Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Alver Starlis Age: 19 Height: 7'0 Personality: Alver is sort of quiet at first, mostly because he starts out suspicious of other people due to what his parents often warned him about and his previous encounters. Due to this, he can be sarcastic, sometimes a smart-ass, and let out a bit more of his dark sarcastic humor. He's also sometimes a bit mean and bitter when it comes to people who seem to feel overly sorry for themselves. He doesn't mean to be cruel, it just comes out that way. Often rebutting with 'Right, at least you can probably find someone who's like you. They even made groups for people like you. How many groups of albino do you see?' Since it's sometimes a lonely thought being the only one. He's never seen another person like him, can't even see if one is on the internet somewhere. Utter seclusion. It felt like he was part of a extinct species. However, he's a pretty mature, sweet and kind boy who's rather calm most of the time. Pretty level headed, and doesn't enjoy fights. He's naturally curious and adventurous and enjoys wandering about often, seeming to ignore any possible danger. Although he doesn't have a lot of social skills and finds it difficult on how to talk to others, he does want other people's company even for a little bit. Having been secluded most of his life. But he's always willing to lend a friendly ear to those who feel down, giving his own friendly advice and opinions. Quite a fatherly/brotherly figure towards those younger than him. He loves flowers, stargazing, singing and playing the piano. As well as practicing Judo his father taught him. He also likes animals. Despite his overall kind nature, he can be mischievous and enjoys teasing others and has a little bit of dark humor. Despite others not usually enjoying his presence and sometimes hating his own appearance, he has a small bit of pride in his looks and never really attempts hiding his hair anymore, even growing it out into a longer length. He also enjoys taking advantage of those who are a bit scared of him from the 'demonic, ghost, vampire' rumors. Appearance: Hobbies: Piano, Violin, Singing, Dancing, Judo, Reading, Painting, Walking, Cooking. Likes: Doing his Hobbies, swimming, stars, moon, night time, strawberries, cherries, rain, animals Dislikes: Bullies, sunlight, indoors, heavy clothing, judgmental or overly religious people, broccoli, vehicles Sexual Preference: He can go either, but he prefers guys. History: On the day of Halloween, October 31st 1995, gave birth to a boy with striking white hair and very pale white skin. Eyes a pretty light lavender color that often seemed to change color depending on where the light struck them. Sometimes lavender, sometimes a very light pale blue, and even a tinge of red people would say. His parents were quite shocked to see such a pale baby and wondered if he was just unhealthy, having never seen someone as pale as a ghost. He wasn't, the was just born with the gene of extremely rare pigments of a albino. So, his mother named him Alver, meaning "White" in Latin-American, along to fit with his last name, Starlis meaning Star. His parents worried over his well being, as the doctors gave them proper diagnostics of possible defects of albinos, as well as studying their own research. They feared he would burn easily and wouldn't be able to see well since he had such low pigments in his eyes, as well as feared of rumors that the internet spread. Many saying that quite of bit of people sell albino's over to Africa because those people believe the organs of albinos are some sort of sacred healing items. Due to this, his family moved out of the city to a small town in a more secluded house near a meadow. Both to be away from many people, and so he could grow in a healthier environment. As he grew up, Alver's parents rarely actually let him out of the house, especially during the day. He was home schooled in order to avoid other people as much as possible, knowing full and well that he would only be treated poorly over being a albino. Often leaving him home alone when they had to work. He was first allowed outside at the age of eight years old, when he begged his mother to take him shopping with her. However, she bundled him up in clothing. A coat, long pants, gloves, a scarf, sunglasses and a hat. At least it was during a chillier time of the season, but Alver detested it because he could hardly see anything or really move around with ease. Still, despite the downsides, he enjoyed being outside finally and helping his mother with shopping. At one point, Alver saw a playground on the way home, asking his mother eagerly if he could go and play with the other children. She forbid it however, saying that it wasn't safe. When asked why, she answered 'Because you are different. They will hurt you.' Seeming to be absolutely sure he would just get bullied over his looks. At the age of twelve, Alver grew a bit more adventurous. So when his parents went to work, he snuck out of the house during a cloudy day. He still wore long clothing, gloves, and brought a umbrella just in case. But felt