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Current @kirigan, check out Canva
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Going through RP withdrawals as all my partners are busy right now *Le Cry*
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right, "Homemade"
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1 x 1 's have always been that way, why do you think it's all I RP haha
2 yrs ago
To my partners : Ill be catching up to all posts tommorrow, just got hit with a wave of exhaustion! sorry
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Most Recent Posts

Location: Rough Tavern
Time: Morning/Afternoon - Night
Mentions: @funnyguy Alexander @Princess Anastasia @Tae Thea @Apex Sunburn Sjan-dehk

The morning sun broke through the cracks of the slums, piercing the shadows and illuminating the sad remnants of the night before. Slumped over in a dank alley, Violet's pale frame leaned against a weathered box, her tattered cloak draped over her like a shroud. Her body lay there unmoving, in a deep state of drunkenness she fell asleep. The stench of whiskey and blood tainted the air around her, a pungent testament to her activities that night.

As the sun continued its slow ascent, its rays crept across Violet's face, revealing her shocking state. Her eyes were red and swollen, her cheeks flushed with the lingering heat of alcohol coursing through her veins. Blood stained her lips, a macabre crimson trail trickling down her chin and onto her chest, painting a ghastly portrait for any who dared to look. Yet in the slums, compassion was a scarce commodity, and curiosity even rarer. Here, the streets were ruled by indifference and self-preservation.

The alleys, narrow and unforgiving, seemed to strive with life as the last bar patrons stumbled out of dimly lit taverns, seeking their next fix or perhaps joining Violet in the grim embrace of the darkness surrounding them. The sun's unrelenting march continued, casting the slums in harsh daylight, and the once-desolate streets began to stir.

Men and women, hardened by their own struggles, passed by the unconscious woman, scarcely sparing her a glance. Curled into a fetal position, Violet had shrunk into herself, blending almost seamlessly with the refuse and other fallen souls littering the alley. In this forsaken part of the city, she was just another piece of the broken landscape, a silent, suffering specter among many.

The streets outside the restaurant were busy. Carts and people of all manors came and went through the wet cobblestone streets. The large man surveyed the scene adjusting his wide-brim hat and trench coat. Taking in the moment to survey his surroundings and the conversations of those going about their day. A trio of passing guards piqued his interest, normally he wouldn't bother with the gossip but the thinnest guard spoke two words that gained his attention. Violet Damien.

Seamlessly Roman turned to follow them to hear more. The noise from the surroundings muffled their speech but he did manage to hear a few key words. Violet Damien, Missing, two days, information, and reward. There wasn't much to put together for that last part but the fact that she was missing after he was told she would be heading home soon. His heart raced for a moment before he calmed himself, how strong could the count be if he let one of his precious daughters just go missing? This was not to mention that he still wanted to see Violet again and the thought that she could have been kidnapped infuriated him.

Still, the guards didn't seem too bothered by the news and either were not significantly worried or motivated to find her, giving Roman some form of relief no matter how slight. If it was a kidnapping, demands would have been sent and they would be more attentive to their surroundings. So now he had to figure out how to find her. None of the reports that he was given had any mention of her or her current condition and the last he saw her was two days ago.

He checked his pocket watch, there wasn't anything too pressing for him to do for the rest of the day and she is important. Roman only needed to go over the idea in his head once to be sure of what he was going to do for the remainder of the day. Finding out where to start was the next step. He didn't have the manpower currently at hand to organize a search, well that wasn't true but it had too many risks with it to commit to that so early, so he decided on chance.

A flip of a coin every other street or so. Heads he would go left, tails he would go right, if he didn't catch it or going left or right would result in him going in a circle instead he would go straight. And so, he wandered through the wet stone paths keeping his eyes and ears open to the world around him.

Walking through the streets was actually quite comfortable and a bit nerve-wracking. He could swear he saw some of the commoners staring at him from the corner of his eye while he trekked further and further through the city. His unusual navigation drawing quick glances from some while his size deterred the more unsavory types. The giant of a man was unsure as to why some of them were staring as he walked deeper into the slums, his clothes might have been nice for a merchant but bore no house sigil or mark.

Pushing down his unease he stopped at a beggar and crouched down, he asked if the man had seen anyone in the area that didn't belong placing the large coin he had been flipping in a small cup the man had. Through the man's slurred speech he couldn't understand much of the maddening mumbles the man spoke but one constant he could pick out in the man's speech was that of Alleyways and dark areas. These were dangerous places, places where the unseen underbelly of cities like these called home and freely hunted their prey. Prey like that of a well off nobleman or woman that did not know their place.

It was a risk especially with his injury but one he would take to try and find the ever-mysterious Violet Damien. He would indeed have to ask her what would drive her to seek shelter in a place like this if he did find her here. Roman stayed on alert and began to venture into the cramped and dirty parts of the slums in search of someone he may never find. Still, he believed in chance and he believed that with what he had done the night before that some amount of luck would be on his side.

Time seemed to move slowly while he walked through the labyrinth of the slums cautious and dead eyes met him all the same from the denizens of this place. He knew all too well why the nobility did not like coming here, it wasn't just because of the inherent danger of close quarters fighting but it was damn depressing too. Through the darkness of this place there was still hope for it no matter how small.

His luck finally won out as he nearly missed it or her. The body he nearly tripped over looked almost like the piles of rubbish that littered the area or the other drunkard's that called the alley’s home. The thing that caught his eye was the fabric of her clothes, it was too fine for a place like this even if it was in tatters. He knelt down next to her, a face he almost didn't recognize but the scars on her neck gave her away. Carefully Roman cradled her head in his hand, whipping away whatever red liquid stained her face with his sleeve.

“By the gods, what happened to you Violet?” he spoke softly and with kindness while rage brewed in the back of his mind and behind his eyes.

Upon closer inspection of her face, he would notice welts around her eyes and what appeared to be a hand print on her cheek. As he leaned in to get a better look, his nose would be assaulted by a strong familiar smell of whiskey.

As her chest rose and fell, her body stayed limp and cold. She was knocked out cold.Although it was not obvious if the stench of the whiskey was the cause or the irritation along her face.

He tried to rouse her for a few moments longer but it was clear she was out cold. He couldn't just leave her there, he wanted to know what was happening to her and he would never find that out if he delivered her to the guards or her father first. The path back to the warehouse crossed right by Damien's estate; he couldn't risk another possible diplomatic issue and be sent away. Choices and consequences. If he couldn't take her back to the castle or back to their warehouse then an Inn? The tough tavern is nearby… his head turned in the direction of the tavern with a sigh.

Roman took a moment to move the smaller girl into his arms with most of her weight on his left arm. Hefting her up in a bridal carry, steadying himself on a stack of crates. He still had to try and hide her face the last thing he wanted was questions and spies as he was well aware the likelihood he was being watched was high. Still resting against the stack of crates, carefully he took his hat off and placed it on her head. This exposed him but covered her and would act to shield her face from the sun.

“Ok to the tavern.” he whispered to no one in particular.

It did not take him long to get to the tough tavern, most of the people here knew better than to ask questions or make eye contact, another pervasive truth to the downtrodden of the area. With most losing hope for something better and just going day by day wasting their lives away for cheap drinks and short lived highs. Depressing.

Roman entered the tavern walking up to the bar like he owned the place. A few patrons still lingered around with a barmaid at the bar. If he remembered correctly her name was maggie. The look she gave him was incredulous at first but it seemed she at least recognized him, “Hey maggie can i borrow one of the rooms for a bit while my friend sobers up?”

