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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Dragoon

Lord Dragoon

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

'Ice magic? Not as useful as fire in this situation, but it might work,' was Catiel's thought process when he told her this. But she didn't get a chance to agree or disagree as Sun immediately began his attack, eliciting an annoyed twitch in her left eye. She'll give him a talking to later, right now there's a swarm of angry wasps out to kill them. Funny, she did not think her day would involve something like this. Already drawing an arrow, she released the projectile so that it may skewer a wasp, before drawing a trio of them. All three arrows were strung, and then fired at three wasps that were fairly close to each other. Not stopping, she reached for another arrow to keep firing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Metal Zeta
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Sun waved his hands, then pulled them back, before shoving them forward. Each movement, oddly graceful, sent a blast of ice that coated the wasps and dropped them to the ground.

After what seemed to be just a few moment, a majority of the wasps were defeated, on the ground, ether frozen or pierced by arrows. Perhaps not dead, but that would come soon enough.
Sun smiled, looking at their handiwork. He was surprised, he wasn't expecting to do THAT good of a job! He walked over their defeated enemies, looking above at the fleeing insects. Probably going to defend their queen. If he and Catiel were smart, that would take now to leave unharmed.

Sun, atleast, wasn't all that smart. "Come, let's go finish it! We can do this, totally!" He told Catiel, smiling. "I mean...you're doing GREAT with that bow! I mean, really, really good!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Dragoon

Lord Dragoon

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Catiel took a deep breath as the remaining wasps fled, a small smile starting to form. They're doing much better then she thought they would, in fact the worst they suffered was a few scratches from rolling out of the way of some attacks. However, she didn't want to try her luck, no matter how confident she felt right now. So, she was going to shoot down his suggestion to keep going, but then he started praising her. She felt a warm feeling of satisfaction at that. Being praised like that, it felt good to her. In fact, she unconsciously adopted a bit of posture that seemed to say 'praise me more'. "Well," the elven girl started, her inflated ego making her actually think about going through with it. "Very well, let's go." And with that, she started to follow the fleeing wasps.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Metal Zeta
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Member Seen 16 days ago

"Allllright!" Sun smiled, flashing a thumbs up. "Let's go!" He followed her, passing her and following the wasps.

The tunnels that led to the clean were quite cleaner that the ones that led to the main chamber of the cave, but also quite a bit narrower. Sun guessed this was due to the fact that not many people made it this far, and not as many wasps were needed to head this way, so that's why the insects chose it. If they were smart enough to do that, he figured.

Soon enough, however, it opened up in the distance, tipping Sun off to the fact the Queen was nearby. The angry buzzing only helped in making him think that. And suddenly Sun realized what they were doing, and he felt fear creeping up in him. "...Alright, Catiel. You ready? Absolutely?" He asked her, tightly holding his sword, a small part of him hoping she would say no. "I mean, If we're doing it together, I'm sure we'll be fine, but we can leave if ya want!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Dragoon

Lord Dragoon

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

As they went down the tunnel, the elf's confidence boost slowly wore off. As it wore off, her brain processed what they were doing. So, by the time they reached where the queen would be, she was already pretty nervous. So when Sun started asking about if she's ready, well she really wanted to say no. "W-Well," she muttered. "M-Maybe we should come back some other time. Y-Yeah, we don't have everything we need. Right?" She asked. "I mean, my bow could probably stand to be checked out. And I'm sure you've got some armor to check out. R-Right?" Why yes, she was making excuses now. But hey, Sun's pretty much doing the same thing. "So why don't we head back, and maybe come finish up another day?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Metal Zeta
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Member Seen 16 days ago

Sun nodded, glad they both agreed. He might of thought himself to be a good fighter, but even he knew his limits. "Alright, let's go then." He said, turning around, meeting a wall of yellow and black,.

A swarm of wasps rushed past them, blocking their vision and their way out. "H-hey! Get off!" Sun grunted, feeling like he was being pulled. The wasps didn't seem to actually care about them, they just seemed to be rushing by. All the same, through, Sun felt a bit freaked out. "Catiel!" He yelled out, reaching and grabbing ahold of the elf's hand.

And just like that, the wasps were done flying past them, showing the reason for their strange behavior. They were in a large, open area of the cave, with damp, red strained walls, the ceiling obscured by what seemed to be hundreds of white pods. And in the center of the cave chamber, was an colossal, bloated wasp, with deep, red wings, and shining, gem like compound-eyes.

A queen wasp.

