Avatar of Yahrlan
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    1. Yahrlan 7 yrs ago


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I've done RP for years though all my old sites died. Just recently found this one thanks to a friend.

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@Holy Soldier, thank you for your leniency.
I had gathered as much about the Fairies from your CS, which is why I retro-actively wondered if they got along with the HK at least. You had also hinted- maybe unintentionally- in a few places that the Sins may be something 'other'. Basically, my intention was that she's a Fairy to all appearances without precluding those possibilities.

Hopefully that's more clear and I'll add that clarification to my notes for expanding her CS if you don't want me to tweak it before IC intro. And if you prefer, I can put her mainland instead; I like the character and don't care so much about where she was banished.

I hope work went/is going well.

Tinker hopped from the cart and gave both wolfish dogs a small treat. The hermit techie didn't know what to make of these strange new “troopers” in town; they were armed--militant almost-- but friendly. It was just odd.

Pushing into the shop and nodding a greeting, Tinker silently picked up a few odd and ends- payment from repairing some street lamps. The woman at the counter smiled; she knew the tall hermit was uncomfortable with the new people in town. That many were men wouldn't help since so much of Arlington was female. “There's a witch woman with them,” she whispered conspiratorially as she wrote up the tab. When the tech rolled his eyes, she giggled. “She's been helping some of the girls-doesn't even ask much in return! Maybe she can get you your voice back.” The hermit shook his head, but grinned. With a touch to the brim of his cap, he gathered his purchases and went back out to the dogs.

Leaving the supplies in the cart guarded by the large shaggy dogs, the teen followed a few children that were chattering about a woman with ravens and magic medicine. Thumbs hooked at the base of his suspenders, the tech tilted his head and watched the tiny woman laughing with the children for a few minutes. She certainly seemed approachable enough. Coming closer, he pulled the cap from his slightly-purple-black hair with a little flourish to hopefully catch the woman's attention.

Summer paused and looked at Tinker with an odd smile.

Summer's small frame made her appear doll like but her eyes made her seem old and wise, her demeanor was relaxed and her stance balanced. What stood out most though was a solid white bird that was actually a Raven that looked at Tinker and said {Stranger} in a raspy voice.

Tinker's eyes lit with surprise and curiosity as he looked at the white bird and smiled, taking the acknowledgement for an invitation closer whether it was or not. He made funny faces at the kids- most knew him since he gave out candies during his winter visit to town. With a shooing motion, he sent them off, at least for a little while.
Once the little ones were out of ear-shot, he spoke. The voice was raspy from disuse and quiet, "Might we talk, Ma'am?"

"Call me Summer and feel free" Says Summer in a cheerful tone her eyes now as gentle as everything else about her.

"Who are you people?" It was blunt, but Tinker wasn't one to mince words. "You could've taken this place easy, but you didn't."

"We are Lasthope as in the Lasthope to keep the human race alive, our Lasthope at staying a step above the skinwalkers who prey on others. The troopers are raised to understand that we were once a great nation and can stay one only by sticking with the right of law. We want to reopen the train line up to here." she said as she motioned Tinker sit with her as she simply sat on the ground where they were.

With a quick glance down where the dogs were waiting patiently, the tall teen practically folded up to sit with Summer. "So y'all are who Dad meant. He'd heard of you, but it was too far to chance." A nervous scratch on the head was the first indication that the hermit wasn't exactly confident in his words; "Need a tech? I- uhh- I'm kind of tired of being by myself..."

"Lasthope has a special place for technicians, part of our goals is to maintain as high a tech level as we can; take myself for instance. I am sort of a tech except I am a medicinal maker, a herbalist though I am a rarer sort." her brown eyes seem to glow as she talks about her people.

Tinker grinned, recognising the look of someone passionate about their craft. "I'm more mech-tech, but you-- uhh..." the grin turned sheepish, "you aren't so intimidating."

"I never tried to be intimidating, I am how I am perceived but I must add that I am also poisonous" she says finishing with a giggle.

"Better than venomous," the hermit answered with a little chuckle that turned into a cough; this was more conversation than he'd had in the last couple years combined.
Clearing his throat he managed to coax his voice back. "Do I...have to meet anyone else?"

