on the ground with his hands clutching his nose. "Ghaaa my nose, couldn't you have waited another two seconds!" The Lost Number continued to agonize in the corner, more flustered from being denied the chance to grope the female Asylum rather than being drop kicked in the face.

"Always be aware of your surroundings lest you face a boot to your face" a teenager quoted Geko's words back at him as he stood there with a shit eating grin. "I'm afraid the boys and I have gotten a bit tired of these pointless classes so we decided, might as well go for the short cut, beat one to become one!" The boy in the middle spoke to the fresh batch of Asylums rather than the Lost Number writhing on the floor, his challenging tone inviting a group of students. Each of them appeared to have been prepared well before hand, every one of them was in a prototype training battle armor, designed to protect them in sparring courses that were deemed too dangerous.

"Mr Geko as per the rules you are to assume the position of an observer, time to get to work boys!" On que the group that were biding their time exploded into action. These were not mere kids but highly trained individuals and it showed in their actions, they capitalized on the ensuing confusion to mount their first strike. Daggers and guns appeared in their hands and by the time they had closed the distance each and every one of the students had finished preparations for their casts and their alchemic drive activated and a flurry of devastating alchemic attacks followed. Lightning and fire rained down on the Asylums coating the entire area in a blanket of smoke and debris and amidst it each of the students activated their tactical vizors so as to see heat signatures.

Geko had made sure to get well clear of battle ground, a soft whistle escaped his mouth as he couldn't help but appreciate the planning and execution of this group. This was something pre-planned and nothing could have stood in their way......well nothing except.....ASYLUMS.

One other person seemed to stand apart, observing this spectacle. She was calmly leaning against a shaded wall, her figure almost blending with the darkness as she anticipated what was to come, a part of her wanted to join the fight, despite having already defeated an Asylum in combat, especially since she was just so bored from the lack of talent around her. "Guess I’ll just have to wait and see!"

Xodus is working on a post!

Hopefully should get it up soon xp

We still have one spot open!

The RP has just started!!
Chapter 1

Prelude to Madness

(3 years ago)

“How tedious….” Angel spoke while seated in aircraft that was transporting him along with quite a few ‘attendants’. His gaze casually bouncing from one Asylum to the other, almost all of them belonging to a specialized division known as Overseers. A rabble created by the Chrono Tabion to keep tabs on anything deemed to be a problem to A.M.R.O.

“Is this really necessary?” Angel spoke again out of sheer boredom, his company was one that liked to keep silent. His hands nudging forward revealing the bulky restraints placed on his wrists, a magnetic handcuff that injected him with Anti-Alchemy poison at a timed interval.

“It is necessary till the charges are dropped,” replied one of the Overseers in the usual uptight tone associated with their kind, something Angel found exhausting. Perhaps this was one of the reasons why the Lost Number found it rather amusing to tease the lot.

“I could add you to the kill count?” He replied with a cruel grin before shrugging and leaning back, the smile only growing wider as soon as he got the reaction he wanted.

“You’re a fucking monster!” One of the younger lads spoke up while glaring at the prisoner, his fists shaking with fury. “How can you joke about this? Good men died!”

Angel merely yawned in reply, finding all this self-righteousness a bit dramatic. “If history has taught us one thing……it’s that good men are good at dying,” he chuckled as if remembering some old joke before leaning back and getting as comfortable as a prisoner could get.

Asylum Class: Alchemic Philosophy

“No one really knows the origin of Alchemy but nigh endless research has helped us understand its fundamentals!” Professor Klein spoke to a large class of nearly fifty students, each one only moderately interested in his class, “The Philosophy of Alchemy”. Even so the professor continued on.

“There is an alien source of energy that envelops the world and only alchemists have the ability to draw this energy and then release it. This process is known as an Alchemic drive and that defines your capabilities as an Alchemist. The stronger your alchemic drive the greater your potential. A trained alchemist must never underestimate the importance of an alchemic drive, every alchemist has one and it is as unique as your very own heartbeat. With training you can even sense another alchemist’s drive and with further training you may even decipher the outcome. Let us have a demonstration.” The professor suddenly slammed his gargantuan note book on the desk gaining the attention of the class. “You” the professor pointed to one of the slacking students. “Stand up and hit me with any type of alchemic attack, if you succeed you may consider this course cleared.”

That seemed to draw a considerable amount of interest as everyone became a bit more animated, all eyes on the slacker who showed a wicked grin as he rose to the challenge. His outstretched fingers already working on a cast, each movement drawing in that tantalizing alchemic energy, a torrent of power that swirled inside him, begging to be released. A heartbeat later, lightning struck from the tip of his fingers only to fizz out before it could discharge, the result a pitiful spark akin to one of those mosquito zappers.

“What….” The kid stood baffled while staring at his hand, galled at his own pathetic display.

“This is what can happen when you understand your opponent’s alchemic drive. You can disrupt it through your own. Class dismissed!” With that the professor returned to collecting his note book and belongings, sighing as he could hear each student charging out of his class. “God help those new Asylums coming in to teach these hooligans!”


Tabion stood in front of a whole squadron of Asylums, each one of them having been called from the field in order to share their expertise with the new generation.

“Welcome back to Innocence, I’m sure this place needs no introduction. It has been home to all of you once, you trained here, you lived here and you were created here!” The man spoke in a tone that commanded respect. “This place is our bastion from where we make Titans! Each of you has a duty to the next generation of Asylums, you must be the final hammer that molds them. Each of you will take the role of a mentor, you will share your tactics, your secrets, your successes, your failures, and your wisdom.” The Chrono intoned the age old words spoken to every Asylum that has come and will come to Innocence. His charisma alone was enough to have some Asylums standing straighter, for this was a man loyal to A.M.R.O body and soul and this was one of the 12, a Chrono, the strongest Alchemists in the entire world. With those words spoken the large man gave a brief nod to each Asylum and with that walked off to a landing bay where another aircraft had just begun to land.

“That was rather intense,” Geko whispered once Tabion was out of ear shot, the Lost Number had stood behind the Chrono and was the one responsible for providing the Asylums with the keys to their rooms. He didn’t bother to introduce himself, just like everyone knew who Tabion was, almost everyone knew of Geko. One of the oldest surviving Lost Numbers and one of the most deadly assassins in A.M.R.O, also a grade A pervert.


“Welcome to Innocence,” Tabion greeted Angel as he stepped out of the aircraft, his hands bound with that magnetic handcuff, a sigil crafted chain wrapped around his torso, his feet shackled with another chain leaving just enough room to walk at a slow pace.

“Good to be back, I do hope you could have one of those visiting Asylums bring me a meal to my cell, I am famished” the Silver Reaper replied with a patronizing smile. Both of them staring at each other for a few seconds before he was led away by the Overseers.

“Reri won’t be too pleased Tabion….” at those words even the Chrono felt a slight chill, the leader of the Overseers hated chaos and nothing was more chaotic than a conflict among Chronos.

I'm super rusty <.<

But it shall be up soon! :P

Now we are officially ready to begin. The IC should be up soon!
Aaaaaaaand ACCEPTED!!

Now I shall start working on the IC post.
We have two more spots open guys!!

Fill em up, fill em up!!

Join our discord channel to discuss any queries. The link is in the OOC right above introduction!
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