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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ChaoticEnigma


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

1, 2, 3, 4... 1,2,3,4 … 1,2,3,4

The Drums, they raced, faster than they had ever gone before. After attempting to capture the planet of Aractus the Master was taken in, upon further tests and evaluation it came to the conclusion that he was not stable enough to be in the normal cells with other inmates. Even without his sonic laser, the Master was dangerous. Being taken to the universe's top notch security insane asylum for the mentally deranged, there he stayed weeks, months, possibly more.

Honestly he'd lost count after the seventh week, it was all nothing but a blur to him now. The silence, of that horrendous silence that was only accompanied by the drumming. The drumming that never faded, that only got worse as time went on. The Master had hoped they'd silence after regenerating, that wasn't the case. Far from it actually.

1, 2, 3, 4... 1,2,3,4 … 1,2,3,4

There they went, picking up the pace. The Master sat within the corner of his own room, the white walls near torture just to look at. Darkened demonic hues were glaring at the empty space in front of him, complete silence for what felt to be an eternity before the drums began their horrid beat in his mind, pounding painfully loud as pale hands clasped over his ears, flinching from the noise. "Get out! Get out! Get out of my head!" bellowed the Master angrily, screaming at the drums. His voice resonated through the walls as the creaking of the door opening paid no part in his mind, only becoming a part of the rhythm within his mind.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

The Doctor hadn't seen the Master since the events leading up to his own regenration. He was sure that the other time lord had long gone. But that was far from it. He had never expected the Master to even be alive.
He had heard reports of an insane time lord been locked up in a insane asylum, He hadn't put the Master there of course. He had considered it in the past but really doubted if that would ever help the Master, He knew there wasn't much that could help the Master.
He started up the TARDIS. He was alone. Rory , Amy, Clara, River, They all weren't there for him anymore. He tried to not dwel on it. He didn't want to go back to sulking and refusing to help anybody. He had already done that, A second time when he had lost Clara.

Though he had realized the universe still needed him, he had only managed to pull out of that recently due to hearing reports about the man that he was guessing was the MAster. He could be wrong, but wasn't sure there was any other surviours from the Time war "Geromino!!" He yelled as the TARDIS was off through time and space. He landed roughly and just laughed. It had been a long time since he was able to laugh from joy and happiness. He did like it better when he wasn't sulking and miserable. He had more fun.
Opening the TARDIS, he looked around. He saw that he was in the Asylum.

He walked out of the TARDIS. The place made him uneasy. He thought it was a rather miserable place to be really. He went to speak with somebody. "I'm here to see the time lord you have here." He looked serious.
The Doctor was serious sometimes, usaully in moments that called for it. He was looking around. He really hoped he didn't have to spend too long here. He really didn't like it. He was munching on a jammy dodger while he was waiting.

"I'm afraid that isn't a good idea sir, Hes very unstable, " The man replied.

The Doctor was looking at him "I am the Doctor, I can handle him," He ingored any further warnings and walked off to find the Master, He was having to think hard where the Master would even be. He was sure it had to be him. Walking until he found the right room, he let himself in and unlocked the door with his sonic screwdriver. He noticed a dark haired man sitting there. He made sure to lock the door behind him. At least until he could deal with the Master and find out what was going on. He sighed. He could tell right away that it was the MAster behind his new look.
He had no idea what to expect. He knew the Master must still be crazy to have been locked up here.

"Master ? Is that you?" THe Doctor was sure the MAster would still hate him. He wasn't sure what had even happened to him after they last saw each other. The Master had dissapeared and the Doctor had thought that he was gone.
It had been a very long time since he had even seen him. He wondered if the Master still suffered from the effects of the drums. He didn't think he could leave the Master locked up in a place that wouldn't help.
But he had no idea if it was safe to even let him go. He ran a hand through his hair feeling neverous and he straigtened his bow tie,

"I don't know what happened, But I never wanted you here," THe Doctor replied. He wondered if the Master would even want to see him. He very much doubted it. He knew how angry the Master had got in the past.
Alot had changed since then. But the Master couldn't be better. Not if he was here.
He was sure he was the only one who could even help the troubled time lord.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ChaoticEnigma


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Master's mind raced, the drums becoming painful to the point as a scream of pure agony passed his lips. So much to the point he hadn't noticed any sort of sound from the door opening and closing. However, his form stiffened upon hearing a voice, a voice he didn't recognize but still had a strange familiarity to it. Forcing his gaze upward and to look at the room around him. The drums in this regeneration had not only gotten worse, but they caused other aspects of insanity to form in the Master’s mind. With a twitch in his body, a sharp gasp of a breath his eyes lifted to the only other being in the room.

The Master had wanted no one to enter this room, to leave him to his own insanity-but instead he was looking upon his guest, seeing his eyes and hair upon his head. This new face of a man was certainly the Doctor, all right; the Master could recognize the Time Lord from a like away, even if he possessed new features. The drums beat painfully in his mind before they caused images, hallucinations to show in his own insane reality, causing him to get to his feet and back up against the wall away from the Doctor, eyes wide.

Looking to the Time Lord before him, his darkened demonic eyes flicked with an even darker and insane undertone to them as his breathing became labored with each breath. That crazed look ever so apparent in his eyes "You shouldn’t be here! You're on your last regeneration allowance, now LEAVE!" his voice dark, foul, and even more sinister than it had been ever.

Did this mean that somewhere within the Master's mind he still cared? In a sense yes, but also no. It was complicated. His focused angered seemed to only cause the drums to strengthen as a sharp searing pain passed through his skull causing his eyes to close shut as a scream escaped his lips, the pain horrendous enough to the bring the dark haired man to his knees as he held his skull.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

The Doctor backed up, He was startled by this new Master. But not enough that he was truely scared. He was never scared of the Master, He knew that he alway would try to help. He knew he was reckless in coming here.
Maybe he was just so alone that he had missed the Master. He wasn't that sure anymore.
"I'm not leaving." The Doctor said. He was looking upon the MAster, He could see the MAster's insanity. He really needed to find a way to help. He doubted anybody here truely knew the Master enough to know how to deal with him.

"I came here to see you," The Doctor went on "I wasn't sure what had become of you, But I do doubt the places like this are what you need," He was looking at him "I don't like it here." He whispered. He wasn't sure how the MAster felt about the whole thing.
He knew that freeing hin would be a huge risk. The Master had caused so much trouble in the past. He was looking at him "I don't know how you know I am on my last Regenration but I know you wont kill me, even if you are different now. I avoid death, but also you would be bored if I was dead." He countered. He wondered what the Master would even do.

