*Giggles...* hehehe.

How'll ya'll doing...

Now let's get straight to the point. You know why I'm here and so do I.

Here are some silly little rules that I like to follow;

Number 1. Please do not ditch me without telling me, cos I'm sick of that, it really grings my gears. You say your going to post but you can't right that moment... and I'm like Ok I'll be waiting... Don't lie and then just ditch me. K RANTOVER.COM #RANT IS NOW OVER.
Number 2. Understand that I am a new yummy mummy to my beautiful daughter and while shes still at the age of needing my love and attention:) I will not be on this everyday but I will in advance tell you if I wont be on for a few days or so. Understand?
Number 3. I am a female, yes correct. I will play as a male if we both double and it'll be my secondary character and not my main just cos I find it hard to really express or know how a male feels half the time... *wink*
Number 4. Due to a recent hitias or whatever people call it now a days, I can only possibly produce writting at a low casual maybe to high casual level... i.e 2 pargraphs/ or could be 3 or 4 but only when I have inspiration and such from your post then I will deffo get into the story.

Okay. Fingers getting tired so I'll add to the rules a little later, they are the ones I tend to follow and would love if someone followed them too when roleplaying with me. Or as I like to call it, creative stories in progress.

You must think I'm wierd...

If you have any questions or enquireys about something I've not mentioned... i.e if I don't like smut in a roleplay, matureity can happen but I'd rather not go into too much detail.... but romance on the other hand I adore.


This is how I like to rate my roleplays.

1. M rated as in mature.
2. Romance
4.Slice of life
5.F/M and maybe... F/F but it'll be more friendship then anything.

Ok so far thats all I'm putting.

I'll add some cravings and such up when I think of any.


If not, see ya! :)