Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by jman221
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jman221 The Rooster

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jack walked into the cinemas, headphones on his neck and his silver hair swayed across his eyes and adjusted the zip on his black jumper. He was the first one to arrive and he couldn't help but feel triumphant, he never arrived first, he was always the last to arrive. He looked around the large cinema, living in the UK came with perks, such as the large cinemas, compared to the tiny ones back in Australia, and the winter clothing style was pretty much an all year thing, it rained more than what he was used to but it didn't phase him, the rain comforted him. Being pulled from his thoughts he decided to get his ticket and play some arcade games while he waited for the others to arrive, the movie title was "Kilroy Nede: The last confrontation." These movies became popular in the 2018's and Jack and his friends wanted to see the last one on the big screen, they usually would just download it and watch it at someones house, but they felt like going to the cinemas for once. It was unusually quiet today but it didn't phase him much as it was a Monday over the school break. The time was 1:30 PM and the movie started at 1:45 PM. Being impatient he group texted everyone.
'Whre r u guys? Movie starts soon...' the text read, satisfied he shut his phone and made sure it was off silent. 'Hopefully they will have the courtesy of texting back...' He thought to himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Derpestein
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Derpestein The Neckbeard Stroker

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

David Wilson was attempting to put on his jacket quickly, having trouble with the zip. "C'mon, C'mon..." He finally managed to pull up the zip, pull up his hood and just then, a text arrived and a small tune played on his phone. He opened the door, called out to his parents saying "See ya mum, see ya dad! I'm going out with my friends!" and left the house. While walking down the sidewalk of the road, he typed on his phone back to Jack. 'Im going. Dont worry :D' He texted back. He put his phone in his yellow jacket's pocket, and strolled to the cinema.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CasedaAmpora


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Cassandra jogged down the sidewalk as she rushed to the theater. A few locks of her light blonde hair peeked out from her hood and flowed behind he and her messenger back thumped against her left thigh while she dodged couples walking along.
Vibrations and a light series of low notes played, signaling her getting a text.

'Whre r u guys? Movie starts soon...' it read, and she quickly replied,

'I can see the cinema, I'm almost there'

Her run lessened to a walk as she saw the theater front glowing with light, and began searching for the familiar sliver hair after collecting her ticket.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grothnor


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Piece of crap!" Ray's computer had crapped out for the third time that week. "Come on, why do you do this to me? Rrgh!" He kicked it in his frustration and, miraculously, it began booting up again. "Wait, what?" He started laughing uncontrollably at the ridiculousness of the situation. He was laughing so loug that he almost missed the text tone on his cell phone. After calming down enough to hold his phone still enough to read, he flipped it open.

'Whre r u guys? Movie starts soon...'

"Crap crap CRAP!" Ray totally forgot about the movie. He was so absorbed by his ailing computer that he almost forgot. Well, he did forget. He grabbed a jacket and sprinted upstairs. "MOVIE, LATE, BYE!" He shouted to his mom, then ran down the street towards the theater.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kiotra546


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The car stopped right outside the front doors of the cinemas.

"Thanks Mum, I'll see you later." she closed the door and heard her phone go off.
'Whre r u guys? Movie starts soon...' she walked through the doors texting back,
'Just got here.' and searched for the familiar silver hair that Jack had. She found him near the arcade and ran towards him, crash tackling him yelling.

"HEY JACK!" she got up and pulled Jack up aswell, smiling she ran over to the counter and grabbed her ticket, then returned to Jack.
"where's everyone else?" she asked curiously
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by jman221
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jman221 The Rooster

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jack looked at his phone, the texts came back with either that they're here or were on their way. Davids came first, then Cassandras, then Ray's. He looked over towards the entrance and saw Viktoriya sprinting towards him, then tackled to the ground. Taken back by the sudden tackle, Jack laughed slightly and got up with Viktoriya
"Don't know..." he replied as he saw Cassandra, "Wait there's Cassy." he waved over to her and shouted,
"OVER HERE!" hoping she saw him. He checked his phone again, the only person who hadn't replied yet was Asher.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Derpestein
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Derpestein The Neckbeard Stroker

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

David's run turned into a walk as he saw the cinema. He saw the familiar blonde hair of Cassandra and ran over to her. "Cassy! Hey!" He slowed down to a walk again when he was beside her, and he saw Jack. He waved, before putting his hands into his pockets and hummed a small tune. 'I've been waiting for this film to be out for fooooreeeeeeverrrrr.' David thought.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CasedaAmpora


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Cassandra looked over and smiled cheerfully at David's greeting.
"Hello, David! Oh and there's Jack. Hi Jack!" She waved almost frantically towards Jack as she and David made their way over to him and Viktoriya. Due to her size, she had to grab onto David's coat sleeve a few time to keep from getting lost in the croud.