"You really do need help this time, and I am here to help you." The Doctor continued to speak "All those times you were not wanting me around, You know I never would leave, sick, hurt , insane I never would leave you if you needed help."
He had been trying to help break the MAster out of his insanity for a long time. He was wearing a Stetson at the moment. He had misplaced his fez which was greatly upsetting for him. He loved his Fez, even of alot of his friends didn't. He noticed an apple roll on the floor.
"Where did the apple come from, I don't like apples, apples are rubbish." He pouted childlike. He walked around the room a bit, He was the only one who would ever get close to the Master and try help him at his worst in the past. EVen if those times seemed nothing to now.

The Doctor would always still care about the Master. Even when the Master had hurt him badly. He was slowly getting closer to him. He was sure freedom and travelling would be somewhere to start with helping the time lord.
"The drums..they almost seem to be effecting you worse than before."
Knowing how much he was risking his own safety. He walked over and attempted to place his hand on the Masters forehead. He was sure he could comfort the Master and ease his pain somehow.

Being alone maybe was what made him more reckless, But yet he never gave up on the MAster. He was ingoring the fact the MAster didn't want him there. He could tell he would need him eventaully.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ChaoticEnigma


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Even from afar the Master kept a close count on The Doctor's regeneration cycle. He had to, it was something embedded in him, a small piece of who he used to be from back on Gallifrey. Yes deep down in his hearts the Master cared about the Doctor, as he always had, but in this regeneration, in this form the drumming was ever so fierce and had returned with a vengeance.

The Master stayed on bended knee, his hands clasped firmly against his head, pressing against his skull in an attempt to try to silence the pain. Yet before his very eyes, the room grew dark, causing his hazel teal hues to widen "No.." he gasped with a pant "no .. no no .." the room began to gain light once more yet what he saw was what the drums had caused him to see. Blood right in front of him, in trails it seemed, of course the room was still pure pristine white, but in the Master's mind it was coated in blotches of red.

His hearts were racing faster than before, his breath rapid and labored. Extending a hand out to touch the floor only he saw his hands covered in blood, of course they weren't but his mind was too twisted for him to distinguish hallucination from reality. The Master began to wring his hand, in an attempt to alleviate the blood that he saw but it was no use. Instead he began to crawl along the trail that only he saw. Where was it leading him? What would he see? At the far end of the darkened room, within the crevices of his mind was his answer.

There upon the floor he saw a blue pinstriped suited man, red crimson soaking through the fabric, ever so lifeless eyes. That image was truly horrifying. "No .. No…" his voice shaken but growing firmer by the breath "Nooo" his teeth clenched. "NOOOO!! THETAAA!!!" his voice rang with anger, with sorrow, heart break. Yes he'd seen the regenerated version of his dear old frenemy just moments ago. But his mind at this current moment? Was too far gone. Oh the image was horrifying.

There was a ringing within his mind a searing pain once more causing him t close his eyes. Slowly the Master brought himself to lean against the wall, his breath in a tired pant as he brought his knees to his chest, his head resting in his arms. Slowly but surely the drums faded into silence. Only then did the Master open his eyes, the room had returned its sickeningly sweet shade of white cream; the hallucination now gone. Lifting his head he checked his hands and saw they were clean he looked to the right where in his hallucination the previous form of the Doctor had laid, there was nothing there now.

The Master often had small windows of clarity, that was the only positive difference of this regeneration. The drumming would silence for a bit of time, allowing the Master to think clearly, this was one of those times. The Time Lord pushed himself to his feet, he didn't acknowledge the Doctor, not right now. Instead he walked around the man to his night stand, opening the small drawer he pulled out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. Plucking one out he moved to a chair and sat down. Lighting the cigarette, inhaling and slowly exhaling smoke after a few moments his eyes slowly averted to the stetson wearing man. "You think I don't know your regeneration cycle, I do, even now" he took another long drag of the piece in his hand before blowing out a bit more smoke.

"You can't help me, Doctor, don't even try, these drums are far worse than you could ever imagine" he cleared his throat "What was just witnessed.. my crazed moment, that's hallucination… I see things that …are far worse than I'd ever want to imagine' taking another hit and more smoke dispersing from his lips the Master flicked the cigarette away. Watching as a laser shot from the camera in the ceiling to destroy the small bud before it touched the ground. "There are others.. far more sinister.. they make me do things, Doctor, things that I myself find troubling." he arose to his feet and closed the gap between him and the newly regenerated form of the Doctor, slamming the man against the wall.

"Now you say you can help me, but what if I refuse? What if being in here is better for me? I'm not hurting anyone, not by a long shot.." he thought for a moment "Well not anymore.. that’s why I have my own cell" honestly the Master had killed seven patients and at least a dozen workers in his time there. Whether he was sane or not at the time of those deaths, those drums controlled him. Reaching up, he plucked the hat from the Doctor's head and tossed it off the side. Placing a hand upon the Doctor's throat the Master leaned in close, their noses millimeters apart as his maddening eyes peered into the Doctor's aquamarine hues. Searching and there it was "There you are.." a sick smirk formed upon his lips as his grip on the man's throat tightened but only slightly "It truly is you, My Dear Doctor" without warning the Master crashed his lips against the other Time Lord's before pulling from him completely and stepping away.

"All this time, you've been alive.. and so have I" his crazed hazel eyes moved to the Time Lord "But you hold the scent and the taste of human" his tongue ran over his lips "Quite the delectable human at that.. tell me Doctor, are you lonely? Is that why you're truly here?" a sinister laugh escaped his lips "You only want me with you, because you don't want to be alone" there was a flicker of maddening Darkness in his eyes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

The Doctor had never though the Master would care enough to count his regenrations. He had never been fully sure on how many the MAster had. He only knew the Master would have gone past his 13 at some point, He was watching. He needed to make sure he did everything right. He didn't want the Master to lash out.
At least not if he could help it. He had been through worse when the Master had attacked him in the past. Though he had no idea what the Master would do to him now.

He saw the Master was on his knees in pain. He wondered what he could do. He knew the Master must be seeing things. "MAster it is ok, We are the only ones here, I'm alright."
Hearing the Master cry out his childhood name, made him freeze. He hadn't heard the MAster say his name like that ever. He wanted to go over and hug the Master and make him feel better, He doubted he could at this moment. He knew he probably shouldn't . At least not now. He needed to wait for the Master to have calmed down. He wasn't sure that would work. He wasn't sure if his comfort would calm down the insane time lord.

"Oh I can see they are worse, I can see you are hallinating. You always claimed that I couldn't help, You always refused and even now you should know that I won't give up on finding a way to silence or ease the drums." The Doctor knew he would never stop trying to help. He couldn't leave the Master like this.
"I'm not scared by anything I see Master, I did suspect with no help you would become worse. You did seem to be slowly getting there, I can keep you safe and make sure you don't hurt people, I have my ways. Being in here may keep you away from people but its not curing you."
He was determined to not give up. "Koschei...," he sighed.