"Shit shit shit shit shit." Sun said, his eyes going as wide as they could as he saw the queen. It was huge, the biggest animal he ever encountered.

It kind of made him hungry.

He looked around, searching for an exit. His eyes spotted one...just in time to see smaller wasps cover it up with pods to prevent the two's escape. "...Catiel." He said, looking at her, a bit crestfallen. He closed his eyes, sighing. "I'm sorry, I really am." Gripping his sword, he pointed it towards the queen, his face changing into an eager, confident one.

"But we need kick a little bit more butt in here, then we can leave!" He yelled, rushing at the queen.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Dragoon

Lord Dragoon

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Right," Catiel agreed... And that's when the wasps seemed to go nuts and shove them into the chamber. Looking at the walls, she narrowed her eyes. Is that blood? But before she could investigate, she noticed the wasp queen, and immediately felt disgusted. It looked downright hideous, and with all those pods, eggs she noted, overhead... Well, the thing's going to be ridiculously defensive of its brood. Actually, it doesn't just look defensive, it looks pissed off. Idly, she wondered it if had to do with the wasps they killed, as she brought out her bow and drew and arrow. Whatever the case, the fact the exit was just blocked off meant they had no choice but to fight... She really hoped they didn't have to dig their way out and have to live off of wasps. While she might be willing to eat most bugs, wasps were just something she could never stomach for whatever reason.
(Fate/Zero OST Dogfight)
Noticing some of the smaller wasps were now flying at Sun to defend their queen, she fired an arrow through one's head before drawing more arrows. "I'll cover you!" She yelled to him, knowing that with how big the queen is, he's probably their best bet at actually killing the thing. The wasp queen was surprisingly agile, leaping out of the way of Sun's initial charge, before beating its wings. The wasps started to act differently, they were now a more focused force as they split up. Rolling out of the way of the first wave's attack, the elf released five arrows to impale the second wave. As she drew more arrows, she noticed that the queen was now climbing up the wall, beating its wings. At first she wondered why it didn't simply fly, when it hit her. The thing's so damn bloated all it can use its wings for is to boost its leaps, and to send commands to its swarm, most likely through the use of gusts of air and pheromones. It seemed to brace itself, before she fired at the wasps swarming Sun when she figured out what it was doing. As second later, it pushed itself off of the ceiling towards Sun, stinger-first.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Metal Zeta
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Metal Zeta came here to laugh at you

Member Seen 16 days ago

Sun slashed through any wasps that got near to him that Catiel didn't take out, chasing after the queen as it ran off. When it pushed off the ceiling, pushing the pods away, Sun didn't have time to dodge out of the way, having to resort to throwing up his sword to deflect it.

This failed, as it caused the sword to be push back and slam into him, the force of the strike throwing him back. As he laid on the floor of the cave, the Queen flapped it's wings, wasps swarming him. "No you DON'T." He yelled, raising up his hands and shooting the closest ones with an ice spell, grabbing a hold of them and throwing towards the others, giving him enough time to get up and heads towards his sword. The wasps were following him...and there were a lot. Far too much for Catiel to shoot down in time.

"Catiel!" Sun yelled, turning his head towards her. "Shoot at me!" "Wha-?" She blinked, staring at him in confusion. "Just do it!"

Sighing, muttering something about suicidal idiots, she shot at him. Sun yelled out a thanks, and spun around, grabbing the arrow and stabbing through a wasp, yanking it out and stabbing another one in a single motion. "OKAY NOW SHOOT THEM PLEASE." With that, she fired at the wasps, while grumbling about being bossed around.

And with that, Sun was free to grab his sword...just in time for the Queen to ram into him, slamming him into the wall. Groaning in pain, he stood up, opening fire with ice magic. "Oh oh...." He muttered, noticing the ice was getting smaller with each shot. He was running out of magic.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Dragoon

Lord Dragoon

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Killing a few more wasps swarming her, the elven archer noticed how Sun's spells seemed to be getting weaker. This is a really bad time for him to start running out of magic, especially since his weakening spells were doing little damage and were mostly just annoying the queen while more wasps came in from somewhere. If they could kill the queen, the wasps would probably panic and become too disoriented. But first, the swordsman needs to get a hit in on the main body. But how... "This is probably going to be the dumbest thing I've ever done," she muttered as she ducked under an attack. Aiming at the queen, she unleashed an arrow. A second after the arrow left her bow, a wasp tackled her. Standing over her, it tried to stab its stinger into her head, and she barely managed to avoid the swift sting. After it tried a couple times, she kneed it in the head to disorient it, and then kicked it off her. Scrounging for her bow and an arrow, she shot it in the torso to kill it.
As she was fighting off that drone, the arrow hit the queen in the side, making it buzz it irritation as it turned its head to glare at the one who shot at it... Giving Sun an opening.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Metal Zeta
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Metal Zeta came here to laugh at you