“The names Marcy not Maggie woldnt ya rater go to da inn with yer lady of da mornin?”

“I apologize, Marcy.” Roman places a sizable amount of coin on the bar which would likely pay for a week’s stay at the inn. “A few hours if you don't mind, don't tell anyone you saw me, and bring up some water and something to eat.” glancing around at the few other patrons in the bar that were also glancing at him, “you can use some of it to pay off what these other patrons owe you too.” he noticed a few raised glasses from a couple of the patrons at this statement.

“Ya ya, just done make a mess with yer Lady Friend.” she gave him a wink while counting out the money.

He knew his way around this place, it was a regular drinking spot for him and callum. A shame the first time he came here this year was for something like this. At least he knew where the spare bed was, Olga never really gave him a straight answer as to why she had the room. He knew enough not to pry.

Fiddling with the door for a moment to get it open while balancing Violet in his arms. He was just about to kick the door in when he finally got it open. The room was rather spartan and simple, a small table, a couple of chairs, candles, and a bed. Ever so gently he laid Violet down on the bed then secured the door. Hanging up his hat and jacket with a sigh and finally sat down to try and rub the pain out of his shoulder.
Violet's frail figure lay motionless on the bed, shrouded by layers of heavy fur blankets that seemed to smother her presence. Time seemed to stand still in the dimly lit room, her shallow breaths barely audible against the eerie silence.
As the sun began its descent, its rays penetrated the grime-covered window, casting shadows that danced across Violet's pale face. A sudden twitch, a faint murmur escaped her lips, as if she were caught in the grasp of a haunting nightmare.
With a jolt, Violet's eyes snapped open, revealing their chilling shade of crimson. Panic seized her as she frantically scanned the unfamiliar surroundings, her memory shrouded in a thick fog of uncertainty.
The taste of copper lingered on her tongue, a grim reminder of the horrors that had unfolded in the darkness of the night. Things she was still unaware of. With trembling hands, she clawed at the suffocating blankets attempting to rip them off her body, her heart pounding with fear. Had she killed someone else?

It had taken some time for Violet to finally stir from her drunken stupor. Roman had enough time during this to reorganize the room so the table and chairs were between the door and the bed, receive the food and water, and even send a quick letter with his family crest to the damien estate. it didn't say much just that he had found Violet and will be returning her to the estate soon. Making sure to give the barmaid specific instructions to hand deliver the note to the Ravenwood merchant down the street, he knew the letter would be delivered there by this time.
Roman had a foot propped up on the other chair, the subtle red blazen cherry of a lit cigar glowed gently with a slow inhale drawing the smoke into his mouth then out again. Smoking wasn't a common sight for him yet the music and faint sounds from the tavern below continued to lure him into fond memories of the place, memories of a simpler time.
His attention was stolen from these memories as the sound of cloth being torn away filled the room. Out of a reflex long forgotten he snuffed out the cigar with one hand and clenched his fist with the other. Relaxing only when he saw that it was violet fighting with the blankets.
“Easy violet, you are safe and we are alone.” he stayed in his seat, not daring to draw closer. He had been attacked a few times from waking the wrong person from a drunken dream.Violets red eyes shot towards him her mind spinning still. Roman… “I have some food and water here, take your time and tell me what has happened that led to me finding you unconscious in an alley?” not only was he curious, he was worried. What could have happened to her to make his raven fall so far. A wave of calmness crashed over her but it was short lived until he mentioned finding her in an Alley.

Does he know?

Did I kill him…the..blood

Sucking in her breath she relaxed slightly realizing where she was and who she was with. Her eyes dropped down towards the food as the taste of blood still lingered. Offering him a forced smile “ Roman “ her forced smile turning genuine as his name left her lips. “ I just went out drinking with a friend. Got a bit carried away I guess” she lied. “ I am perfectly fine, no need to be worried” she added softly as the expression on his face gave much away.
His eyes never left hers. He wasn't asserting dominance or held any contempt for her, his eyes only held curiosity that slowly turned into determination. Roman was making his own decisions in his head. Her simple explanation would have been enough for him had it been the night prior, but today was different. This time he wasn't wearing his mask and he knew that if he wanted her then she needed to see him and know him. The real Roman Ravenwood.

Maintaining his eye contact he slowly pulled his right sleeve down. The rings on his fingers glinted in the candle light while he tugged at his cotton shirt until it passed his elbow. Muscles flexed under tanned and scarred skin with the movements of his hand, resting his elbow on the table between them so she could see.

“Trust is not earned. It’s given.” his eyes shifted for a moment to his arm, focusing on something hidden beneath the scars. He felt that she was hiding something, it wasn't the whole story so instead he would give her his. Tell her how he felt.
Her eyes moved to his arm, then back to meet his. His response catching her off guard as she shifted uncomfortably on the bed. The intensity from his eyes was not something she had seen from her friend before. Something felt wrong.

He knows…he knows what you did…

His voice was calm and collected yet, it somehow didn't have the warmth it normally did. “My feelings for you and about you have not changed since the night I found you on that balcony. I want us to be close…” pausing for a moment his eyes focused on his hand and his family signet ring then back to her.

“But I've been lying to you, to everyone. The Roman that you have met doesn't exist. It's a mask that I present to my enemies and friends alike, to give them a false sense of my abilities and intelligence.” a slight discoloration, a reddening of his skin began to form in a strange pattern. Similar to what one would get from an allergic reaction.

Violets eyes dropped back down to his arm noticing the change in his skin. Strange that it only effected his one arm but didn’t seem to effect any other parts of him.

“Not for any dastardly plan or evil scheme. I do this to perform my duty and what is expected of me. To complete it no matter the cost.” Clenching his jaw to ward off the pain coming from his arm he remained stoic even if it felt like his heart was in his chest. Not letting his discomfort show as much as he could. The pattern of red on his arm slowly became more noticeable. Roman locked eyes with her again, he would say no more until he received some of that trust in return.

She could see the veins in his neck pulse rapidly. Pain. He was in pain. She knew now what that looked like and that scared her. She was starting to notice the patterns.

Slowly, Violet pushed herself out of the bed. Wobbling slightly as she caught her balance on that table she reached out to touch his arm. Her shockingly cold hand pressed against his skin, feeling the heat that burned from his flesh. “You’re hurting..” she looked at his hand then to him.

Sitting down slowly in the chair across from him she removed her hand. It was hard to hold back that feeling she felt last night with Count Fritz. The humming of his heart, even in pain, sung to her like a sirens call. Why hadn’t Alexander warned her of this. She felt like an addict needing its next fix and as the hours went by it got worse.

The copper taste that lingered in her mouth was a reminder what she was missing, she had no interest in the food he had brought. Her eyes fell back to the pulsing vein his neck. Taking in a deep breath she returned her gaze back to Roman. “We all have secrets Roman.” she said softly.

He began to sit up when she made her way over to him on shaky legs but stopped when she reached the table. Her hands were cold, colder than they should be. The pain in his arm throbbed and he knew that he was pushing his luck with it. Her words were soothing to him. It meant at least so far that she wasn't going to run, yet.

“My secrets can get you killed.” he looked away from her for the first time since they started talking. “I can't tell you the specifics, it would probably kill me. I can't tell you when or how or why.” there was a pause, a brief moment of silence before he locked eyes with her once again. “I've done horrible things to those that deserved it and those that did not.” he grimaced and clenched his fist till his knuckles were white.