It had been a long time since he had called him that. He did want the Master he had known as child back. But he doubted he would get that back. He knew there must be a way to help the Master, Was it possible for them to even be friend again.
He couldn't give up on him. His hearts were beating a bit faster. "I have lost so much.... I am not losing you too, You are the only other time lord left why would I give up on you. We were friends once."
He doubted that forcing the Master to Regenrate again would help. He doubted he could hurt the Master. He didn't know how many regenrations he had left. If any. "

He blushed when the Master moved closer to him. He was feeling unsure. He though pouted when The Master took his hat "Hey I like that hat, Stetsons are cool." he said acting like a little kid really. He goes to grab it and hold onto it tight "A good friends gave it to me." He knew he had worn it that day he thought he was going to die. But the hat was still quite special to him. "I already lost my fez' He was rambling a bit and almost forgot what he was talking about.
He really did have his child like moments.

"Of course its me. Who else would I be. There is nobody else left ," He was looking at him for awhile. He blushed even deeper when the Master's lips were on his. He felt akward and the blush was still there when the Master pulled away. He had no idea why the MAster had done that. He stood almost stunned for a moment. "U..Umm."
He was trying to regain control of the sitution. He looked at him. "I am lonely... But that never changes ... I always loose people. My tow best friends I failed to save. River is gone... my wife gone because of me, Clara gone because she died of old age. " He felt tears come to his eyes and he sighed. "I wanted to give up helping people and having friends for a second time.... But I heard of you locked up here.. I wanted to see if it was really you. I want to help you. I care about you, I didn't come just because I don't want to be alone."

He wiped away his tears, He refused to let his pain win. He had been happier in this regenration, Even if thing had been hard. He tried to forget the bad things and move on. It was hard but he did.
"I was so close to having a family again... But seems I'm not even allowed that." He closed his eyes and turned his back away. He then looked back at him. "
"The universe doesn't care... But it needs me." He sighed . The Doctor was conflicted. He looked at him . "You wont even try come with me?" He wasnt going to give the MAster a choice if he refused really. He just was sure that he could help him. He really had missed him. He hugged him but mainly in the way one would hug a friend. He then pulled away. "You need me." He said. "You never admit it, but I know you do, even as a child when you would wake up in tears and come find me."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ChaoticEnigma


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hearing his childhood name being spoken caused the Time Lord to tense as he averted his gaze from the man. "Don't call me that..name" his voice deep with a hiss. His eyes narrowing into a glare "I am The Master, it is my title and it all I wish to be called, understood, Doctor?!" his voice raising once more in volume as his teeth clenched together. He stood there, looking to the man who held the Stetson hat like such a child. The pout, this was nothing like who he used to be. "I understand that regenerations are a lottery of sorts… but really? Doctor?" a look of disbelief, even somewhat pity crossed the insane man's features "You were so filled with inner hate for yourself, so much that this regeneration sticks to childish tendencies." his eyes studied the man, the Master himself merely giving a shake of his head

"Oh that is so .. pathetic" the vile words rolled off his tongue with ease. "Honestly you were more a man in your previous regeneration than you are now" his hissed. "So childlike … blushing from a mere kiss, if that could even be called one to be honest." The Master shook his head and plucked another cigarette, placing it between his lips he lit it and inhaled. After several puffs of the piece in silence, listening to the Doctor's words on and off, giving a few puffs of smoke but still not speaking. "You never had me to lose, Doctor" his eyes averted to the childish man in suspenders.

Yes he had the memories, yes he remembered everything, but no, he no longer cared for this man, this … childish being beside him. Yes he knew this was the Doctor but throughout their lives, honestly the Doctor was someone that the Master had looked up to. But this? This Stetson holding.. child before him? No, perhaps that was one the reasons the Master was seething with such vile hatred toward the man. "Honestly, how can you call yourself the Doctor? You are not even a shell of your former selves. None of your regenerations have ever acted in such a childish manner"

Oh how it angered the Master as he glared to the man. Then to top it off hearing his 'sob' stories "A family? Truly Doctor?" a heavy sigh escaped his lips before he took another long drag of the cigarette to calm himself a bit before flicking it away "You've been domesticated… its pathetic" smoke escaping his lips as he spoke, his pastel hazel eyes focused on the man "I'm not going to try because I am not going with you, I don't need you, Doctor." he felt the embrace, a sneer formed upon his lips but before he could shove the man off, the Doctor stepped away. "Stop bringing up the past, we were children back then. We're already more than thirteen hundred years old and yet you're still holding onto the past" his voice beginning to raise in volume "The past is nothing! .. it's meaningless! It's better off being forgotten" he glared to the Doctor with clenched teeth "and this conversation is over. Now hop back into your blue box and go" his eye steeled as he hissed to the Doctor, no longer saying a word.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

"And yet you are still allowed to call me Theta," The Doctor was looking at him "Don't see how that is fair, " He sighed. "But alright." He was looking at him "I know the Master is your name, just like the Doctor is mine."
He had hoped to get the Master to soften when he called him Koschei. He guessed that wasn't going to work. He still was hoping that it would bring back some of the MAster's sanity. He looked at him "But if that is your wish Master."
He knew he didn't want to anger him. He was feeling like he wouldn't be able to get through to the Master so easily.

"Whats wrong with being childish?" The Doctor frowned "Its better than being sad and miserable like I was towards the end of my last regenration." He knew the Master was probably going to find some of his habits annoying.
He blinked "Not like I choose to be this kind of person." He rubbed his eyes. He sighed "Its easier to try forget and move on. " he knew that maybe deep down he didn't always forget, He just tried to and acted like he had forgotten.
The time lord was running a hand through his hair. He really was unsure what to expect next of this regenraton. He did wonder if the old Master was easier to deal with. But no matter how much the Master changed. He never would change his opinions on his friend.

"I cant help blushing," The Doctor even if he was akward in this regenration, did find it hard to forget thier previous relationship. "You know Master, you did love me once, deeply enough to have been married to me, Or had you forgotten" He knew that he would never forget that.He wondered if the Master had forgotten or was trying to just bury it in the past like everything else. He was wishing he could bury aside all of the past with the Master. He still couldn't, it wasn't one of the things that he could forget. He was still a bit tearful about his past.

"I'm still the Doctor, I still have the same memories and urge to travel the rest of my life." He was trying to not loose his patience, He knew that he needed leverage to get the Master to come with him "You are really so miserable aren't you, Think you prefered it when I was more miserable." He was wondering if the Master just didn't like being around happy people.
He knew that he had been happier in this regenration. He was leaning on the wall.
The time lord was wondering if he could get through to the Master. He was exhausted. He felt like he hadnt sleep properly in months.