Member Seen 16 days ago

Seeing his chance, Sun broke into a run, as the queen begin to charge into Catiel. "Come on, come on, COME ON!" He yelled at himself, his eyes narrowing in determination. Get to the queen before it got to Catiel, and attack it! Cut into it! Slice through it! SLASH IT RIGHT OPEN!

He brought his blade forward, cuttingng into the Queen's side. Not stopping nor pausing, he run forward, cutting through it as it screamed out in pain. "Hope you like it, because we're not DONE." Sun yelled, ripping out the blade when he neared the bug's head, raising it up. And he swung it down, ready to slay the wasp...

When a drone rammed into him, stumbling him. To continued, it strung into him, causing his eyes to shoot wide open, as he begun to shake. Before he could do anything, the queen quickly turned around, slamming into him and sending him flying.

He landed with a thud, the momentum forcing him into a roll, drops of blood straining the floor from his wound.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Dragoon

Lord Dragoon

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Seeing this, Catiel grit her teeth, trying to kill some more drones as her mind frantically tried to figure out how to help him. Don't get her wrong, it's not that she wants to help or anything. She just didn't want it on her conscience if he were to die, that's all. "Definitely not that," she muttered to herself. As she killed a drone, she felt a dull tingling in the back of her head. Blinking, she slowly felt something forming. A concept, an idea, a memory... A skill. Swinging her leg out to kick a wasp in the face and then kill it, she drew one last arrow and took a deep breath. "Focus on the target," she mumbled, aiming at the queen's head. "Create the image of the desired outcome." An image of an arrow going clean through the giant wasp's skull flashed through her mind.
(ENGLISH "Crossing Field" Sword Art Online (AmaLee))
"Channel the magic into the arrow." Magical energy started to flow around her erratically, from the ground, the air, from her, and into the arrow. The shaft of the projectile began to glow, spreading into the tip and the feathers. Pulling back the arrow, she unleashed the projectile. As it left the bow, a small shockwave was unleashed as the overcharged arrow was freed of its owner. As it soared at the wasp, erratic spiraling lines trailed behind it, originating from the arrowhead. Normally, this simple skill would only add some kick to a shot, but overcharged as it was, the arrow took on a different property. That of a drill. Sensing the danger, the wasp queen turned to see what the cause was. And as a result, the arrow went clean through one eye, and drilled its way through its head and out the back, taking out a good dozen drones that were hovering over it. Screeching in pain, the queen stumbled as its drones frantically started to fly away, fleeing the ones who caused so much damage to their matriarch. Watching, Catiel panted as she noticed how much energy she put into that shot.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Metal Zeta
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Metal Zeta came here to laugh at you

Member Seen 16 days ago

And for the third time in the fight, Sun's eyes widen. What was that? That was....something else. But it did tell Sun one thing. She wasn't weak. No way. Not if she could do that.

"That was kind of awesome!" He told her, standing up...instantly dropping to his knees, grabbing his wound. "Oh goddess, oh fuck." HE said, still shaking, his skin going wait. Were their strings venomous? He think they were. "H-hey, some help?" He asked, dropping even lower. He noticed the queen was rolling and freaking out on the floor, it's nerves freaking out as it died. Well, good, at least they finished what they came here for.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Dragoon

Lord Dragoon

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

She panted, exhausted as all hell. With what little energy she had, she stumbled over to him and bandaged up the wound. It was a really sloppy job, the job of someone who doesn't have much time to do a better job. With that done, she muttered something about paralytic venom, before falling over and passing out. As the queen's nervous thrashing about slowed down to twitching and eventually stopped altogether, Catiel just laid there. Too tired to care about the cold stone floor, she peacefully breathed in and out. In her sleep, her mask dropped entirely as her worries slipped away for her sleep. And as she slept, she dreamed.
Five year old Catiel smiled as the arrow hit the target, spinning around to look at the precious someone in her life. "I did it, ___," she couldn't hear the name. The name just escaped her, no matter how much she tried to grasp for it. But what she could grasp was the feeling behind around the other person gave her. Familiarity and comfort.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Metal Zeta
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Metal Zeta came here to laugh at you

Member Seen 16 days ago

"You've done well." The other one told her, patting her head. His face was blurred, and the colors of his clothing a bit dull. "Now, watch after me." He said, taking his own bow, and raising it up.