more confident that he'd be fine during cloudy weather. The townsfolk had never seen Alver without heavy clothing covering his head and were shocked at what they saw. A child, pale as a ghost with such odd colored eyes and striking white hair had come of that house near the meadow. Rumors speed through town like a fire, some saying he was really a ghost, others claiming he must be a vampire for no one saw him in the sunlight without excessive clothing covering his white skin. When Alver attempted to play with other children, they were actually scared of him. Some were brave enough to call him hurtful names, but they retreated and ran home whenever he drew closer. When his parents got home and heard of the rumors, they scolded Alver for leaving home. It was too late though as now the whole town had heard of the 'ghost' boy. His father at that point, tried to teach him self defense moves he learned in the police force. Alver was a fairly a frail person, but he learned to be quick on his feet and how to at least avoid being pummeled. It was just another hobby to avoid boredom since he wasn't allow to do much like watch tv. His parents feared his eyes would get bad if he watched tv or play on a computer. Despite many believing he was some sort of spawn of satin or some undead creature, Alver continued to grow like any normal boy, only really coming out during the night when he was old enough to feel to wander around. During his teens, he often wandered around night, enjoying being outdoors as well as get inspired for his regular hobby of painting. During his lonely years, he learned quite a few things. Painting, dancing, singing, and even how to play the piano and violin. Often, he can be found during the night in the meadow. Either stargazing, singing or playing the violin. His father sadly passed away when he was fifteen, leaving his mother almost broken. Now, she spends most of her time away from home, hardly ever being around. Always working or something. Alver at first detested being further secluded, but soon enjoyed being able to be outside more. Though he does still mostly avoid other people, tired of their murmurs and odd looks. Most of the townsfolk a bit intimidated by him since he grew tall as a teen as well as being the son of two police officers. That and the 'demonic' rumors of him. As he matured, he found himself being mildly attracted to either gender, though seemed to find amusement to being with another male. Though he keeps his gender preferences a secret and hardly ever gets romantically involved with anyone.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AuntFlavia
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AuntFlavia The Unofficial Consulting Dork

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Aaron Deerling Age: 18 Height: 5' 9''
Bio/History/Personality:From the moment he was born on the second of October in 1996, Aaron Deerling's parents had his life practically mapped out for him. They knew what school they were going to send him to, what kind of clothes he would wear, which instrument he was going to master and which teacher was going to help him master it. What they didn't count on was their son growing up with a serious lack of ambition. Aaron had no interest in succeeding professionally, though he does have a healthy interest in life. He would much rather sit in a camping chair, stare at the sky and listen to life than do anything academically satisfying. He is a sensual man that way, he enjoys touching things, looking at beautiful paintings, and listening to music. (that part his parents did succeed in hammering into his brain; love of the universal language, especially classical music and even Broadway musicals.) It was his good fortune that his family decided to settle down in a small town. Aaron hates crowds and busy cities with a passion. Honking horns, people shouting, impatience, sometimes he just can't deal with it. Drama in general is a no-fly zone with Aaron. Before he turned eighteen, he was a nervous wreck. Every new day held something difficult to deal with, speaking in class, making excuses to teachers, even going into the store to buy something. It felt like everyone was watching him make an ass of himself. Thankfully, once he started working part time as a cashier at a convenience store close to home, most of these fears either dissipated or became bearable. He's on a new mission now; to relax. However, when Aaron was growing up, there seemed to be something gnawing at him. It's difficult to describe a lack of something, but it's easy to feel it. Aaron felt it, and he heard things. Puberty came and went, and soon his started to hear his friends and peers talking about dating. Girls, checking out chicks, going to the movies, making out. It felt...foreign. Aaron understood what they were talking about, movies and television had taught him enough, and he had definitely gotten 'the talk' from his folks. But with him, it just didn't seem to click. There was no urge to do what they were doing. Dating and even kissing had no appeal to him, and not because he was busy doing other things. He had no fantasies