"You'll have to meet the boss but don't worry too much Jain is actually a sweet Lady as long as you aren't her enemy; then you have a problem" Said Summer with a smile
The White Raven near her stirs its wings and makes a bit of noise causing her to turn and look at the bird and ask
"Are you sure?" which seems addressed to the bird and not Tinker.
The strange bird makes a few more noises as if it were speaking to the little woman then it launches into the air stirring up about 20+ others dressed all in their normal black feathers.

Tinker watched the bird's sudden flight a little warily, "I figured I'd have to meet the boss...uh...what was that about?" he nodded toward the ruffled murder.

"Oh Touches Cloud was saying you're a girl, I trust his estimation. If you had been male he wouldn't have left me alone with you.
Also the dogs told me "
Says Summer pointing to the various sleeping dogs nearby.
"They would have been watching you as we talked if you were a male; I am sure your reasons for hiding your sex are good ones so don't worry about me disclosing it though I wouldn't suggest play acting around Jain; she hates people that lie to her."

Tinker tilted- yes- her head not unlike one of the indicated dogs may have, then nodded again. She had been in the woods long enough to understand certain tells from creatures as well, so didn't question the little woman's explanation. "I do appreciate that, Ms Summer. And the heads up for the boss. It's just safer to be a lone boy than a lone girl. Another reason I thought I'd talk with y'all. By your leave and hers, I'll be back in town tomorrow to meet Ms Jain if she's recovered enough from that shot."

"Look me up and I'll take you to her, she's already about to bounce off the walls so I am sure she's recovered as much as she'll allow herself" laughs Summer speculating on her stubborn friend's sense of drive and worth.
"If you have a large amount of tools or goods you need to transport we can then see Petra the Muleskinner Ramrod after."

Tinker grinned, Summer's laughter was infectious and it sounded like she would like Jain. She'd keep her 'tools and goods' quiet until she talked to Jain, but this seemed like it would be good.
"Thank you, again, Ms Summer." The lithe teen stood and offered a hand either to shake or help the woman stand if she wished.

"It's just Summer and no need to thank me, we need all the techs we can find"

Tinker tipped her hat, more masculine manners ingrained after so many years. "Then I'll see you tomorrow, Summer."

Heading back down to her dogs and cart, Tinker took a deep breath. Tomorrow would be the start of a whole new life.

@AllHollowsEve, it kept taking me back to page 1 no matter how I tried to get 5...maybe I accidentally took too much cold medicine lol.

@Holy Soldier, after finishing I realized I should have asked for clarification on Fairy/HK diplomacy. If something isn't kosher to your canon, this can be edited or ex-con.

I also wanted to check if you mind me giving her a mundane weapon (since it wasn't in the original sheet). It's a bit silly for a fugitive to be unarmed.

I'm horrible with time zones, so wanted to heads up that I'll get the sample post up in the next couple hours. I've just been sick and sleeping through most of my writing time.

As an aside...anyone else having issues with page five in here?
@Holy Soldier thank you, having a better idea of the timeline helps. That was the main problem I was having.
Is Grimjet's wanted poster taken down or marked in some way since he's dead?

Sorry, I feel like a pest with all my questions...
@Majoras End I'm freaking out over sample too lol. I keep getting ideas but it's too much anachronism or timelines/storyline wouldn't mesh right or....

Speaking of, @Holy Soldier how long IC from banishment of the 7 to the start of the RP? Did I miss that somewhere? *double checks info*
@Holy Soldier thank you 😊
You mentioned wanting a writing sample...do you have a prompt you want us to respond to or open fun with the character?
My CS tends to be a little brief for new characters. If you want anything expanded or if something doesn't work let me know.

Edited with sample and weapon that may or may not stay...and pretty colors ^.^

Sounds good :) I'll have the CS up shortly
Sorry, later than I thought. I have a more I need to write in the sheet, but can share the WIP if you want, @Holy Soldier. Also, sounding high fantasy...are Sins supposed to be human passing or any of the human-sized races?
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