The pattern on his arm darkened and the faint outlines of what looked to be a snake wrapped around his arm shown through his scars. A strange tattoo or something more? The head of the snake bore two large fangs the outlines of which looked to be cut off as if they were buried in his hand.

She reached across the table, Violet's hand resting on his clenched fist. She gripped his hand with a strong force that someone of her size and stature would not have. attempting to release the pressure of his grip she rubbed the top of his hand soothingly, the cold feeling of her touch offering its cooling effects against his heated skin.

“Shh.” She whispered softly, seeing the pain his own words caused him. “You can't kill something that is already gone…” she replied softly, alluding to her own death. Her eyes fell to the pattern on his arm as his heart continued to race in pain. Was this his secret? Was he putting himself through this pain to show her ? But why?

When she realized that her efforts for calming him weren't working she decided to be more forward.

The idea of a woman alone with a man with their stations in life would likely cause a stir, but this wasn't the balcony so many nights ago. So much had changed, so many things lost.

She wasn't afraid. Not of him, not of rumors … only thing that scared her was herself. Unsure of what she was capable of , of what she might do next. But in this moment she set those fears aside.

Standing to her feet ,Violet quietly and slowly walked around the table. She found herself standing in front of him, between his large thighs that spread in his chair. Positioning herself between his legs, her body nearly pressing into him as her cold and pale hands found their way to his face cupping his jaw gently but with enough force to turn his head to look at her.

Her words caught him off guard. Broke him of his stoic demeanor. It was a strange response that took him time to process what it meant. “Something that is already gone.” he played the words over in his head it wasn't until she grabbed his chin that he realized she had moved at all.

Her finger tips lingered on his skin for a moment as her red eyes scanned his face. Her body tensed as she attempted to ignore the pounding sound of his heart as it continued to race in pain.

She then did something she wished had been given to her.

Her small frame wrapped its arms around his shoulders, his head would be against her chest as she embraced him. Her cold body pressing against his as she held him “ shh…” she rested her head on the top of his as the need once again attempted to consume her she stiffened in response.

She would not hurt her friend. She refused to allow it.

“Whatever it is, you are safe here…” she said softly to him. She had wished someone had done the same for her. “ You’re not a monster.” She said as if attempting to remind herself of the same thing.

Again her actions and words caught him off guard and again he wasn't sure how he was supposed to process this. He stopped everything he was doing and thinking about. In that moment he felt at peace. The pain was gone, the tavern, this city, it was just them. His arms wrapped around her pulling her closer to him. Letting go of a deep breath he hadn't realized he was holding back.

Roman looked up at her and stood slowly letting his hands trace up her back causing the hairs on Violet's arms to raise in response. His right hand moved up to caress her cheek and tuck back her hair, her head leaning into his hand. “Thank you Violet.” his voice trailed off again, his eyes slowly looking back to his left arm,

He had to be quick, “it's a… Blo-od Bond.” he spoke through gritted teeth as the lines of the tattoo flared again. “Stops. Me from saying- things… from, Gah! Doing things.” he hadn't pushed it this much in a long time and it was starting to take its toll. Violets eyes opened in worry as she ran her hand down his left arm as he continued to bite back his pain.

“I… no. We are a monster.” his hand left her face to touch his chest and his necklace. “Two souls, on-one vessel.” his pain was starting to make him angry but he pushed through it with determination. “The blood we have spilled… it mmh. It flows behind us like a tidal wave.”

With that last sentence out his muscles relaxed and his arm went limp. He was sweating, with ragged breaths he grimaced at his arm. The fangs of the snake drew two trails of blood that clung to his hand. A last warning. Violet held his hand up to look at the markings, unknown to her that blood had began to drip from the markings of the snake.

As she held his hand between them, his blood dripping down her arm as she felt the warm crimson gold taunt her.The sweet scent surrounding her causing the things around her to go dark, her vision tunneling.

Moving his hand exposed his wrist. Watching as the blood continued to flow and the pulsing of his veins calling to her. Its all she saw. It was all she wanted. she was to weak to resist.

In a furry of need she moved his wrist to her lips as if to plant a gentle kiss on his skin but instead he was met with a searing fire of pain as her mouth wrapped around his skin and her teeth punctured into his flesh.

Hot liquid poured from him into her mouth, but the taste was not something she had before. This was different. It was sweet and fiery like tasting your favorite food for the first time. Her fingers gripped around his wrist as she turned primal with her need for more. His blood swelling in her mouth as it dripped down her chin similar to how he had found her. Violets red eyes opened, her pupils dilated as they fixated on something behind him. You could see the humanity escape her gaze as they rolled to the back of her head, unable to stop herself.

For a moment he thought she was just inspecting his arm and she very well might have been. He thought she was just going to kiss his arm but the grip she had wasn't right, it was tight. He was going to say something to ask her what was wrong, maybe she didn't like what he said? In the next moment he suddenly knew that wasn't the case.

Sharp teeth sunk into his flesh making him snarl in surprise and pain, “Ahh what the fuck!” he growled as a sudden urge from the back of his mind lurched forward anticipating a fight. This wasn't her, she was cursed or possessed maybe. This was a bad situation having to fight off two beasts at the same time. If he lost to the beast in his head no one in this tavern would survive the night.

Acting on instinct as the pain in his arm grew. Roman pulled his arm in toward himself trying to pin her against him and wrap his right arm around her throat. With her grip and surprising strength, he tried to take a step back to brace himself only to trip over the chair behind him making him fall and tumble over the chair onto his back with Violet tumbling down ontop of him the sudden crash causing her to unlatch from his arm.

Blood strained her lips and chin mimicking the same look he had found her in. Romans arm was still wrapped around her neck as she laid ontop of him, her body swallowed by his frame as her red eyes stared up at the ceiling. The primal hunger still rampant as the smell of blood lingered in the air. She struggled to pull herself from his grip on her but he was still much stronger and larger then she was.

As the darkness faded, crawling its way back inside her reality set in as her pale complexion turned ghostly. A gasp escaped her lips as her eyes widened with horror. It happened again…this time to Roman. Flashes of the night before triggered her memory. The screams of men as they clawed at her face, punching and kicking as she devoured them like a carafe of wine.

Drilled fighting experience kicked in taking advantage of her momentary lapse in composure. Roman rolled with her pinning her between himself and the floor. Quickly he pulled his right arm out from under her and grabbed a handful of her hair tight at the back of her head. His left hand gripping onto her arm and pinning it into her back. Quickly he rose onto his knees pinning her legs down with one leg and her free arm with the other.

“What are you doing?!” he growled at her as pain continued to pulse from his left arm.

The look on his face and the anger in his voice sent shards into her chest. Her secret was no longer a secret and his reaction although justified cemented the Monster she was. She had hurt the one person she swore she wouldn’t.

She was the Monster.

Her red eyes looked into his, soaking in the anger. She needed to run.


Her body was pinned to the ground but she still attempted to wiggle her way out. Which she managed to do, releasing her one arm and legs as she squirmed out of his grasp, flipping onto her belly as she attempted to claw her way from under him.

His grip lightened for a moment as he quickly ripped some of the bandaging off his shoulder to wrap around his bleeding wrist. While he was quick he wasn't quick enough for her to get out from under him for a moment. A short-lived moment his teeth pulling the bandage on his wrist taught. He shifted and kicked his foot out sending the table and its contents clattering across the floor.