"I am not domesticated. I Just simply wish to have people who care about me and not feel so alone. " He didn't like been called pathetic. He didn't react. The Master had called him such things before. "Stubborn as ever Master."
He was truely hurt by some of what the Master was saying "Ah there goes the lies again."
The Doctor wasn't leaving. He stood with his arms crossed. "I'm not leaving and you are coming with me, I know you will later thank me," He doubted the Master would see that now. He looked at him.

He was getting close to loosing his temper. He was childish and kind. But he did have moments where he could loose his temper."Why is it so hard for you to accept help!!" He snapped. He looked at him. "Its not bad to remeber the past!! or even mention it, doesn't mean I have held onto it." He sounded quite angry. He slapped him across the face "Don't tell me you dont care, I am sure you sending Rasslion and the other back was saving my life when you had caused that mess. The past isn't nothing, it has made us who we are today and is the reason we exist."
Not having any hope that being gentle would help. He decided he would just have to yell "I still loved you deep down, I moved on. But It was hard to forget that love!!" He paced the room a bit.

His eyes narrowed at him. He wasn't going to give up. He knew that he could be stubborn too.He sneezed a bit and used his handkerchief. He was looking around "Don't you ever clean up the dust."
He still had an annoyed tone. His child like side seeming to have faded at that moment. He didn't like using anger but wanted to see what that would do. "You left me thinking you were dead!! And now I find you here and you push me away!!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ChaoticEnigma


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Doctor's words caused the Master to momentarily backtrack in his thoughts. He had called out to Theta, with a mental slap to his own brain he gave a sigh "What spews from my mouth in the middle of my hallucinations is beyond my conscious control, Doctor" the image of the Doctor in his previous regeneration, soaked in blood flashed before his eyes as he closed them and shook his head, ridding of the horrendous image. 'It wasn't real.. it wasn't..' he had to assure himself.

Hearing the Doctor speak up once more, his hazel eyes opened as he listened to the Time Lord. He didn't speak a word and merely gave a roll of his eyes as he stepped further away from the Time Lord. However hearing the Doctor bring up the past, there was a momentary flicker of light in his eyes as he looked to the Doctor. Oh he remembered, he truly remembered their marriage, when they were in love, and so much more. The nights filled with passion, or even just holding his Dear Doctor through the night after the man awoke from a nightmare.

The vulnerability rose within the Master, tears began to well within his eyes and in the briefest of moments he'd lost his hold on his emotions. In that moment, that mere flicker of a moment, the old Koschei had risen as he looked to the man before him. Showing his pure vulnerability, his emotion, his sadness, his pain and his longing to have things as they once were.

'My Doctor .. oh My Dear Doctor…' were his thoughts as he gulped for a moment "I remember.." was all he managed to say for his voice was failing him. It took the Master several moments of silence thereafter to regain his composure, to steel himself once more to not fall to the weakness of 'human like' emotions. It was then that the Doctor became furious and began to yell and use definite force with him. Oh this was a side of the Doctor that the Master hadn't seen in centuries. There was the firm slap causing his head to jerk to the side, the stinging in his cheek, the redness to his pale flesh.

The Master listened to the Doctor and finally he drew in a breath and looked to him "I push you away because even after all of this, my drums Doctor. They are the worst they've ever been" he made his way toward the Time Lord, pushing him up against the wall, his hand reaching for the Doctor's throat as he gazed into his eyes "I push you away because I know if I were to go with you, I know one day I'd hurt you." his grip tightened on the man's throat "I loved you once …" he paused and drew in a deep breath.

"I still love you, Doctor. I haven't forgotten those nights of passion, those nights of comfort… You will always be the one who holds my hearts, even now" the grip on the Doctor's throat loosened as he pulled away from the Time Lord, taking in a deep breath after admitting his feelings. He stepped away from the Time Lord to gather his thoughts once more before looking to him. "For your protection against my Insanity, I choose to stay here. I'd rather live knowing you're alive, than having you die by my hands, Doctor"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

"Ohh and you have called me Theta other times, even we fight." The Doctor still held anger in his voice. He couldn't help it now. He knew his temper was quite sharp in this regenration. He knew that sharpness seemed to be getting through.
His anger seemed to just have been unable to stay hidden.
He rolled his eyes, He was not going to take no for an answer anymore. He was pacing a bit.

"Ohhh Master, ITs not that simple.." He didn't know what to say. He wanted to call him Koschei again. But he would just risk the Master temper. He closed his eyes "When I pulled the gun on you last time we met, you were scared and even hurt that I would do that, You just lashed out in anger. Maybe that was what stopped me, Though I am not one to even use a gun."
He had remebered the look in the MAster's eyes then. He had thought that the Master was past feeling that hurt. But he guessed he had been wrong. He had seen the tears , it had been awhile since he had seen the Masters tears. He knew that the last time they had fought that he had thought the Master had been about to cry when he pointed the gun at him.

"Yeah and I wish it was easy to hate you, But I don't, If I hated you then I could just leave," His eyes were focused on him. The Doctor had his arms crossed. He knew that the drums were worse, but that didn't stop him wanting to try.
He was unsure if he should just try drag the Master to the TARDIS. He knew that might not be so easy either. He still was trying to think of reasons to convince him. "Ah a lover who tries to kill me... Not that River was any different." he trailed off. " But I am sure you won't kill me, You may hurt me, But its fine." He was leaning on the wall. He wondered why he was attracted to pyshcopaths. He blinked .

"So what do you expect me to do?, because I cant hate you and I can't leave you here." The Doctor had calmed down slightly. But he was unsure if he would just end up shouting again.

The Doctor wasn't afraid of him. Tears slipped down his face "I still love you." He whispered. He was looking at him again. The time lord was wondering if the Master would have regenrated differently if they had stayed together.
"We can work through this, " He trailed off.
He knew the Master was hard to convince either way. In every regenration . Things had been easier when they were younger though. He knew he wasn't perfect himself. The Doctor still had his own dark side, But it never showed through too much luckily.

He was sure some of Rivers tricks would have been useful now. He had handcuffs with him. If he could get the Master's screwdriver off him and his hands cuffed then maybe he wouldn't protest so much of he dragged him off.
The Doctor tapped his face. He saw the mark where he had slapped the Master "You deserved that. " He growled. He had gasped when he was grabbed around the throat. He was glad the Master let him go. He though straightened his bow tie. He wasn't afraid.
His eyes were still full of the years of rage and annoyance he had towards the Master. "I've been mad at you for a long time, " He went on. "You still deserve many life times worth of slaps." He growled and looses it and hits him again harder. He just falls to his knees and cries. "Why cant I hate you." tears spilled down his cheeks. "You have torn my hearts out so many times."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ChaoticEnigma


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Right now I wish you hated me, Doctor, so you could walk out that door and not come back" The Master's words cold, cynical even as those hazel eyes narrowed into a glare as he listened to the Doctor speak. The man no longer spoke and just listened. The tears were gone from the Master's eyes as he'd gotten a firm hold on his emotions.