about men, either. It wasn't about wanting something else, it was about not wanting anything at all. For a long time, Aaron ignored it. He assumed that he just hadn't found someone he liked enough, or maybe he was just slower than everyone else, or probably everyone else was just obsessed with sex and he was the only normal one. In any case, one day he did a little research online and found a word: asexual. It was an eye opening evening, to find out in one fell swoop that he wasn't broken, that he wasn't wrong, and that he wasn't alone. It was so exciting to him that he felt like shouting it from the rooftops, or at least to his friends and parents. That's when the troubles started. And the questions, the disbelief, the doubt and the ostracizing. Half the school seemed to think he had been abused, or that he had been castrated. His parents prayed for him nightly. Aaron knew that it wasn't as anywhere near as bad as some people had it, but on certain days it definitely stung. Now he just tries to keep his head down and his mouth shut. His father, Joel Deerling, has retired from his short but successful career as a professional public speaker. He now serves the community instead of working, helping out with the church, starting groups and helping out in general. His wife and Aaron's mother, Lisa, works full time as a saleswoman at a local car dealership. Aaron is currently seeing a therapist at his parents' request by the name of Dr. Charles Saunders. Hobbies: Music, relaxing, bird watching. Sexual Preference: Asexual and Aromantic. In laymans terms: Nothin' and nobody.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Reyna Carlson Age: 16 Height: 5ft 1 Personality: Sweet. Kind. Naive. Generous. Anxious. Hobbies: Church. Hair and Makeup. Singing. Reading. Likes: Talking. Sunshine. Dancing. Walking outside. School. Dislikes: Traveling. Rain. Being touched without permission. Home. Sexual Preference: Straight History: The town's pastor was highly praised when he had a daughter born on a bright spring day on the 3rd of April, 1999. Definitely a gift from God as the Easter season approached. This daughter was to be named Reyna Carlson. The pastor (Robert Carlson) had met his wife (Priscilla Diaz) during a church mission trip. He brought her back from the Dominican Republic to marry her as soon as possible. The two had fell in love. Not even a year later, their one and only daughter was born. A sweet, kind, generous child Reyna grew up very naive to the world around her and often found herself in situations where her morals were pushed. Being the pastor's daughter was a job in itself. You always have to be at church every Sunday, and any other day that it was called for. You have to have a good reputation in the eyes of all the town members. You have to have a well behaved online profile. You have to be well groomed and manicured. You have to have good grades. You have to not have sex until marriage. It was the last one Reyna had messed up on. Quentin was a sweet, kind, generous child as Reyna was. He went to church every Sunday with his parents and got good grades. He was a star football player at the high school and quite the good looking boy. Quentin and Reyna had gotten quite the crush on one another as they grew up together. Both of their parents found it just fine that the two were together. Often, they joked about how one day the two would get married and take on the family's church and continue to grace the town with a good faith. Sex was something Reyna was clueless about, As Quentin fiddled with the button of her blouse in the basement of the church, she gasped in horror. "No!" she pushed away his hands rapidly, wrapping her arms around herself. This charade lasted a few months before the pressure finally kicked in. The two had unprotected sex, and before Reyna knew it she was pregnant. With tears she came to her parents, between sobs she gasped, "I don't know what to do." Her parents were outraged. Disgusted. Humiliated. They did what they only knew how to do- pray. They prayed as they purchased a ticket for their daughter. They prayed as they told the congregation she was just off on a mission trip. They prayed as their daughter boarded the plane back to her mother's homeland to receive an abortion. Returning from her plane her parents greeted her as a new woman, she had been saved from this spawn inside of her. The whole congregation cheered and applaud at her return, curious of what her experience was. Through clenched teeth she explained how closer to God she felt, and how she was just happy she was now home. Reyna was a changed woman, not quite the sweet sixteen most girls in town were, but something different.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FernStone
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FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Rei Mori