Holding one of her wrists he snatched the other she was attempting to crawl away from him with. She had strength he didn't expect but it still wasn't enough. He eventually was able to restrain both her arms behind her back and grip them hard with his right hand. His legs pinning hers as he straddled over her just behind her butt. Struggle all she might for now she was his.

With a loud crack his left fist protected by the makeshift brass knuckles of his rings cracked the wooden floor next to her head. “Enough!” his anger and adrenaline pumped through him. Violets eyes shot over to his fist as her head pressed agianst the wooden floor “Tell me what happened to you! Tell me who I have to kill for what they did to you!” Even in his rage all he wanted was to protect her and now he knew he failed. Her chest rose and fell rapidly as she tried to squirm again but he had her in his grip. She wasn’t able to go anywhere.

She started to realize that the look her given her, that look of disgust wasn’t directed at her. It was directed at her parents.

Her voice matched his tone, as her pain filled her words. “Let me go Roman!” she shouted at him, her head turned as her cheek rested against the floor. “I’m already dead…just let me go.” Her voice dropped to a soft broken whisper. “It’s too late…for me.” Tears began to well in her eyes as her body relaxed under him. “It’s too late..”

He felt it more than he saw it, how she gave up and came back to her senses. She almost seemed to melt into the floor underneath him. He felt heavy and guilty for getting angry like this at her, at the world. His grip on her arms loosened and he sat back. He could hear her pain, almost feel it. Unlike his outburst, Roman gently picked her up from under her arms, setting her up on her knees with her back against him. She didn’t fight him, her body limp in his arms as she allowed him to control what he did next.

She didn't need to be restrained and hunted, she needed to be held. So he wrapped his arms around her chest pulling her into him. Violets eyes dropped down to his arms as her eyes settled on his bandaged wrists as he pulled her closer into him. She was frozen. “Forgive me, my anger can get the best of me.” he didn't growl or snarl he just whispered into her ear.Violet's eyes looked forward as she listened to his words. “You died, I knew when I saw you in the park. That's what made me so angry.” he paused but didnt let her go, “you’re not a monster you’re just lost, trying to find yourself.” Violets body sunk into his arms as she wrapped her arms over his. She felt undeserving considering what she had just done to him.

Feeling safe in the moment she let down a wall she had been keeping for too long.

“I left the ball after we talked on the balcony. I just remember a sharp pain then darkness.” she paused as she pulled his arms around her tighter. “It happened so fast the next thing I knew I felt sunshine, warmth…calmness. Serenity. I was at peace.” Her mind wandered back to that feeling but it was only a memory now, like a faded dream. “Suddenly I was ripped from peace and brought back.” She took a long breath before continuing ”My body had died, it failed. I couldn’t see, I couldn’t walk…For the first while I couldn’t find a single word.” she sucked in her breath “My parents… My mother, she brought me to some wack doctor. Begged me to turn me into this…monster.” her words were filled with Venom and disgust. “ They pulled me from peace to this…They brought me back. They hid my death from the rest of the world.” she ended in a whisper.

“I didn’t know what happened, I didn’t remember anything but little by little I got some memories back, I got my mobility back….and my vision.” she shifted slightly in his arms “ but it came at a price. I tried to starve myself, ignore the cravings. I didn’t understand what they meant. “ she stopped for a moment debating on mentioning Alexanders role in everything. “ I ripped my dress the night of the masquerade, decided to go out to run an errand and locate a new one. On my way to the stables.” she stopped herself deciding to spare him even part of the details. “ I found my first real meal and everything changed. My vision came back, I was walking stronger but I did something awful to become a fragment of my old self. “

“There … there is nothing left of me Roman. Nothing to find. All you will find is a corpse with an addiction to blood.” Her eyes dropped back down to his bandaged wrist.

“I can’t go home.”

“ I went to the masquerade after getting a new dress. I couldn’t make it inside. I could pretend that everything was okay. I ran into Count Fritz. In the gardens. He took me out drinking, noticing how much I didn’t want to attend. He helped take my mind off of things. We were being followed at one point of the night, he had dropped me back off at the Manor but I still couldn’t find myself able to go back inside. I managed to push myself and change but I went back out drinking. The men they - “ she paused catching herself as she felt herself choke up. “ They followed me back from a Tavern. One of them split off and attempted to lure me into an alley and…” Images of his wide terrified eyes staring back at her haunted her. The look that he knew his life was done, as his blood decorated her lips. He looked at her like the monster she was and she fed into it. “ Well… “ her head dropped. “ He wont be following any more women into Alleys.” she said softly.

He didn't say anything, just took it all in. it was worse than he thought. He wouldn't be able to go off any of this but it cemented his distaste for her family. To pull a soul from the afterlife because you can't grieve or suffer the loss, he can see her distaste for them. Her hate. She continued and it just got worse.

Still he stayed silent and readjusted himself, lifting her out from under him and cradling her in his arms. Slowly slumping back against the wall. He was getting all the information right in his mind while he stroked her hair. “You're not a monster… you were pulled from eternal peace by someone who should have loved you enough to let you go. Betrayed by your family. And now you have taken a few lives.”

Violets eyes fell, unable to keep eye contact. There was so much power in his words as he validated her emotions. She felt crazy with these emotions, the betrayal as he so perfectly stated. She felt seen.

Again he was quiet trying to find what to say. “Taking a life feels fucking awful it doesnt matter how many you take. What you were, who you were is gone.”She turned to look away from him but with a gentle hand he held her face her eyes still unable to look at him. “Now you're a new creature, a new person with her own quarks.” a strange way to put her cravings, “you need to find yourself, find who you are and who you want to be. What we are doesn't make us who we are.”

He moved his head closer to hers as he cradled her head in his hand her red eyes meeting his . Pressing his forehead against hers his voice almost a whisper. “You don't scare me, you're still just as beautiful as the moon, my Raven.” his eyes never left hers as he remembered the first time they met on that balcony and again in the park. “I will defend and honor thee, i promise i'll get you out of this kingdom even if it starts a war. All of it for you.” he was serious about her about his words. It's going to be hard and it won't be fun but he will do that for her.

Shutting her eyes she lived in the moment with him. A moment that her older self would have relished in. He was right, she was a new person. She also knew that she couldn’t give him what he deserved, what he wanted.

She could lie, tell him that this was all a mistake. Tell him she lured him here. That she did not care for him.

..or you could kill him. You already started…finish it. Her mind cackled in the enjoyment of the thought. The twisted monster that grew louder with each person she harmed.

The darkness loomed over her decisions as of late. A spiral of madness lingered in the back of her mind waiting for the perfect chance.

No. It was Roman. Sweet, strong and kind. She pulled back slightly from him “ you can't …” she said with defeat in her voice. “ You said it yourself, I am not the same. “ She took a deep breath, her hand reaching around his newly Injured wrist.

“This is my present and my future. You're protecting something that's not even alive anymore. The raven you so desire flew away the night I was killed. I am simply a reminder of what could have been but cannot be.” Her eyes glimmered like rubies as she caught back tears. “ I cannot subject you to a life of torture and misery trying to fix something that cannot be fixed. I can handle hurting thieves and rats. I cannot handle hurting you as I've already done.”