Upon receiving the firm slap to his face for a second time thought harder than before. The Master clenched his teeth a low growl rumbling in his throat as he glared to the Doctor. Watching as the man fell to his knees, hearing his words, watching the tears and then his voice thick with sorrow. Through ever so cold eyes, the Master watched the newly regenerated form the Doctor fully broken, at his feet. If he were in his previous form, where was a bit more 'love' attached, he'd give in and go with the Doctor.

However, at this current moment? He did no such thing. "Get up" his voice a hiss as he nudged the Doctor with his boot before giving a sigh and moving close to pull the broken man to his feet. Pulling the Time Lord to his feet, the Master moved him to lean on the wall, well, more like holding him up. "Sobbing like a broken man, truly Doctor, you need to get a hold of your emotions" yet the more he spoke to the Doctor, the more he looked to this man. Memories of their past together began to flash before his eyes like a reel of film.

Getting lost in his thought the Time Lord closed his eyes remembering it all. Slowly the Time Lord rested his forehead against the Doctor's. 'My Dear Doctor… My Dear Theta.. My One True Love' closing the gap between their lips, he kissed the Doctor's lips with a petal soft touch at first. The kiss growing deeper, more passionate, the Master's tongue dipped into the Doctor's mouth, tasting his lips. To his relief, the Doctor still held that ever so familiar taste that he remembered so long ago. "My Theta" his voice rumbled deep within his throat and with that he pulled the Doctor firmly against his form, turning the kiss into a full on passionate moment between the two.

1,2,3,4 .. 1,2,3,4, .. 1,2,3,4, .. 1,2,3,4

Though it would seem his drums did not like this contact at all for just as the kiss took flight a searing pain shot through the Master's skull causing the man to abruptly pull away from the Time Lord. Holding his head within his pale hand his eyes closed tight, his teeth clenched together as he held back a growl. The pain was far too intense, the Master dropped to his knees screaming at the top of his lungs as he applied pressure to both sides of his skull. His body began to jerk and twitch and finally he fell to the side, there the Master's body began to convulse and tremble for merely moments and finally he stopped moving completely, his mind having blacked out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

The Doctor truely wished he could hate the Master, It just wasn't possible. He had tried so hard to. He hated hearing the Master's cold words. Though he knew there was nothing he could do at this point.
He was considering to knock the Master out and take him into the TARDIS. He knew that was a risk. He would have to be careful if he did so. But he didn't really want to hurt the Master. He knew that no matter what he did the Master would probably be angry with him.
"Ohh....," He seemed sad upon hearing the Master said he wished it too. He had hoped the Master wouldn't wish that. He wondered if that was the truth. He knew the Master sometimes lied.

He looked at him after he slapped him. He almost wanted to say something more. He knew the Master really had deserved those slaps. He wanted to slap him more, but something seemed to cause him to stop. He knew that was because he cared for him.
He cared enough to not want to strike him too much. Once or twice to say he was mad at him was enough. The Doctor was also just not wanting the Master to hate him forever, He wasn't sure if he already did.
It felt sure that the MAster didn't love him as much as he used to. Even if he had said he loved him. Because he was sure he would have came with him easily.

"Just come with me!!" The Doctor said almost loosing his temper again. His eyes were red from the tears, He was on his feet though. He looked at his exhusband and wanted to just have him back.
He was sure he wasn't been selfish just because he was lonley. He did still love the Master. "Yeah as opposed to you who lashes out in anger and hardly shows emotions like this." He huffed.
He really was tired of the Master lashing out in anger. He had done that so much so in his previous form. He tapped his foot. He was getting impatient. As much as he wanted to go and just save the day. He wanted the Master to come with him.

"Master." He sighed and blushed when the Master pulled him into a kiss. He wasn't expecting such a deep kiss. He had missed this. He warpped his arms around him. He wanted to call him Koschei like the old days. But he knew this Master was far more unstable and would just get mad. He looked into his eyes. His Master he loved was still in there. He was confident he wouldn't get met with anger in time.
But for now he knew even if the Master kissed him now. He probably wouldn't see it as giving into his love for The Doctor. "I can't stop loving you." Oh he wished he could , that would have been easier.

Though soon he saw the Master pull away and grip his head in pain. He knew that moment was coming. He was at his side when he collasped, "Master can you hear me,"He knew the drums were bad. He wanted to fix that.
At this moment he wasn't sure how.
Getting no answer he realized the time lord had probably passed out. He was very concerned. He knew it was probably the best moment to get the Master into the TARDIS.

He rushed out to where he parked his ship and got in. He knew he wasn't able to carry the time lord so easily. So he made the TARDIS materlize in the Masters room/cell. The Doctor made sure the TARDIS materialized around the Master, He dragged the other time lord to a bed. It was very hard for him to. He put the blankets over him and let him rest.
"Just rest my Master." he then rushed out of the room and started up the TARDIS.
"DOCTOR!!" one of the people working at the Ayslum realized he had freed the Master . Of course the Doctor couldn't hear. "Hes a mad man freeing the Master." another said. The Doctor just took off in his TARDIS. He knew the Master would be mad when he awoke. Probably.

Once into the time vortex and them being on autopilot. He was looking around. He sighed and restrianed the Master with a TARDIS key, a trick he had used during the old days. He was sure that now the Master at least couldn't hurt other people as he was stuck close to him,
He made some tea but fell asleep soon after drinking it. His head rested gently on the console. The TARDIS making humming noises in hopes that his sleep would be peaceful. He snored a bit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ChaoticEnigma


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The familiar hum that rang through the walls of the TARDIS were also within his subconscious, keeping the drums at bay for the time being as the Time Lord rested. For hours the Master slept, his mind actually at peace, but how was this possible? Slowly but surely the Master began to shift and move until his hazel eyes opened slowly. He'd expected to be within his sickeningly sweet cream colored asylum room. But what he saw caused his eyes to widen 'No … oh .. no he didn't..'

Koschei pushed himself to stand and it was then he felt the extra weight around his neck, glancing down he took note of the TARDIS key around his neck 'He's keeping me chained like some mongrel…' oh that didn't sit well with the Time Lord. Making his way out of the room he'd woken up in his eyes widened upon realizing the drastic change of the TARDIS.

He'd truly expected retro-grunge look of his Doctor's previous TARDIS to fit his 'hipster' attire. But this? Oh this was absolutely amazing. He'd made it to the main console room, his eyes looking about the spectacular room with such awe upon his facial features. Modernized, futurized even, that spinning wheel above transfixed the Master for several moments before he pulled from his awed state and lowered his gaze to the Time Lord.