Once all (well, almost all of them) were together by the snack bar with their tickets, Cassy jumped up and down with excitement.
"I've been waiting for this movie for so long!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raxacoricofallapatorius
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Raxacoricofallapatorius god of shenanigans

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Asher was the last to arrive, within five minutes of the start of the film. He wasn't worried, there was always at least twenty minutes of previews before the actual movie started. He joined the others near the concessions, but didn't buy any. They were overpriced, and he had a can of soda stuffed in his jacket pocket, plus they'd all probably grab something to eat on the way home.

"You shouldn't be so impatient Jack, I said I'd be here." He rolled his eyes, then gave his friend a playful shove. "Come on then, if you're in such a hurry." He took the lead into the theatre, selecting a row of seats in the middle, just behind the wheelchair spaces, and sat down, putting his feet up on the bar in front of him. He set his drink in the armrest holder and settled back.

"If anyone talks I am going to elbow you so hard," he said with a slight chuckle, but he was serious. People who talked during movies annoyed him to no end. Well, people annoyed him to no end, although some were more tolerable than others.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grothnor


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Yeah, yeah, I'm here."

Ray, winded after his mad dash to the cinema searched his jacket pockets before swearing loudly. "I forgot my wallet. Hey could someone cover my ticket?" Thankfully, someone did, and he muttered a word of thanks and a promise to pay them back. "I suppose getting snacks is out of the question." He then shrugged. "I wouldn't have bought any anyway. I would have..." he let the words trail off because he was about to say 'snuck food into the theater' out loud, and also because he had completely forgotten to do so.

"Lets do this thing!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Derpestein
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Derpestein The Neckbeard Stroker

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

David nearly yelled a 'WOOOOOOO!' to Ray saying "Lets do this thing! but didn't, because he didn't want to be kicked out of the Cinema. He took a seat near Asher, settled in and looked to the giant screen in front of everyone. Of course, the first twenty minutes or so would just be adverts. But hey, maybe a film would look good enough for him to watch next time he went to the cinema. Maybe even bring his friends along with him. He put his arms behind his head and relaxed, waiting for the movie to start.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by jman221
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jman221 The Rooster

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jack was excited about the movie and was waiting a long time for it to come out. As they entered he made a zip the mouth and throw away the key motion when Asher told them to be silent. they sat down and watched the pre-movie adverts. By the time the movie came on, half of his popcorn and drink were gone. Annoyed he made a note to himself to stop eating until at least twenty minutes into the movie.

Forty Five Minutes Later...
As a fight scene started, Jack was on the edge of his seat and he saw everyone else in their own stages of excitement, Kilroy and his nemesis were locked in combat on the top of an elevator as it plummeted to the ground. But what came next was terrible...
A Glowing, metallic, orange orb, about the size of a bike crashed through the roof into the screen. Stunned Jack just sat there as it pulsed. It exploded, the shockwave pushed everyone into the seats as shrapnel and debris flew towards the group, knocking everyone unconscious.

One Hour Later...
Jack woke, dizzy and confused. His head was hurting, as he felt his head, he felt something warm. As he pulled his hand away he saw blood. He looked around trying to find the others and yelled out to them.
"You guys alright?" he couldn't focus properly and moved over to Viktoriya who was still unconscious and saw that she was still breathing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CasedaAmpora


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Foam pieces of varying sizes covered the floor of the cinema. Certain seats were badly damaged, some completely blown away. The shrapnel from the orb ripped massive holes in the viewing screen and the hole in the ceiling filled the air with a painful mixture of dust and fibreglass.

Two rowes back from where she was originally sitting, for the blast had flung her small frame back farther than the others, lay a still unconscious Cassandra. Her body was sprawled out underneath a particularly large piece of seat foam.