He held her there in that room as she poured her heart out to him. The darkness within, reminded him of himself after he had his magical misfortune. For a moment all he could do was look at her, not with anger or judgment but worry and understanding. His thumb traced along her cheek to her lip pushing it up just enough for him to see the fangs that dug into his skin just a few moments earlier. Violets breath hitched in her throat as he examined the secret she held so privately. She felt exposed as his large rough finger gently stroked her soft lip. She slowly moved her hand to cover her mouth but With a quick breath, he planted his lips upon hers taking in the moment with a passionate kiss. Just as suddenly as it started he pulled back to look at her as Violet's pale complexion grew pink, her cheeks flushed as she blinked in surprise her heart raced in response as she looked at him frozen with wide eyes.

“We are different and we are the same. I fight every day to keep my demon at bay. I want to be that light for you that I never had, that reason to maintain control. You don't deserve to walk my path, to do what I have done.” his hand continued to slowly rub the back of her head with his left hand resting comfortably on her hip. Violet continued to look at him as if she had seen a ghost. Unmoving as her heart continued to race.

“You died, my life is forfeit, you have a future, my doom is set, your monster is hard to hide, my demon lurks beneath the surface.” he paused again a tear silently running down his face, “we are both monsters in this world now, neither of us chose this but its who we are. My life will always be torture, to never truly be free.” the tears began to stream down his face, Violet small and delicate hands reached for his face resting them along his cheek as she wiped away the falling tear with her thumb.“don't push me away, please. I-i freely choose you with what freedom I have.” he spoke with a shaky voice as if this was something he had never been able to express before, something that rested heavy on his heart and his shoulders. Although Violet wanted to understand more of his words, she felt the pain he shared as the large, strong man wept in her arms. She didn’t know what to say, she didn’t think there were words enough to soothe him.

To show him he wasn’t alone.

Not having kissed someone before and afraid she would hurt him, Violet leaned in, hesitant at first but her emotions took over. Her lips pressed softly against his as her hands gripped with need along his jaw. While she kissed him she repositioned herself as her leg moved to the other side of him, straddling him as she pressed him into the wall.

Violets small frame crashed into his in a powerful push as her arms pulled her into him. Her heart raced, trying to rip itself from its cage as she suddenly felt a fire. She felt alive.

Breathless she broke the kiss, unsure if she went too far. Her forehead touched his ever so softly as her lips relaxed exposing her sharp teeth again her red lips. A breathless gasp escaped her lips as her eyes scanned his for any sign of acceptance. “I wont push you away…” she said breathlessly.

This reaction was unexpected but this whole night was unexpected. He felt her passion in every hesitant kiss grow with each one. His heart was racing and he could feel hers as well. It was a rush he hadn't felt before with any of his other partners. This was what he wanted, he decided then and there that he will have her no matter the cost.

Quickly he crossed his legs, shifted them under him and stood up supporting her the whole way and not letting her go. One hand on her lower back the other on her thigh as he turned to pin her up off the ground against the wall. His left hand left her lower back to grip her wrist, pinning it above her head. Violets eyes looked above her head to see both her hands against the wall. She bit back her lip exposing her toothy smile as she couldn’t hold it back as her eyes moved to look at him attempting to anticipate his next move.

His breaths were deep and quick, his eyes locked onto hers with an instinctual need. His lips found her neck, his teeth finding skin in a fast attempt at revenge. One bite, then two, kisses traveling up her neck and back to her lips again. His face burning just as hot as it does in front of the forge. As their lips crashed together with fiery passion, Violet melted into the wall. She knew this was wrong, A lady was meant to reserve herself for her husband.

The books she read shared all sorts of details that made her blush, wishing that one day she would experience what they described. This was better.

The fire that set her skin ablaze continued to fan as she felt his weight against her. During the moment of passion, suddenly her fang stabbed his lip. The taste of copper seeping into their kiss, touching her tongue and suddenly the darkness swarmed her vision, like a nightmare consuming her.

Her eyes opened wide in fear as her foot swifty kicked up between them, shoving him with a force enough to push him back to where she fell to her knees with a thud. Her trembling hand covering her mouth as she hunched over on the wooden floor. Her fist hitting the floor with a crash of frustration as she attempted to fight back the urge.

The sudden pain in his lip and then in his chest was not entirely unexpected. Where he thought he crossed a line he was only met with a look of fear, but not of him. He could see it he knew the look. “No.” he coughed, the wind knocked out of him. “Fight it Violet, find your light and focus on it!”

Her breath ragged not just from the moment they shared but the physical torment she was fighting as the darkness continued to swallow her. She couldn’t do this… she couldn’t be near him.

Just one more bite… The darkness hissed.

“Your stronger than you know! Fight!” he yelled at her while he stood up.

Without looking at him, her hand still covering her mouth Violet sprung to her feet “ I’m sorry “ she managed to say before she swiftly left the room, rushing down the hall of the tavern as she shoved her way passed some unknowing patrons. Fleeing into the busy and bustling tavern she pushed her way through the lively crowd towards the door.

“Mam!” she barmaid called out to the women in distress but it was too late.

Violet rushing past the other patrons was quickly ignored when The giant of a man hopped the balcony splintering an unfortunate table below sending men and women tumbling. The look of the man was ragged, his shirt was torn, his lip and hand were bloody, and the look of sheer determination and anger could stop the heart of a lesser man. Such a gaze flickered to the familiar faces of Anastasia, Thea, and Sjan-dehk for just a moment.

The bear wasted little time rushing out after Violet, any attempt to stop him was met with strength and momentum that matched his speed. A runaway train on a mission. He knew he would have to pay for that but that would have to wait.

Just like that, the Raven flew away. With the bear chasing close behind.

Time: The night before
Location: Secret Garden
Mention: Callum @helo
Appearance: Wild curly hair, simple white dress, no shoes

The night before

In the depths of her contemplation after the nod from Callum, Ariella's mind became a canvas for her own schemes. She delicately pulled the hood over her fiery red locks, a fond smile gracing her lips as she recalled Callum's compliment. It was an unexpected praise that made her see her hair in a new light, fostering a newfound appreciation for its vibrant hue.

The world around her seemed to shimmer with an inexplicable brilliance as if the effects of the tea had transformed her surroundings into a living painting. With bare feet carrying her along, Ariella embarked on her journey back to the sanctuary of her secret garden, a smile adorning her face as she eyed all the beautiful colors of the night.

As the night unfolded, she sauntered through the quiet streets, enveloped by the gentle glow of the stars above. Amidst the tranquility, a sign bearing the proclamation "KING EDIN CELEBRATION" caught her eye, prompting her curiosity.

Observing formally attired figures exiting the nearby church, likely attendees to the crown, Ariella seized the opportunity for an investigation.

With silent steps in the deserted streets, she stealthily approached the church, crouching low to avoid detection. Slipping inside, the absence of any lingering presence allowed her to lower her hood and take in the ghastly decorations adorning the sacred space. A sense of revulsion crept over her as she beheld the spectacle, akin to her mother's extravagant displays but magnified tenfold in the vanity of King Edin's worship.

Navigating through the dimly lit interior, Ariella stumbled upon a sizable object concealed beneath a sheet. With a mixture of apprehension and intrigue, she unveiled the mystery, only to be greeted by the unsettling gaze of a ghastly portrait depicting the king. Suppressing a startled laugh after nearly having a heart attack, she surveyed her surroundings and discovered remnants of black paint left behind by diligent workers.

A mischievous glint danced in her eyes as she contemplated her impish act. In her inebriated state, she seized the paintbrush with playful determination, adding her touches to the royal visage. Upon completing her clandestine masterpiece, she stepped back to admire her handiwork before carefully concealing it once more beneath the sheet.