The Master had every urge to go up and brutally smack the Doctor for kidnapping him, for putting him on a leash. But at the moment, he didn't do that, no, instead he neared the Doctor and took a seat beside him, his fingers reaching out to brush against the man's face, brushing a few strands from his face. 'It does not matter what his new form looks like; he will always have that peaceful innocence about him when he rests' were the Master's thoughts.

Knowing that it had to be quite the uncomfortable position, he pulled the Doctor into his arms delicately 'Come on beauty, help me out here. Where is his room?' it would seem the TARDIS actually complied when it came to the Doctor for once Koschei stepped through the doors he was led through the corridors by a stream of lights and open doors until he found his way to the Doctor's bedroom. Laying the man down upon the bed and tucking him in "My Dear Doctor" his words a whisper and he leaned in and kissed the man's forehead. Stepping away he moved to a nearby chair and sat upon it, his fingers drumming against his knee rapidly in sync with the drums within his head as he watched the Doctor in silence.

1,2,3,4 .. 1,2,3,4, .. 1,2,3,4, .. 1,2,3,4
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

The Doctors room was a mess, it looked like he hadnt slept in it awhile. Really it had been awhile since the Doctor had even slept properly, He looked exhausted and curled up in his blankets soon as he was lain on his bed.
He breathed deeply and was unaware the Master had moved him. He looked like he really needed the sleep.
It wasn't long before his peaceful sleep turned into another miserable night. He was having nightmares. He seemed to be sweating in his sleep and kicked his covers. He didn't wake at first though. but he seemed to suffer though his dreams awhile. Before waking a few times, but he didn't notice the Master, He was too dazed and tired.

He would toss and turn and yell out. His hands were gripped tightly around his pillow. It seemed he really hadnt tried to sleep in weeks. But he hadnt been sleeping properly for months. His body needed the rest, But his mind refused to let him sleep peacefully. He had tears in his eyes.
He wasn't aware the Master was there. Normally he didn't let people see him having bad dreams. When he had companions about he would lock his bedroom door. The TARDIS was humming and trying to sooth the distressed time lord.
Being so tired, he just kept fallling back asleep, Even if doing so didnt stop his nightmares.

He was mumbling names in his sleep as well. The last one being Koschei. He couldn't help using the Master's childhood name in his sleep. It just happened. He was sleeping and his breathing was still very rapid. His heart rate was as well.
The Doctor was curled up clutching his blankets tightly. Oh how he really needed a peaceful sleep. He rolled over and mumbled in his sleep some more. He was sleeping for nearly 12 hours , when he awoke probably he didn't feel well rested from all the nightmares. Infact the nightmares merely just left him with a slight headache.
He decided to not move and kept his eyes closed. He soon turned around and looked at the MAster.

"Master..." he mumbled. He closed his eyes again. He pulled the covers over his head. He expected the Master to be annoyed at him when he found out how long he had gone without sleep. He was also aware that the Master maybe angry for been taken to the TARDIS against his will.
The Doctor was only doing what he was sure was going to help.

He sits up after a bit "How long have I been asleep." that rest hadnt been enough for the dark shadows under his eyes to fade. He knew he needed a decent rest. He tried to get up. But the TARDIs seemed to be telling him to sleep even more.
"I know... but I cant sleep, I keep trying and my dreams wake me ."
He rubbed his eyes, He just flopped back onto the bed. He was looking a mess.His hair seemed to be sticking to his forehead from sweat, He remebered when he was younger and the Master would comfort him from his nightmares and then sleep with him. He didn't think he could ask the Master to this time. The Master was angry and things were different now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ChaoticEnigma


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Twelve hours, twelve long agonizing hours, the Time Lord took it upon himself to clean up the Doctor's room completely within the first three hours. Anything, he would literally do anything to keep his mind from focusing on the drums. It seemed to work for the most part, but once the room was spotless, he was sitting back upon the chair just watching the Doctor, hearing the nightmares.In a sense, it pained the man to see this, his dear Doctor suffering nightmares.

"K-Koschei…" the Doctor's voice in a whimper as he slept this had been shortly after the Master had gone through one of his regenerations but his dear Doctor relived the death that he suffered, relived the pain it was to see Koschei pass away when nothing could really be done.

That was nearly half a century passed, Koschei had been sleep beside his beloved Doctor, in quite the peaceful sleep when the whimper of a frail voice awoke the black haired man. Slowly turning around to face him he neared, his arms wrapping around the younger Time Lord "Theta." He breathed in whispered, his fingers combing through the man's blonde curls "Theta, I’m here.. It's only a nightmare"

The Doctor moved closer to the elder Time Lord's grasp, as his senses began to awaken the Doctor's eyes opened as he looked up to Koschei a smile forming upon his lips "You're alive… you're here"

A chuckle escaped the man's lips "Of course of I am, my dear Theta. I'll always be here when you need me the most, I promise" his fingers caressed the Doctor's cheek as he leaned down to kiss his lips.

Slowly the memory faded from his thoughts as his mind returned to reality, his hazel eyes focused on the Doctor as he called him by his title. He could tell his dear Doctor was in pain. "Twelve hours, my dear Theta" without another word the Master arose to his feet and neared his precious Time Lord, moving he sat upon the bed and pulled the Doctor into his arms. Slowly he wiped the sweat from the man's face, his jaw and neck. Oh how his memories played with his mind, and with his hearts, resting his head upon the Doctor's shoulder.

Burying his face into the Doctor's neck he inhaled the man's scent, the familiar musk of the Doctor, that ever so comforting scent of Time Lord that was different from his own, the pure scent of Gallifrey. "My Doctor" he began to kiss along the man's neck, holding him close "You're safe" he whispered against the man's neck "I'm here now" pulling from the Doctor's neck he listed his gaze to stare into the Doctor's eyes "You look horrible, my dear Doctor, come. Let's rest" moving them both to lay down, he neared the Doctor and wrapped his arms around him, holding him close as he did in the past. "Sleep for now, you need your rest"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

The Doctor was laying looking up at the Master " I havent been sleeping well for months and not slept at all in weeks." He knew because he wasnt human that ment he could deal with it so long. But it didn't mean he didnt get so tired he had no energy like now.
He knew the Master might tell him off for that, but he figured the other man would find out soon enough. He curled up in his blankets.
It reminded him of the old days with the Master conforting him from nightmares. He didn't think that would ever happen again.

He pressed his body close to the Master for warmth and safety. He knew the man was unstable and had no idea how much longer this moment would last. He didn't think he had made much progress yet. He wasnt sure or not if the Master wanted to be with him yet.
But he seemed to decide to enjoy the moment as it was. His head was pounding and he knew a good rest would help. 12hrs of restless sleep and keep waking up hadn't worked, He knew the Master had functioned on little sleep or no sleep before crashing alot in the past.

