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I'm on the look out for one roleplay partner to play the role of an Elven boy. I have a very specific personality for him though, one that I'm going to be wary to change.

My rules are pretty simply:
1) Don't god-mod.
2) Don't just abandon me in the middle of the roleplay.
3) Try to reply at least once a day or every other day.
4) I'd like for you to make posts of a few paragraphs, at least three. Nothing too elaborate, jut something for me to work with.
5) Offer up your own ideas to move the roleplay along (:
​6) Please be okay with mature themes, because they will be in this roleplay(sex, smut, violence, language, ect.)

Now onto the plot~
"Don't cry little Aislin."​
A young boy with pointed ears patted the head of a young girl, sitting near a lake. He let out a soft chuckle as he watched her and she only looked up at him in return, flustered, cheeks stained with tears.

"Stop laughing at me..." The young girl muttered softly, wiping her eyes.

"If you weren't such a baby, I wouldn't have to laugh." Even as the boy said this, his gaze was still gentle and he was still stroking her. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a little white ribbon. "I can't help you find the ribbon you lost, but you can have this one, see?" He knelt down next to her and pulled her hair up into a pony tail with the white ribbon, tying it into a bow. "There. Now please, don't cry anymore little Aislin."
In this story, our characters clearly will not be children. They'll be young adults and will meet up by chance. My character is Aislin Auliros, the young princess of the Kingdom of Hirondell. Her family has been on the throne for generations, keeping it a peaceful place for those that live within its walls.
Your character does not live within the walls of Hirondell, because Elves are seen as savages. They live in their own cities, small hidden ones among the thicken of trees and mountains around he humans. He watches her from afar when he gets the chance, but other than that, he hasn't seen her since they were young. When her family found out that she had been seeing him, they kept her busy with other things, forcing her to stay away from him and stay within the walls of the city.

What happens when the peaceful city is attacked though? A neighboring city takes over Hirondell with ease and in the process, Aislin's family is killed. She's left alone, running for her life through the woods that line the city. The girl falls to her knees among the brush near a lake. The sounds of men trudging through the woods with swords and torches sounds all around her. Suddenly, a soft voice sounds from behind her, making her body tense up.
"Don't cry little Aislin."

Summed up: Aislin is on the run from the men who took over her city. Your character, her childhood friend, comes to her rescue and accompanies her as she tries to get away. Note that Aislin doesn't remember that they were childhood friends, at least not at first.

What I'm looking for: Your character should be an Elven boy, who is cold to all humans besides Aislin. She's precious to him, he loves her.
As long as he is warm and kind to Aislin and cold to all others, you can make him however you like. His looks and habits and anything else are up to you~

Please PM me if you're interested and we can discuss more of this plot.