Exiting the church with her head held high and a mischievous grin adorning her features, Ariella embarked on her journey back to the sanctuary of her secret garden, her heart brimming with satisfaction.

After an hour of meandering through the twisting paths of the woods, Ariella finally found her way back to the heart of her haven. With a soft exhale of relief, she drank in the serene beauty surrounding her. The tranquil sounds of owls hooting in the treetops above added an ethereal layer to the atmosphere, imbuing the air with a palpable sense of magic.


Drawing forth a vial from beneath her cloak, Ariella gazed intently at the slender strands of hair ensconced within the glass tube.

Earlier that day, during her brief encounter with Callum, habits took over and she plucked a few strands from his jacket. Collecting oddities had become somewhat of a habit for her, but this particular acquisition held a special significance.

Feeling emboldened and fearless from the concoction of her evening, Ariella hastened to the ruins where she kept her prized collection of books. Among them lay one tome that even Callum was unaware she possessed. Pausing reverently before the book, she ran her fingers over its weathered cover, each touch a testament to the reverence she held for its secrets, yet her fear had kept her from delving into its pages.

Adorned with silver engravings that gleamed against the black leather binding, the book exuded an aura of mystique. Carefully opening its pages, she sought out a specific spell — the luck spell.

Following her conversation with Callum, Ariella was determined to aid her friend, knowing he was on the brink of potential danger. Yet, she sensed his reluctance to involve her further. Eager to wield magic for the first time in service of her friend, she set to work.

Scouring her wooded sanctuary, she gathered materials — string, rope, and a heap of dried leaves. Arranging them beside the open book, Ariella flopped down clumsily onto the ground. Grabbing parts of the supplies she meticulously crafted a small doll, weaving strands of Callum's hair into its form. With each twist and knot, she imbued the doll with the essence of her friend.

After what felt like an hour and once satisfied, Ariella read and re-read the passage in the tome, focusing on the spell's benevolent effects. With a serene smile, she closed her eyes, feeling a profound connection to the earth beneath her feet, amplified by the lingering effects of the tea she had imbibed earlier.

This spell channels the caster's energy into an object belonging to another person (such as a strand of their hair) to weave a shield of fortuity around them. Once activated, this spell enhances the subject's luck, subtly influencing circumstances and chances in their favor until a critical moment of need has passed. It's like an invisible hand gently nudging situations to benefit the shielded individual, manifesting as serendipitous occurrences or fortunate coincidences.

As she chanted the incantation, she felt a surge of energy coursing through her veins, her very essence flowing into the doll.

"Fortunam Adfluo," she intoned, the words tinged with power. She felt a rush or a surge of energy escape her body, leaving through her fingertips into the doll she held tightly in her fingers.

A trickle of blood seeped from her nose, unsure of if it worked she assumed the blood was at least a possible sign.

Placing the doll beside the open tome, Ariella rose unsteadily to her feet, her movements sluggish and weak. Stumbling toward the nearby stream, she endeavored to cleanse herself of the blood, mindful to preserve her pristine gown. Yet, as she knelt by the water's edge, dizziness overtook her, the world spinning in a dizzying blur.

With a sudden rush of exhaustion, Ariella collapsed onto the soft earth, unconsciousness enveloping her like a shroud. She lay by the babbling river, a slumbering figure amidst the tranquil embrace of the woods around her.

Time: Morning
Location: Courting Mixer - Blossom Cafe
Mention: Mathias @Rodiak
Appearance: Wild curly hair, simple white dress, no shoes

Ariella huffed as she untangled sticks and leaves from her hair, the curls of her fiery red hair bouncing as she fluffed them up in desperation to fix it.

The thought of the courting mixer barely crossed her mind after the wild night she had. Her head still felt fuzzy from all the drinks and mysterious tea she had consumed. Earlier that morning, she woke up in her secret garden, sprawled out by her alter. It took her a few minutes before she remembered that her mother had signed her up for the event. Knowing the chaos that would ensue if she missed it, she hurriedly got ready, dusting off her long white gown and giving it a once-over. Of course, her shoes were nowhere to be found, but that was hardly surprising.

Without there being much more time to spare Ari took off running through the wooded fields hoping to not be too late for the event. It didn’t take her long to reach the cafe. With a little throat-clearing and a weary smile, as she attempted to catch her breath, she joined the lively crowd. The women at the event were dressed in beautiful gowns, everyone exchanging compliments on outfits and sharing the latest gossip. Ariella rocked nervously on her heels, hands clasped behind her back as she attempted to figure out where to go.

Noticing the table full of papers she found her name and opened it up. Noting her table she continued to look around nervously. Spotting her assigned table, she made her way over, still plucking leaves and twigs from unexpected places. Taking her seat, she nervously scanned the room.

She knew her date was named Mathias, though she couldn't recall ever meeting anyone by that name before. She hoped he wouldn't mind her missing shoes.

As she anxiously surveyed the room, her gaze landed on Mathias confidently striding toward her table. Ariella found herself momentarily entranced before snapping back to reality. A bright smile lit up her face as she stood up from her chair, feeling a tad underdressed and disheveled compared to him.

"Good morning!" she nearly chirped, butterflies fluttering in her belly. "I'm so sorry for my... um, less than perfect appearance. It was quite the eventful night," she confessed with a nervous grin, tugging at the side of her gown. "You look charming! Oh! My name is Ari," she added, her smile turning into a nervous giggle as she resumed her seat.

"I apologize... I'm not exactly smooth with these things. Feeling a bit jittery," she admitted sheepishly, attempting to salvage the situation with her awkwardness.

Violet & Fritz Part 1

From the balcony’s vantage, Ryn scanned the estate gardens, searching for any sign of Ms. Persephone. Pale moonlight filtered through the breaks in the clouds, casting long shadows between sculpted hedgerows and flower beds. A flicker of movement caught his attention. A figure, little more than a silhouette, stalked to and fro along the footpath before melting into the dark.

He leaned forward against the balustrade for another glimpse, but she was gone. Still, he had to check. Without a moment’s hesitation, Ryn was down the stairs, bursted through the courtyard doors, and stepped out into the night-cooled air. The summer wind teased at his clothes and hair, heavy with the green tang of newly sheared grass and wafts of perfume escaping from the ballroom. The nearby river’s murmurings joined the nighttime chorus—crickets’ rasping trills intertwined with leaves rustling in the breeze and muffled music. He paused, orienting himself to the direction the shadowed shape had taken, then set off at a purposeful stride.

Ripping the shoes from her feet, Violet tossed them to the side as she let out a soft relaxing sigh. Her feet were screaming from pain from the heels, she wondered how she could have ever worn those all night.

Violet continued pacing, her dress swishing amongst the blades of grass as she nibbled nervously on her fingers. He’s dead…I killed someone..So I could live.. but yet the strength she felt, her eyes… her strides. She felt herself again and yet she didn’t. Lost in her thoughts Violet didn’t notice the shadowed figure in the distance closing in on her location.

Ryn slowed his pace, shoes sinking into the soft grass. Ahead, something moved, the outline of a woman made distinct by the glow of the moonlight filtering through the trees. Not wishing to startle the lone walker, he gave voice to the evening quiet. “Good evening. A fine night for a stroll, is it not?”

Her foot hovered over the ground as the pacing ceased. She leaned her weight into her step as she turned to look at the masked man. The long horns stemming out like twisted branches. The voice was unrecognizable to her. As the moon painted his outline, Violet took a reluctant step back as his scent caught on the wind. She held in her breath as the familiar luring scent seductively called out to her.