"I look horrible ? " The Doctor frowned "Your just being mean," He had no idea that he did look a wreck. His hair was sticking to his forehead a little.
He hoped that with good rest his headache would go away. "Ugh my head," He curled up and pulled the covers over his head to avoid any light. Sleep was the best thing for him. He knew that no decent sleep had been the result of his headache. He stayed close to the Master and closed his eyes sleeping. He was curled up close to him.

It was probably a good 10hrs before he awoke. He had managed to sleep peacefully and stay asleep the whole time with the Master there. It worked just as well as it had in the old days.
He was relieved to find his headache was gone.
Getting up the Doctor yawned and rubbed his eyes, he went to go and have a quick shower, it felt better to be clean and less sweaty. He went to go and get something to eat, He looked in the kitchen. "Mmm hope there is fish fingers and custard left." He was talking to himself. He looked around. "Ah hah... fish fingers...," He grinned and then looked around more "Custard."
He wasn't sure what the Master would even think of his love for fishfingers and custard.

Putting the custard in a bowl he went and cooked the fishfingers before dipping them in the custard, He was grinning. He seemed happier and more rested.
Now that the Doctor was more rested, he wondered if the Master would get angry at him for bringing him here, He was looking around the room. He knew that rest was always good, He just never could get it that well.
The Doctor was sitting in the kitchen and eating his food. He went and made tea. He wondered if the Master would want anything or be too angry. But he left the Master enough tea anyways.
There was so many bad memories, He didn't want to focus on them today, He was thinking as to where he could go with the Master. He knew that would be a risk. But as long as the Master was forced to stay close to him, he could see what he was up to.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ChaoticEnigma


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hearing the news of his dear Doctor's sleeping habits, the Master quirked a brow "Now you know how I feel about you not getting an adequate amount of sleep, Doctor" normally he'd argue with the man, but at this current point in time? He just couldn’t bring himself to do it. For right now, the drums were no more than a rhythm and nothing painful, which mean he could rest.

The Doctor's words, seeing his somewhat pout of a frown the Master couldn't help but nearly grin "Still so sensitive, my Doctor" he brush the man's hair from his face and smiled to him "Come, let's rest" laying down with him the two slept, literally slept for several upon several hours. It would seem that the Doctor had awoken before him and had to went to shower before exiting the room itself. The master stayed in bed allowing his body to completely recover from his months upon months locked up at the asylum with hardly any sleep throughout the months maybe ten to twenty hours a month.

But now? He was able to rest, to relax in the safety of the TARDIS. Sleep for a bit longer slowly pastel hazel eyes opened as he looked about the room, to his side then to the door. Theta was gone. With a groan, the man reached up and rubbed his eyes. The drums had grown stronger during his rest but they were still tolerable. Slowly but surely, the Master was on his feet, taking up his suit jacket, adjusting his tie the Master headed out of the room and down toward the kitchen.

Upon arriving he leaned against the doorway and just watched the Doctor sitting at the table, there was a 'ticking' within his mind, his eyes had changed in harshness but only slightly. His arms slowly crossed over his chest as he looked to the Doctor who was eating. "Oh dear Lord.. what is that?" a look of disgust crossed the Master's face as he pushed himself off and neared to get a closer look "…. What happened to loving bananas? … this .. this here? Oh for the love of Gallifrey.." it seemed with his drums having grown a tad more intense his tolerance was thinning out. "Doctor that looks ... disgusting..." a displeasure look crossed his face. "You used to love bananas.. in all your forms prior.. well.. no.. your fourth regeneration loved jelly babies" he chuckled for a moment before bringing his gaze to the Doctor.

"We.. haven't discussed.. you kidnapping me, Doctor" his words left his throat in a rather chilling tone. There it was, the demonic darkness within his hazel eyes as he looked down to the Doctor from where he stood. "Keeping me on this … leash.." he tugged the key from within his oxford shirt and showed it to the Time Lord. "You don't trust me and I'm proud of you for that, because you shouldn't" his voice was growing darker. "You wait for my drums to knock me out cold then you bring me here" the beat of his hearts became more elevated. His drums began to beat faster within his mind as his thoughts raced. "I warned you, Doctor" he slammed his fist against the table, his hazel-silver eyes narrowing into a glare "That I'm at my most dangerous in this regeneration.. yet.. you bring me here.. in an enclosed space!"

It seemed that even now, with his drums racing, his head beginning to pound with ache that he was still looking out for the Doctor. It wasn't the fact that he was kidnapped, no. It was the fact that they were on the TARDIS an enclosed area, where the Doctor would have limited places to hide if the Master's drums truly took over his mind and sent him on a lust for blood type rampage. "you truly are daft, Doctor" his teeth clenched together. "My drums are at their worst and can take over…" there was a flicker of pain within his eyes as he looked down into the Doctor's eyes.

"Not even my immense love for you… will be able to stop me from any actions that I do once the drums take over fully" he reached out and cupped the man's cheek, his tongue moistening his lips "Doctor.." there was a momentary flicker of fear as he shook his head and pulled away "Release me, you don't know these drums. You've never had to suffer them" He gulped for a moment slowly exhaled "I won't be able to stop myself. I don't want to hurt you but I know I will eventually. So please, Doctor. Let me go"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

The Doctor looked up at the Master, "My favourite food changes along with my different regenrations." He knew that not many approved of his new favourite food. "Not many seem to approve of my new favourite , but it tastes good to me."
He seemed happy with what he was eating. He licked his lips when he was done eating. He had expected the Master to comment about his love for fish fingers and custard. Everybody did. It never seemed to stop the time lord for eating them.
He knew the Master still probably wouldn't accept his love for fish fingers and custard.

"I Knew that was coming, I would have rather you had come willingingly but I couldn't leave you there and I knew that was the only way I could bring you here. I want to help and I am not giving up MAster, you know I never do. I love you too much."
The Doctor looked at him "Like I said all of this would be easier if I could hate you and didn't love you."
He was focused on him "That leash as you put it, is so you don't hurt anybody , when we can work through this, then maybe I will take it off." He leaned on the walls of the TARDIS. He wished that the Master could see his reasoning. But he doubted it.
"I do not fear you," He replied. He was calm as he spoke. He knew he might yell at him more.

The Doctor was looking at him. Deeply into his eyes with a firm look on his face. "I know what I am doing Master." he replied. There was a slight growl to his voice, He was focused on the MAster. "And you are stubborn ," he snapped.
His eyes were fixed on the Master still.
"I don't care about my own safety and I can defend myself anyway." He wasn't giving up. There was still a hard look in his eyes. "Plus even at your worst I don't believe you would kill me, If so you would have done it already."
He knew that Master would see him as stubborn and foolish. But he was so confident that things would be ok.