Age: 15 (almost 16) Height: 4'9" Personality: WIP Appearance: Her eyes are more blue, however, actually they are blue. Hobbies: Gaming, cooking, having picnics, swimming, martial arts, sleeping, eating, diving, painting (art in general), gymnastics, yoga, meditation Likes: Gaming/Games, Food (fish especially), Art, Swimming, Picnics, Water Dislikes: School, Work, Books, Family, Church Sexual Preference: Pansexual History: The last child of three, Rei Mori was born on August the 23rd 1999. Even with an older brother and sister Rei was never made to feel like she was unwanted, at least not at first, as her parents spent equal time with their children. Though her family were Christian she never was never particularly devout nor sure that she truly believed in the existence of God. She has spent her life in this town, having never moved. It is something that frustrates her somewhat. Soon her parent's grew annoyed at their youngest and rather unspectacular child. Rei had no big ambitions like her older siblings. In fact from a young age she took a rather unbothered view of the world. She barely paid attention in class and really didn't try. The only things she enjoyed were art, swimming and martial arts (starting with Judo), and still are to some extent. Her parents did everything to try and make her try, to put some effort into something that they viewed as important. As they grew frustrated their fondness of their youngest began to diminish. Of course, they still paid attention to Rei. But now it was to make sure she wasn't failing at school as she seemed to have her mind set on. It's just that Rei doesn't really care. Growing up Rei knew that there was something different about her. It wasn't very noticeable when she was a young child, she was comfortable enough as a girl. It was just those days, here and there, where she wanted to be a boy, or just didn't want to be either. It was as she aged that these periods of time where she didn't want to be female extended. At the age of ten he spent a year trying to convince people to call him by masculine pronouns and begging his parents to allow him to cut her hair. Of course, they refused. His parents at first put it down as a stage but after a year they had their doubts. It was around this time that Rei began to feel slightly more feminine, but no less masculine, almost as if she felt both male and female at the same time. She didn't particularly care whether she was called she or he. But still she had the wish to cut her hair short, because in her mind it was more gender neutral than the longer style she wore it in. Her parent's still refused and began to try and work out what to do with their daughter who couldn't seem to decide what gender she wanted to be. They were in denial for a little longer before taking what action they felt they could; consulting the church. Given the advice to no allow their daughter to change as she pleased, and to pray for her, they set on this course of action. As she hit puberty the problem on got worse for Rei. With the hormones and the emotional effects of that she found that she felt different almost every day; switching from male to female to both to neither. It was a difficult time for her because with it came the beginning of sexual attraction and yet another problem - she was attracted to girls. In fact she found she was attracted to all genders. This added in with the mix of genders just made her parents disapprove of her more. She began to do even worse in school, if that was even possible. She never had many friends thus no friendships to damage. While on the outside she tried to be normal and tried to put on a show for people at school, because she didn't want to deal with the bullying, on the inside she was cracking. She began to put coping mechanisms into place, some harmful to herself, to deal with this. While things are still not good for Rei they are beginning to improve. She has become more confident in herself and her changing gender, thankful for the fact that she retained a reasonably boyish figure and has a relatively gender neutral name, though it is far from accepted by the people around her. She has met a few people through the internet that are similar to her, gender fluid as she found out, and contacts them regularly in secret - after all if her parents knew they would confiscate her phone and laptop. She has finally put a label to her sexuality, pansexuality, though is yet to have a relationship with anyone of any gender. In a moment of rebellion she died her hair a dark blue-purple, though she didn't manage to cut it before her parent's caught her. Currently she is trying to be a boy as best as possible, wearing more masculine clothing, however she is beginning to feel more neutral gender wise. Even so she tries to just by, continuing as the person who quite frankly can't be bothered with anything.