Avatar of yoyohayli
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 259 (0.07 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. yoyohayli 10 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current Been struggling a lot with depression these past few weeks, so I will be trying my hardest to keep up with people!
3 yrs ago
Wish me luck at work! Got a few really big deadlines today and I will most likely be staying very late to get it all done 馃槶
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3 yrs ago
馃幍 It's the most BUSIEST timeeeee~ of the year! 馃幍
3 yrs ago
Ugh, 14-hour work day today, just now getting on here. I will reply to DMs now!
3 yrs ago
I feel you, man. I only ever have specific rps in mind and I feel like a tween on the Neopets rp boards for it lol
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I am a 25-year-old graphic designer for a handful of small town newspapers and I desperately need a different job 馃檭.

Hobbies: Twitch streaming, video games, creative writing, digital art, music production, singing, social media, existential crises
Current obsessions: Minecraft, Helluva Boss, Hazbin Hotel, writing my comic, demonolatry
Myers-Briggs Type: INFP

One fun fact about me is that I am a spiritual Luciferian/Satanist! I am really into demonolatry and witchcraft as a spiritual practice used to improve my mental health and overall character. I do not summon demons for the sake of being edgy. I just find them really neat :)

My favorite role plays involve fantasy and dark themes. I especially have a fascination with vampires, so I would LOVE to join basically any vampire role play. If you ever want to chat with me, just send me a message.

Shameless self-promotion of my Twitch channel: twitch.tv/yoyohayli

Most Recent Posts


I was hospitalized on Monday and didn't have access to any phone or computer until today. I'm okay now and I hope some people are still here and haven't gotten upset that we're not started yet :(
I'm really wanting to get this thing off the ground...BUT I'm freaking horrible at starting things and only really made this myself since no one else was doing it. So with that being said, is anybody up to the task of starting us off? I know, I know, I'm a terrible GM. I still haven't added everything to my characters, but I have the basics down and it's enough for me to work off of...
@Cio Yay! Thumb of approval!
@Eviledd1984 I didn't really make any for werewolves, unfortunately, so I'm not really sure! For the moment, I think you're okay.
@Kinjaav That makes sense. I really am trying to get this thing off the ground, I'm just so busy with work, streaming, and making time for my significant other that it's hard to sit down and write through everything lol. Much easier when you're only having to react to other characters instead of building a world
(Hope I didn't miss anyone!)
Okay, I've been adding to the OP and now have some concrete factions up for Humans, Vampires, and Werewolves; more details about Redhaven; and some abilities/weaknesses of vampires. I do want people to update their character sheets to reflect the specialized abilities/weaknesses (and you may make up your own, just make sure you have the number required as it adds ~flavor~). If you have suggestions for ones to add to the list or need clarification, I can address that!

Also, I'm still working on factions and may just do away with the fancy names altogether in favor of short couple-word descriptors of what they're about as I feel I don't have enough diversity in there yet for people to align themselves to one.
@Kidd WOAH I actually completely missed it! My eyes and brain are just bad lol

@unicorgi That is EXACTLY what I was invoking lol
I think I can try to have us started tomorrow. I still have to type up a lot of lore and such AND finish my characters. I just gotta stop procrastinating and DO IT.
@Cio Aava is approved, although I don't think she should be near invulnerable in the water. There's gotta be some major weakness.
@vertigh0st I'm excited too!
@Kinjaav I somehow scrolled right past it before! Jeez...

I actually really like those factions and the vampire I'm making would fit well into that first one as a Progenitor. I might steal those and stick them up in the OP along with some others just to solidify the worldbuilding lol

@unicorgi Honestly, I have trouble sometimes figuring out what a certain character's moral alignment best fits into, but this website might help (it's what I use): easydamus.com/trueneutral.html
WIP characters, simply putting them here to work on...They will be ugly until I can format them properly

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