Even if the Master was unpredictable the Doctor was sure he knew what he was doing. He looked at him , anger in his eyes "No matter what you say, you are staying here, the TARDIS may not like it and will teach you a lesson if you try anything." He sounded rather serious.
He narrowed his eyes more. "You always go on about the drums. YET You never accept help and you never try to overcome then." He grabbed his wrist. He was sure lonliness would always make the drums worse. "You act like your not lonley and that you are fine with things being the way they are your whole life. Its true the drums aren't your fault but I am sure there is a way around easing them, Your always lonley and I bet that never helps."

He was firm was he spoke "And yes Master despite the words I've heard you say for many years I know you are lonley." he growled. He leaned forward and kissed him in an attempt to calm him. He wasn't sure if it would work.
Even if he improved the Master's attiude and relationship towards him, but he knew he might not change the way the Master acted infront of other people. "I can lock you in your bedroom if things are going to get bad."
The Doctor didn't want to hurt him. He was soft and childish alot of the time. But did have bad temper and wanted the Master to listen. "We have fought for years and you think I will be surprised by anything you do, You have got more insane as you got older and with each regenration. All because you refuse help and never let me try find a way to ease or fix the drums."

The Doctor looked at him , He struck the Master again in the face and walked off. "Your really starting to get on my nerves and I hate you." he didn't meant that he hated him, he was just very angry. He had a feeling they would be fighting alot until things calmed between them. He grabbed a jammy dodger and went to fly the TARDIS. He wasn't sure where to go. As he pulled the Lever. He just yelled "Geronimo!!"
He remembered times when he had fought with the Master when he was younger and said he hated him and then ran to him crying later in the day. He was thinking how stubborn the Master was even then.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ChaoticEnigma


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

As the Doctor snapped at him, the Master did not flinch, didn't speak and only listened to his words. An emotionless façade formed upon his face as he looked to the Doctor just watching him. Yet hearing his growl caused the newly regenerated Master to arch a brow, a slight tilt to his head as he looked to his dear Doctor with dark near demonic maddening eyes. He should have known this would happen, his head snapping to the side after being struck by the Doctor.

Slowly his hazel hues followed the Doctor and slowly a smirk curled upon his lips. Oh how he missed this bantering back and forth. 'He still holds sensitivity in his hearts... even now..' hearing a yell, the man blinked "A new catchphrase.. heh. Still prefer Allons-y... ah well... new face, new personality..." the Master had to really admit it to himself; the Doctor actually had it in him to strike the Master. That... actually impressed Koschei as he smirked. 'I might be able to tolerate this… regeneration of the Doctor' there was a rumble and a thrash as the TARDIS took off.

"… well that hasn't bloody changed" the Master struggled to keep his balance but managed "He still can't fly the blasted ship…" with a sigh the Master was about to head out the door when his curiosity was peaked, the man looking over to the table. Slinking his way over he plucked a fish finger and took a sniff of it before glancing to the bowl of custard. Dipping the fish finger he coated part of it and then took a bite and began to chew slowly.

At first, the Master thought he was going to gag at the taste. But surprisingly, he didn't. Granted it wasn't amazing, but then again it wasn't all that horrible. Finishing the fish finger the Time Lord dug around the cabinets and found it, a bag of jelly babies. Tossing a few into his mouth the Master headed out of the kitchen and headed toward the main console room of the TARDIS.

Making his way up the stairs he neared the Doctor "new catchphrase… new favorite food.. new everything it seems" he chuckled and stepped near the Doctor. His arms wrapping around the man from behind "I think I can get used to this version of you…" the Master took in the Doctor's ever so familiar scent, the scent that always comforted him.

The Master's lips placed a trail of kisses up the Doctor's neck toward his ear "Even now. We still bicker, and banter as we did in the old days" he pulled the Doctor's frame closer, burying his face in the Doctor's neck. "Oh my Dear Doctor" he whispered against the man's flesh "What would I be without you? Even now you seem to keep me from succumbing to my inner demons. and for that I thank you." yes his drums were painfully rattling within his skull but at this moment? The Master was able to push it aside to the back of his mind and focus on the Time Lord in his arms. "My Dear Doctor" the Master wasn't one to apologize, so in a sense, this right here was his apology.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

The Doctor was quite annoyed that The MAster hadn't said anything to what he had said. He had expected the Master to say something back to all of that, Even if he was angry. He was surprised the Master merely was soft with him again.
"Of coure I can damn well fly." He growled. He was still a bit mad. "Plus I like the noises The TARDIS makes, I don't care if I leave the breaks on." he stated defensively. He was looking at the console. He wasn't so annoyed about that as he was about other things.
He knew as much as he wanted to just cuddle the Master. He was so angry with him.

"Don't you have any opinions on what I said... Or was that a waste of my time?" The Doctor grumbled. He knew as much as he loved him. They always bantered a bit. It really was like they were still married sometimes. "Really is like we are still married sometimes." he couldn't help but chuckle as he said that.
"Well not like I'm changing any time soon." he carried on.
He was trying to calm down and not be so mad. He knew that he was always finding it hard to stay mad at him too long. He still loved the Master so much. He couldn't even remember a time that he didn't. He looked into his eyes.

"As angry as I am with you right now... I can't stop wanting to be with you." He closed his eyes and kissed him back. He really need him. "Well you would be more miserable thats for sure." He smirked. He wrapped his arms around him. "I love you too much to give up on you... I can't, I have tried, expecially since I last saw you."
The time lord cried and hugged him . "I don't hate you... I know I said that, but that was in anger... But when havent I said that. I always used to when we fought when we were young. Like when we were kids."
He was sure the Master remembered that "I was so upset I said that then, Guess somethings don't change."

"Sometimes I never rememebered what we were fighting about then." The Doctor chuckled a bit. He then narrowed his eyes and shoved him before pulling him closer again by his shirt collar. "Don't ... leave me again." he was hitting him with each word. But then stopped and just hugged him again.
He didn't want to be without him again.
The Doctor really wasn't afraid of anything the Master could do for him. He had been sure to have the TARDIS on auto pilot when he was hugging and hitting the Master. He then looked back at him.

"I just want to travel with you... like we were going to when we were younger... Though the drums got bad and it ruined that." He sighed . The Doctor looked at him "Yet even if the drums are even worse now... I want to find a way for this to work."
He was looking around.the TARDIS. Something was off where they were travelling. He whimpered and held his head. It was somewhere time lord's weren't supposed to enter. But the TARDIS was being pulled there. But who ever it was didn't know the MAster was there and was only hurting the Doctor. He fell to the floor and was breathing heavily. He screamed in pain. He curled up.The TARDIS then landed roughly.
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