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Name:Amy Harper Age:18 Height: 5'9 Personality: Amy is a kind, generous kind of person, yet often comes across as mean, sadistic and sarcastic. She layers herself with these protective traits in order to prevent herself from being hurt. She doesn't trust people easily, and often even finds it hard to talk to other people, making going about daily tasks hard. When you get to know her, if you can break through the hard outer shell, she is the kindest person you can know. Loyal, and protective of those she loves. Appearance: Hobbies: Reading, cross stitch, guitar, archery Likes:Flowers. Neatness. Warm summer days. Dislikes: people, lying, drugs Sexual Preference: Bi. History: Born January 1st, 1997 in a dingy, rundown room, Amy was exactly two months early. She had been born quickly, and before emergency services could arrive. She died for three minutes, and was brought back by paramedics. Pale, sickly, thin and small, it was thought that Amy wouldn't survive the night. She did. The first three months of her life were spent in hospital. She didn't open her eyes for three days, and she rarely made a sound. Her mother, a recovering drug addict, also spent considerable time in hospital, but made time every day to go and see Amy, and then when she was allowed to, to hold her. She named her Amy, but called her "Bellafonte" a word she had learned in high school Italian meaning "beautiful source". Amy suffered several complications of her early birth, besides being small, she had difficulty suckling, her liver didn't function properly, nor did her pancreas and doctors feared that her mothers drug habit might cause damage as well, despite the fact her mother hadn't used drugs since she knew she was pregnant. When Amy opened her eyes, one was brown, the other green. When they were let out of the hospital, her mother scraped together enough money to by a small house in a small town, wanting a fresh start for both of them. As Amy grew, and survived, it become evident that she was a type 1 diabetic, perhaps due to the fact that her pancreas hadn't worked properly when she was born. She had endless complications with this, hospitalizations, and when she developed Asthma she nearly died. Doctors told her mother that it could have been a lot worse, but she was just glad Amy had survived once more. Amy didn't start school until she was 6, but it soon became apparent that she wasn't getting left behind, soon becoming one of the top students. Amy desperately wanted a pet, but her mother was afraid this would make her sick, and Amy soon stopped asking. She knew her mother worked hard, and tried to give her all she wanted, and she was grateful for that. Amy skipped three grades, so that by the time she was 15, she was in her second to last year of high school. When she turned sixteen, her mother finally gave her a dog. Her mother had hunted high and low, and had found a dog with matching eyes to her. Amy fell in love with him then and there. As she started her final year of school, Amy met a guy. The typical "tough guy", and like all 16 year old girls, she thought she was in love. He ended up beating her, and raping her, leaving her in the park, hurting and feeling so alone. It was only the thought of her mother, probably panicing over the lateness of the hour that had Amy gathering herself together, and getting home. Where she broke down, crying in her mothers arms. They went to the police, but as there was little evidence of the beating, and the rape could not be proven, not much was done. Amy ended up dropping out of school, unable to stand the rumors, the ridicule, unable to stand seeing his face every day. Her mother did her best at home school, but Amy was better off studying by herself. It was two months later when she found out she was pregnant. She broke down again, scared and lonely, and her mother encouraged her to do what she thought was best. Amy secluded herself from her mother, her dog whining at her door. It was hours before Amy came out again, and said she was keeping the baby. She finished off the school year at home, sat the exams at the school, once more braving the ridicule and bullying to gain her high school certificate. And then she gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, named Jackson. She took a two year break, spending as much time as she could with her son, and essentially being the best parent she could. She got a part time job at a newspaper, editing the articles, and had soon saved enough money to go to a good college, and did so via the internet. She worked part-time, studied and raised her son, with her mothers help, so that by the time she was 18 and her son 2, she had a place of her own At any rumors, any nasty comments about "White trash" Or sexual slurs and innuendos, she merely smiled, and just continued on. Because of her diabetes and Asthma, she often appeared pale and sickly, and as if she could be easily broken. Her eyes drew some comments, but it was her sexual preference that, along with the fact she had been a teenage mum, drew shock and horror. Despite the fact that she had been going to church since she was a baby, she felt she wasn't welcome when it became evident she was pregnant, nor when her sexual preferences came out. Her argument was, and always has been, that while she was attracted to men, it just seemed they hurt her badly, and that women were more caring, and sympathetic to all that had happened to her. Other: Her son Small for his age, bright green eyes, shaggy blonde hair, freckles over his slightly heart-shaped, pudgy face.
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