As she turned towards him, the moon illuminated Lady Damien. Her pale skin seemed to glow, a porcelain canvas framed by flowing dark hair that cascaded over her shoulders. The deep red dress she wore hugged her figure with elegance, the plunging neckline and high leg slit adding a touch of glamor that left little to the imagination.

“Lady Damien!” Ryn called out, relief in his voice. “There you are. When I didn’t see you at the party, I feared you taken ill.”

Ignoring her complexion, she looked far from ill. Her ruby eyes burned with an intensity he had never witnessed before, sharp and aware, more alive and hungry than he had ever seen her. The way she looked at him sent an involuntary shiver down his spine, the hairs on the back of his neck standing on edge.

The beast grinned in anticipation.

“Are you feeling well?” He asked, even though he knew the answer. The red eyes of the woman looked the man up and down before returning a very forced smile.

“ I am well, thank you.” Her voice sounded stronger, even confident in its tone yet the cold delivery of it minced the chill in the air. As he continued to approach she broke eye contact attempting too ignore the allure of his scent as it catched on the wind again.

Violet took a step back offering him another forced smile too show everything was fine. Attempting to ease the tension in her face. ” Feel better then I have in a long time.” this time the smile that followed was genuine but it was as if a sick joke caused it. She could feel the darkness within her chest start to crawl slowly to the surface, that same feeling that consumed her as she fed on the boy in the stable. In an attempt to subdue it she spun around slowly on her heel before taking another step back.

Good, so she could still exert some control over the insistent thirst clawing at her insides. “That’s fantastic. The last we spoke at the park, you were not fully...present,” Ryn said, beginning to slowly circle around her.

Her shoulders pinched upwards slightly as he moved closer towards her. Her red eyes fixated on the masked man as he circled her like prey. Violet breath

He produced a coin identical to the one he had given that night, letting it flip and tumble across his knuckles. He hoped the metallic flash would jog her memory. However, considering her disoriented state back then and her current condition, he would not be surprised if she did not remember him or if she was not particularly concerned with who he was. All that mattered was that Ryn was living, breathing flesh with a heart steadily pumping warm blood.

“Now, you’re awake…” Ryn studied her closely. Her chest rose and fell with each breath, the flutter of her throat as she swallowed hard. “But you seem...distracted.”

The coin spun through the air before he snatched it back. “Are you...hungry?” A pause, weighted with significance. “Or is this… a craving?”

A subtle, yet crucial distinction—the former a natural, bodily need. The latter an insatiable mania, capable of twisting someone into unrecognizable contortions to sate it.

Swallowing hard, Violet offered him a reluctant smile. She locked her fingers together in front of her body, squeezing to distract. ” Lord..Fritz..” Violet managed to say. Her memories were shaky but she seemed to hold many of the ones she once lost. ” I hope you are well” she breathed pinching her lips together in another forced smile. She attempted to not play into his little game, her chin inching slightly higher as she continued to keep her eyes on him.

Ryn’s smile was less forced, softer. Considering the curse Udo had placed rendered introductions impossible the last they conversed, he was happy she was able to piece together “Fritz” from what fragments remained.

A wan chuckle flitted past his lips. “I wish I was.” He admitted. “A lot of things happened since then, not all bad, but… not all good either. A dear friend was taken from me, murdered and… I can’t stop wondering if things might have played out differently had I been stronger.”

The coin vanished from his hand as he stood in front of Lady Damien. “But what of you?” He gauged her response before removing a glove from one hand. “Are you doing well?”

“I’m sorry for your loss…that is awful. I hope-” she froze for a moment as the thoughts of her own demise tormented her. ” They are in a better place…” she added, her tone was more of a statement then a wish. ”I..’ she stuttered on her words but managed too pull herself back ” much better then our last meeting. That I can assure you at least. “ she played with her fingers nervously as she nearly bit back her grins attempting to hide the secrets that hid just beyond her lips. “ I’m sorry if my presence out here made you inquire as too who was out here…Wouldn’t want to pull you from such a lavish event after all.” Violets voice laced with desperation as the cravings he so casually mentioned continued to bite at her.

Torment twisted her features as she spoke, fighting the feverish want corroding her from within.

“You do not need to apologize. I chose to come here, and I choose to remain.” His bare hand lifted, fingers splayed so she could see them. “I’m going to check your vitals. If you wish me to stop at any point, say so and I will.” Inch by inch his hand advanced, giving her a chance to cry halt. When she remained mute, he pressed his fingers against her forehead.

Her skin shocked cold against his, her entire frame wracked by infinitesimal tremors. That should be reason enough to pull away, but his fingertips trailed down to the thrum of her pulse, counting out the erratic beat. No one had touched Violet with such a gentle touch before, other then Roman, that it quite literally shocked her. She felt herself freeze as he continued to count the beat of her heart.

“How bad is it? The urge.” Violet red eyes shifted slowly to his, staring for a moment. She was stunned slightly, unsure of what he was speaking on…did he know?”Urge? What do you mean…?” biting back a nervous smile. ”Something wrong with my pulse?” She wasn’t even sure she actually had one at this point.

Ryn met Lady Damien’s anxious gaze, considering for just a moment whether to feign ignorance. But what purpose would that serve? “The thirst for blood,” he answered her first question plainly. Any color that may have been left in Violet face dropped as those words left his lips. “That’s what you’re feeling, isn’t it?” He felt her pulse spike beneath his fingertips. As he answered her second question, Ryn favored her with a reassuring smile. “Your pulse is racing.”

He fell silent, giving her a moment to process his words before asking, “Have you ever drank blood?” Her red eyes, gleaming with an otherworldly intensity, traced every contour of his face, their gaze unsettling in its intensity. The smile he offered only deepened the unease that gripped her, its warmth a stark contrast to the cold feeling of her skin.

Words stumbled out of her mouth, disjointed and hesitant, as if struggling against an invisible force. She shook her head, trying to ward off the encroaching darkness that seemed to envelop her thoughts.

”I…” Her voice trailed off into a whisper, barely audible over the pounding of his own heartbeat, which echoed in her ears like a siren's call.

Her gaze fixated on the pulsing vein visible on his neck, a tantalizing invitation that beckoned her closer. With trembling hands, she reached out to touch it, her fingers grazing his skin as if drawn by some unseen compulsion. But as her touch made contact, a primal hunger surged within her, overwhelming reason and restraint.

Her eyes darted to his outstretched arm, still extended towards her, a lifeline offering solace in the darkness. But as his fingers brushed against her skin, she felt the coursing of his blood beneath, a symphony of temptation that threatened to consume her.

Lost in a haze of euphoria, she found herself drawn to his wrist, almost unconsciously, as if guided by some sinister force. His pulse pounded against her lips, each beat a seductive promise of ecstasy and danger.

Then the world turned into a monochrome of black and white.

Location: Damien Estate
Time: Night
Mentions: none

The carriage circled the estate for what felt like hours. Its slow pace moved like molasses as Violet peered out the window at a place she once called home. Her red eyes sought through the crowds of people that littered the entrance all laughing, smiling and likely talking about things she could care less about.