The white of her shirt and jacket slowly turned red from a wound in her abdomen. Thick, dark blood oozing through the fabric. Splinters, plastic, and more fiberglass stuck in her ruined hair, and her breathing came out in harsh wheezes from the scratchy air. She wasn't dying...yet...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Derpestein
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Derpestein The Neckbeard Stroker

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

As David woke up, he felt a strange feeling in his hand. As he looked at it, he looked with horror. A large, sharp piece of wood had stabbed his hand and it was stuck. He was in too much shock to cry in pain, so he was just looking at his hand in shock and horror. Dark red oozed from his hand. Drip. Drip. Drip.

He yelled in pain. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. He grabbed onto one end of the wood, and, still yelling in pain, pulled the wood out of his hand. "Someone...Bandage.." He managed to say. "Rip off...A part of your shirt..." He grit his teeth, staring at the hole in his hand. The blood continued to come out, dripping onto his yellow jacket.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grothnor


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ray had largely avoided the blast, mostly because of his slouching posture in the movie seats. Not that he was unhurt, he was just less critically injured than most in the theater. Upon awakening, he noticed the plight of David first as he was sitting next to him, and took off his jacket and shirt to help. He did as David suggested and tore apart his shirt, bandaging the hand wound as tightly as he could.

"You're bleeding," David said in shock. Ray's vision was becoming blocked by his own blood flowing into his left eye from a head wound.

"Don't worry, head wounds bleed a lot." He wiped the blood from his eye and moved on to help Cassandra. He pulled the piece of seat off her and tried to keep her conscious. "Hey, Cassy, don't, uh, don't pass out or anything. Stay awake." Ray shouted, "Someone call 999!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kiotra546


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Viktoriya stirred a little bit and woke feeling pain all over her body, but something felt off in her leg. she tried moving them but only her right leg would move. She sat up seeing Jack next to her and held onto him.
"I can't move my leg..." she said in a monotone voice. Jack reached over and tried moving her leg but it still didn't move, instead her leg exploded into pain as a shard sticking up from the ground was inside of it, but not all the way through.
"Ahhh yebat'! MY LEG IT'S BEEN STABBED!" She yelled in pain, Jack moved her leg up slowly and she felt more blood leaving her leg
"Davay Radi trakhayet" She swore in russian "PULL IT OFF ALREADY!" He did so quicker and her leg came free, it felt numb, but at least she could stop the bleeding to some expense.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by jman221
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jman221 The Rooster

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As Jack tore his jacket to make a makeshift bandage to stop Viktoriya's bleeding. As he finished tying it he looked towards the back of the theatre to see David, Cassy and Ray. He picked Viktoriya up and moved throught the debris. The Plaster in the air was making it harder and harder to breath, but he kept moving. As he made it further back he called out to them.
"You guys alright?"
'What the fuck is happening?' He thought to himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Derpestein
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Derpestein The Neckbeard Stroker

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"CASSY'S HURT!" David shouted back.
He got out from his seat and went over to Cassy quickly. He...He...
He didn't know what to do. "Hang in there, Cassy. You'll be fine..." He gulped. "I promise."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CasedaAmpora


Member Offline since relaunch

Cassy, with a wheezy curse in german, nodded at Ray's words. Her shirt was soaked now, blood dripping through her shirt and down the piece of plastic stuck in her. The pain overpowered all other feeling making her legs and arms go numb.

The shrapnel wasn't all the way through her, so it wasn't too horrible, but if an ambulance didn't come soon, things would start to get bad .
With what little strength she had, she turned her head towards David and gave him a small smile.
"I know, David...I know.."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by jman221
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jman221 The Rooster

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jack made it to the others, Cassy was lying down in a small pool of blood. He put Viktoriya down next to her and at Cassys wound. It was bleeding slowly, so Jack ripped his jacket again and tied it around where the wound was. He pulled out his phone and tried calling 999, but the line was dead. He looked at the top and saw that there was no signal.
"Dammit, lines dead." he said, "Come on, we need to get out of this theatre, the plasters going to destroy our lungs." He moved to the door and tried to open it but it was stuck from the other side. He pushed with any force he had left but it only budged.
"Ray! Come and help me get this door open!" he called out that's when he remembered Asher was not accounted for.
"Anybody seen Asher?"
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