Magic pulled out of him, into the bow, lighting up the arrow head, then the staff, then the feathers. It was a light glow, contained in the actual arrow. He pulled back, releasing it without hesitation. It zipped forward, leaving a trail of blue light straight behind it. It pierced the target, going through it like a bullet.

"There. Now, Catiel, do you think you can do that?" He asked her, lowering his bow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Dragoon

Lord Dragoon

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Catiel smiled when he patted her head, nodding before watching in anticipation as he demonstrated the skill. While it was a simple technique, for her young five-year-old mind it looked beyond cool. Needless to say, she excitedly nodded at him when he asked if she thought she could do it. Aiming at the target, she started to imitate him. Like him, magic flowed out of her and into the arrow, slowly saturating it. Releasing it, the arrow flew true. However, she didn't put enough magic into it and the arrow lost both its glow and the extra piercing power mid-flight. As such, by the time it reached the target it was just a normal arrow. "Awwww," she whined, pouting. Not one to give up, she drew another arrow and tried again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Metal Zeta
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Metal Zeta came here to laugh at you

Member Seen 16 days ago

He watched her try again, nodding as she fired the arrow. "Catiel, here." He said, lifting up his bow. "Watching carefully."

He pulled back, filling the arrow with magic once more. "Watch carefully. You're filling the arrow with magic, true, but not fast enough, without enough force. Look at the speed of which the magic covers the arrows, the brightness of the arrow." He said, firing again, the magically enhanced arrow striking true.

"You don't have to be exact to that speed or force, but it should be close to it. If you're too slow, the magic will start to weaken before you finish. If you do not use enough force, then the magic won't be able to last long enough."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Dragoon

Lord Dragoon

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The little girl watched, nodding in understanding. So, she has to make it quick, and put more power into it then before. Pulling out an arrow, she notched it and pulled it back as she let magic flow into it. Not really sure how much power she had to use, she just took a guess. And considering the slight wave of magic that rippled across the surface of the arrow once, which she didn't notice until she unleashed the arrow. There was a little more spin to it then when he showed her the technique, but in the end it essentially fulfilled the same role. That of being like a bullet. Upon seeing it go through the target like when he did it, her face lit up in excitement. "I did it," she cheered.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Metal Zeta
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Metal Zeta came here to laugh at you

Member Seen 16 days ago

"Not quite..." The other said, still picking her up and hugging her. "But, it's better to over-do something than to under-do it." He told her, smiling. "It works if you fill it with too much energy, that's true. But, if you use more than needed, it'll waste your magic, tiring you out. And that could be more dangerous than simply failing to pull it off." He explaained to her, turning her around and heading towards their home, still carrying her. "But, for a person of your age, and for your third time, you did very well, Catiel. I'm proud. Now, let's go home, and wake up. Wake up. Catiel-"
"-wake up!" Sun said, trying to shake her awake. When she arose, she would find them to be at the mouth of the cave, now dark out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Dragoon

Lord Dragoon

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Her brain, half-asleep, slowly processed what was going on. First thing, she was sleeping a second ago. Second thing, someone was shaking her. Third and finally, someone was touching her in her sleep.So she did the first thing her brain could think of, try to shut up whatever was bugging her. By shoving her hand in whoever-it-is' face. Grumbling about noisy humans, she sat up and yawned. Blinking her eyes open, she dimly noted that, oh, it was Sun. She huffed, crossing her arms. "What were you doing? Hasn't anyone ever told you that it's not polite to wake someone up when they're having a good dream?" She questioned, feeling a little miffed that what seemed to be the first memory of her past she's gotten back was interrupted.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Metal Zeta
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Metal Zeta came here to laugh at you

Member Seen 16 days ago

"...O-oh..." Sun said, looking down. The second before he did, through, he actually looked upset and sorry, quite deeply infact. "I'm sorry, it's just...you were out for a few hours, and I was starting to get worried." He explained.

He was pale, and obviously tired. The bandages wee on a bit better, but it was obvious he still needed more help. "I tried to get us back to town." He begun to explain, lookng at her, the hurt look on his face replaced with a tired and pained one. "But I...couldn't make it past here. Too tired..."
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