Leaning back against the rest of the carriage as it vibrated gently from cobblestone underneath, she rested her head against the back letting out a long and drawn-out sigh. She wanted to brave the party, to walk in there with her chin high for everyone to see just how strong she was. And she certainly felt strong…

Her vision had nearly returned to its full strength if not better. Somehow Violet was able to see such vivid colors and the blackest of blacks. The world somehow looked so beautiful now yet she couldn’t help but still hate it. Flashes of blood flitered her mind, like flashes from a camera. Constantly reminding her of what she had done, constantly reminding her who she had killed.

She didn’t even remember his name…

But she remembered his. Alexander…

As her mind began to settle on everything she felt … confused. She wanted to hate him, and she wanted to thank him but she was afraid of him. What was to become of her? Could she live a life of taking others, could she maybe come out of this?

The clacking of the hooves continued to stomp on the cobblestone when it suddenly stopped. Peeking from behind the drapes of the carriage, Violet was met with beautiful hedges, trimmed into the cleanest shapes. They moved around as if creating a fence behind the gardens that decorated the back of the estate. Violet's red eyes shifted from side to side unseeing of anyone near when she decided to finally step out.

Moving out into the cool night air, Violet's semi-sheer vibrant red, figure-hugging gown sparkled with the moon. She wore her hair down, curled in soft waves that adorned her back as her black locks framed her pale face, making her red eyes pop even more in the evening.

She always enjoyed the night. She wondered if that was fates cruel way of preparing her for what was to come. Looking over her shoulder she watched the carriage take off, pausing for a moment as she realized now she was stuck. Looking back at the estate and then glancing once again over her shoulder into the dark forest behind the estate her mind began to flourish with ideas.

She could run…

Time: Evening
Location: The woods
Interactions: @helo Callum
Appearance: No shoes | Thin white long dress | Heavy black cloak with hood

Ari couldn't suppress a soft giggle as she listened to his decree, her cheeks flushing pink with embarrassment at the stir she had caused. But it wasn't the "royal shoulder" she felt nervous about approaching; it was Cal's shoulder. She felt it wasn't appropriate to explain that, especially not in her current state. So, she shook her head with a smile, biting back her words.

“Then may Sorian embody and be protected by the phoenix, loftiest of birds.” Her mind wandered with the thought. The people so heavily burned by the society that was forced upon them, rising up to create something beautiful…to create..chaos.

“And you, a fire that brings warmth on the coldest nights. I am lucky to have better fires near me.” Ari’s face lit up with a smile as the compliment. She couldn’t help but wonder what kind of fire Callum would be.

Getting ready to speak Ari tried to gain the courage to tell him how she felt but the guards approached the event sharing news of Violet and her missing once again. Slumping slightly she let out a soft sigh. That Lady Violet Damien was always getting herself into something, clearly she needed a handler.

Seeing Callum's excitement at the prospect of mischief, Ari followed slightly behind him, ready to watch the show about to unfold. "I command you to sheath your weapons immediately," he declared. Then, without missing a beat, Ari chimed in from behind Callum, her words slurred with drunkenness, "Yeah! And take off your boots!" She held a proud expression, contributing her own form of mischief as she swayed back and forth, giggling slightly.

Ariella Edwards
Time: Evening
Location: The woods
Interactions: Callum @Helo
Appearance: No shoes | Thin white long dress | Heavy black cloak with hood

Still feeling as if she were suspended mid-air, Ari shifted slightly as she tried to keep her balance which admittedly she wasn’t very good at even when not under the influence of some strange drink.

She reached for her bottle and took it back from Callum before taking another swig to get the horrible taste from her mouth. The alcohol was starting to hit her as she reached out to Callum without thought, her hand gripping his shoulder for support as she wobbled slightly. Looking down at her red hair she smiled softly “ I always hated it… but when you put it like that it does look like fire.” She paused for a moment before realizing her hand was still on his shoulder. “ Oh! Sorry” She quickly withdrew her hand now that she was more stable on her feet.

” I read once that fire symbolized destruction and ruin…” she spoke softly “ which is true but I think it can also be a sign of power and change. Rebirth, like a phoenix rising from the ashes of its own destruction. “ she smiled “ I love fire for that reason…it’s very misunderstood.” Although to her, Ari was speaking quite well in reality, she struggled to get the words out, enough that Cal likely understood but in her drunken state the words were slurring together slightly.

Location: Damien Estate
Time: Sola 23 / Night

Time seemed to pass rather quickly as Violet was already finished getting ready. Lianna had lent her a rather beautiful red gown. It was different from her normal attire but the dress seemed to fit her like a glove. Her deep black hair was loose and curled as it sat against her pale bareback, the contrast making her normally pale skin appear almost luminescent. What was striking about all of it was her face.

Violet had also managed to use some of Lianna’s makeup, covering up the already healing scar that tainted her face. Her once large disfigurement was now nothing more than a faded line across her face. It certainly wasn’t gone, and if you were to look for it you would find it but at first glance Violet appeared to have her original appearance. Her large red eyes were also adorned with makeup, the black smokey color made the red of her eyes pop even more than they already did.

Violet even took some time to assist Lady Lianna with her dress, hair, and makeup, trying to repay some of the courtesy. Lianna's dress was much more modest than the one Violet had chosen. Hers was a flowing dress of gold and black. Once they were finished she helped wheel her out into the grand foyer awaiting Alexander's return.

“Do you have an excuse prepared for your absence? You've been missing for quite some time?” Lianna was sure Alexander had something in mind but she wished

to test the young girl's wit.

“If by some means they notice my absence which will be a surprise in itself, I will just tell them I had to make an emergency stop at the tailors as my gown had a tear in it. I tried to mend it myself, ended up cutting my finger with some sheers and decided to just seek out a professional. It explains the new attire and my absence.” She smiled lightly “I’ve never been known to attend a party on time.” She wasn’t sure why or how she remembered that, her mind had been such a fog but it was as if small bits and pieces were returned, an incomplete puzzle of sorts.

“I guess we all have that in common.” Alexander beamed as he walked to the foyer wearing a silver and black tailcoat and black slacks holding a mask in each of his hands. He suddenly stopped in his tracks, taking in the sight of Violet and Lianna. “...Stunning. Absolutely stunning. How could I have kept two beauties waiting on me like this?” Looking between the two in awe, his eyes stopped on Violet.

“Red? It looks… It's perfect… but your mask is black. I hope that doesn't ruin things. Your other dress matched quite splendidly. Apologies.” He spoke with an expression of concern.

Violet took notice of the change in demeanor in Alexander. He went from crass, stern and rigged to bubbly and up beat. “I won't be wearing a mask tonight,” she said simply. The couple respectively turned their attention to her answer. She didn't feel like she needed to add more reason, but for once Violet would really be seen, she was done hiding behind masks. “No need to apologize. I think it was a welcomed improvement, all thanks to your lovely wife for lending me the beautiful gown.”

“One that I wore such a long time ago.”

“I remember it, my love. It's a fine night to see it once again.” Alexander gave Violet a courteous nod. “Shall we?” Alexander more so asked rhetorically as he walked past the two and swung open the front door. Out front seemed to be the same carriage as previous but the driver was a different man. He had the same odd practice of never looking their way and concerned with but a singular task.

Alexander placed himself behind Lianna so he could push her out.

Violet, however, stood back for a moment, watching Lianna and her pet walk from the home. Was this her future? The solution her mother mentioned finding…an empty shell to follow the demands and needs of others? That wasn’t a life, not for her.

Her mask was off, and she didn’t plan on wearing a new one.

Violet followed behind them, shutting the door of the manor and joining them into their carriage.

Though, late. The night was still young and filled with so many intricate secrets to uncover.

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